package test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import org.junit.Test; import database.DB; public class updates extends common { public static boolean databaseUpdating() throws SQLException { int databaseVersion = fetchDatabaseVersion(); try (final Connection c = DB.getConnection()) { Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); // Try not to add too many constraints as much of these checks will be performed during transaction validation // Also some constraints might be too harsh on competing unconfirmed transactions switch (databaseVersion) { case 0: // create from new stmt.execute("SET DATABASE DEFAULT TABLE TYPE CACHED"); stmt.execute("SET FILES SPACE TRUE"); stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE DatabaseInfo ( version INTEGER NOT NULL )"); stmt.execute("INSERT INTO DatabaseInfo VALUES ( 0 )"); stmt.execute("CREATE DOMAIN BlockSignature AS VARBINARY(128)"); stmt.execute("CREATE DOMAIN Signature AS VARBINARY(64)"); stmt.execute("CREATE DOMAIN QoraAddress AS VARCHAR(36)"); stmt.execute("CREATE DOMAIN QoraPublicKey AS VARBINARY(32)"); stmt.execute("CREATE DOMAIN QoraAmount AS DECIMAL(19, 8)"); stmt.execute("CREATE DOMAIN RegisteredName AS VARCHAR(400) COLLATE SQL_TEXT_UCC"); stmt.execute("CREATE DOMAIN NameData AS VARCHAR(4000)"); stmt.execute("CREATE DOMAIN PollName AS VARCHAR(400) COLLATE SQL_TEXT_UCC"); stmt.execute("CREATE DOMAIN PollOption AS VARCHAR(400) COLLATE SQL_TEXT_UCC"); stmt.execute("CREATE DOMAIN DataHash AS VARCHAR(100)"); stmt.execute("CREATE DOMAIN AssetID AS BIGINT"); stmt.execute("CREATE DOMAIN AssetName AS VARCHAR(400) COLLATE SQL_TEXT_UCC"); stmt.execute("CREATE DOMAIN AssetOrderID AS VARCHAR(100)"); stmt.execute("CREATE DOMAIN ATName AS VARCHAR(200) COLLATE SQL_TEXT_UCC"); stmt.execute("CREATE DOMAIN ATType AS VARCHAR(200) COLLATE SQL_TEXT_UCC"); break; case 1: // Blocks stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE Blocks (signature BlockSignature PRIMARY KEY, version TINYINT NOT NULL, reference BlockSignature, " + "transaction_count INTEGER NOT NULL, total_fees QoraAmount NOT NULL, transactions_signature Signature NOT NULL, " + "height INTEGER NOT NULL, generation TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, generation_target QoraAmount NOT NULL, " + "generator QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, generation_signature Signature NOT NULL, AT_data VARBINARY(20000), AT_fees QoraAmount)"); stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX BlockHeightIndex ON Blocks (height)"); stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX BlockGeneratorIndex ON Blocks (generator)"); stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX BlockReferenceIndex ON Blocks (reference)"); stmt.execute("SET TABLE Blocks NEW SPACE"); break; case 2: // Generic transactions (null reference, creator and milestone_block for genesis transactions) stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE Transactions (signature Signature PRIMARY KEY, reference Signature, type TINYINT NOT NULL, " + "creator QoraPublicKey, creation TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, fee QoraAmount NOT NULL, milestone_block BlockSignature)"); stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX TransactionTypeIndex ON Transactions (type)"); stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX TransactionCreationIndex ON Transactions (creation)"); stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX TransactionCreatorIndex ON Transactions (creator)"); stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX TransactionReferenceIndex ON Transactions (reference)"); stmt.execute("SET TABLE Transactions NEW SPACE"); // Transaction-Block mapping ("signature" is unique as a transaction cannot be included in more than one block) stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE BlockTransactions (block_signature BlockSignature, sequence INTEGER, transaction_signature Signature, " + "PRIMARY KEY (block_signature, sequence), FOREIGN KEY (transaction_signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE, " + "FOREIGN KEY (block_signature) REFERENCES Blocks (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); stmt.execute("SET TABLE BlockTransactions NEW SPACE"); // Unconfirmed transactions // Do we need this? If a transaction doesn't have a corresponding BlockTransactions record then it's unconfirmed? stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE UnconfirmedTransactions (signature Signature PRIMARY KEY, expiry TIMESTAMP NOT NULL)"); stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX UnconfirmedTransactionExpiryIndex ON UnconfirmedTransactions (expiry)"); // Transaction recipients stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE TransactionRecipients (signature Signature, recipient QoraAddress NOT NULL, " + "FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); stmt.execute("SET TABLE TransactionRecipients NEW SPACE"); break; case 3: // Genesis Transactions stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE GenesisTransactions (signature Signature, recipient QoraAddress NOT NULL, " + "amount QoraAmount NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (signature), " + "FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); break; case 4: // Payment Transactions stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE PaymentTransactions (signature Signature, sender QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, recipient QoraAddress NOT NULL, " + "amount QoraAmount NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (signature), " + "FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); break; case 5: // Register Name Transactions stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE RegisterNameTransactions (signature Signature, registrant QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, name RegisteredName NOT NULL, " + "owner QoraAddress NOT NULL, data NameData NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (signature), FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); break; case 6: // Update Name Transactions stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE UpdateNameTransactions (signature Signature, owner QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, name RegisteredName NOT NULL, " + "new_owner QoraAddress NOT NULL, new_data NameData NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (signature), FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); break; case 7: // Sell Name Transactions stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE SellNameTransactions (signature Signature, owner QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, name RegisteredName NOT NULL, " + "amount QoraAmount NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (signature), FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); break; case 8: // Cancel Sell Name Transactions stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE CancelSellNameTransactions (signature Signature, owner QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, name RegisteredName NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (signature), FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); break; case 9: // Buy Name Transactions stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE BuyNameTransactions (signature Signature, buyer QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, name RegisteredName NOT NULL, " + "seller QoraAddress NOT NULL, amount QoraAmount NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (signature), FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); break; case 10: // Create Poll Transactions stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE CreatePollTransactions (signature Signature, creator QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, poll PollName NOT NULL, " + "description VARCHAR(4000) NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (signature), FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); // Poll options. NB: option is implicitly NON NULL and UNIQUE due to being part of compound primary key stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE CreatePollTransactionOptions (signature Signature, option PollOption, " + "PRIMARY KEY (signature, option), FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES CreatePollTransactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); // For the future: add flag to polls to allow one or multiple votes per voter break; case 11: // Vote On Poll Transactions stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE VoteOnPollTransactions (signature Signature, voter QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, poll PollName NOT NULL, " + "option_index INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (signature), FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); break; case 12: // Arbitrary/Multi-payment Transaction Payments stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE SharedTransactionPayments (signature Signature, recipient QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, " + "amount QoraAmount NOT NULL, asset AssetID NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (signature, recipient, asset), FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); break; case 13: // Arbitrary Transactions stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE ArbitraryTransactions (signature Signature, creator QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, service TINYINT NOT NULL, " + "data_hash DataHash NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (signature), FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); // NB: Actual data payload stored elsewhere // For the future: data payload should be encrypted, at the very least with transaction's reference as the seed for the encryption key break; case 14: // Issue Asset Transactions stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE IssueAssetTransactions (signature Signature, creator QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, asset_name AssetName NOT NULL, " + "description VARCHAR(4000) NOT NULL, quantity BIGINT NOT NULL, is_divisible BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (signature), FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); // For the future: maybe convert quantity from BIGINT to QoraAmount, regardless of divisibility break; case 15: // Transfer Asset Transactions stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE TransferAssetTransactions (signature Signature, sender QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, recipient QoraAddress NOT NULL, " + "asset AssetID NOT NULL, amount QoraAmount NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (signature), FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); break; case 16: // Create Asset Order Transactions stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE CreateAssetOrderTransactions (signature Signature, creator QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, " + "have_asset AssetID NOT NULL, have_amount QoraAmount NOT NULL, want_asset AssetID NOT NULL, want_amount QoraAmount NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (signature), FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); break; case 17: // Cancel Asset Order Transactions stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE CancelAssetOrderTransactions (signature Signature, creator QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, " + "asset_order AssetOrderID NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (signature), FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); break; case 18: // Multi-payment Transactions stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE MultiPaymentTransactions (signature Signature, sender QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (signature), FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); break; case 19: // Deploy CIYAM AT Transactions stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE DeployATTransactions (signature Signature, creator QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, AT_name ATName NOT NULL, " + "description VARCHAR(2000) NOT NULL, AT_type ATType NOT NULL, AT_tags VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, " + "creation_bytes VARBINARY(100000) NOT NULL, amount QoraAmount NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (signature), FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); break; case 20: // Message Transactions stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE MessageTransactions (signature Signature, sender QoraPublicKey NOT NULL, recipient QoraAddress NOT NULL, " + "is_text BOOLEAN NOT NULL, is_encrypted BOOLEAN NOT NULL, amount QoraAmount NOT NULL, asset AssetID NOT NULL, data VARBINARY(4000) NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (signature), FOREIGN KEY (signature) REFERENCES Transactions (signature) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); break; default: // nothing to do return false; } } // database was updated return true; } public static int fetchDatabaseVersion() throws SQLException { int databaseVersion = 0; try (final Connection c = DB.getConnection()) { Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); if (stmt.execute("SELECT version FROM DatabaseInfo")) { ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet(); assertNotNull(rs); assertTrue(; databaseVersion = rs.getInt(1); } } catch (SQLException e) { // empty database? } return databaseVersion; } public static void incrementDatabaseVersion() throws SQLException { try (final Connection c = DB.getConnection()) { Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); assertFalse(stmt.execute("UPDATE DatabaseInfo SET version = version + 1")); } } public static void updateDatabase() throws SQLException { while (databaseUpdating()) incrementDatabaseVersion(); } @Test public void testUpdates() { try { updateDatabase(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(); } } }