/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012-2013 Eike Hein SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ import QtQuick 2.15 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents import org.kde.draganddrop 2.0 import org.kde.plasma.private.taskmanager 0.1 as TaskManagerApplet import "code/layout.js" as LayoutManager import "code/tools.js" as TaskTools MouseArea { id: task activeFocusOnTab: true width: groupDialog.contentWidth height: Math.max(theme.mSize(theme.defaultFont).height, PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizes.medium) + LayoutManager.verticalMargins() visible: false LayoutMirroring.enabled: (Qt.application.layoutDirection == Qt.RightToLeft) LayoutMirroring.childrenInherit: (Qt.application.layoutDirection == Qt.RightToLeft) readonly property var m: model readonly property int pid: model.AppPid !== undefined ? model.AppPid : 0 readonly property string appName: model.AppName || "" readonly property variant winIdList: model.WinIdList property int itemIndex: index property bool inPopup: false property bool isWindow: model.IsWindow === true property int childCount: model.ChildCount !== undefined ? model.ChildCount : 0 property int previousChildCount: 0 property alias labelText: label.text property bool pressed: false property int pressX: -1 property int pressY: -1 property QtObject contextMenu: null property int wheelDelta: 0 readonly property bool smartLauncherEnabled: !inPopup && model.IsStartup !== true property QtObject smartLauncherItem: null property alias toolTipAreaItem: toolTipArea property alias audioStreamIconLoaderItem: audioStreamIconLoader property Item audioStreamOverlay property var audioStreams: [] property bool delayAudioStreamIndicator: false readonly property bool audioIndicatorsEnabled: plasmoid.configuration.indicateAudioStreams readonly property bool hasAudioStream: audioStreams.length > 0 readonly property bool playingAudio: hasAudioStream && audioStreams.some(function (item) { return !item.corked }) readonly property bool muted: hasAudioStream && audioStreams.every(function (item) { return item.muted }) readonly property bool highlighted: (inPopup && activeFocus) || (!inPopup && containsMouse) || (task.contextMenu && task.contextMenu.status === PlasmaComponents.DialogStatus.Open) || (groupDialog.visible && groupDialog.visualParent === task) Accessible.name: task.labelText Accessible.description: task.labelText ? i18n("Activate %1", task.labelText) : "" Accessible.role: Accessible.Button onHighlightedChanged: { // ensure it doesn't get stuck with a window highlighted backend.cancelHighlightWindows(); } function showToolTip() { toolTipArea.showToolTip(); } function hideToolTipTemporarily() { toolTipArea.hideToolTip(); } acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton | Qt.MidButton | Qt.BackButton | Qt.ForwardButton onPidChanged: updateAudioStreams({delay: false}) onAppNameChanged: updateAudioStreams({delay: false}) onIsWindowChanged: { if (isWindow) { taskInitComponent.createObject(task); } } onChildCountChanged: { if (!childCount && groupDialog.visualParent == task) { groupDialog.visible = false; return; } if (containsMouse) { groupDialog.activeTask = null; } if (childCount > previousChildCount) { tasksModel.requestPublishDelegateGeometry(modelIndex(), backend.globalRect(task), task); } previousChildCount = childCount; } onItemIndexChanged: { hideToolTipTemporarily(); if (!inPopup && !tasks.vertical && (LayoutManager.calculateStripes() > 1 || !plasmoid.configuration.separateLaunchers)) { tasks.requestLayout(); } } onContainsMouseChanged: { if (containsMouse) { if (inPopup) { forceActiveFocus(); } } else { pressed = false; } } onPressed: { if (mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton || mouse.button == Qt.MidButton || mouse.button === Qt.BackButton || mouse.button === Qt.ForwardButton) { pressed = true; pressX = mouse.x; pressY = mouse.y; } else if (mouse.button == Qt.RightButton) { // When we're a launcher, there's no window controls, so we can show all // places without the menu getting super huge. if (model.IsLauncher === true) { showContextMenu({showAllPlaces: true}) } else { showContextMenu(); } } } onPressAndHold: if (mouse.button === Qt.LeftButton) { /* TODO: make press and hold to open menu exclusive to touch. * I (ndavis) tried `if (lastDeviceType & ~(PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.TouchPad))` * with a TapHandler. lastDeviceType was gotten from the EventPoint argument of the * grabChanged() signal. ngraham said it wouldn't work because it was preventing single * taps on touch. I didn't have a touch screen to test it with. */ // When we're a launcher, there's no window controls, so we can show all // places without the menu getting super huge. if (model.IsLauncher === true) { showContextMenu({showAllPlaces: true}) } else { showContextMenu(); } } onReleased: { if (pressed) { if (mouse.button == Qt.MidButton) { if (plasmoid.configuration.middleClickAction === TaskManagerApplet.Backend.NewInstance) { tasksModel.requestNewInstance(modelIndex()); } else if (plasmoid.configuration.middleClickAction === TaskManagerApplet.Backend.Close) { tasks.taskClosedWithMouseMiddleButton = winIdList.slice() tasksModel.requestClose(modelIndex()); } else if (plasmoid.configuration.middleClickAction === TaskManagerApplet.Backend.ToggleMinimized) { tasksModel.requestToggleMinimized(modelIndex()); } else if (plasmoid.configuration.middleClickAction === TaskManagerApplet.Backend.ToggleGrouping) { tasksModel.requestToggleGrouping(modelIndex()); } else if (plasmoid.configuration.middleClickAction === TaskManagerApplet.Backend.BringToCurrentDesktop) { tasksModel.requestVirtualDesktops(modelIndex(), [virtualDesktopInfo.currentDesktop]); } } else if (mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton) { if (plasmoid.configuration.showToolTips && toolTipArea.active) { hideToolTipTemporarily(); } TaskTools.activateTask(modelIndex(), model, mouse.modifiers, task); } else if (mouse.button === Qt.BackButton || mouse.button === Qt.ForwardButton) { var sourceName = mpris2Source.sourceNameForLauncherUrl(model.LauncherUrlWithoutIcon, model.AppPid); if (sourceName) { if (mouse.button === Qt.BackButton) { mpris2Source.goPrevious(sourceName); } else { mpris2Source.goNext(sourceName); } } else { mouse.accepted = false; } } backend.cancelHighlightWindows(); } pressed = false; pressX = -1; pressY = -1; } onPositionChanged: { // mouse.button is always 0 here, hence checking with mouse.buttons if (pressX != -1 && mouse.buttons == Qt.LeftButton && dragHelper.isDrag(pressX, pressY, mouse.x, mouse.y)) { tasks.dragSource = task; dragHelper.startDrag(task, model.MimeType, model.MimeData, model.LauncherUrlWithoutIcon, model.decoration); pressX = -1; pressY = -1; return; } } onWheel: { if (plasmoid.configuration.wheelEnabled && (!inPopup || !groupDialog.overflowing)) { wheelDelta = TaskTools.wheelActivateNextPrevTask(task, wheelDelta, wheel.angleDelta.y); } else { wheel.accepted = false; } } onSmartLauncherEnabledChanged: { if (smartLauncherEnabled && !smartLauncherItem) { const smartLauncher = Qt.createQmlObject(` import org.kde.plasma.private.taskmanager 0.1 as TaskManagerApplet; TaskManagerApplet.SmartLauncherItem { } `, task); smartLauncher.launcherUrl = Qt.binding(() => model.LauncherUrlWithoutIcon); smartLauncherItem = smartLauncher; } } onHasAudioStreamChanged: { audioStreamIconLoader.active = hasAudioStream && audioIndicatorsEnabled; } onAudioIndicatorsEnabledChanged: { audioStreamIconLoader.active = hasAudioStream && audioIndicatorsEnabled; } Keys.onReturnPressed: TaskTools.activateTask(modelIndex(), model, event.modifiers, task) Keys.onEnterPressed: Keys.onReturnPressed(event); function modelIndex() { return (inPopup ? tasksModel.makeModelIndex(groupDialog.visualParent.itemIndex, index) : tasksModel.makeModelIndex(index)); } function showContextMenu(args) { toolTipArea.hideImmediately(); contextMenu = tasks.createContextMenu(task, modelIndex(), args); contextMenu.show(); } function updateAudioStreams(args) { if (args) { // When the task just appeared (e.g. virtual desktop switch), show the audio indicator // right away. Only when audio streams change during the lifetime of this task, delay // showing that to avoid distraction. delayAudioStreamIndicator = !!args.delay; } var pa = pulseAudio.item; if (!pa) { task.audioStreams = []; return; } var streams = pa.streamsForPid(task.pid); if (streams.length) { pa.registerPidMatch(task.appName); } else { // We only want to fall back to appName matching if we never managed to map // a PID to an audio stream window. Otherwise if you have two instances of // an application, one playing and the other not, it will look up appName // for the non-playing instance and erroneously show an indicator on both. if (!pa.hasPidMatch(task.appName)) { streams = pa.streamsForAppName(task.appName); } } task.audioStreams = streams; } function toggleMuted() { if (muted) { task.audioStreams.forEach(function (item) { item.unmute(); }); } else { task.audioStreams.forEach(function (item) { item.mute(); }); } } Connections { target: pulseAudio.item ignoreUnknownSignals: true // Plasma-PA might not be available function onStreamsChanged() { task.updateAudioStreams({delay: true}) } } Component { id: taskInitComponent Timer { id: timer interval: PlasmaCore.Units.longDuration repeat: false onTriggered: { parent.hoverEnabled = true; if (parent.isWindow) { tasksModel.requestPublishDelegateGeometry(parent.modelIndex(), backend.globalRect(parent), parent); } timer.destroy(); } Component.onCompleted: timer.start() } } PlasmaCore.FrameSvgItem { id: frame anchors { fill: parent topMargin: (!tasks.vertical && taskList.rows > 1) ? LayoutManager.iconMargin : 0 bottomMargin: (!tasks.vertical && taskList.rows > 1) ? LayoutManager.iconMargin : 0 leftMargin: ((inPopup || tasks.vertical) && taskList.columns > 1) ? LayoutManager.iconMargin : 0 rightMargin: ((inPopup || tasks.vertical) && taskList.columns > 1) ? LayoutManager.iconMargin : 0 } imagePath: "widgets/tasks" property bool isHovered: task.highlighted && plasmoid.configuration.taskHoverEffect property string basePrefix: "normal" prefix: isHovered ? TaskTools.taskPrefixHovered(basePrefix) : TaskTools.taskPrefix(basePrefix) PlasmaCore.ToolTipArea { id: toolTipArea anchors.fill: parent location: plasmoid.location enabled: plasmoid.configuration.showToolTips && !inPopup && !groupDialog.visible && (tasks.toolTipOpenedByClick === task || tasks.toolTipOpenedByClick === null) interactive: model.IsWindow === true || mainItem.hasPlayer // when the mouse leaves the tooltip area, a timer to hide is set for (timeout / 20) ms // see plasma-framework/src/declarativeimports/core/tooltipdialog.cpp function dismiss() // to compensate for that we multiply by 20 here, to get an effective leave timeout of 2s. timeout: (tasks.toolTipOpenedByClick === task) ? 2000*20 : 4000 mainItem: (model.IsWindow === true) ? openWindowToolTipDelegate : pinnedAppToolTipDelegate onToolTipVisibleChanged: { if (!toolTipVisible) { tasks.toolTipOpenedByClick = null; } } onContainsMouseChanged: { if (containsMouse) { if (tasks.toolTipOpenedByClick !== null && tasks.toolTipOpenedByClick !== task) { return; } mainItem.parentTask = task; mainItem.rootIndex = tasksModel.makeModelIndex(itemIndex, -1); mainItem.appName = Qt.binding(() => model.AppName); mainItem.pidParent = Qt.binding(() => model.AppPid !== undefined ? model.AppPid : 0); mainItem.windows = Qt.binding(() => model.WinIdList); mainItem.isGroup = Qt.binding(() => model.IsGroupParent === true); mainItem.icon = Qt.binding(() => model.decoration); mainItem.launcherUrl = Qt.binding(() => model.LauncherUrlWithoutIcon); mainItem.isLauncher = Qt.binding(() => model.IsLauncher === true); mainItem.isMinimizedParent = Qt.binding(() => model.IsMinimized === true); mainItem.displayParent = Qt.binding(() => model.display); mainItem.genericName = Qt.binding(() => model.GenericName); mainItem.virtualDesktopParent = Qt.binding(() => (model.VirtualDesktops !== undefined && model.VirtualDesktops.length > 0) ? model.VirtualDesktops : [0]); mainItem.isOnAllVirtualDesktopsParent = Qt.binding(() => model.IsOnAllVirtualDesktops === true); mainItem.activitiesParent = Qt.binding(() => model.Activities); mainItem.smartLauncherCountVisible = Qt.binding(() => task.smartLauncherItem && task.smartLauncherItem.countVisible); mainItem.smartLauncherCount = Qt.binding(() => mainItem.smartLauncherCountVisible ? task.smartLauncherItem.count : 0); } } } } Loader { anchors.fill: frame asynchronous: true source: "TaskProgressOverlay.qml" active: task.isWindow && task.smartLauncherItem && task.smartLauncherItem.progressVisible } Item { id: iconBox anchors { left: parent.left leftMargin: adjustMargin(true, parent.width, taskFrame.margins.left) top: parent.top topMargin: adjustMargin(false, parent.height, taskFrame.margins.top) } width: height height: (parent.height - adjustMargin(false, parent.height, taskFrame.margins.top) - adjustMargin(false, parent.height, taskFrame.margins.bottom)) function adjustMargin(vert, size, margin) { if (!size) { return margin; } var margins = vert ? LayoutManager.horizontalMargins() : LayoutManager.verticalMargins(); if ((size - margins) < PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizes.small) { return Math.ceil((margin * (PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizes.small / size)) / 2); } return margin; } //width: inPopup ? PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizes.small : Math.min(height, parent.width - LayoutManager.horizontalMargins()) PlasmaCore.IconItem { id: icon anchors.fill: parent active: task.highlighted enabled: true usesPlasmaTheme: false source: model.decoration } Loader { // QTBUG anchors.fill in conjunction with the Loader doesn't reliably work on creation: // have a window with a badge, move it from one screen to another, the new task item on the // other screen will now have a glitched out badge mask. width: parent.width height: parent.height asynchronous: true source: "TaskBadgeOverlay.qml" active: height >= PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizes.small && task.smartLauncherItem && task.smartLauncherItem.countVisible } states: [ // Using a state transition avoids a binding loop between label.visible and // the text label margin, which derives from the icon width. State { name: "standalone" when: !label.visible AnchorChanges { target: iconBox anchors.left: undefined anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } PropertyChanges { target: iconBox anchors.leftMargin: 0 width: parent.width - adjustMargin(true, task.width, taskFrame.margins.left) - adjustMargin(true, task.width, taskFrame.margins.right) } } ] Loader { anchors.fill: parent active: model.IsStartup === true sourceComponent: busyIndicator } Component { id: busyIndicator PlasmaComponents.BusyIndicator { anchors.fill: parent } } } Loader { id: audioStreamIconLoader readonly property bool shown: item && item.visible readonly property var indicatorScale: 1.2 source: "AudioStream.qml" width: Math.min(Math.min(iconBox.width, iconBox.height) * 0.4, PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizes.smallMedium) height: width anchors { right: frame.right top: frame.top rightMargin: taskFrame.margins.right topMargin: Math.round(taskFrame.margins.top * indicatorScale) } } PlasmaComponents.Label { id: label visible: (inPopup || !iconsOnly && model.IsLauncher !== true && (parent.width - iconBox.height - PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing) >= (theme.mSize(theme.defaultFont).width * LayoutManager.minimumMColumns())) anchors { fill: parent leftMargin: taskFrame.margins.left + iconBox.width + LayoutManager.labelMargin topMargin: taskFrame.margins.top rightMargin: taskFrame.margins.right + (audioStreamIconLoader.shown ? (audioStreamIconLoader.width + LayoutManager.labelMargin) : 0) bottomMargin: taskFrame.margins.bottom } wrapMode: (maximumLineCount == 1) ? Text.NoWrap : Text.Wrap elide: Text.ElideRight textFormat: Text.PlainText verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter maximumLineCount: plasmoid.configuration.maxTextLines || undefined // use State to avoid unnecessary re-evaluation when the label is invisible states: State { name: "labelVisible" when: label.visible PropertyChanges { target: label text: model.display || "" } } } states: [ State { name: "launcher" when: model.IsLauncher === true PropertyChanges { target: frame basePrefix: "" } }, State { name: "attention" when: model.IsDemandingAttention === true || (task.smartLauncherItem && task.smartLauncherItem.urgent) PropertyChanges { target: frame basePrefix: "attention" } }, State { name: "minimized" when: model.IsMinimized === true PropertyChanges { target: frame basePrefix: "minimized" } }, State { name: "active" when: model.IsActive === true PropertyChanges { target: frame basePrefix: "focus" } } ] Component.onCompleted: { if (!inPopup && model.IsWindow === true) { var component = Qt.createComponent("GroupExpanderOverlay.qml"); component.createObject(task); } if (!inPopup && model.IsWindow !== true) { taskInitComponent.createObject(task); } updateAudioStreams({delay: false}) } }