/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Aaron Seigo SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "scriptengine_v1.h" #include "debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // KIO //#include // no camelcase include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../screenpool.h" #include "../standaloneappcorona.h" #include "appinterface.h" #include "configgroup.h" #include "containment.h" #include "panel.h" #include "widget.h" namespace { template inline void awaitFuture(const QFuture &future) { while (!future.isFinished()) { QCoreApplication::processEvents(); } } class ScriptArray_forEach_Helper { public: ScriptArray_forEach_Helper(const QJSValue &array) : array(array) { } // operator + is commonly used for these things // to avoid having the lambda inside the parenthesis template void operator+(Function function) const { if (!array.isArray()) return; int length = array.property("length").toInt(); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { function(array.property(i)); } } private: const QJSValue &array; }; #define SCRIPT_ARRAY_FOREACH(Variable, Array) ScriptArray_forEach_Helper(Array) + [&](const QJSValue &Variable) class ScriptObject_forEach_Helper { public: ScriptObject_forEach_Helper(const QJSValue &object) : object(object) { } // operator + is commonly used for these things // to avoid having the lambda inside the parenthesis template void operator+(Function function) const { QJSValueIterator it(object); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); function(it.name(), it.value()); } } private: const QJSValue &object; }; #define SCRIPT_OBJECT_FOREACH(Key, Value, Array) ScriptObject_forEach_Helper(Array) + [&](const QString &Key, const QJSValue &Value) // Case insensitive comparison of two strings template inline bool matches(const QString &object, const StringType &string) { return object.compare(string, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0; } } namespace WorkspaceScripting { ScriptEngine::V1::V1(ScriptEngine *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_engine(parent) { } ScriptEngine::V1::~V1() { } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::getApiVersion(const QJSValue ¶m) { if (param.toInt() != 1) { return m_engine->newError(i18n("maximum api version supported is 1")); } return m_engine->newQObject(this); } int ScriptEngine::V1::gridUnit() const { int gridUnit = QFontMetrics(QGuiApplication::font()).boundingRect(QStringLiteral("M")).height(); if (gridUnit % 2 != 0) { gridUnit++; } return gridUnit; } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::desktopById(const QJSValue ¶m) const { // this needs to work also for string of numberls, like "20" if (param.isUndefined()) { return m_engine->newError(i18n("desktopById required an id")); } const quint32 id = param.toInt(); foreach (Plasma::Containment *c, m_engine->m_corona->containments()) { if (c->id() == id && !isPanel(c)) { return m_engine->wrap(c); } } return QJSValue(); } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::desktopsForActivity(const QJSValue &actId) const { if (!actId.isString()) { return m_engine->newError(i18n("desktopsForActivity requires an id")); } QJSValue containments = m_engine->newArray(); int count = 0; const QString id = actId.toString(); const auto result = m_engine->desktopsForActivity(id); for (Containment *c : result) { containments.setProperty(count, m_engine->newQObject(c)); ++count; } containments.setProperty(QStringLiteral("length"), count); return containments; } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::desktopForScreen(const QJSValue ¶m) const { // this needs to work also for string of numberls, like "20" if (param.isUndefined()) { return m_engine->newError(i18n("activityForScreen requires a screen id")); } const uint screen = param.toInt(); const auto containments = m_engine->m_corona->containmentsForScreen(screen); return m_engine->wrap(containments.empty() ? nullptr : containments[0]); } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::screenForConnector(const QJSValue ¶m) const { // this needs to work also for string of numerals, like "20" if (param.isUndefined()) { return m_engine->newError(i18n("screenForConnector requires a connector name")); } const QString connector = param.toString(); ShellCorona *sc = qobject_cast(m_engine->m_corona); if (sc) { return m_engine->toScriptValue(sc->screenPool()->id(connector)); } return m_engine->toScriptValue(-1); } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::createActivity(const QJSValue &nameParam, const QString &pluginParam) { if (!nameParam.isString()) { return m_engine->newError(i18n("createActivity required the activity name")); } QString plugin = pluginParam; const QString name = nameParam.toString(); KActivities::Controller controller; // This is not the nicest way to do this, but createActivity // is a synchronous API :/ QFuture futureId = controller.addActivity(name); awaitFuture(futureId); QString id = futureId.result(); qDebug() << "Setting default Containment plugin:" << plugin; ShellCorona *sc = qobject_cast(m_engine->m_corona); StandaloneAppCorona *ac = qobject_cast(m_engine->m_corona); if (sc) { if (plugin.isEmpty() || plugin == QLatin1String("undefined")) { plugin = sc->defaultContainmentPlugin(); } sc->insertActivity(id, plugin); } else if (ac) { if (plugin.isEmpty() || plugin == QLatin1String("undefined")) { KConfigGroup shellCfg = KConfigGroup(KSharedConfig::openConfig(m_engine->m_corona->kPackage().filePath("defaults")), "Desktop"); plugin = shellCfg.readEntry("Containment", "org.kde.desktopcontainment"); } ac->insertActivity(id, plugin); } return m_engine->toScriptValue(id); } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::setCurrentActivity(const QJSValue ¶m) { if (!param.isString()) { return m_engine->newError(i18n("setCurrentActivity required the activity id")); } const QString id = param.toString(); KActivities::Controller controller; QFuture task = controller.setCurrentActivity(id); awaitFuture(task); return task.result(); } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::setActivityName(const QJSValue &idParam, const QJSValue &nameParam) { if (!idParam.isString() || !nameParam.isString()) { return m_engine->newError(i18n("setActivityName required the activity id and name")); } const QString id = idParam.toString(); const QString name = nameParam.toString(); KActivities::Controller controller; QFuture task = controller.setActivityName(id, name); awaitFuture(task); return QJSValue(); } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::activityName(const QJSValue &idParam) const { if (!idParam.isString()) { return m_engine->newError(i18n("activityName required the activity id")); } const QString id = idParam.toString(); KActivities::Info info(id); return QJSValue(info.name()); } QString ScriptEngine::V1::currentActivity() const { KActivities::Consumer consumer; return consumer.currentActivity(); } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::activities() const { QJSValue acts = m_engine->newArray(); int count = 0; const auto result = m_engine->availableActivities(); for (const auto &a : result) { acts.setProperty(count, a); ++count; } acts.setProperty(QStringLiteral("length"), count); return acts; } // Utility function to process configs and config groups template void loadSerializedConfigs(Object *object, const QJSValue &configs) { SCRIPT_OBJECT_FOREACH(escapedGroup, config, configs) { // If the config group is set, pass it on to the containment QStringList groups = escapedGroup.split('/', Qt::SkipEmptyParts); for (QString &group : groups) { group = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(group.toUtf8()); } qDebug() << "Config group" << groups; object->setCurrentConfigGroup(groups); // Read other properties and set the configuration SCRIPT_OBJECT_FOREACH(key, value, config) { object->writeConfig(key, value); }; }; } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::loadSerializedLayout(const QJSValue &data) { if (!data.isObject()) { return m_engine->newError(i18n("loadSerializedLayout requires the JSON object to deserialize from")); } if (data.property("serializationFormatVersion").toInt() != 1) { return m_engine->newError(i18n("loadSerializedLayout: invalid version of the serialized object")); } const auto desktops = m_engine->desktopsForActivity(KActivities::Consumer().currentActivity()); Q_ASSERT_X(desktops.size() != 0, "V1::loadSerializedLayout", "We need desktops"); // qDebug() << "DESKTOP DESERIALIZATION: Loading desktops..."; int count = 0; SCRIPT_ARRAY_FOREACH(desktopData, data.property("desktops")) { // If the template has more desktops than we do, ignore them if (count >= desktops.size()) return; auto desktop = desktops[count]; // qDebug() << "DESKTOP DESERIALIZATION: var cont = desktopsArray[...]; " << count << " -> " << desktop; // Setting the wallpaper plugin because it is special desktop->setWallpaperPlugin(desktopData.property("wallpaperPlugin").toString()); // qDebug() << "DESKTOP DESERIALIZATION: cont->setWallpaperPlugin(...) " << desktop->wallpaperPlugin(); // Now, lets go through the configs loadSerializedConfigs(desktop, desktopData.property("config")); // After the config, we want to load the applets SCRIPT_ARRAY_FOREACH(appletData, desktopData.property("applets")) { // qDebug() << "DESKTOP DESERIALIZATION: Applet: " << appletData.toString(); auto appletObject = desktop->addWidget(appletData.property("plugin"), appletData.property("geometry.x").toInt() * gridUnit(), appletData.property("geometry.y").toInt() * gridUnit(), appletData.property("geometry.width").toInt() * gridUnit(), appletData.property("geometry.height").toInt() * gridUnit()); if (auto applet = qobject_cast(appletObject.toQObject())) { // Now, lets go through the configs for the applet loadSerializedConfigs(applet, appletData.property("config")); } }; count++; }; // qDebug() << "PANEL DESERIALIZATION: Loading panels..."; SCRIPT_ARRAY_FOREACH(panelData, data.property("panels")) { const auto panel = qobject_cast(m_engine->createContainmentWrapper(QStringLiteral("Panel"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.panel"))); Q_ASSERT(panel); // Basic panel setup panel->setLocation(panelData.property("location").toString()); panel->setHeight(panelData.property("height").toNumber() * gridUnit()); panel->setMaximumLength(panelData.property("maximumLength").toNumber() * gridUnit()); panel->setMinimumLength(panelData.property("minimumLength").toNumber() * gridUnit()); panel->setOffset(panelData.property("offset").toNumber() * gridUnit()); panel->setAlignment(panelData.property("alignment").toString()); panel->setHiding(panelData.property("hiding").toString()); // Loading the config for the panel loadSerializedConfigs(panel, panelData.property("config")); // Now dealing with the applets SCRIPT_ARRAY_FOREACH(appletData, panelData.property("applets")) { // qDebug() << "PANEL DESERIALIZATION: Applet: " << appletData.toString(); auto appletObject = panel->addWidget(appletData.property("plugin")); // qDebug() << "PANEL DESERIALIZATION: addWidget" // << appletData.property("plugin").toString() // ; if (auto applet = qobject_cast(appletObject.toQObject())) { // Now, lets go through the configs for the applet loadSerializedConfigs(applet, appletData.property("config")); } }; }; return QJSValue(); } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::newPanel(const QString &plugin) { return createContainment(QStringLiteral("Panel"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.panel"), plugin); } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::panelById(const QJSValue &idParam) const { // this needs to work also for string of numberls, like "20" if (idParam.isUndefined()) { return m_engine->newError(i18n("panelById requires an id")); } const quint32 id = idParam.toInt(); foreach (Plasma::Containment *c, m_engine->m_corona->containments()) { if (c->id() == id && isPanel(c)) { return m_engine->wrap(c); } } return QJSValue(); } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::desktops() const { QJSValue containments = m_engine->newArray(); int count = 0; const auto result = m_engine->m_corona->containments(); for (const auto c : result) { // make really sure we get actual desktops, so check for a non empty // activity id if (!isPanel(c) && !c->activity().isEmpty()) { containments.setProperty(count, m_engine->wrap(c)); ++count; } } containments.setProperty(QStringLiteral("length"), count); return containments; } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::panels() const { QJSValue panels = m_engine->newArray(); int count = 0; const auto result = m_engine->m_corona->containments(); for (const auto c : result) { if (isPanel(c)) { panels.setProperty(count, m_engine->wrap(c)); ++count; } } panels.setProperty(QStringLiteral("length"), count); return panels; } bool ScriptEngine::V1::fileExists(const QString &path) const { if (path.isEmpty()) { return false; } QFile f(KShell::tildeExpand(path)); return f.exists(); } bool ScriptEngine::V1::loadTemplate(const QString &layout) { if (layout.isEmpty() || layout.contains(QLatin1Char('\''))) { // qDebug() << "layout is empty"; return false; } auto filter = [&layout](const KPluginMetaData &md) -> bool { return md.pluginId() == layout && md.value(QStringLiteral("X-Plasma-ContainmentCategories"), QStringList()).contains(QLatin1String("panel")); }; QList offers = KPackage::PackageLoader::self()->findPackages(QStringLiteral("Plasma/LayoutTemplate"), QString(), filter); if (offers.isEmpty()) { // qDebug() << "offers fail" << constraint; return false; } KPackage::Package package = KPackage::PackageLoader::self()->loadPackage(QStringLiteral("Plasma/LayoutTemplate")); KPluginMetaData pluginData(offers.first()); QString path; { ShellCorona *sc = qobject_cast(m_engine->m_corona); if (sc) { const QString overridePackagePath = sc->lookAndFeelPackage().path() + QLatin1String("contents/layouts/") + pluginData.pluginId(); path = overridePackagePath + QStringLiteral("/metadata.json"); if (QFile::exists(path)) { package.setPath(overridePackagePath); } path = overridePackagePath + QStringLiteral("/metadata.desktop"); if (QFile::exists(path)) { package.setPath(overridePackagePath); } } } if (!package.isValid()) { path = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, package.defaultPackageRoot() + pluginData.pluginId() + "/metadata.json"); if (path.isEmpty()) { path = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, package.defaultPackageRoot() + pluginData.pluginId() + "/metadata.desktop"); } if (path.isEmpty()) { // qDebug() << "script path is empty"; return false; } package.setPath(pluginData.pluginId()); } const QString scriptFile = package.filePath("mainscript"); if (scriptFile.isEmpty()) { // qDebug() << "scriptfile is empty"; return false; } QFile file(scriptFile); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { qCWarning(PLASMASHELL) << "Unable to load script file:" << path; return false; } QString script = file.readAll(); if (script.isEmpty()) { // qDebug() << "script is empty"; return false; } ScriptEngine *engine = new ScriptEngine(m_engine->corona(), this); engine->globalObject().setProperty(QStringLiteral("templateName"), pluginData.name()); engine->globalObject().setProperty(QStringLiteral("templateComment"), pluginData.description()); engine->evaluateScript(script, path); engine->deleteLater(); return true; } bool ScriptEngine::V1::applicationExists(const QString &application) const { if (application.isEmpty()) { return false; } // first, check for it in $PATH if (!QStandardPaths::findExecutable(application).isEmpty()) { return true; } if (KService::serviceByStorageId(application)) { return true; } if (application.contains(QLatin1Char('\''))) { // apostrophes just screw up the trader lookups below, so check for it return false; } // next, consult ksycoca for an app by that name if (!KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), QStringLiteral("Name =~ '%1'").arg(application)).isEmpty()) { return true; } // next, consult ksycoca for an app by that generic name if (!KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), QStringLiteral("GenericName =~ '%1'").arg(application)).isEmpty()) { return true; } return false; } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::defaultApplication(const QString &application, bool storageId) const { if (application.isEmpty()) { return false; } // FIXME: there are some pretty horrible hacks below, in the sense that they // assume a very // specific implementation system. there is much room for improvement here. // see // kdebase-runtime/kcontrol/componentchooser/ for all the gory details ;) if (matches(application, QLatin1String("mailer"))) { // KEMailSettings settings; // in KToolInvocation, the default is kmail; but let's be friendlier :) // QString command = settings.getSetting(KEMailSettings::ClientProgram); QString command; if (command.isEmpty()) { if (KService::Ptr kontact = KService::serviceByStorageId(QStringLiteral("kontact"))) { return storageId ? kontact->storageId() : onlyExec(kontact->exec()); } else if (KService::Ptr kmail = KService::serviceByStorageId(QStringLiteral("kmail"))) { return storageId ? kmail->storageId() : onlyExec(kmail->exec()); } } if (!command.isEmpty()) { if (false) { KConfigGroup confGroup(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "General"); const QString preferredTerminal = confGroup.readPathEntry("TerminalApplication", QStringLiteral("konsole")); command = preferredTerminal + QLatin1String(" -e ") + command; } return command; } } else if (matches(application, QLatin1String("browser"))) { KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "General"); QString browserApp = config.readPathEntry("BrowserApplication", QString()); if (browserApp.isEmpty()) { const KService::Ptr htmlApp = KApplicationTrader::preferredService(QStringLiteral("text/html")); if (htmlApp) { browserApp = storageId ? htmlApp->storageId() : htmlApp->exec(); } } else if (browserApp.startsWith('!')) { browserApp.remove(0, 1); } return onlyExec(browserApp); } else if (matches(application, QLatin1String("terminal"))) { KConfigGroup confGroup(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "General"); return onlyExec(confGroup.readPathEntry("TerminalApplication", QStringLiteral("konsole"))); } else if (matches(application, QLatin1String("filemanager"))) { KService::Ptr service = KApplicationTrader::preferredService(QStringLiteral("inode/directory")); if (service) { return storageId ? service->storageId() : onlyExec(service->exec()); } } else if (matches(application, QLatin1String("windowmanager"))) { KConfig cfg(QStringLiteral("ksmserverrc"), KConfig::NoGlobals); KConfigGroup confGroup(&cfg, "General"); return onlyExec(confGroup.readEntry("windowManager", QStringLiteral("kwin"))); } else if (KService::Ptr service = KApplicationTrader::preferredService(application)) { return storageId ? service->storageId() : onlyExec(service->exec()); } return false; } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::applicationPath(const QString &application) const { if (application.isEmpty()) { return false; } // first, check for it in $PATH const QString path = QStandardPaths::findExecutable(application); if (!path.isEmpty()) { return path; } if (KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByStorageId(application)) { return QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::ApplicationsLocation, service->entryPath()); } if (application.contains(QLatin1Char('\''))) { // apostrophes just screw up the trader lookups below, so check for it return QString(); } // next, consult ksycoca for an app by that name KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), QStringLiteral("Name =~ '%1'").arg(application)); if (offers.isEmpty()) { // next, consult ksycoca for an app by that generic name offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), QStringLiteral("GenericName =~ '%1'").arg(application)); } if (!offers.isEmpty()) { KService::Ptr offer = offers.first(); return QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::ApplicationsLocation, offer->entryPath()); } return QString(); } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::userDataPath(const QString &type, const QString &path) const { if (type.isEmpty()) { return QDir::homePath(); } QStandardPaths::StandardLocation location = QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation; if (matches(type, QLatin1String("desktop"))) { location = QStandardPaths::DesktopLocation; } else if (matches(type, QLatin1String("documents"))) { location = QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation; } else if (matches(type, QLatin1String("music"))) { location = QStandardPaths::MusicLocation; } else if (matches(type, QLatin1String("video"))) { location = QStandardPaths::MoviesLocation; } else if (matches(type, QLatin1String("downloads"))) { location = QStandardPaths::DownloadLocation; } else if (matches(type, QLatin1String("pictures"))) { location = QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation; } else if (matches(type, QLatin1String("config"))) { location = QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation; } if (!path.isEmpty()) { QString loc = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(location); loc.append(QDir::separator()); loc.append(path); return loc; } const QStringList &locations = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(location); return locations.count() ? locations.first() : QString(); } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::knownWallpaperPlugins(const QString &formFactor) const { QString constraint; if (!formFactor.isEmpty()) { constraint.append("[X-Plasma-FormFactors] ~~ '").append(formFactor).append("'"); } const QList wallpapers = KPackage::PackageLoader::self()->listPackages(QStringLiteral("Plasma/Wallpaper"), QString()); QJSValue rv = m_engine->newArray(wallpapers.size()); for (auto wp : wallpapers) { rv.setProperty(wp.name(), m_engine->newArray(0)); } return rv; } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::configFile(const QJSValue &config, const QString &group) { ConfigGroup *file = nullptr; if (!config.isUndefined()) { if (config.isString()) { file = new ConfigGroup; const Plasma::Corona *corona = m_engine->corona(); const QString &fileName = config.toString(); if (fileName == corona->config()->name()) { file->setConfig(corona->config()); } else { file->setFile(fileName); } if (!group.isEmpty()) { file->setGroup(group); } } else if (ConfigGroup *parent = qobject_cast(config.toQObject())) { file = new ConfigGroup(parent); if (!group.isEmpty()) { file->setGroup(group); } } } else { file = new ConfigGroup; } QJSValue v = m_engine->newQObject(file); return v; } void ScriptEngine::V1::setImmutability(const QString &immutability) { if (immutability.isEmpty()) { return; } if (immutability == QLatin1String("systemImmutable")) { m_engine->corona()->setImmutability(Plasma::Types::SystemImmutable); } else if (immutability == QLatin1String("userImmutable")) { m_engine->corona()->setImmutability(Plasma::Types::UserImmutable); } else { m_engine->corona()->setImmutability(Plasma::Types::Mutable); } return; } QString ScriptEngine::V1::immutability() const { switch (m_engine->corona()->immutability()) { case Plasma::Types::SystemImmutable: return QLatin1String("systemImmutable"); case Plasma::Types::UserImmutable: return QLatin1String("userImmutable"); default: return QLatin1String("mutable"); } } QJSValue ScriptEngine::V1::createContainment(const QString &type, const QString &defaultPlugin, const QString &plugin) { const QString actualPlugin = plugin.isEmpty() ? defaultPlugin : plugin; auto result = m_engine->createContainmentWrapper(type, actualPlugin); if (!result) { return m_engine->newError(i18n("Could not find a plugin for %1 named %2.", type, actualPlugin)); } return m_engine->newQObject(result); } } // namespace WorkspaceScripting