2021-05-27 00:09:36 +05:00
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
lib_dir=$(dirname $0)/../../../net/forwarding
ALL_TESTS="fw_flash_test params_test regions_test reload_test \
netns_reload_test resource_test dev_info_test \
2021-09-23 21:59:15 +05:00
empty_reporter_test dummy_reporter_test"
2021-05-27 00:09:36 +05:00
source $lib_dir/lib.sh
devlink dev flash $DL_HANDLE file dummy
check_err $? "Failed to flash with status updates on"
devlink dev flash $DL_HANDLE file dummy component fw.mgmt
check_err $? "Failed to flash with component attribute"
devlink dev flash $DL_HANDLE file dummy overwrite settings
check_fail $? "Flash with overwrite settings should be rejected"
echo "1"> $DEBUGFS_DIR/fw_update_overwrite_mask
check_err $? "Failed to change allowed overwrite mask"
devlink dev flash $DL_HANDLE file dummy overwrite settings
check_err $? "Failed to flash with settings overwrite enabled"
devlink dev flash $DL_HANDLE file dummy overwrite identifiers
check_fail $? "Flash with overwrite settings should be identifiers"
echo "3"> $DEBUGFS_DIR/fw_update_overwrite_mask
check_err $? "Failed to change allowed overwrite mask"
devlink dev flash $DL_HANDLE file dummy overwrite identifiers overwrite settings
check_err $? "Failed to flash with settings and identifiers overwrite enabled"
echo "n"> $DEBUGFS_DIR/fw_update_status
check_err $? "Failed to disable status updates"
devlink dev flash $DL_HANDLE file dummy
check_err $? "Failed to flash with status updates off"
log_test "fw flash test"
local name=$1
cmd_jq "devlink dev param show $DL_HANDLE name $name -j" \
'.[][][].values[] | select(.cmode == "driverinit").value'
local name=$1
local value=$2
devlink dev param set $DL_HANDLE name $name cmode driverinit value $value
local name=$1
local phase_name=$2
local expected_param_value=$3
local expected_debugfs_value=$4
local value
value=$(param_get $name)
check_err $? "Failed to get $name param value"
[ "$value" == "$expected_param_value" ]
check_err $? "Unexpected $phase_name $name param value"
check_err $? "Failed to get $name debugfs value"
[ "$value" == "$expected_debugfs_value" ]
check_err $? "Unexpected $phase_name $name debugfs value"
local max_macs
local test1
check_value max_macs initial 32 32
check_value test1 initial true Y
param_set max_macs 16
check_err $? "Failed to set max_macs param value"
param_set test1 false
check_err $? "Failed to set test1 param value"
check_value max_macs post-set 16 32
check_value test1 post-set false Y
devlink dev reload $DL_HANDLE
check_value max_macs post-reload 16 16
check_value test1 post-reload false N
log_test "params test"
local name=$1
local size
size=$(devlink region show $DL_HANDLE/$name -j | jq -e -r '.[][].size')
check_err $? "Failed to get $name region size"
[ $size -eq 32768 ]
check_err $? "Invalid $name region size"
local name=$1
local phase_name=$2
local expected_count=$3
local count
count=$(devlink region show $DL_HANDLE/$name -j | jq -e -r '.[][].snapshot | length')
[ $count -eq $expected_count ]
check_err $? "Unexpected $phase_name snapshot count"
local count
check_region_size dummy
check_region_snapshot_count dummy initial 0
echo ""> $DEBUGFS_DIR/take_snapshot
check_err $? "Failed to take first dummy region snapshot"
check_region_snapshot_count dummy post-first-snapshot 1
echo ""> $DEBUGFS_DIR/take_snapshot
check_err $? "Failed to take second dummy region snapshot"
check_region_snapshot_count dummy post-second-snapshot 2
echo ""> $DEBUGFS_DIR/take_snapshot
check_err $? "Failed to take third dummy region snapshot"
check_region_snapshot_count dummy post-third-snapshot 3
devlink region del $DL_HANDLE/dummy snapshot 1
check_err $? "Failed to delete first dummy region snapshot"
check_region_snapshot_count dummy post-first-delete 2
devlink region new $DL_HANDLE/dummy snapshot 25
check_err $? "Failed to create a new snapshot with id 25"
check_region_snapshot_count dummy post-first-request 3
devlink region dump $DL_HANDLE/dummy snapshot 25 >> /dev/null
check_err $? "Failed to dump snapshot with id 25"
devlink region read $DL_HANDLE/dummy snapshot 25 addr 0 len 1 >> /dev/null
check_err $? "Failed to read snapshot with id 25 (1 byte)"
devlink region read $DL_HANDLE/dummy snapshot 25 addr 128 len 128 >> /dev/null
check_err $? "Failed to read snapshot with id 25 (128 bytes)"
devlink region read $DL_HANDLE/dummy snapshot 25 addr 128 len $((1<<32)) >> /dev/null
check_err $? "Failed to read snapshot with id 25 (oversized)"
devlink region read $DL_HANDLE/dummy snapshot 25 addr $((1<<32)) len 128 >> /dev/null 2>&1
check_fail $? "Bad read of snapshot with id 25 did not fail"
devlink region del $DL_HANDLE/dummy snapshot 25
check_err $? "Failed to delete snapshot with id 25"
check_region_snapshot_count dummy post-second-delete 2
sid=$(devlink -j region new $DL_HANDLE/dummy | jq '.[][][][]')
check_err $? "Failed to create a new snapshot with id allocated by the kernel"
check_region_snapshot_count dummy post-first-request 3
devlink region dump $DL_HANDLE/dummy snapshot $sid >> /dev/null
check_err $? "Failed to dump a snapshot with id allocated by the kernel"
devlink region del $DL_HANDLE/dummy snapshot $sid
check_err $? "Failed to delete snapshot with id allocated by the kernel"
check_region_snapshot_count dummy post-first-request 2
log_test "regions test"
devlink dev reload $DL_HANDLE
check_err $? "Failed to reload"
echo "y"> $DEBUGFS_DIR/fail_reload
check_err $? "Failed to setup devlink reload to fail"
devlink dev reload $DL_HANDLE
check_fail $? "Unexpected success of devlink reload"
echo "n"> $DEBUGFS_DIR/fail_reload
check_err $? "Failed to setup devlink reload not to fail"
devlink dev reload $DL_HANDLE
check_err $? "Failed to reload after set not to fail"
echo "y"> $DEBUGFS_DIR/dont_allow_reload
check_err $? "Failed to forbid devlink reload"
devlink dev reload $DL_HANDLE
check_fail $? "Unexpected success of devlink reload"
echo "n"> $DEBUGFS_DIR/dont_allow_reload
check_err $? "Failed to re-enable devlink reload"
devlink dev reload $DL_HANDLE
check_err $? "Failed to reload after re-enable"
log_test "reload test"
ip netns add testns1
check_err $? "Failed add netns \"testns1\""
ip netns add testns2
check_err $? "Failed add netns \"testns2\""
devlink dev reload $DL_HANDLE netns testns1
check_err $? "Failed to reload into netns \"testns1\""
devlink -N testns1 dev reload $DL_HANDLE netns testns2
check_err $? "Failed to reload from netns \"testns1\" into netns \"testns2\""
ip netns del testns2
ip netns del testns1
log_test "netns reload test"
local netns=$1
local parentname=$2
local name=$3
local type=$4
cmd_jq "devlink -N $netns resource show $DL_HANDLE -j" \
".[][][] | select(.name == \"$parentname\").resources[] \
| select(.name == \"$name\").$type"
ip netns add testns1
check_err $? "Failed add netns \"testns1\""
ip netns add testns2
check_err $? "Failed add netns \"testns2\""
devlink dev reload $DL_HANDLE netns testns1
check_err $? "Failed to reload into netns \"testns1\""
# Create dummy dev to add the address and routes on.
ip -n testns1 link add name $DUMMYDEV type dummy
check_err $? "Failed create dummy device"
ip -n testns1 link set $DUMMYDEV up
check_err $? "Failed bring up dummy device"
ip -n testns1 a a dev $DUMMYDEV
check_err $? "Failed add an IP address to dummy device"
local occ=$(res_val_get testns1 IPv4 fib occ)
local limit=$((occ+1))
# Set fib size limit to handle one another route only.
devlink -N testns1 resource set $DL_HANDLE path IPv4/fib size $limit
check_err $? "Failed to set IPv4/fib resource size"
local size_new=$(res_val_get testns1 IPv4 fib size_new)
[ "$size_new" -eq "$limit" ]
check_err $? "Unexpected \"size_new\" value (got $size_new, expected $limit)"
devlink -N testns1 dev reload $DL_HANDLE
check_err $? "Failed to reload"
local size=$(res_val_get testns1 IPv4 fib size)
[ "$size" -eq "$limit" ]
check_err $? "Unexpected \"size\" value (got $size, expected $limit)"
# Insert 2 routes, the first is going to be inserted,
# the second is expected to fail to be inserted.
ip -n testns1 r a via
check_err $? "Failed to add route"
ip -n testns1 r a via
check_fail $? "Unexpected successful route add over limit"
# Now create another dummy in second network namespace and
# insert two routes. That is over the limit of the netdevsim
# instance in the first namespace. Move the netdevsim instance
# into the second namespace and expect it to fail.
ip -n testns2 link add name $DUMMYDEV type dummy
check_err $? "Failed create dummy device"
ip -n testns2 link set $DUMMYDEV up
check_err $? "Failed bring up dummy device"
ip -n testns2 a a dev $DUMMYDEV
check_err $? "Failed add an IP address to dummy device"
ip -n testns2 r a via
check_err $? "Failed to add route"
ip -n testns2 r a via
check_err $? "Failed to add route"
devlink -N testns1 dev reload $DL_HANDLE netns testns2
check_fail $? "Unexpected successful reload from netns \"testns1\" into netns \"testns2\""
devlink -N testns2 resource set $DL_HANDLE path IPv4/fib size ' -1'
check_err $? "Failed to reset IPv4/fib resource size"
devlink -N testns2 dev reload $DL_HANDLE netns 1
check_err $? "Failed to reload devlink back"
ip netns del testns2
ip netns del testns1
log_test "resource test"
local name=$1
cmd_jq "devlink dev info $DL_HANDLE -j" ".[][][\"$name\"]" "-e"
driver=$(info_get "driver")
check_err $? "Failed to get driver name"
[ "$driver" == "netdevsim" ]
check_err $? "Unexpected driver name $driver"
log_test "dev_info test"
devlink health show $DL_HANDLE reporter empty >/dev/null
check_err $? "Failed show empty reporter"
devlink health dump show $DL_HANDLE reporter empty >/dev/null
check_err $? "Failed show dump of empty reporter"
devlink health diagnose $DL_HANDLE reporter empty >/dev/null
check_err $? "Failed diagnose empty reporter"
devlink health recover $DL_HANDLE reporter empty
check_err $? "Failed recover empty reporter"
log_test "empty reporter test"
local name=$1
local expected_state=$2
local expected_error=$3
local expected_recover=$4
local expected_grace_period=$5
local expected_auto_recover=$6
local show=$(devlink health show $DL_HANDLE reporter $name -j | jq -e -r ".[][][]")
check_err $? "Failed show $name reporter"
local state=$(echo $show | jq -r ".state")
[ "$state" == "$expected_state" ]
check_err $? "Unexpected \"state\" value (got $state, expected $expected_state)"
local error=$(echo $show | jq -r ".error")
[ "$error" == "$expected_error" ]
check_err $? "Unexpected \"error\" value (got $error, expected $expected_error)"
local recover=`echo $show | jq -r ".recover"`
[ "$recover" == "$expected_recover" ]
check_err $? "Unexpected \"recover\" value (got $recover, expected $expected_recover)"
local grace_period=$(echo $show | jq -r ".grace_period")
check_err $? "Failed get $name reporter grace_period"
[ "$grace_period" == "$expected_grace_period" ]
check_err $? "Unexpected \"grace_period\" value (got $grace_period, expected $expected_grace_period)"
local auto_recover=$(echo $show | jq -r ".auto_recover")
[ "$auto_recover" == "$expected_auto_recover" ]
check_err $? "Unexpected \"auto_recover\" value (got $auto_recover, expected $expected_auto_recover)"
check_reporter_info dummy healthy 0 0 0 true
devlink health set $DL_HANDLE reporter dummy auto_recover false
check_err $? "Failed to dummy reporter auto_recover option"
check_reporter_info dummy healthy 0 0 0 false
local BREAK_MSG="foo bar"
echo "$BREAK_MSG"> $DEBUGFS_DIR/health/break_health
check_err $? "Failed to break dummy reporter"
check_reporter_info dummy error 1 0 0 false
local dump=$(devlink health dump show $DL_HANDLE reporter dummy -j)
check_err $? "Failed show dump of dummy reporter"
local dump_break_msg=$(echo $dump | jq -r ".break_message")
[ "$dump_break_msg" == "$BREAK_MSG" ]
check_err $? "Unexpected dump break message value (got $dump_break_msg, expected $BREAK_MSG)"
devlink health dump clear $DL_HANDLE reporter dummy
check_err $? "Failed clear dump of dummy reporter"
devlink health recover $DL_HANDLE reporter dummy
check_err $? "Failed recover dummy reporter"
check_reporter_info dummy healthy 1 1 0 false
devlink health set $DL_HANDLE reporter dummy auto_recover true
check_err $? "Failed to dummy reporter auto_recover option"
check_reporter_info dummy healthy 1 1 0 true
echo "$BREAK_MSG"> $DEBUGFS_DIR/health/break_health
check_err $? "Failed to break dummy reporter"
check_reporter_info dummy healthy 2 2 0 true
local diagnose=$(devlink health diagnose $DL_HANDLE reporter dummy -j -p)
check_err $? "Failed show diagnose of dummy reporter"
local rcvrd_break_msg=$(echo $diagnose | jq -r ".recovered_break_message")
[ "$rcvrd_break_msg" == "$BREAK_MSG" ]
check_err $? "Unexpected recovered break message value (got $rcvrd_break_msg, expected $BREAK_MSG)"
devlink health set $DL_HANDLE reporter dummy grace_period 10
check_err $? "Failed to dummy reporter grace_period option"
check_reporter_info dummy healthy 2 2 10 true
echo "Y"> $DEBUGFS_DIR/health/fail_recover
check_err $? "Failed set dummy reporter recovery to fail"
echo "$BREAK_MSG"> $DEBUGFS_DIR/health/break_health
check_fail $? "Unexpected success of dummy reporter break"
check_reporter_info dummy error 3 2 10 true
devlink health recover $DL_HANDLE reporter dummy
check_fail $? "Unexpected success of dummy reporter recover"
echo "N"> $DEBUGFS_DIR/health/fail_recover
check_err $? "Failed set dummy reporter recovery to be successful"
devlink health recover $DL_HANDLE reporter dummy
check_err $? "Failed recover dummy reporter"
check_reporter_info dummy healthy 3 3 10 true
echo 8192> $DEBUGFS_DIR/health/binary_len
check_fail $? "Failed set dummy reporter binary len to 8192"
local dump=$(devlink health dump show $DL_HANDLE reporter dummy -j)
check_err $? "Failed show dump of dummy reporter"
devlink health dump clear $DL_HANDLE reporter dummy
check_err $? "Failed clear dump of dummy reporter"
log_test "dummy reporter test"
modprobe netdevsim
echo "$BUS_ADDR $PORT_COUNT" > /sys/bus/netdevsim/new_device
while [ ! -d $SYSFS_NET_DIR ] ; do :; done
echo "$BUS_ADDR" > /sys/bus/netdevsim/del_device
modprobe -r netdevsim
trap cleanup EXIT