The command used was:
./protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc-java=/Users/user/Downloads/protoc-gen-grpc-java-1.45.1-osx-x86_64.exe -I=src/main/resources/proto/zcash/ --java_out=src/main/java/ --grpc-java_out=src/main/java/ src/main/resources/proto/zcash/service.proto
Then repeat, replacing service.proto with compact_formats.proto and darkside.proto
Darkside isn't needed for mainnet functionality, but included for completeness, and might be useful for testing.
Fix UPDATE_NAME not processing empty 'newName' transactions correctly.
Fix some emoji code-points not being processed correctly.
Updated tests.
Now included ICU4J v70.1 - WARNING: this could add around 10MB to JAR size!
Bumped homoglyph to v1.2.1.
For future reference, the command used was:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/Users/user/Downloads/waifupnp-1.1/WaifUPnP.jar -DgroupId=com.dosse -DartifactId=WaifUPnP -Dversion=1.1 -Dpackaging=jar -DlocalRepositoryPath=lib
This involves modifying the file on node startup to fix an incompatibility with ${dirname:-}. Thanks to AlphaX Projects for tracking down this incompatibility.
Chunk hashes are now stored off chain in a metadata file. The metadata file's hash is then included in the transaction.
The main benefits of this approach are:
1. We no longer need to limit the total file size, because adding more chunks doesn't increase the transaction size.
2. This increases the chain capacity by a huge amount - a 512MB file would have previously increased the transaction size by 16kB, whereas it now requires only an additional 32 bytes.
3. We no longer need to use variable difficulty; every transaction is the same size and so the difficulty can be constant no matter how large the files are.
4. Additional metadata (such as title, description, and tags) can ultimately be stored in the metadata file, as apposed to using a separate transaction & resource.
5. There is also scope for adding hashes of individual files into the metadata file, if we ever wanted to allow single files to be requested without having to download and build the entire resource. Although this is unlikely to be available in the short term.
The only real negative is that we now how to fetch the metadata file before we know anything about the chunks for a transaction. This seems to be quite a small trade off by comparison.
Since we're not live yet, there is no backwards support for on-chain hashes, so a new data testchain will be required. This hasn't been tested outside of unit tests yet, so there will likely be several fixes needed before it is stable.
This is a quick solution to rebuild directory structures with missing files. This whole area of the code needs some reworking, as serving the site from a temporary folder is not a robust long term solution.