(Also minor fix for orphan.java).
Note use of afterUnmarshal() in TransactionData-subclass to replace trash code in Transaction-subclass constructor.
See UpdateGroupTransactionData.afterUnmarshal() compared to RegisterNameTransaction constructor.
Added POST /names/update for building an UPDATE-NAME transaction.
BlockGenerator now tries to validate new block after adding each
unconfirmed transaction in turn. If block becomes invalid then
that transaction is removed/skipped. This should further prevent
block jams. Skipped transactions might be deleted as the next block
is forged when unconfirmed transactions are collated/filtered/expired.
Add Block.deleteTransaction() for use during block generation above.
Block.addTransaction() and Block.deleteTransaction() use transaction
signatures to test for presence in Block's existing transactions.
Names shouldn't have stored registrant's public key!
"registrantPublicKey" removed from NameData Java object/bean.
Corresponding column removed from HSQLDB using ALTER TABLE but
also from the original CREATE TABLE definition. Remove the ALTER
TABLE statement just prior to rebuilding database!
(This needs to be applied to Polls too as some point).
Also, UpdateNameTransactions and BuyNameTransactions tables now
allow name_reference to be NULL as this column value isn't set
until the corresponding transactions are processed/added to a
block. (name_reference is a link to previous name-related
transaction that altered Name data like "owner" or "data" so
that name-related transactions can be orphaned/undone).
Added GET /names to list all registered name.
Added GET /names/{name} for more info on a specific name.
Added GET /names/address/{address} for names owned by address.
Renamed GET /assets/all to GET /assets in line with above.
Fixed edge cases with AnnotationPostProcessor.
Fixed incorrectly exposed "blockHeight" in API UI examples/values.
Changed example transaction timestamp.
Added checks on building/signing/processing new transactions via API
so that they are not too old (older than latest block's timestamp),
too new (more than 24 hours in the future) or the tx creator doesn't
already have a lot of existing unconfirmed transactions (default 100).
Configurable via settings.json properties maxUnconfirmedPerAccount
and maxTransactionTimestampFuture.
Improved /transactions/search to not return unconfirmed transactions
and to order by timestamp.
Transaction.getCreator() now returns PublicKeyAccount, not Account.
Now uses working RIPE-MD160 by default but can be switched to broken MD160 using flag in blockchain config,
e.g. for Qora v1 blockchain.
Replaced API signature/reference examples with descriptive text as they weren't very useful.
Replaced API address examples with ones generated using working MD160.
Added GET /transactions/signature/{signature}/raw that returns raw transaction in base58 encoding.
Added "ignoreValidityChecks" query param to POST /transactions/decode to bypass INVALID_REFERENCE errors
if supplying an old/speculative transaction that can't be added to unconfirmed transaction pile.
Finally fixed creating inital assets in BlockChain.
Controller now inserts BouncyCastle as highest priority Security Provider.
TransactionData & transaction repository now tries to return transaction's block height in data when possible.
Also added test for missing creator public key on API-submitted
transaction creation calls, like /payments/pay or /asset/issue.
(Needs to be an OpenAPI validator added at some point).