"BriefDescription":"Number of SSE/AVX computational 128-bit packed double precision floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Each count represents 2 computation operations, one for each element. Applies to SSE* and AVX* packed double precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB HADD HSUB SUBADD MUL DIV MIN MAX SQRT DPP FM(N)ADD/SUB. DPP and FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform 2 calculations per element.",
"BriefDescription":"Number of SSE/AVX computational 128-bit packed single precision floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Each count represents 4 computation operations, one for each element. Applies to SSE* and AVX* packed single precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB HADD HSUB SUBADD MUL DIV MIN MAX SQRT RSQRT RCP DPP FM(N)ADD/SUB. DPP and FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform 4 calculations per element.",
"BriefDescription":"Number of SSE/AVX computational 256-bit packed double precision floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Each count represents 4 computation operations, one for each element. Applies to SSE* and AVX* packed double precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB HADD HSUB SUBADD MUL DIV MIN MAX SQRT FM(N)ADD/SUB. FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform 4 calculations per element.",
"BriefDescription":"Number of SSE/AVX computational 256-bit packed single precision floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Each count represents 8 computation operations, one for each element. Applies to SSE* and AVX* packed single precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB HADD HSUB SUBADD MUL DIV MIN MAX SQRT RSQRT RCP DPP FM(N)ADD/SUB. DPP and FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform 8 calculations per element.",
"BriefDescription":"Number of SSE/AVX computational double precision floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Applies to SSE* and AVX* scalar and packed double precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB HADD HSUB SUBADD MUL DIV MIN MAX SQRT DPP FM(N)ADD/SUB. DPP and FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform multiple calculations per element.",
"BriefDescription":"Number of SSE/AVX computational packed floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Applies to SSE* and AVX* packed double and single precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB HADD HSUB SUBADD MUL DIV MIN MAX SQRT RSQRT RCP DPP FM(N)ADD/SUB. DPP and FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform multiple calculations per element.",
"BriefDescription":"Number of SSE/AVX computational scalar floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Each count represents 1 computation operation. Applies to SSE* and AVX* scalar double and single precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB MUL DIV MIN MAX SQRT RSQRT RCP FM(N)ADD/SUB. FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform multiple calculations per element.",
"BriefDescription":"Number of SSE/AVX computational scalar double precision floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Each count represents 1 computational operation. Applies to SSE* and AVX* scalar double precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB MUL DIV MIN MAX SQRT FM(N)ADD/SUB. FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform multiple calculations per element.",
"BriefDescription":"Number of SSE/AVX computational scalar single precision floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Each count represents 1 computational operation. Applies to SSE* and AVX* scalar single precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB MUL DIV MIN MAX SQRT RSQRT RCP FM(N)ADD/SUB. FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform multiple calculations per element.",
"BriefDescription":"Number of SSE/AVX computational single precision floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Applies to SSE* and AVX* scalar and packed single precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB HADD HSUB SUBADD MUL DIV MIN MAX SQRT RSQRT RCP SQRT DPP FM(N)ADD/SUB. DPP and FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform multiple calculations per element.",
"PublicDescription":"This event counts cycles with any input and output SSE or x87 FP assist. If an input and output assist are detected on the same cycle the event increments by 1.",
"PublicDescription":"This event counts the number of SSE* floating point (FP) micro-code assist (numeric overflow/underflow) when the output value (destination register) is invalid. Counting covers only cases involving penalties that require micro-code assist intervention.",
"PublicDescription":"This event counts x87 floating point (FP) micro-code assist (invalid operation, denormal operand, SNaN operand) when the input value (one of the source operands to an FP instruction) is invalid.",
"PublicDescription":"This event counts the number of x87 floating point (FP) micro-code assist (numeric overflow/underflow, inexact result) when the output value (destination register) is invalid.",
"BriefDescription":"Micro-op dispatches cancelled due to insufficient SIMD physical register file read ports",
"PublicDescription":"This event counts the number of micro-operations cancelled after they were dispatched from the scheduler to the execution units when the total number of physical register read ports across all dispatch ports exceeds the read bandwidth of the physical register file. The SIMD_PRF subevent applies to the following instructions: VDPPS, DPPS, VPCMPESTRI, PCMPESTRI, VPCMPESTRM, PCMPESTRM, VFMADD*, VFMADDSUB*, VFMSUB*, VMSUBADD*, VFNMADD*, VFNMSUB*. See the Broadwell Optimization Guide for more information.",