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   <div id="appname"><a href="//ciyam.org/at">AT</a></div>
   <h3 class="right-top">at.cpp </h3>

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// Copyright (c) 2014 CIYAM Developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, please refer to the file license.txt
// in the root project directory or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include &lt;cstdlib&gt;
#include &lt;memory.h&gt;

#ifndef _WIN32
#  include &lt;stdint.h&gt;
#  ifdef _MSC_VER
typedef __int8 int8_t;
typedef __int16 int16_t;
typedef __int32 int32_t;
typedef __int64 int64_t;
#  endif

#include &lt;map&gt;
#include &lt;set&gt;
#include &lt;deque&gt;
#include &lt;memory&gt;
#include &lt;string&gt;
#include &lt;vector&gt;
#include &lt;fstream&gt;
#include &lt;iomanip&gt;
#include &lt;sstream&gt;
#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;stdexcept&gt;

/* Basic Test Cases
(output value)
&gt; code 0100000000b8220000000000003301000000000028
&gt; run

(testing loop)
&gt; code 35020000000000330100000000001e00000000f228
&gt; run

(explicit loop)
&gt; code 010000000003000000000000000500000000330100000000001e00000000f428
&gt; run

using namespace std;

const int32_t c_code_page_bytes = 512;
const int32_t c_data_page_bytes = 512;

const int32_t c_call_stack_page_bytes = 256;
const int32_t c_user_stack_page_bytes = 256;

int32_t g_code_pages = 1;
int32_t g_data_pages = 1;

int32_t g_call_stack_pages = 1;
int32_t g_user_stack_pages = 1;

const int64_t c_default_balance = 100;

const int32_t c_max_to_multiply = 0x1fffffff;

int64_t g_val = 0;
int64_t g_val1 = 0;

int64_t g_balance = c_default_balance;

bool g_first_call = true;

int32_t g_increment_func = 0;

enum op_code
   e_op_code_NOP = 0x7f,
   e_op_code_SET_VAL = 0x01,
   e_op_code_SET_DAT = 0x02,
   e_op_code_CLR_DAT = 0x03,
   e_op_code_INC_DAT = 0x04,
   e_op_code_DEC_DAT = 0x05,
   e_op_code_ADD_DAT = 0x06,
   e_op_code_SUB_DAT = 0x07,
   e_op_code_MUL_DAT = 0x08,
   e_op_code_DIV_DAT = 0x09,
   e_op_code_BOR_DAT = 0x0a,
   e_op_code_AND_DAT = 0x0b,
   e_op_code_XOR_DAT = 0x0c,
   e_op_code_NOT_DAT = 0x0d,
   e_op_code_SET_IND = 0x0e,
   e_op_code_SET_IDX = 0x0f,
   e_op_code_PSH_DAT = 0x10,
   e_op_code_POP_DAT = 0x11,
   e_op_code_JMP_SUB = 0x12,
   e_op_code_RET_SUB = 0x13,
   e_op_code_IND_DAT = 0x14,
   e_op_code_IDX_DAT = 0x15,
   e_op_code_MOD_DAT = 0x16,
   e_op_code_SHL_DAT = 0x17,
   e_op_code_SHR_DAT = 0x18,
   e_op_code_JMP_ADR = 0x1a,
   e_op_code_BZR_DAT = 0x1b,
   e_op_code_BNZ_DAT = 0x1e,
   e_op_code_BGT_DAT = 0x1f,
   e_op_code_BLT_DAT = 0x20,
   e_op_code_BGE_DAT = 0x21,
   e_op_code_BLE_DAT = 0x22,
   e_op_code_BEQ_DAT = 0x23,
   e_op_code_BNE_DAT = 0x24,
   e_op_code_SLP_DAT = 0x25,
   e_op_code_FIZ_DAT = 0x26,
   e_op_code_STZ_DAT = 0x27,
   e_op_code_FIN_IMD = 0x28,
   e_op_code_STP_IMD = 0x29,
   e_op_code_SLP_IMD = 0x2a,
   e_op_code_ERR_ADR = 0x2b,
   e_op_code_SET_PCS = 0x30,
   e_op_code_EXT_FUN = 0x32,
   e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT = 0x33,
   e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT_2 = 0x34,
   e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET = 0x35,
   e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET_DAT = 0x36,
   e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET_DAT_2 = 0x37,

struct machine_state
   machine_state( )
      pce = pcs = 0;
      reset( );

   void reset( )
      pc = pcs;
      opc = 0;

      cs = 0;
      us = 0;

      steps = 0;

      a1 = 0;
      a2 = 0;
      a3 = 0;
      a4 = 0;

      b1 = 0;
      b2 = 0;
      b3 = 0;
      b4 = 0;

      jumps.clear( );

      stopped = false;
      finished = false;

   bool stopped; // transient
   bool finished; // transient

   int32_t pc;
   int32_t pce;
   int32_t pcs;

   int32_t opc; // transient

   int32_t cs;
   int32_t us;

   int64_t a1;
   int64_t a2;
   int64_t a3;
   int64_t a4;

   int64_t b1;
   int64_t b2;
   int64_t b3;
   int64_t b4;

   int32_t steps;

   int32_t sleep_until;

   set&lt; int32_t &gt; jumps; // transient

struct function_data
   function_data( )
      loop = false;
      offset = 0;

   bool loop;
   size_t offset;

   vector&lt; int64_t &gt; data;

string decode_function_name( int16_t fun, int8_t op )
   ostringstream osstr;

   int8_t op_expected = 0;

   switch( fun )
      case 0x0100:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Get_A1";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0101:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Get_A2";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0102:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Get_A3";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0103:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Get_A4";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0104:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Get_B1";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0105:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Get_B2";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0106:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Get_B3";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0107:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Get_B4";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0110:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Set_A1";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT;

      case 0x0111:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Set_A2";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT;

      case 0x0112:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Set_A3";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT;

      case 0x0113:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Set_A4";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT;

      case 0x0114:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Set_A1_A2";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT_2;

      case 0x0115:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Set_A3_A4";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT_2;

      case 0x0116:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Set_B1";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT;

      case 0x0117:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Set_B2";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT;

      case 0x0118:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Set_B3";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT;

      case 0x0119:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Set_B4";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT;

      case 0x011a:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Set_B1_B2";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT_2;

      case 0x011b:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Set_B3_B4";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT_2;

      case 0x0120:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Clear_A";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x0121:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Clear_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x0122:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Clear_A_And_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x0123:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Copy_A_From_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x0124:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Copy_B_From_A";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x0125:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Check_A_Is_Zero";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0126:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Check_B_Is_Zero";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0127:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Check_A_Equals_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0128:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Swap_A_and_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x0129:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "OR_A_with_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x012a:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "OR_B_with_A";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x012b:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "AND_A_with_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x012c:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "AND_B_with_A";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x012d:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "XOR_A_with_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x012e:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "XOR_B_with_A";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x0200:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "MD5_A_To_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x0201:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Check_MD5_A_With_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0202:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "HASH160_A_To_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x0203:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Check_HASH160_A_With_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0204:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "SHA256_A_To_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x0205:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Check_SHA256_A_With_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0300:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Get_Block_Timestamp";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0301:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Get_Creation_Timestamp";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0302:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Get_Last_Block_Timestamp";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0303:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Put_Last_Block_Hash_In_A";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x0304:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "A_To_Tx_After_Timestamp";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT;

      case 0x0305:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Get_Type_For_Tx_In_A";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0306:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Get_Amount_For_Tx_In_A";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0307:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Get_Timestamp_For_Tx_In_A";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0308:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Get_Random_Id_For_Tx_In_A";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0309:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Message_From_Tx_In_A_To_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x030a:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "B_To_Address_Of_Tx_In_A";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x030b:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "B_To_Address_Of_Creator";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x0400:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Get_Current_Balance";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0401:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Get_Previous_Balance";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET;

      case 0x0402:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Send_To_Address_In_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT;

      case 0x0403:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Send_All_To_Address_In_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x0404:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Send_Old_To_Address_In_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x0405:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Send_A_To_Address_In_B";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN;

      case 0x0406:
      osstr &lt;&lt; "Add_Minutes_To_Timestamp";
      op_expected = e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET_DAT_2;

      osstr &lt;&lt; "0x" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 4 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; fun;

   if( op && op_expected && op != op_expected )
      osstr &lt;&lt; " *** invalid op ***";

   return osstr.str( );

map&lt; int32_t, function_data &gt; g_function_data;

int64_t get_function_data( int32_t func_num )
   if( func_num == g_increment_func )
      if( g_first_call )
         g_first_call = false;
         for( map&lt; int32_t, function_data &gt;::iterator i = g_function_data.begin( ); i != g_function_data.end( ); ++i )
            if( ++( i-&gt;second.offset ) &gt;= i-&gt;second.data.size( ) )
               if( i-&gt;second.loop )
                  i-&gt;second.offset = 0;
                  --( i-&gt;second.offset );

   int64_t rc = g_function_data[ func_num ].data[ g_function_data[ func_num ].offset ];

   return rc;

int64_t func( int32_t func_num, machine_state& state )
   int64_t rc = 0;

   if( func_num == 1 )
      rc = g_val;
   else if( func_num == 2 ) // get a value
      if( g_val == 9 )
         rc = g_val = 0;
         rc = ++g_val;
   else if( func_num == 3 ) // get size
      rc = 10;
   else if( func_num == 4 ) // get func num
      rc = func_num;
   else if( func_num == 25 || func_num == 32 ) // get balance (prior)
      rc = g_balance;
      if( g_function_data.count( func_num ) )
         cout &lt;&lt; "(resetting function data)\n";
         g_first_call = true;
         for( map&lt; int32_t, function_data &gt;::iterator i = g_function_data.begin( ); i != g_function_data.end( ); ++i )
            i-&gt;second.offset = 0;
   else if( func_num == 0x0100 ) // Get_A1
      rc = state.a1;
   else if( func_num == 0x0101 ) // Get_A2
      rc = state.a2;
   else if( func_num == 0x0102 ) // Get_A3
      rc = state.a3;
   else if( func_num == 0x0103 ) // Get_A4
      rc = state.a4;
   else if( func_num == 0x0104 ) // Get_B1
      rc = state.b1;
   else if( func_num == 0x0105 ) // Get_B2
      rc = state.b2;
   else if( func_num == 0x0106 ) // Get_B3
      rc = state.b3;
   else if( func_num == 0x0107 ) // Get_B4
      rc = state.b4;
   else if( func_num == 0x0120 ) // Clear_A
      state.a1 = 0;
      state.a2 = 0;
      state.a3 = 0;
      state.a4 = 0;
   else if( func_num == 0x0121 ) // Clear_B
      state.b1 = 0;
      state.b2 = 0;
      state.b3 = 0;
      state.b4 = 0;
   else if( func_num == 0x0122 ) // Clear_A_And_B
      state.a1 = state.b1 = 0;
      state.a2 = state.b2 = 0;
      state.a3 = state.b3 = 0;
      state.a4 = state.b4 = 0;
   else if( func_num == 0x0123 ) // Copy_A_From_B
      state.a1 = state.b1;
      state.a2 = state.b2;
      state.a3 = state.b3;
      state.a4 = state.b4;
   else if( func_num == 0x0124 ) // Copy_B_From_A
      state.b1 = state.a1;
      state.b2 = state.a2;
      state.b3 = state.a3;
      state.b4 = state.a4;
   else if( func_num == 0x0125 ) // Check_A_Is_Zero
      if( state.a1 == 0 && state.a2 == 0 && state.a3 == 0 && state.a4 == 0 )
         rc = true;
   else if( func_num == 0x0126 ) // Check_B_Is_Zero
      if( state.b1 == 0 && state.b2 == 0 && state.b3 == 0 && state.b4 == 0 )
         rc = true;
   else if( func_num == 0x0127 ) // Check_A_Equals_B
      if( state.a1 == state.b1 && state.a2 == state.b2 && state.a3 == state.b3 && state.a4 == state.b4 )
         rc = true;
   else if( func_num == 0x0128 ) // Swap_A_and_B
      int64_t tmp_a1 = state.a1;
      int64_t tmp_a2 = state.a2;
      int64_t tmp_a3 = state.a3;
      int64_t tmp_a4 = state.a4;

      state.a1 = state.b1;
      state.a2 = state.b2;
      state.a3 = state.b3;
      state.a4 = state.b4;

      state.b1 = tmp_a1;
      state.b2 = tmp_a2;
      state.b3 = tmp_a3;
      state.b4 = tmp_a4;
   else if( func_num == 0x0129 ) // OR_A_with_B
      state.a1 = state.a1 | state.b1;
      state.a2 = state.a2 | state.b2;
      state.a3 = state.a3 | state.b3;
      state.a4 = state.a4 | state.b4;
   else if( func_num == 0x012a ) // OR_B_with_A
      state.b1 = state.a1 | state.b1;
      state.b2 = state.a2 | state.b2;
      state.b3 = state.a3 | state.b3;
      state.b4 = state.a4 | state.b4;
   else if( func_num == 0x012b ) // AND_A_with_B
      state.a1 = state.a1 & state.b1;
      state.a2 = state.a2 & state.b2;
      state.a3 = state.a3 & state.b3;
      state.a4 = state.a4 & state.b4;
   else if( func_num == 0x012c ) // AND_B_with_A
      state.b1 = state.a1 & state.b1;
      state.b2 = state.a2 & state.b2;
      state.b3 = state.a3 & state.b3;
      state.b4 = state.a4 & state.b4;
   else if( func_num == 0x012d ) // XOR_A_with_B
      state.a1 = state.a1 ^ state.b1;
      state.a2 = state.a2 ^ state.b2;
      state.a3 = state.a3 ^ state.b3;
      state.a4 = state.a4 ^ state.b4;
   else if( func_num == 0x012e ) // XOR_B_with_A
      state.b1 = state.a1 ^ state.b1;
      state.b2 = state.a2 ^ state.b2;
      state.b3 = state.a3 ^ state.b3;
      state.b4 = state.a4 ^ state.b4;
   else if( g_function_data.count( func_num ) )
      rc = get_function_data( func_num );

   if( func_num != 2 )
      if( func_num &lt; 0x100 )
         cout &lt;&lt; "func: " &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; func_num &lt;&lt; " rc: " &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; rc &lt;&lt; '\n';
         cout &lt;&lt; "func: " &lt;&lt; decode_function_name( func_num, 0 )
          &lt;&lt; " rc: 0x" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; rc &lt;&lt; '\n';

   return rc;

int64_t func1( int32_t func_num, machine_state& state, int64_t value, int8_t* p_data = 0, int32_t dsize = 0 )
   int64_t rc = 0;

   if( func_num == 1 ) // echo
      cout &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; value &lt;&lt; '\n';
   else if( func_num == 2 )
      rc = value * 2; // double it
   else if( func_num == 3 )
      rc = value / 2; // halve it
   else if( func_num == 26 || func_num == 33 ) // pay balance (prior)
      cout &lt;&lt; "payout " &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; g_balance &lt;&lt; " to account: " &lt;&lt; value &lt;&lt; '\n';
      g_balance = 0;
   else if( func_num == 0x0110 ) // Set_A1
      state.a1 = value;
   else if( func_num == 0x0111 ) // Set_A2
      state.a2 = value;
   else if( func_num == 0x0112 ) // Set_A3
      state.a3 = value;
   else if( func_num == 0x0113 ) // Set_A4
      state.a4 = value;
   else if( func_num == 0x0116 ) // Set_B1
      state.b1 = value;
   else if( func_num == 0x0117 ) // Set_B2
      state.b2 = value;
   else if( func_num == 0x0118 ) // Set_B3
      state.b3 = value;
   else if( func_num == 0x0119 ) // Set_B4
      state.b4 = value;
   else if( g_function_data.count( func_num ) )
      rc = get_function_data( func_num );

   if( func_num != 1 && func_num != 26 )
      if( func_num &lt; 0x100 )
         cout &lt;&lt; "func1: " &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; func_num &lt;&lt; " with " &lt;&lt; value
          &lt;&lt; " rc: " &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; rc &lt;&lt; '\n';
         cout &lt;&lt; "func1: " &lt;&lt; decode_function_name( func_num, 0 )
          &lt;&lt; " with " &lt;&lt; value &lt;&lt; " rc: 0x" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; rc &lt;&lt; '\n';

   return rc;

int64_t func2( int32_t func_num, machine_state& state, int64_t value1, int64_t value2, int8_t* p_data = 0, int32_t dsize = 0 )
   int64_t rc = 0;

   if( func_num == 2 )
      rc = value1 * value2; // multiply values
   else if( func_num == 3 )
      rc = value1 / value2; // divide values
   else if( func_num == 4 )
      rc = value1 + value2; // sum values
   else if( func_num == 31 ) // send amount to address
      if( value1 &gt; g_balance )
         value1 = g_balance;

      cout &lt;&lt; "payout " &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; value1 &lt;&lt; " to account: " &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; value2 &lt;&lt; '\n';
      g_balance -= value1;
   else if( func_num == 0x0114 ) // Set_A1_A2
      state.a1 = value1;
      state.a2 = value2;
   else if( func_num == 0x0115 ) // Set_A3_A4
      state.a3 = value1;
      state.a4 = value2;
   else if( func_num == 0x011a ) // Set_B1_B2
      state.b1 = value1;
      state.b2 = value2;
   else if( func_num == 0x011b ) // Set_B3_B4
      state.b3 = value1;
      state.b4 = value2;
   else if( g_function_data.count( func_num ) )
      rc = get_function_data( func_num );

   if( func_num != 31 )
      if( func_num &lt; 0x100 )
         cout &lt;&lt; "func2: " &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; func_num &lt;&lt; " with " &lt;&lt; value1
          &lt;&lt; " and " &lt;&lt; value2 &lt;&lt; " rc: " &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; rc &lt;&lt; '\n';
         cout &lt;&lt; "func2: " &lt;&lt; decode_function_name( func_num, 0 ) &lt;&lt; " with " &lt;&lt; value1
          &lt;&lt; " and " &lt;&lt; value2 &lt;&lt; " rc: 0x" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; rc &lt;&lt; '\n';

   return rc;

int get_fun( int8_t* p_code, int32_t csize, const machine_state& state, int16_t& fun )
   if( state.pc + ( int32_t )sizeof( int16_t ) &gt;= csize )
      return -1;
      fun = *( int16_t* )( p_code + state.pc + 1 );

      return 0;

int get_addr( int8_t* p_code,
 int32_t csize, int32_t dsize, const machine_state& state, int32_t& addr, bool is_code = false )
   if( state.pc + ( int32_t )sizeof( int32_t ) &gt;= csize )
      return -1;
      addr = *( int32_t* )( p_code + state.pc + 1 );

      if( addr &lt; 0 || addr &gt; c_max_to_multiply || ( is_code && addr &gt;= csize ) )
         return -1;
      else if( !is_code && ( ( addr * 8 ) &lt; 0 || ( addr * 8 ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int64_t ) &gt; dsize ) )
         return -1;
         return 0;

int get_addrs( int8_t* p_code,
 int32_t csize, int32_t dsize, const machine_state& state, int32_t& addr1, int32_t& addr2 )
   if( state.pc + ( int32_t )sizeof( int32_t ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int32_t ) &gt;= csize )
      return -1;
      addr1 = *( int32_t* )( p_code + state.pc + 1 );
      addr2 = *( int32_t* )( p_code + state.pc + 1 + sizeof( int32_t ) );

      if( addr1 &lt; 0 || addr1 &gt; c_max_to_multiply
       || addr2 &lt; 0 || addr2 &gt; c_max_to_multiply
       || ( addr1 * 8 ) &lt; 0 || ( addr2 * 8 ) &lt; 0
       || ( addr1 * 8 ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int64_t ) &gt; dsize
       || ( addr2 * 8 ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int64_t ) &gt; dsize )
         return -1;
         return 0;

int get_addr_off( int8_t* p_code,
 int32_t csize, int32_t dsize, const machine_state& state, int32_t& addr, int8_t& off )
   if( state.pc + ( int32_t )sizeof( int32_t ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int8_t ) &gt;= csize )
      return -1;
      addr = *( int32_t* )( p_code + state.pc + 1 );
      off = *( int8_t* )( p_code + state.pc + 1 + sizeof( int32_t ) );

      if( addr &lt; 0 || addr &gt; c_max_to_multiply || ( addr * 8 ) &lt; 0
       || ( addr * 8 ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int64_t ) &gt; dsize || state.pc + off &gt;= csize )
         return -1;
         return 0;

int get_addrs_off( int8_t* p_code,
 int32_t csize, int32_t dsize, const machine_state& state, int32_t& addr1, int32_t& addr2, int8_t& off )
   if( state.pc + ( int32_t )sizeof( int32_t ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int32_t ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int8_t ) &gt;= csize )
      return -1;
      addr1 = *( int32_t* )( p_code + state.pc + 1 );
      addr2 = *( int32_t* )( p_code + state.pc + 1 + sizeof( int32_t ) );
      off = *( int8_t* )( p_code + state.pc + 1 + sizeof( int32_t ) + sizeof( int32_t ) );

      if( addr1 &lt; 0 || addr1 &lt; c_max_to_multiply
       || addr2 &lt; 0 || addr2 &lt; c_max_to_multiply
       || ( addr1 * 8 ) &lt; 0 || ( addr2 * 8 ) &lt; 0
       || ( addr1 * 8 ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int64_t ) &gt; dsize
       || ( addr2 * 8 ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int64_t ) &gt; dsize || state.pc + off &gt;= csize )
         return -1;
         return 0;

int get_fun_addr( int8_t* p_code,
 int32_t csize, int32_t dsize, const machine_state& state, int16_t& fun, int32_t& addr )
   if( state.pc + ( int32_t )sizeof( int16_t ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int32_t ) &gt;= csize )
      return -1;
      fun = *( int16_t* )( p_code + state.pc + 1 );
      addr = *( int32_t* )( p_code + state.pc + 1 + sizeof( int16_t ) );

      if( addr &lt; 0 || addr &gt; c_max_to_multiply
       || ( addr * 8 ) &lt; 0 || ( addr * 8 ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int64_t ) &gt; dsize )
         return -1;
         return 0;

int get_fun_addrs( int8_t* p_code,
 int32_t csize, int32_t dsize, const machine_state& state, int16_t& fun, int32_t& addr1, int32_t& addr2 )
   if( state.pc + ( int32_t )sizeof( int16_t )
    + ( int32_t )sizeof( int32_t ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int32_t ) &gt;= csize )
      return -1;
      fun = *( int16_t* )( p_code + state.pc + 1 );
      addr1 = *( int32_t* )( p_code + state.pc + 1 + sizeof( int16_t ) );
      addr2 = *( int32_t* )( p_code + state.pc + 1 + sizeof( int16_t ) + sizeof( int32_t ) );

      if( addr1 &lt; 0 || addr1 &gt; c_max_to_multiply
       || addr2 &lt; 0 || addr2 &gt; c_max_to_multiply
       || ( addr1 * 8 ) &lt; 0 || ( addr2 * 8 ) &lt; 0
       || ( addr1 * 8 ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int64_t ) &gt; dsize
       || ( addr2 * 8 ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int64_t ) &gt; dsize )
         return -1;
         return 0;

int get_addr_val( int8_t* p_code,
 int32_t csize, int32_t dsize, const machine_state& state, int32_t& addr, int64_t& val )
   if( state.pc + ( int32_t )sizeof( int32_t ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int64_t ) &gt;= csize )
      return -1;
      addr = *( int32_t* )( p_code + state.pc + 1 );
      val = *( int64_t* )( p_code + state.pc + 1 + ( int32_t )sizeof( int32_t ) );

      if( addr &lt; 0 || addr &gt; c_max_to_multiply
       || ( addr * 8 ) &lt; 0 || ( addr * 8 ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int64_t ) &gt; dsize )
         return -1;
         return 0;

int process_op( int8_t* p_code, int32_t csize, int8_t* p_data, int32_t dsize,
 int32_t cssize, int32_t ussize, bool disassemble, bool determine_jumps, machine_state& state )
   int rc = 0;

   bool invalid = false;
   bool had_overflow = false;

   if( csize &lt; 1 || state.pc &gt;= csize )
      return 0;

   if( determine_jumps )
      state.jumps.insert( state.pc );

   int8_t op = p_code[ state.pc ];

   if( op && disassemble && !determine_jumps )
      cout &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; state.pc;
      if( state.pc == state.opc )
         cout &lt;&lt; "* ";
         cout &lt;&lt; "  ";

   if( op == e_op_code_NOP )
      if( disassemble )
         if( !determine_jumps )
            cout &lt;&lt; "NOP\n";
         while( true )
            if( state.pc + rc &gt;= csize || p_code[ state.pc + rc ] != e_op_code_NOP )
      else while( true )
         if( state.pc &gt;= csize || p_code[ state.pc ] != e_op_code_NOP )
   else if( op == e_op_code_SET_VAL )
      int32_t addr;
      int64_t val;
      rc = get_addr_val( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr, val );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t ) + sizeof( int64_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               cout &lt;&lt; "SET @" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' )
                &lt;&lt; addr &lt;&lt; " #" &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; val &lt;&lt; '\n';
            state.pc += rc;
            *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr * 8 ) ) = val;
   else if( op == e_op_code_SET_DAT )
      int32_t addr1, addr2;
      rc = get_addrs( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr1, addr2 );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t ) + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               cout &lt;&lt; "SET @" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' )
                &lt;&lt; addr1 &lt;&lt; " $" &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr2 &lt;&lt; '\n';
            state.pc += rc;
            *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) ) = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr2 * 8 ) );
   else if( op == e_op_code_CLR_DAT )
      int32_t addr;
      rc = get_addr( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               cout &lt;&lt; "CLR @" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr &lt;&lt; '\n';
            state.pc += rc;
            *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr * 8 ) ) = 0;
   else if( op == e_op_code_INC_DAT || op == e_op_code_DEC_DAT || op == e_op_code_NOT_DAT )
      int32_t addr;
      rc = get_addr( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               if( op == e_op_code_INC_DAT )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "INC @";
               else if( op == e_op_code_DEC_DAT )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "DEC @";
                  cout &lt;&lt; "NOT @";

               cout &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr &lt;&lt; '\n';
            state.pc += rc;

            if( op == e_op_code_INC_DAT )
               ++*( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr * 8 ) );
            else if( op == e_op_code_DEC_DAT )
               --*( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr * 8 ) );
               *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr * 8 ) ) = ~*( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr * 8 ) );
   else if( op == e_op_code_ADD_DAT || op == e_op_code_SUB_DAT
    || op == e_op_code_MUL_DAT || op == e_op_code_DIV_DAT )
      int32_t addr1, addr2;
      rc = get_addrs( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr1, addr2 );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t ) + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               if( op == e_op_code_ADD_DAT )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "ADD @";
               else if( op == e_op_code_SUB_DAT )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "SUB @";
               else if( op == e_op_code_MUL_DAT )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "MUL @";
                  cout &lt;&lt; "DIV @";

               cout &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' )
                &lt;&lt; addr1 &lt;&lt; " $" &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr2 &lt;&lt; '\n';
            int64_t val = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr2 * 8 ) );

            if( op == e_op_code_DIV_DAT && val == 0 )
               rc = -2;
               state.pc += rc;

               if( op == e_op_code_ADD_DAT )
                  *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) ) += *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr2 * 8 ) );
               else if( op == e_op_code_SUB_DAT )
                  *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) ) -= *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr2 * 8 ) );
               else if( op == e_op_code_MUL_DAT )
                  *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) ) *= *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr2 * 8 ) );
                  *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) ) /= *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr2 * 8 ) );
   else if( op == e_op_code_BOR_DAT
    || op == e_op_code_AND_DAT || op == e_op_code_XOR_DAT )
      int32_t addr1, addr2;
      rc = get_addrs( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr1, addr2 );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t ) + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               if( op == e_op_code_BOR_DAT )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "BOR @";
               else if( op == e_op_code_AND_DAT )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "AND @";
                  cout &lt;&lt; "XOR @";

               cout &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' )
                &lt;&lt; addr1 &lt;&lt; " $" &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr2 &lt;&lt; '\n';
            state.pc += rc;
            int64_t val = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr2 * 8 ) );

            if( op == e_op_code_BOR_DAT )
               *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) ) |= val;
            else if( op == e_op_code_AND_DAT )
               *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) ) &= val;
               *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) ) ^= val;
   else if( op == e_op_code_SET_IND )
      int32_t addr1, addr2;
      rc = get_addrs( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr1, addr2 );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t ) + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               cout &lt;&lt; "SET @" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' )
                &lt;&lt; addr1 &lt;&lt; " $($" &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr2 &lt;&lt; ")\n";
            int64_t addr = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr2 * 8 ) );

            if( addr &lt; 0 || addr &gt; c_max_to_multiply
             || ( addr * 8 ) &lt; 0 || ( addr * 8 ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int64_t ) &gt; dsize )
               rc = -1;
               state.pc += rc;
              *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) ) = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr * 8 ) );
   else if( op == e_op_code_SET_IDX )
      int32_t addr1, addr2;
      rc = get_addrs( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr1, addr2 );

      int32_t size = sizeof( int32_t ) + sizeof( int32_t );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         int32_t addr3;
         rc = get_addr( p_code + size, csize, dsize, state, addr3 );

         if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
            rc = 1 + size + sizeof( int32_t );

            if( disassemble )
               if( !determine_jumps )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "SET @" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' )
                   &lt;&lt; addr1 &lt;&lt; " $($" &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr2
                   &lt;&lt; "+$" &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr3 &lt;&lt; ")\n";
               int64_t base = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr2 * 8 ) );
               int64_t offs = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr3 * 8 ) );

               int64_t addr = base + offs;

               if( addr &lt; 0 || addr &gt; c_max_to_multiply
                || ( addr * 8 ) &lt; 0 || ( addr * 8 ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int64_t ) &gt; dsize )
                  rc = -1;
                  state.pc += rc;
                 *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) ) = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr * 8 ) );
   else if( op == e_op_code_PSH_DAT || op == e_op_code_POP_DAT )
      int32_t addr;
      rc = get_addr( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               if( op == e_op_code_PSH_DAT )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "PSH $";
                  cout &lt;&lt; "POP @";

               cout &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr &lt;&lt; '\n';
         else if( ( op == e_op_code_PSH_DAT && state.us == ( ussize / 8 ) )
          || ( op == e_op_code_POP_DAT && state.us == 0 ) )
            rc = -1;
            state.pc += rc;
            if( op == e_op_code_PSH_DAT )
               *( int64_t* )( p_data + dsize + cssize + ussize
                - ( ++state.us * 8 ) ) = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr * 8 ) );
               *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr * 8 ) )
                = *( int64_t* )( p_data + dsize + cssize + ussize - ( state.us-- * 8 ) );
   else if( op == e_op_code_JMP_SUB )
      int32_t addr;
      rc = get_addr( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr, true );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               cout &lt;&lt; "JSR :" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr &lt;&lt; '\n';
            if( state.cs == ( cssize / 8 ) )
               rc = -1;
            else if( state.jumps.count( addr ) )
               *( int64_t* )( p_data + dsize + cssize - ( ++state.cs * 8 ) ) = state.pc + rc;
               state.pc = addr;
               rc = -2;
   else if( op == e_op_code_RET_SUB )
      rc = 1;

      if( disassemble )
         if( !determine_jumps )
            cout &lt;&lt; "RET\n";
         if( state.cs == 0 )
            rc = -1;
            int64_t val = *( int64_t* )( p_data + dsize + cssize - ( state.cs-- * 8 ) );
            int32_t addr = ( int32_t )val;
            if( state.jumps.count( addr ) )
               state.pc = addr;
               rc = -2;
   else if( op == e_op_code_IND_DAT )
      int32_t addr1, addr2;
      rc = get_addrs( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr1, addr2 );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t ) + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               cout &lt;&lt; "SET @($" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' )
                &lt;&lt; addr1 &lt;&lt; ") $" &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr2 &lt;&lt; "\n";
            int64_t addr = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) );

            if( addr &lt; 0 || addr &gt; c_max_to_multiply
             || ( addr * 8 ) &lt; 0 || ( addr * 8 ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int64_t ) &gt; dsize )
               rc = -1;
               state.pc += rc;
              *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr * 8 ) ) = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr2 * 8 ) );
   else if( op == e_op_code_IDX_DAT )
      int32_t addr1, addr2;
      rc = get_addrs( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr1, addr2 );

      int32_t size = sizeof( int32_t ) + sizeof( int32_t );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         int32_t addr3;
         rc = get_addr( p_code + size, csize, dsize, state, addr3 );

         if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
            rc = 1 + size + sizeof( int32_t );

            if( disassemble )
               if( !determine_jumps )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "SET @($" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' )
                   &lt;&lt; addr1 &lt;&lt; "+$" &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr2
                   &lt;&lt; ") $" &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr3 &lt;&lt; "\n";
               int64_t base = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) );
               int64_t offs = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr2 * 8 ) );

               int64_t addr = base + offs;

               if( addr &lt; 0 || addr &gt; c_max_to_multiply
                || ( addr * 8 ) &lt; 0 || ( addr * 8 ) + ( int32_t )sizeof( int64_t ) &gt; dsize )
                  rc = -1;
                  state.pc += rc;
                 *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr * 8 ) ) = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr3 * 8 ) );
   else if( op == e_op_code_MOD_DAT )
      int32_t addr1, addr2;
      rc = get_addrs( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr1, addr2 );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t ) + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               cout &lt;&lt; "MOD @" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' )
                &lt;&lt; addr1 &lt;&lt; " $" &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr2 &lt;&lt; '\n';
            state.pc += rc;
            int64_t val = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr2 * 8 ) );

            *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) ) %= val;
   else if( op == e_op_code_SHL_DAT )
      int32_t addr1, addr2;
      rc = get_addrs( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr1, addr2 );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t ) + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               cout &lt;&lt; "SHL @" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' )
                &lt;&lt; addr1 &lt;&lt; " $" &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr2 &lt;&lt; '\n';
            state.pc += rc;
            int64_t val = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr2 * 8 ) );

            *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) ) &lt;&lt;= val;
   else if( op == e_op_code_SHR_DAT )
      int32_t addr1, addr2;
      rc = get_addrs( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr1, addr2 );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t ) + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               cout &lt;&lt; "SHR @" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' )
                &lt;&lt; addr1 &lt;&lt; " $" &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr2 &lt;&lt; '\n';
            state.pc += rc;
            int64_t val = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr2 * 8 ) );

            *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) ) &gt;&gt;= val;
   else if( op == e_op_code_JMP_ADR )
      int32_t addr;
      rc = get_addr( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr, true );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               cout &lt;&lt; "JMP :" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr &lt;&lt; '\n';
         else if( state.jumps.count( addr ) )
            state.pc = addr;
            rc = -2;
   else if( op == e_op_code_BZR_DAT || op == e_op_code_BNZ_DAT )
      int8_t off;
      int32_t addr;
      rc = get_addr_off( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr, off );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t ) + sizeof( int8_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               if( op == e_op_code_BZR_DAT )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "BZR $";
                  cout &lt;&lt; "BNZ $";

               cout &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' )
                &lt;&lt; addr &lt;&lt; " :" &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; ( state.pc + off ) &lt;&lt; '\n';
            int64_t val = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr * 8 ) );

            if( ( op == e_op_code_BZR_DAT && val == 0 )
             || ( op == e_op_code_BNZ_DAT && val != 0 ) )
               if( state.jumps.count( state.pc + off ) )
                  state.pc += off;
                  rc = -2;
               state.pc += rc;
   else if( op == e_op_code_BGT_DAT || op == e_op_code_BLT_DAT
    || op == e_op_code_BGE_DAT || op == e_op_code_BLE_DAT
    || op == e_op_code_BEQ_DAT || op == e_op_code_BNE_DAT )
      int8_t off;
      int32_t addr1, addr2;
      rc = get_addrs_off( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr1, addr2, off );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t ) + sizeof( int32_t ) + sizeof( int8_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               if( op == e_op_code_BGT_DAT )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "BGT $";
               else if( op == e_op_code_BLT_DAT )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "BLT $";
               else if( op == e_op_code_BGE_DAT )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "BGE $";
               else if( op == e_op_code_BLE_DAT )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "BLE $";
               else if( op == e_op_code_BEQ_DAT )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "BEQ $";
                  cout &lt;&lt; "BNE $";

               cout &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' )
                &lt;&lt; addr1 &lt;&lt; " $" &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' )
                &lt;&lt; addr2 &lt;&lt; " :" &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; ( state.pc + off ) &lt;&lt; '\n';
            int64_t val1 = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) );
            int64_t val2 = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr2 * 8 ) );

            if( ( op == e_op_code_BGT_DAT && val1 &gt; val2 )
             || ( op == e_op_code_BLT_DAT && val1 &lt; val2 )
             || ( op == e_op_code_BGE_DAT && val1 &gt;= val2 )
             || ( op == e_op_code_BLE_DAT && val1 &lt;= val2 )
             || ( op == e_op_code_BEQ_DAT && val1 == val2 )
             || ( op == e_op_code_BNE_DAT && val1 != val2 ) )
               if( state.jumps.count( state.pc + off ) )
                  state.pc += off;
                  rc = -2;
               state.pc += rc;
   else if( op == e_op_code_SLP_DAT )
      int32_t addr;
      rc = get_addr( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr, true );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               cout &lt;&lt; "SLP @" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr &lt;&lt; '\n';
            // NOTE: The "sleep_until" state value would be set to the current block + $addr.

            state.pc += rc;
   else if( op == e_op_code_FIZ_DAT || op == e_op_code_STZ_DAT )
      int32_t addr;
      rc = get_addr( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         if( disassemble )
            rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t );

            if( !determine_jumps )
               if( op == e_op_code_FIZ_DAT )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "FIZ $";
                  cout &lt;&lt; "STZ $";

               cout &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr &lt;&lt; '\n';
            if( *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr * 8 ) ) == 0 )
               if( op == e_op_code_STZ_DAT )
                  state.pc += rc;
                  state.stopped = true;
                  state.pc = state.pcs;
                  state.finished = true;
               rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t );
               state.pc += rc;
   else if( op == e_op_code_FIN_IMD || op == e_op_code_STP_IMD )
      if( disassemble )
         rc = 1;

         if( !determine_jumps )
            if( op == e_op_code_FIN_IMD )
               cout &lt;&lt; "FIN\n";
               cout &lt;&lt; "STP\n";
      else if( op == e_op_code_STP_IMD )
         state.pc += rc;
         state.stopped = true;
         state.pc = state.pcs;
         state.finished = true;
   else if( op == e_op_code_SLP_IMD )
      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1;

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               cout &lt;&lt; "SLP\n";
            // NOTE: The "sleep_until" state value would be set to the current block + 1.

            state.pc += rc;
   else if( op == e_op_code_ERR_ADR )
      int32_t addr;
      rc = get_addr( p_code, csize, dsize, state, addr, true );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               cout &lt;&lt; "ERR :" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr &lt;&lt; '\n';
         else if( state.jumps.count( addr ) )
            state.pce = addr;
            rc = -3;
   else if( op == e_op_code_SET_PCS )
      rc = 1;

      if( disassemble )
         if( !determine_jumps )
            cout &lt;&lt; "PCS\n";
         state.pc += rc;
         state.pcs = state.pc;
   else if( op == e_op_code_EXT_FUN )
      int16_t fun;
      rc = get_fun( p_code, csize, state, fun );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int16_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               if( fun &lt; 0x100 )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "FUN " &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; fun &lt;&lt; "\n";
                  cout &lt;&lt; "FUN " &lt;&lt; decode_function_name( fun, op ) &lt;&lt; "\n";
            state.pc += rc;
            func( fun, state );
   else if( op == e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT )
      int16_t fun;
      int32_t addr;
      rc = get_fun_addr( p_code, csize, dsize, state, fun, addr );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int16_t ) + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               if( fun &lt; 0x100 )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "FUN " &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; fun &lt;&lt; " $" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr &lt;&lt; "\n";
                  cout &lt;&lt; "FUN " &lt;&lt; decode_function_name( fun, op )
                   &lt;&lt; " $" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr &lt;&lt; "\n";
            state.pc += rc;
            int64_t val = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr * 8 ) );

            func1( fun, state, val, p_data, dsize );
   else if( op == e_op_code_EXT_FUN_DAT_2 )
      int16_t fun;
      int32_t addr1, addr2;
      rc = get_fun_addrs( p_code, csize, dsize, state, fun, addr1, addr2 );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int16_t ) + sizeof( int32_t ) + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               if( fun &lt; 0x100 )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "FUN " &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; fun &lt;&lt; " $" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 )
                   &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr1 &lt;&lt; " $" &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr2 &lt;&lt; "\n";
                  cout &lt;&lt; "FUN " &lt;&lt; decode_function_name( fun, op ) &lt;&lt; " $" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 )
                   &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr1 &lt;&lt; " $" &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr2 &lt;&lt; "\n";
            state.pc += rc;
            int64_t val1 = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) );
            int64_t val2 = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr2 * 8 ) );

            func2( fun, state, val1, val2, p_data, dsize );
   else if( op == e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET )
      int16_t fun;
      int32_t addr;
      rc = get_fun_addr( p_code, csize, dsize, state, fun, addr );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + sizeof( int16_t ) + sizeof( int32_t );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               if( fun &lt; 0x100 )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "FUN @" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr &lt;&lt; ' ' &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; fun &lt;&lt; '\n';
                  cout &lt;&lt; "FUN @" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr
                   &lt;&lt; " " &lt;&lt; decode_function_name( fun, op ) &lt;&lt; '\n';
            state.pc += rc;
            *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr * 8 ) ) = func( fun, state );
   else if( op == e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET_DAT || op == e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET_DAT_2 )
      int16_t fun;
      int32_t addr1, addr2;
      rc = get_fun_addrs( p_code, csize, dsize, state, fun, addr1, addr2 );

      int32_t size = sizeof( int16_t ) + sizeof( int32_t ) + sizeof( int32_t );

      int32_t addr3;
      if( ( rc == 0 || disassemble ) && op == e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET_DAT_2 )
         rc = get_addr( p_code + size, csize, dsize, state, addr3 );

      if( rc == 0 || disassemble )
         rc = 1 + size + ( op == e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET_DAT_2 ? sizeof( int32_t ) : 0 );

         if( disassemble )
            if( !determine_jumps )
               if( fun &lt; 0x100 )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "FUN @" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr1
                   &lt;&lt; ' ' &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; fun &lt;&lt; " $" &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr2;
                  cout &lt;&lt; "FUN @" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr1 &lt;&lt; " "
                   &lt;&lt; decode_function_name( fun, op ) &lt;&lt; " $" &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr2;

               if( op == e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET_DAT_2 )
                  cout &lt;&lt; " $" &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; addr3;

               cout &lt;&lt; "\n";
            state.pc += rc;
            int64_t val = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr2 * 8 ) );

            if( op != e_op_code_EXT_FUN_RET_DAT_2 )
               *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) ) = func1( fun, state, val, p_data, dsize );
               int64_t val2 = *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr3 * 8 ) );
               *( int64_t* )( p_data + ( addr1 * 8 ) ) = func2( fun, state, val, val2, p_data, dsize );
      if( !disassemble )
         rc = -2;

   if( rc == -1 && state.pce )
      rc = 0;
      state.pc = state.pce;

   if( rc == -1 && disassemble && !determine_jumps )
      cout &lt;&lt; "\n(overflow)\n";

   if( rc == -2 && disassemble && !determine_jumps )
      cout &lt;&lt; "\n(invalid op)\n";

   if( rc &gt;= 0 )

   return rc;

void dump_state( const machine_state& state )
   cout &lt;&lt; "pc: " &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; state.pc &lt;&lt; '\n';

   cout &lt;&lt; "cs: " &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; state.cs &lt;&lt; '\n';
   cout &lt;&lt; "us: " &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; state.us &lt;&lt; '\n';

   cout &lt;&lt; "pce: " &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; state.pcs &lt;&lt; '\n';
   cout &lt;&lt; "pcs: " &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; state.pcs &lt;&lt; '\n';

   cout &lt;&lt; "steps: " &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; state.steps &lt;&lt; '\n';

   cout &lt;&lt; "a1: " &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; state.a1 &lt;&lt; '\n';
   cout &lt;&lt; "a2: " &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; state.a2 &lt;&lt; '\n';
   cout &lt;&lt; "a3: " &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; state.a3 &lt;&lt; '\n';
   cout &lt;&lt; "a4: " &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; state.a4 &lt;&lt; '\n';

   cout &lt;&lt; "b1: " &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; state.b1 &lt;&lt; '\n';
   cout &lt;&lt; "b2: " &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; state.b2 &lt;&lt; '\n';
   cout &lt;&lt; "b3: " &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; state.b3 &lt;&lt; '\n';
   cout &lt;&lt; "b4: " &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; state.b4 &lt;&lt; '\n';

void dump_bytes( int8_t* p_bytes, int num )
   for( int i = 0; i &lt; num; i += 16 )
      cout &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 8 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; i &lt;&lt; ' ';

      for( int j = 0; j &lt; 16; j++ )
         int val = ( unsigned char )p_bytes[ i + j ];

         cout &lt;&lt; ' ' &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 2 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; val;

      cout &lt;&lt; '\n';

void list_code( machine_state& state, int8_t* p_code, int32_t csize,
 int8_t* p_data, int32_t dsize, int32_t cssize, int32_t ussize, bool determine_jumps = false )
   int32_t opc = state.pc;
   int32_t osteps = state.steps;

   state.pc = 0;
   state.opc = opc;

   while( true )
      int rc = process_op( p_code, csize, p_data, dsize, cssize, ussize, true, determine_jumps, state );

      if( rc &lt;= 0 )

      state.pc += rc;

   state.steps = osteps;
   state.pc = opc;

bool check_has_balance( )
   if( g_balance == 0 )
      cout &lt;&lt; "(stopped - zero balance)\n";
      return false;
      return true;

void reset_machine( machine_state& state,
 int8_t* p_code, int32_t csize, int8_t* p_data, int32_t dsize, int32_t cssize, int32_t ussize )
   state.reset( );
   list_code( state, p_code, csize, p_data, dsize, cssize, ussize, true );

   memset( p_data, 0, dsize + cssize + ussize );

   g_first_call = true;

   for( map&lt; int32_t, function_data &gt;::iterator i = g_function_data.begin( ); i != g_function_data.end( ); ++i )
      i-&gt;second.offset = 0;

int main( )
   auto_ptr&lt; int8_t &gt; ap_code( new int8_t[ g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes ] );
   auto_ptr&lt; int8_t &gt; ap_data( new int8_t[ g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes
    + g_call_stack_pages * c_call_stack_page_bytes + g_user_stack_pages * c_user_stack_page_bytes ] );

   memset( ap_code.get( ), 0, g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes );
   memset( ap_data.get( ), 0, g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes
    + g_call_stack_pages * c_call_stack_page_bytes + g_user_stack_pages * c_user_stack_page_bytes );

   machine_state state;
   set&lt; int32_t &gt; break_points;

   string cmd, next;
   while( cout &lt;&lt; "\n&gt; ", getline( cin, next ) )
      if( next.empty( ) )

      string::size_type pos = next.find( ' ' );
      if( pos == string::npos )
         cmd = next;
         next.erase( );
         cmd = next.substr( 0, pos );
         next.erase( 0, pos + 1 );

      string arg_1, arg_2, arg_3;

      pos = next.find( ' ' );
      arg_1 = next.substr( 0, pos );
      if( pos != string::npos )
         arg_2 = next.substr( pos + 1 );

         pos = arg_2.find( ' ' );
         if( pos != string::npos )
            arg_3 = arg_2.substr( pos + 1 );
            arg_2.erase( pos );

      if( cmd == "?" || cmd == "help" )
         cout &lt;&lt; "commands:\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "---------\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "code &lt;hex byte values&gt; [&lt;[0x]offset&gt;]\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "data &lt;hex byte values&gt; [&lt;[0x]offset&gt;]\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "run\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "cont\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "dump {code|data|stacks}\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "list\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "load &lt;file&gt;\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "save &lt;file&gt;\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "size [{code|data|call|user} [&lt;pages&gt;]]\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "step [&lt;num_steps&gt;]\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "break &lt;[0x]value&gt;\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "reset\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "state\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "balance [&lt;amount&gt;]\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "function &lt;[+]#&gt; [&lt;[0x]value1[,[0x]value2[,...]]&gt;] [loop]\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "functions\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "help\n";
         cout &lt;&lt; "exit" &lt;&lt; endl;
      else if( ( cmd == "code" || cmd == "data" ) && arg_1.size( ) && ( arg_1.size( ) % 2 == 0 ) )
         int32_t offset = 0;
         if( !arg_2.empty( ) )
            if( arg_2.size( ) &gt; 2 && arg_2.find( "0x" ) == 0 )
               istringstream isstr( arg_2.substr( 2 ) );
               isstr &gt;&gt; hex &gt;&gt; offset;
               offset = atoi( arg_2.c_str( ) );

         int8_t* p_c = cmd == "code" ? ap_code.get( ) : ap_data.get( ) + offset;

         if( arg_2.empty( ) )
            if( cmd == "code" )
               memset( p_c, 0, g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes );
               memset( p_c, 0, g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes );

         for( size_t i = 0; i &lt; arg_1.size( ); i += 2 )
            unsigned int value;
            istringstream isstr( arg_1.substr( i, 2 ) );
            isstr &gt;&gt; hex &gt;&gt; value;

            *( p_c + ( i / 2 ) ) = ( int8_t )value;

         if( cmd == "code" )
            reset_machine( state,
             ap_code.get( ), g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes,
             ap_data.get( ), g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes,
             g_call_stack_pages * c_call_stack_page_bytes, g_user_stack_pages * c_user_stack_page_bytes );
      else if( cmd == "run" || cmd == "cont" )
         if( cmd == "run" )
            reset_machine( state, ap_code.get( ),
             g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes, ap_data.get( ), g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes,
             g_call_stack_pages * c_call_stack_page_bytes, g_user_stack_pages * c_user_stack_page_bytes );

         while( true )
            if( !check_has_balance( ) )

            int rc = process_op(
             ap_code.get( ), g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes,
             ap_data.get( ), g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes,
             g_call_stack_pages * c_call_stack_page_bytes,
             g_user_stack_pages * c_user_stack_page_bytes, false, false, state );

            if( !check_has_balance( ) )


            if( rc &gt;= 0 )
               if( state.stopped )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "(stopped)\n";
                  cout &lt;&lt; "total steps: " &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; state.steps &lt;&lt; '\n';

                  state.stopped = false;
               else if( state.finished )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "(finished)\n";
                  cout &lt;&lt; "total steps: " &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; state.steps &lt;&lt; '\n';


               if( break_points.count( state.pc ) )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "(break point)\n";
               if( rc == -1 )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "error: overflow\n";
               else if( rc == -2 )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "error: invalid code\n";
                  cout &lt;&lt; "unexpected error\n";

      else if( cmd == "dump" && ( next == "code" || next == "data" || next == "stacks" ) )
         if( next == "code" )
            dump_bytes( ap_code.get( ), g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes );
         else if( next == "data" )
            dump_bytes( ap_data.get( ), g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes );
            dump_bytes( ap_data.get( ) + g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes,
             g_call_stack_pages * c_call_stack_page_bytes + g_user_stack_pages * c_user_stack_page_bytes );
      else if( cmd == "list" )
         list_code( state,
          ap_code.get( ), g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes,
          ap_data.get( ), g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes,
          g_call_stack_pages * c_call_stack_page_bytes, g_user_stack_pages * c_user_stack_page_bytes );
      else if( cmd == "load" && !arg_1.empty( ) )
         ifstream inpf( arg_1.c_str( ), ios::in | ios::binary );

         if( !inpf )
            cout &lt;&lt; "error: unable to open '" &lt;&lt; arg_1 &lt;&lt; "' for input" &lt;&lt; endl;
            inpf.read( ( char* )&g_val, sizeof( g_val ) );
            inpf.read( ( char* )&g_val1, sizeof( g_val1 ) );
            inpf.read( ( char* )&g_balance, sizeof( g_balance ) );
            inpf.read( ( char* )&g_first_call, sizeof( g_first_call ) );
            inpf.read( ( char* )&g_increment_func, sizeof( g_increment_func ) );

            inpf.read( ( char* )&state.pc, sizeof( state.pc ) );
            inpf.read( ( char* )&state.cs, sizeof( state.cs ) );
            inpf.read( ( char* )&state.us, sizeof( state.us ) );
            inpf.read( ( char* )&state.pce, sizeof( state.pce ) );
            inpf.read( ( char* )&state.pcs, sizeof( state.pcs ) );
            inpf.read( ( char* )&state.steps, sizeof( state.steps ) );

            inpf.read( ( char* )&state.a1, sizeof( state.a1 ) );
            inpf.read( ( char* )&state.a2, sizeof( state.a2 ) );
            inpf.read( ( char* )&state.a3, sizeof( state.a3 ) );
            inpf.read( ( char* )&state.a4, sizeof( state.a4 ) );

            inpf.read( ( char* )&state.b1, sizeof( state.b1 ) );
            inpf.read( ( char* )&state.b2, sizeof( state.b2 ) );
            inpf.read( ( char* )&state.b3, sizeof( state.b3 ) );
            inpf.read( ( char* )&state.b4, sizeof( state.b4 ) );

            inpf.read( ( char* )&g_code_pages, sizeof( g_code_pages ) );
            ap_code.reset( new int8_t[ g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes ] );

            inpf.read( ( char* )ap_code.get( ), g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes );

            inpf.read( ( char* )&g_data_pages, sizeof( g_data_pages ) );
            inpf.read( ( char* )&g_call_stack_pages, sizeof( g_call_stack_pages ) );
            inpf.read( ( char* )&g_user_stack_pages, sizeof( g_user_stack_pages ) );

            ap_data.reset( new int8_t[ g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes
            + g_call_stack_pages * c_call_stack_page_bytes + g_user_stack_pages * c_user_stack_page_bytes ] );

            inpf.read( ( char* )ap_data.get( ), g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes
             + g_call_stack_pages * c_call_stack_page_bytes + g_user_stack_pages * c_user_stack_page_bytes );

            g_function_data.clear( );

            size_t size;
            inpf.read( ( char* )&size, sizeof( size_t ) );

            for( size_t i = 0; i &lt; size; i++ )
               int32_t func;
               inpf.read( ( char* )&func, sizeof( int32_t ) );

               bool loop;
               inpf.read( ( char* )&loop, sizeof( bool ) );

               size_t offset;
               inpf.read( ( char* )&offset, sizeof( size_t ) );

               g_function_data[ func ].loop = loop;
               g_function_data[ func ].offset = offset;

               size_t dsize;
               inpf.read( ( char* )&dsize, sizeof( size_t ) );

               for( size_t j = 0; j &lt; dsize; j++ )
                  int64_t next;
                  inpf.read( ( char* )&next, sizeof( int64_t ) );

                  g_function_data[ func ].data.push_back( next );

            inpf.close( );

            list_code( state,
             ap_code.get( ), g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes,
             ap_data.get( ), g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes,
             g_call_stack_pages * c_call_stack_page_bytes, g_user_stack_pages * c_user_stack_page_bytes, true );
      else if( cmd == "save" && !arg_1.empty( ) )
         ofstream outf( arg_1.c_str( ), ios::out | ios::binary );

         if( !outf )
            cout &lt;&lt; "error: unable to open '" &lt;&lt; arg_1 &lt;&lt; "' for output" &lt;&lt; endl;
            outf.write( ( const char* )&g_val, sizeof( g_val ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&g_val1, sizeof( g_val1 ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&g_balance, sizeof( g_balance ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&g_first_call, sizeof( g_first_call ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&g_increment_func, sizeof( g_increment_func ) );

            outf.write( ( const char* )&state.pc, sizeof( state.pc ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&state.cs, sizeof( state.cs ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&state.us, sizeof( state.us ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&state.pce, sizeof( state.pce ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&state.pcs, sizeof( state.pcs ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&state.steps, sizeof( state.steps ) );

            outf.write( ( const char* )&state.a1, sizeof( state.a1 ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&state.a2, sizeof( state.a2 ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&state.a3, sizeof( state.a3 ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&state.a4, sizeof( state.a4 ) );

            outf.write( ( const char* )&state.b1, sizeof( state.b1 ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&state.b2, sizeof( state.b2 ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&state.b3, sizeof( state.b3 ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&state.b4, sizeof( state.b4 ) );

            outf.write( ( const char* )&g_code_pages, sizeof( g_code_pages ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )ap_code.get( ), g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes );

            outf.write( ( const char* )&g_data_pages, sizeof( g_data_pages ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&g_call_stack_pages, sizeof( g_call_stack_pages ) );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&g_user_stack_pages, sizeof( g_user_stack_pages ) );

            outf.write( ( const char* )ap_data.get( ), g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes
             + g_call_stack_pages * c_call_stack_page_bytes + g_user_stack_pages * c_user_stack_page_bytes );

            size_t size = g_function_data.size( );
            outf.write( ( const char* )&size, sizeof( size_t ) );

            for( map&lt; int32_t, function_data &gt;::iterator i = g_function_data.begin( ); i != g_function_data.end( ); ++i )
               outf.write( ( const char* )&i-&gt;first, sizeof( int32_t ) );
               outf.write( ( const char* )&i-&gt;second.loop, sizeof( bool ) );
               outf.write( ( const char* )&i-&gt;second.offset, sizeof( size_t ) );

               size_t dsize = i-&gt;second.data.size( );
               outf.write( ( const char* )&dsize, sizeof( size_t ) );

               for( size_t j = 0; j &lt; dsize; j++ )
                  outf.write( ( const char* )&i-&gt;second.data[ j ], sizeof( int64_t ) );

            outf.close( );
      else if( cmd == "size" )
         if( arg_1.empty( ) || arg_2.empty( ) )
            if( arg_1.empty( ) || arg_1 == "code" )
               cout &lt;&lt; "code (" &lt;&lt; g_code_pages &lt;&lt; " * "
                &lt;&lt; c_code_page_bytes &lt;&lt; ") = " &lt;&lt; ( g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes ) &lt;&lt; " bytes\n";

            if( arg_1.empty( ) || arg_1 == "data" )
               cout &lt;&lt; "data (" &lt;&lt; g_data_pages &lt;&lt; " * "
                &lt;&lt; c_data_page_bytes &lt;&lt; ") = " &lt;&lt; ( g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes ) &lt;&lt; " bytes\n";

            if( arg_1.empty( ) || arg_1 == "call" )
               cout &lt;&lt; "call (" &lt;&lt; g_call_stack_pages &lt;&lt; " * "
                &lt;&lt; c_call_stack_page_bytes &lt;&lt; ") = " &lt;&lt; ( g_call_stack_pages * c_call_stack_page_bytes ) &lt;&lt; " bytes\n";

            if( arg_1.empty( ) || arg_1 == "user" )
               cout &lt;&lt; "user (" &lt;&lt; g_user_stack_pages &lt;&lt; " * "
                &lt;&lt; c_user_stack_page_bytes &lt;&lt; ") = " &lt;&lt; ( g_user_stack_pages * c_user_stack_page_bytes ) &lt;&lt; " bytes\n";
            int pages = atoi( arg_2.c_str( ) );
            if( pages &lt;= 0 )
               throw runtime_error( "invalid # pages value: " + arg_2 );

            if( arg_1 == "code" )
               g_code_pages = pages;

               ap_code.reset( new int8_t[ g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes ] );

               memset( ap_code.get( ), 0, g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes );
               if( arg_1 == "data" )
                  g_data_pages = pages;
               else if( arg_1 == "call" )
                  g_call_stack_pages = pages;
               else if( arg_1 == "user" )
                  g_user_stack_pages = pages;
                  throw runtime_error( "unexpected arg_1 '" + arg_1 + "' for 'size' command" );

               ap_data.reset( new int8_t[ g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes
               + g_call_stack_pages * c_call_stack_page_bytes + g_user_stack_pages * c_user_stack_page_bytes ] );

               memset( ap_data.get( ), 0, g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes
                + g_call_stack_pages * c_call_stack_page_bytes + g_user_stack_pages * c_user_stack_page_bytes );
      else if( cmd == "step" )
         int32_t steps = 0;
         int32_t num_steps = 0;

         if( !arg_1.empty( ) )
            num_steps = atoi( arg_1.c_str( ) );

         if( state.finished )
            reset_machine( state,
             ap_code.get( ), g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes,
             ap_data.get( ), g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes,
             g_call_stack_pages * c_call_stack_page_bytes, g_user_stack_pages * c_user_stack_page_bytes );

         while( true )
            if( !check_has_balance( ) )

            int rc = process_op(
             ap_code.get( ), g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes,
             ap_data.get( ), g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes,
             g_call_stack_pages * c_call_stack_page_bytes,
             g_user_stack_pages * c_user_stack_page_bytes, false, false, state );

            if( !check_has_balance( ) )


            if( rc &gt;= 0 )
               if( state.stopped || state.finished || num_steps && steps &gt;= num_steps )
                  if( state.stopped )
                     cout &lt;&lt; "(stopped)\n";
                  else if( state.finished )
                     cout &lt;&lt; "(finished)\n";

               else if( !num_steps )
               if( rc == -1 )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "error: overflow\n";
               else if( rc == -2 )
                  cout &lt;&lt; "error: invalid code\n";
                  cout &lt;&lt; "unexpected error\n";

      else if( cmd == "break" )
         if( arg_1.empty( ) )
            for( set&lt; int32_t &gt;::iterator i = break_points.begin( ); i != break_points.end( ); ++i )
               cout &lt;&lt; *i &lt;&lt; '\n';
            int32_t bp;
            if( arg_1.size( ) &gt; 2 && arg_1.find( "0x" ) == 0 )
               istringstream isstr( arg_1.substr( 2 ) );
               isstr &gt;&gt; hex &gt;&gt; bp;
               bp = atoi( arg_1.c_str( ) );

            if( break_points.count( bp ) )
               break_points.erase( bp );
               break_points.insert( bp );
      else if( cmd == "reset" )
         reset_machine( state,
          ap_code.get( ), g_code_pages * c_code_page_bytes,
          ap_data.get( ), g_data_pages * c_data_page_bytes,
          g_call_stack_pages * c_call_stack_page_bytes, g_user_stack_pages * c_user_stack_page_bytes );
      else if( cmd == "state" )
         dump_state( state );
      else if( cmd == "balance" )
         if( arg_1.empty( ) )
            cout &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; g_balance &lt;&lt; '\n';
            g_balance = atoi( arg_1.c_str( ) );
      else if( cmd == "function" && !arg_1.empty( ) )
         bool is_increment_func = false;
         if( arg_1[ 0 ] == '+' )
            is_increment_func = true;
            arg_1.erase( 0, 1 );

         int32_t func = atoi( arg_1.c_str( ) );

         if( is_increment_func )
            g_increment_func = func;

         if( ( !is_increment_func || !arg_2.empty( ) ) && g_function_data.count( func ) )
            g_function_data.erase( func );

         if( !arg_2.empty( ) )
            while( true )
               string::size_type pos = arg_2.find( ',' );

               string next( arg_2.substr( 0, pos ) );

               int64_t val;
               if( next.size( ) &gt; 2 && next.find( "0x" ) == 0 )
                  istringstream isstr( next );
                  isstr &gt;&gt; hex &gt;&gt; val;
                  val = atoi( next.c_str( ) );

               g_function_data[ func ].data.push_back( val );

               if( pos == string::npos )

               arg_2.erase( 0, pos + 1 );

            if( arg_3 == "true" )
               g_function_data[ func ].loop = true;
      else if( cmd == "functions" )
         for( map&lt; int32_t, function_data &gt;::iterator i = g_function_data.begin( ); i != g_function_data.end( ); ++i )
            if( i-&gt;first == g_increment_func )
               cout &lt;&lt; '+';
               cout &lt;&lt; ' ';

            cout &lt;&lt; dec &lt;&lt; setw( 3 ) &lt;&lt; setfill( '0' ) &lt;&lt; i-&gt;first;

            for( size_t j = 0; j &lt; i-&gt;second.data.size( ); j++ )
               cout &lt;&lt; ( j == 0 ? ' ' : ',' ) &lt;&lt; "0x" &lt;&lt; hex &lt;&lt; setw( 16 ) &lt;&lt; i-&gt;second.data[ j ];

            if( i-&gt;second.loop )
               cout &lt;&lt; " true\n";
               cout &lt;&lt; " false\n";
      else if( cmd == "quit" || cmd == "exit" )
         cout &lt;&lt; "invalid command: " &lt;&lt; cmd &lt;&lt; endl;


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