package common; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ACCTAPI implements API { private class Account { public String address; public long balance; public Account(String address, long amount) { this.address = address; this.balance = amount; } } private class Transaction { public int txType; public String creator; public String recipient; public long amount; public long[] message; } private class Block { public List transactions; public Block() { this.transactions = new ArrayList(); } } // private List blockchain; private Map accounts; private long balanceAT; private long previousBalanceAT; // public ACCTAPI() { // build blockchain this.blockchain = new ArrayList(); Block genesisBlock = new Block(); this.blockchain.add(genesisBlock); // generate accounts this.accounts = new HashMap(); Account initiator = new Account("Initiator", 0); this.accounts.put(initiator.address, initiator); Account responder = new Account("Responder", 10000); this.accounts.put(responder.address, responder); Account bystander = new Account("Bystander", 999); this.accounts.put(bystander.address, bystander); this.balanceAT = 50000; this.previousBalanceAT = this.balanceAT; } public void generateNextBlock(byte[] secret) { Random random = new Random(); Block block = new Block(); System.out.println("Block " + (this.blockchain.size() + 1)); int transactionCount = random.nextInt(5); for (int i = 0; i < transactionCount; ++i) { Transaction transaction = new Transaction(); transaction.txType = random.nextInt(2); switch (transaction.txType) { case 0: // payment transaction.amount = random.nextInt(1000); System.out.print("Payment Tx [" + transaction.amount + "]"); break; case 1: // message System.out.print("Message Tx ["); transaction.message = new long[4]; if (random.nextInt(3) == 0) { // correct message transaction.message[0] = fromBytes(secret, 0); transaction.message[1] = fromBytes(secret, 8); transaction.message[2] = fromBytes(secret, 16); transaction.message[3] = fromBytes(secret, 24); } else { // incorrect message transaction.message[0] = 0xdeadbeefdeadbeefL; transaction.message[1] = 0xdeadbeefdeadbeefL; transaction.message[2] = 0xdeadbeefdeadbeefL; transaction.message[3] = 0xdeadbeefdeadbeefL; } System.out.print(String.format("%016x", transaction.message[0])); System.out.print(String.format("%016x", transaction.message[1])); System.out.print(String.format("%016x", transaction.message[2])); System.out.print(String.format("%016x", transaction.message[3])); System.out.print("]"); break; } transaction.creator = getRandomAccount(); transaction.recipient = getRandomAccount(); System.out.println(" from " + transaction.creator + " to " + transaction.recipient); block.transactions.add(transaction); } this.blockchain.add(block); this.previousBalanceAT = this.balanceAT; } /** Convert long to little-endian byte array */ private byte[] toByteArray(long value) { return new byte[] { (byte) (value), (byte) (value >> 8), (byte) (value >> 16), (byte) (value >> 24), (byte) (value >> 32), (byte) (value >> 40), (byte) (value >> 48), (byte) (value >> 56) }; } /** Convert part of little-endian byte[] to long */ private long fromBytes(byte[] bytes, int start) { return (bytes[start] & 0xffL) | (bytes[start + 1] & 0xffL) << 8 | (bytes[start + 2] & 0xffL) << 16 | (bytes[start + 3] & 0xffL) << 24 | (bytes[start + 4] & 0xffL) << 32 | (bytes[start + 5] & 0xffL) << 40 | (bytes[start + 6] & 0xffL) << 48 | (bytes[start + 7] & 0xffL) << 56; } private String getRandomAccount() { int numAccounts = this.accounts.size(); int accountIndex = new Random().nextInt(numAccounts); List accounts = this.accounts.values().stream().collect(Collectors.toList()); return accounts.get(accountIndex).address; } @Override public int getCurrentBlockHeight() { return this.blockchain.size(); } @Override public int getATCreationBlockHeight(MachineState state) { return 1; } @Override public void putPreviousBlockHashInA(MachineState state) { state.a1 = this.blockchain.size() - 1; state.a2 = state.a1; state.a3 = state.a1; state.a4 = state.a1; } @Override public void putTransactionAfterTimestampInA(Timestamp timestamp, MachineState state) { int blockHeight = timestamp.blockHeight; int transactionSequence = timestamp.transactionSequence + 1; while (blockHeight <= this.blockchain.size()) { Block block = this.blockchain.get(blockHeight - 1); List transactions = block.transactions; if (transactionSequence > transactions.size() - 1) { // No more transactions at this height ++blockHeight; transactionSequence = 0; continue; } Transaction transaction = transactions.get(transactionSequence); if (transaction.recipient.equals("Initiator")) { // Found a transaction System.out.println("Found transaction at height " + blockHeight + " sequence " + transactionSequence); // Generate pseudo-hash of transaction state.a1 = new Timestamp(blockHeight, transactionSequence).longValue(); state.a2 = state.a1; state.a3 = state.a1; state.a4 = state.a1; return; } ++transactionSequence; } // Nothing found state.a1 = 0L; state.a2 = 0L; state.a3 = 0L; state.a4 = 0L; } @Override public long getTypeFromTransactionInA(MachineState state) { Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(state.a1); Block block = this.blockchain.get(timestamp.blockHeight - 1); Transaction transaction = block.transactions.get(timestamp.transactionSequence); return transaction.txType; } @Override public long getAmountFromTransactionInA(MachineState state) { Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(state.a1); Block block = this.blockchain.get(timestamp.blockHeight - 1); Transaction transaction = block.transactions.get(timestamp.transactionSequence); return transaction.amount; } @Override public long getTimestampFromTransactionInA(MachineState state) { // Transaction hash in A is actually just 4 copies of transaction's "timestamp" Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(state.a1); return timestamp.longValue(); } @Override public long generateRandomUsingTransactionInA(MachineState state) { // NOT USED return 0L; } @Override public void putMessageFromTransactionInAIntoB(MachineState state) { Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(state.a1); Block block = this.blockchain.get(timestamp.blockHeight - 1); Transaction transaction = block.transactions.get(timestamp.transactionSequence); state.b1 = transaction.message[0]; state.b2 = transaction.message[1]; state.b3 = transaction.message[2]; state.b4 = transaction.message[3]; } @Override public void putAddressFromTransactionInAIntoB(MachineState state) { Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(state.a1); Block block = this.blockchain.get(timestamp.blockHeight - 1); Transaction transaction = block.transactions.get(timestamp.transactionSequence); state.b1 = transaction.creator.charAt(0); state.b2 = state.b1; state.b3 = state.b1; state.b4 = state.b1; } @Override public void putCreatorAddressIntoB(MachineState state) { // Dummy creator state.b1 = "C".charAt(0); state.b2 = state.b1; state.b3 = state.b1; state.b4 = state.b1; } @Override public long getCurrentBalance(MachineState state) { return this.balanceAT; } @Override public long getPreviousBalance(MachineState state) { return this.previousBalanceAT; } @Override public void payAmountToB(long value1, MachineState state) { char firstChar = String.format("%c", state.b1).charAt(0); Account recipient = this.accounts.values().stream().filter((account) -> account.address.charAt(0) == firstChar).findFirst().get(); recipient.balance += value1; System.out.println("Paid " + value1 + " to " + recipient.address + ", their balance now: " + recipient.balance); this.balanceAT -= value1; System.out.println("Our balance now: " + this.balanceAT); } @Override public void payCurrentBalanceToB(MachineState state) { // NOT USED } @Override public void payPreviousBalanceToB(MachineState state) { // NOT USED } @Override public void messageAToB(MachineState state) { // NOT USED } @Override public long addMinutesToTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp, long minutes, MachineState state) { timestamp.blockHeight += (int) minutes; return timestamp.longValue(); } @Override public void onFatalError(MachineState state, ExecutionException e) { System.out.println("Fatal error: " + e.getMessage()); System.out.println("No error address set - refunding to creator and finishing"); } @Override public void platformSpecificPreExecuteCheck(short functionCodeValue, int paramCount, boolean returnValueExpected) throws IllegalFunctionCodeException { // NOT USED } @Override public void platformSpecificPostCheckExecute(short functionCodeValue, FunctionData functionData, MachineState state) throws ExecutionException { // NOT USED } }