/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Aleix Pol Gonzalez * * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later */ import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import QtQuick.Window 2.15 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.12 import org.kde.kirigami 2.18 as Kirigami import org.kde.plasma.lookandfeel 1.0 /** * Component to create CSD dialogs that come from the system. */ Kirigami.AbstractApplicationWindow { id: root title: mainText /** * Main text of the dialog. */ property string mainText: title /** * Subtitle of the dialog. */ property string subtitle: "" /** * This property holds the icon used in the dialog. */ property string iconName: "" /** * This property holds the list of actions for this dialog. * * Each action will be rendered as a button that the user will be able * to click. */ property list actions default property Item mainItem /** * This property holds the QQC2 DialogButtonBox used in the footer of the dialog. */ readonly property DialogButtonBox dialogButtonBox: contentDialog.item.dialogButtonBox /** * Provides dialogButtonBox.standardButtons * * Useful to be able to set it as dialogButtonBox will be null as the object gets built */ property variant standardButtons: contentDialog.item ? contentDialog.item.dialogButtonBox.standardButtons : undefined /** * Controls whether the accept button is enabled */ property bool acceptable: true /** * The layout of the action buttons in the footer of the dialog. * * By default, if there are more than 3 actions, it will have `Qt.Vertical`. * * Otherwise, with zero to 2 actions, it will have `Qt.Horizontal`. * * This will only affect mobile dialogs. */ property int /*Qt.Orientation*/ layout: actions.length > 3 ? Qt.Vertical : Qt.Horizontal flags: contentDialog.item.flags width: contentDialog.implicitWidth height: contentDialog.implicitHeight visible: false minimumHeight: contentDialog.item.minimumHeight minimumWidth: contentDialog.item.minimumWidth function present() { contentDialog.item.present() } signal accept() signal reject() property bool accepted: false onAccept: { accepted = true close() } onReject: close() onVisibleChanged: { if (!visible && !accepted) { root.reject() } width = Qt.binding(() => { return contentDialog.implicitWidth }) height = Qt.binding(() => { return contentDialog.implicitHeight }) } Binding { target: dialogButtonBox.standardButton(DialogButtonBox.Ok) property: "enabled" when: dialogButtonBox.standardButton(DialogButtonBox.Ok) value: root.acceptable } Loader { id: contentDialog anchors.fill: parent Component.onCompleted: { var component = LookAndFeel.fileUrl("systemdialogscript") setSource(component, { window: root, mainText: root.mainText, subtitle: root.subtitle, actions: root.actions, iconName: root.iconName, mainItem: root.mainItem, standardButtons: root.standardButtons }) } focus: true function accept() { const button = dialogButtonBox.standardButton(DialogButtonBox.Ok); if (button && button.enabled) { root.accept() } } Keys.onEnterPressed: accept() Keys.onReturnPressed: accept() Keys.onEscapePressed: root.reject() } }