More complete testing of block reward distribution to founders

This commit is contained in:
catbref 2020-03-18 18:03:56 +00:00
parent 544fdbfbe9
commit f7e2ee383e
3 changed files with 122 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Base58;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
@ -204,4 +206,55 @@ public class RewardTests extends Common {
/** Test rewards to founders, one in reward-share, the other is self-share. */
public void testFounderRewards() throws DataException {
BigDecimal perHundred = BigDecimal.valueOf(100L);
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
BigDecimal blockReward = BlockUtils.getNextBlockReward(repository);
List<PrivateKeyAccount> mintingAndOnlineAccounts = new ArrayList<>();
// Alice to mint, therefore online
PrivateKeyAccount aliceSelfShare = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "alice-reward-share");
// Bob self-share NOT online
// Chloe self-share and reward-share with Dilbert both online
PrivateKeyAccount chloeSelfShare = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe-reward-share");
PrivateKeyAccount chloeDilbertRewardShare = new PrivateKeyAccount(repository, Base58.decode("HuiyqLipUN1V9p1HZfLhyEwmEA6BTaT2qEfjgkwPViV4"));
BlockMinter.mintTestingBlock(repository, mintingAndOnlineAccounts.toArray(new PrivateKeyAccount[0]));
// 3 founders (online or not) so blockReward divided by 3
BigDecimal founderCount = BigDecimal.valueOf(3L);
BigDecimal perFounderReward = blockReward.divide(founderCount, RoundingMode.DOWN);
// Alice simple self-share so her reward is perFounderReward
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "alice", Asset.QORT, perFounderReward);
// Bob not online so his reward is simply perFounderReward
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "bob", Asset.QORT, perFounderReward);
// Chloe has two reward-shares, so her reward is divided by 2
BigDecimal chloeSharesCount = BigDecimal.valueOf(2L);
BigDecimal chloePerShareReward = perFounderReward.divide(chloeSharesCount, RoundingMode.DOWN);
// Her self-share gets chloePerShareReward
BigDecimal chloeExpectedBalance = chloePerShareReward;
// Her reward-share with Dilbert: 25% goes to Dilbert
BigDecimal dilbertSharePercent = BigDecimal.valueOf(25L);
BigDecimal dilbertExpectedBalance = chloePerShareReward.multiply(dilbertSharePercent).divide(perHundred, RoundingMode.DOWN);
// The remaining 75% goes to Chloe
BigDecimal rewardShareRemaining = chloePerShareReward.subtract(dilbertExpectedBalance);
chloeExpectedBalance = chloeExpectedBalance.add(rewardShareRemaining);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "chloe", Asset.QORT, chloeExpectedBalance);

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
"isTestChain": true,
"blockTimestampMargin": 500,
"transactionExpiryPeriod": 86400000,
"maxBlockSize": 2097152,
"maxBytesPerUnitFee": 1024,
"unitFee": "0.1",
"requireGroupForApproval": false,
"minAccountLevelToRewardShare": 5,
"maxRewardSharesPerMintingAccount": 20,
"founderEffectiveMintingLevel": 10,
"onlineAccountSignaturesMinLifetime": 3600000,
"onlineAccountSignaturesMaxLifetime": 86400000,
"rewardsByHeight": [
{ "height": 1, "reward": 100 },
{ "height": 11, "reward": 10 },
{ "height": 21, "reward": 1 }
"sharesByLevel": [
{ "levels": [ 1, 2 ], "share": 0.05 },
{ "levels": [ 3, 4 ], "share": 0.10 },
{ "levels": [ 5, 6 ], "share": 0.15 },
{ "levels": [ 7, 8 ], "share": 0.20 },
{ "levels": [ 9, 10 ], "share": 0.25 }
"qoraHoldersShare": 0.20,
"qoraPerQortReward": 250,
"blocksNeededByLevel": [ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 ],
"blockTimingsByHeight": [
{ "height": 1, "target": 60000, "deviation": 30000, "power": 0.2 }
"featureTriggers": {
"messageHeight": 0,
"atHeight": 0,
"assetsTimestamp": 0,
"votingTimestamp": 0,
"arbitraryTimestamp": 0,
"powfixTimestamp": 0,
"qortalTimestamp": 0,
"newAssetPricingTimestamp": 0,
"groupApprovalTimestamp": 0
"genesisInfo": {
"version": 4,
"timestamp": 0,
"transactions": [
{ "type": "ISSUE_ASSET", "owner": "QcFmNxSArv5tWEzCtTKb2Lqc5QkKuQ7RNs", "assetName": "QORT", "description": "QORT native coin", "data": "", "quantity": 0, "isDivisible": true, "fee": 0, "reference": "3Verk6ZKBJc3WTTVfxFC9icSjKdM8b92eeJEpJP8qNizG4ZszNFq8wdDYdSjJXq2iogDFR1njyhsBdVpbvDfjzU7" },
{ "type": "ISSUE_ASSET", "owner": "QUwGVHPPxJNJ2dq95abQNe79EyBN2K26zM", "assetName": "Legacy-QORA", "description": "Representative legacy QORA", "quantity": 0, "isDivisible": true, "data": "{}", "isUnspendable": true },
{ "type": "ISSUE_ASSET", "owner": "QUwGVHPPxJNJ2dq95abQNe79EyBN2K26zM", "assetName": "QORT-from-QORA", "description": "QORT gained from holding legacy QORA", "quantity": 0, "isDivisible": true, "data": "{}", "isUnspendable": true },
{ "type": "ACCOUNT_FLAGS", "target": "QgV4s3xnzLhVBEJxcYui4u4q11yhUHsd9v", "andMask": -1, "orMask": 1, "xorMask": 0 },
{ "type": "REWARD_SHARE", "minterPublicKey": "2tiMr5LTpaWCgbRvkPK8TFd7k63DyHJMMFFsz9uBf1ZP", "recipient": "QgV4s3xnzLhVBEJxcYui4u4q11yhUHsd9v", "rewardSharePublicKey": "7PpfnvLSG7y4HPh8hE7KoqAjLCkv7Ui6xw4mKAkbZtox", "sharePercent": 100 },
{ "type": "ACCOUNT_FLAGS", "target": "QixPbJUwsaHsVEofJdozU9zgVqkK6aYhrK", "andMask": -1, "orMask": 1, "xorMask": 0 },
{ "type": "REWARD_SHARE", "minterPublicKey": "C6wuddsBV3HzRrXUtezE7P5MoRXp5m3mEDokRDGZB6ry", "recipient": "QixPbJUwsaHsVEofJdozU9zgVqkK6aYhrK", "rewardSharePublicKey": "CcABzvk26TFEHG7Yok84jxyd4oBtLkx8RJdGFVz2csvp", "sharePercent": 100 },
{ "type": "ACCOUNT_FLAGS", "target": "QaUpHNhT3Ygx6avRiKobuLdusppR5biXjL", "andMask": -1, "orMask": 1, "xorMask": 0 },
{ "type": "REWARD_SHARE", "minterPublicKey": "7KNBj2MnEb6zq1vvKY1q8G2Voctcc2Z1X4avFyEH2eJC", "recipient": "QaUpHNhT3Ygx6avRiKobuLdusppR5biXjL", "rewardSharePublicKey": "6bnEKqZbsCSWryUQnbBT9Umufdu3CapFvxfAni6afhFb", "sharePercent": 100 },
{ "type": "REWARD_SHARE", "minterPublicKey": "7KNBj2MnEb6zq1vvKY1q8G2Voctcc2Z1X4avFyEH2eJC", "recipient": "Qci5m9k4rcwe4ruKrZZQKka4FzUUMut3er", "rewardSharePublicKey": "Hebh14YXUdJA66Vq8KyffNXHx3NSDUAZaNH9qbfEvf5M", "sharePercent": 25 }

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"restrictedApi": false,
"blockchainConfig": "src/test/resources/test-chain-v2-founder-rewards.json",
"wipeUnconfirmedOnStart": false,
"minPeers": 0