KeyboardConfigWidget 0 0 824 550 QLayout::SetMinimumSize QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignTrailing Qt::AlignHCenter|Qt::AlignTop When a key is held: &Show accented and similar characters &Repeat the key &Do nothing Test area: Allows to test keyboard repeat and click volume (just don't forget to apply the changes). If supported, this option allows you to setup the state of NumLock after Plasma startup.<p>You can configure NumLock to be turned on or off, or configure Plasma not to set NumLock state. NumLock on Plasma Startup true T&urn on &Turn off Leave unchan&ged 0 0 false QLayout::SetMinimumSize 0 0 &Rate: kcfg_repeatRate 0 0 If supported, this option allows you to set the delay after which a pressed key will start generating keycodes. The 'Repeat rate' option controls the frequency of these keycodes. 0 10000 1000 1000 5000 Qt::Horizontal 1000 If supported, this option allows you to set the rate at which keycodes are generated while a key is pressed. repeats/s If supported, this option allows you to set the delay after which a pressed key will start generating keycodes. The 'Repeat rate' option controls the frequency of these keycodes. ms If supported, this option allows you to set the rate at which keycodes are generated while a key is pressed. 0 10000 1000 1000 5000 Qt::Horizontal 1000 0 0 &Delay: kcfg_repeatDelay Qt::Vertical 20 40