catbref 7377893050 WebSocket improvements, inc. bump Jetty to v9.4.29-20200521
Various issues in Jetty v9.4.22 (and some later versions too)
cause websockets to use up all available threads.

Bumped Jetty to v9.4.29 to resolve some of these issues.

Changed some Qortal-side websocket code to minimize
locking on websocket notifiers. Websocket messages now
sent async, although the returned Futures are discarded,
as it's up to the remote end to consume fast enough.

Changed Controller to only request a SysTray update before
synchronization if there's a chance node might change height.
Similarly, Controller only requests SysTray update after
synchronization if chain tip has actually changed.
Both of the above together should reduce the number of
messages sent out via the admin status websockets.
2020-07-24 10:34:42 +01:00

631 lines
20 KiB

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<!-- unpack swagger-ui to target folder -->
<id>swagger ui</id>
<!-- inject correct url to swagger json file into swagger-ui -->
<token>Swagger UI</token>
<value>API Documentation</value>
<token>deepLinking: true,</token>
deepLinking: true,
tagsSorter: "alpha",
<!-- add swagger-ui as resource to output package -->
<!-- Generate package-info.java files for JAXB, to convert byte[] to/from
Base58 -->
<!-- Include generated package-info.java sources in build -->
<!-- Don't include original swagger-UI as we're including our own
modified version -->
<!-- Don't include JUnit as it's for testing only! -->
implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer" />
<Class-Path>. ..</Class-Path>
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself.-->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.codehaus.mojo/build-helper-maven-plugin -->
<scope>provided</scope><!-- needed for build, not for runtime -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.github.bohnman/package-info-maven-plugin -->
<scope>provided</scope><!-- needed for build, not for runtime -->
<!-- HSQLDB for repository -->
<!-- CIYAM AT (automated transactions) -->
<!-- Bitcoin support -->
<!-- Utilities -->
<!-- For bitset/bitmap compression -->
<!-- exclude old versions of jackson-annotations / jackson-core -->
<!-- exclude Netty, as included by io.druid.java.util -->
<!-- exclude async-http-client, as included by io.druid.java.util -->
<!-- For NTP -->
<!-- Logging: log4j2 -->
<!-- redirect slf4j to log4j2 -->
<!-- redirect java.utils.logging to log4j2 -->
<!-- Logging: slf4j used by Jetty/Jersey -->
<!-- Servlet related -->
<!-- Unicode homoglyph utilities -->
<!-- Jetty -->
<!-- Websocket support -->
<!-- Jersey -->
<exclusion><!-- exclude javax.inject-1.jar because other jersey modules include javax.inject v2+ -->
<!-- Swagger OpenAPI implementation -->
<exclusion><!-- excluded because included in swagger-jaxrs2-servlet-initializer -->
<!-- Testing -->
<!-- disabled pending better Eclipse support
<!-- BouncyCastle for crypto, including TLS secure networking -->