/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000, 2001, 2002 Carsten Pfeiffer SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "urlgrabber.h" #include #include "klipper_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "clipcommandprocess.h" #include "klippersettings.h" // TODO: script-interface? #include "history.h" #include "historystringitem.h" URLGrabber::URLGrabber(History *history) : m_myCurrentAction(nullptr) , m_myMenu(nullptr) , m_myPopupKillTimer(new QTimer(this)) , m_myPopupKillTimeout(8) , m_stripWhiteSpace(true) , m_history(history) { m_myPopupKillTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(m_myPopupKillTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &URLGrabber::slotKillPopupMenu); } URLGrabber::~URLGrabber() { qDeleteAll(m_myActions); m_myActions.clear(); delete m_myMenu; } // // Called from Klipper::slotRepeatAction, i.e. by pressing Ctrl-Alt-R // shortcut. I.e. never from clipboard monitoring // void URLGrabber::invokeAction(HistoryItemConstPtr item) { m_myClipItem = item; actionMenu(item, false); } void URLGrabber::setActionList(const ActionList &list) { qDeleteAll(m_myActions); m_myActions.clear(); m_myActions = list; } void URLGrabber::matchingMimeActions(const QString &clipData) { QUrl url(clipData); if (!KlipperSettings::enableMagicMimeActions()) { return; } if (!url.isValid()) { return; } if (url.isRelative()) { // openinng a relative path will just not work. what path should be used? return; } if (url.isLocalFile()) { if (clipData == QLatin1String("//")) { return; } if (!QFile::exists(url.toLocalFile())) { return; } } // try to figure out if clipData contains a filename QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType mimetype = db.mimeTypeForUrl(url); // let's see if we found some reasonable mimetype. // If we do we'll populate menu with actions for apps // that can handle that mimetype // first: if clipboard contents starts with http, let's assume it's "text/html". // That is even if we've url like "http://www.kde.org/somescript.pl", we'll // still treat that as html page, because determining a mimetype using kio // might take a long time, and i want this function to be quick! if ((clipData.startsWith(QLatin1String("http://")) || clipData.startsWith(QLatin1String("https://"))) && mimetype.name() != QLatin1String("text/html")) { mimetype = db.mimeTypeForName(QStringLiteral("text/html")); } if (!mimetype.isDefault()) { KService::List lst = KApplicationTrader::queryByMimeType(mimetype.name()); if (!lst.isEmpty()) { ClipAction *action = new ClipAction(QString(), mimetype.comment()); foreach (const KService::Ptr &service, lst) { action->addCommand(ClipCommand(QString(), service->name(), true, service->icon(), ClipCommand::IGNORE, service->storageId())); } m_myMatches.append(action); } } } const ActionList &URLGrabber::matchingActions(const QString &clipData, bool automatically_invoked) { m_myMatches.clear(); matchingMimeActions(clipData); // now look for matches in custom user actions QRegularExpression re; foreach (ClipAction *action, m_myActions) { re.setPattern(action->actionRegexPattern()); const QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(clipData); if (match.hasMatch() && (action->automatic() || !automatically_invoked)) { action->setActionCapturedTexts(match.capturedTexts()); m_myMatches.append(action); } } return m_myMatches; } void URLGrabber::checkNewData(HistoryItemConstPtr item) { actionMenu(item, true); // also creates m_myMatches } void URLGrabber::actionMenu(HistoryItemConstPtr item, bool automatically_invoked) { if (!item) { qCWarning(KLIPPER_LOG, "Attempt to invoke URLGrabber without an item"); return; } QString text(item->text()); if (m_stripWhiteSpace) { text = text.trimmed(); } ActionList matchingActionsList = matchingActions(text, automatically_invoked); if (!matchingActionsList.isEmpty()) { // don't react on blacklisted (e.g. konqi's/netscape's urls) unless the user explicitly asked for it if (automatically_invoked && isAvoidedWindow()) { return; } m_myCommandMapper.clear(); m_myPopupKillTimer->stop(); m_myMenu = new QMenu; connect(m_myMenu, &QMenu::triggered, this, &URLGrabber::slotItemSelected); foreach (ClipAction *clipAct, matchingActionsList) { m_myMenu->addSection(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("klipper")), clipAct->description()); QList cmdList = clipAct->commands(); int listSize = cmdList.count(); for (int i = 0; i < listSize; ++i) { ClipCommand command = cmdList.at(i); QString item = command.description; if (item.isEmpty()) item = command.command; QString id = QUuid::createUuid().toString(); QAction *action = new QAction(this); action->setData(id); action->setText(item); if (!command.icon.isEmpty()) action->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(command.icon)); m_myCommandMapper.insert(id, qMakePair(clipAct, i)); m_myMenu->addAction(action); } } // only insert this when invoked via clipboard monitoring, not from an // explicit Ctrl-Alt-R if (automatically_invoked) { m_myMenu->addSeparator(); QAction *disableAction = new QAction(i18n("Disable This Popup"), this); connect(disableAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &URLGrabber::sigDisablePopup); m_myMenu->addAction(disableAction); } m_myMenu->addSeparator(); QAction *cancelAction = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("dialog-cancel")), i18n("&Cancel"), this); connect(cancelAction, &QAction::triggered, m_myMenu, &QMenu::hide); m_myMenu->addAction(cancelAction); m_myClipItem = item; if (m_myPopupKillTimeout > 0) m_myPopupKillTimer->start(1000 * m_myPopupKillTimeout); Q_EMIT sigPopup(m_myMenu); } } void URLGrabber::slotItemSelected(QAction *action) { if (m_myMenu) m_myMenu->hide(); // deleted by the timer or the next action QString id = action->data().toString(); if (id.isEmpty()) { qCDebug(KLIPPER_LOG) << "Klipper: no command associated"; return; } // first is action ptr, second is command index QPair actionCommand = m_myCommandMapper.value(id); if (actionCommand.first) execute(actionCommand.first, actionCommand.second); else qCDebug(KLIPPER_LOG) << "Klipper: cannot find associated action"; } void URLGrabber::execute(const ClipAction *action, int cmdIdx) const { if (!action) { qCDebug(KLIPPER_LOG) << "Action object is null"; return; } ClipCommand command = action->command(cmdIdx); if (command.isEnabled) { QString text(m_myClipItem->text()); if (m_stripWhiteSpace) { text = text.trimmed(); } if (!command.serviceStorageId.isEmpty()) { KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByStorageId(command.serviceStorageId); auto *job = new KIO::ApplicationLauncherJob(service); job->setUrls({QUrl(text)}); job->setUiDelegate(new KNotificationJobUiDelegate(KJobUiDelegate::AutoHandlingEnabled)); job->start(); } else { ClipCommandProcess *proc = new ClipCommandProcess(*action, command, text, m_history, m_myClipItem); if (proc->program().isEmpty()) { delete proc; proc = nullptr; } else { proc->start(); } } } } void URLGrabber::loadSettings() { m_stripWhiteSpace = KlipperSettings::stripWhiteSpace(); m_myAvoidWindows = KlipperSettings::noActionsForWM_CLASS(); m_myPopupKillTimeout = KlipperSettings::timeoutForActionPopups(); qDeleteAll(m_myActions); m_myActions.clear(); KConfigGroup cg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "General"); int num = cg.readEntry("Number of Actions", 0); QString group; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { group = QStringLiteral("Action_%1").arg(i); m_myActions.append(new ClipAction(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), group)); } } void URLGrabber::saveSettings() const { KConfigGroup cg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "General"); cg.writeEntry("Number of Actions", m_myActions.count()); int i = 0; QString group; foreach (ClipAction *action, m_myActions) { group = QStringLiteral("Action_%1").arg(i); action->save(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), group); ++i; } KlipperSettings::setNoActionsForWM_CLASS(m_myAvoidWindows); } // find out whether the active window's WM_CLASS is in our avoid-list bool URLGrabber::isAvoidedWindow() const { const WId active = KWindowSystem::activeWindow(); if (!active) { return false; } KWindowInfo info(active, NET::Properties(), NET::WM2WindowClass); return m_myAvoidWindows.contains(QString::fromLatin1(info.windowClassName())); } void URLGrabber::slotKillPopupMenu() { if (m_myMenu && m_myMenu->isVisible()) { if (m_myMenu->geometry().contains(QCursor::pos()) && m_myPopupKillTimeout > 0) { m_myPopupKillTimer->start(1000 * m_myPopupKillTimeout); return; } } if (m_myMenu) { m_myMenu->deleteLater(); m_myMenu = nullptr; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////// ClipCommand::ClipCommand(const QString &_command, const QString &_description, bool _isEnabled, const QString &_icon, Output _output, const QString &_serviceStorageId) : command(_command) , description(_description) , isEnabled(_isEnabled) , output(_output) , serviceStorageId(_serviceStorageId) { if (!_icon.isEmpty()) icon = _icon; else { // try to find suitable icon QString appName = command.section(QLatin1Char(' '), 0, 0); if (!appName.isEmpty()) { if (QIcon::hasThemeIcon(appName)) icon = appName; else icon.clear(); } } } ClipAction::ClipAction(const QString ®Exp, const QString &description, bool automatic) : m_regexPattern(regExp) , m_myDescription(description) , m_automatic(automatic) { } ClipAction::ClipAction(KSharedConfigPtr kc, const QString &group) : m_regexPattern(kc->group(group).readEntry("Regexp")) , m_myDescription(kc->group(group).readEntry("Description")) , m_automatic(kc->group(group).readEntry("Automatic", QVariant(true)).toBool()) { KConfigGroup cg(kc, group); int num = cg.readEntry("Number of commands", 0); // read the commands for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { QString _group = group + QStringLiteral("/Command_%1"); KConfigGroup _cg(kc, _group.arg(i)); addCommand(ClipCommand(_cg.readPathEntry("Commandline", QString()), _cg.readEntry("Description"), // i18n'ed _cg.readEntry("Enabled", false), _cg.readEntry("Icon"), static_cast(_cg.readEntry("Output", QVariant(ClipCommand::IGNORE)).toInt()))); } } ClipAction::~ClipAction() { m_myCommands.clear(); } void ClipAction::addCommand(const ClipCommand &cmd) { if (cmd.command.isEmpty() && cmd.serviceStorageId.isEmpty()) return; m_myCommands.append(cmd); } void ClipAction::replaceCommand(int idx, const ClipCommand &cmd) { if (idx < 0 || idx >= m_myCommands.count()) { qCDebug(KLIPPER_LOG) << "wrong command index given"; return; } m_myCommands.replace(idx, cmd); } // precondition: we're in the correct action's group of the KConfig object void ClipAction::save(KSharedConfigPtr kc, const QString &group) const { KConfigGroup cg(kc, group); cg.writeEntry("Description", description()); cg.writeEntry("Regexp", actionRegexPattern()); cg.writeEntry("Number of commands", m_myCommands.count()); cg.writeEntry("Automatic", automatic()); int i = 0; // now iterate over all commands of this action foreach (const ClipCommand &cmd, m_myCommands) { QString _group = group + QStringLiteral("/Command_%1"); KConfigGroup cg(kc, _group.arg(i)); cg.writePathEntry("Commandline", cmd.command); cg.writeEntry("Description", cmd.description); cg.writeEntry("Enabled", cmd.isEnabled); cg.writeEntry("Icon", cmd.icon); cg.writeEntry("Output", static_cast(cmd.output)); ++i; } }