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// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "InferenceTest.hpp"
#include <armnn/Utils.hpp>
#include <armnn/utility/Assert.hpp>
#include <armnn/utility/NumericCast.hpp>
#include <armnnUtils/TContainer.hpp>
#include "CxxoptsUtils.hpp"
#include <cxxopts/cxxopts.hpp>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <array>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
using namespace armnn::test;
namespace armnn
namespace test
template <typename TTestCaseDatabase, typename TModel>
ClassifierTestCase<TTestCaseDatabase, TModel>::ClassifierTestCase(
int& numInferencesRef,
int& numCorrectInferencesRef,
const std::vector<unsigned int>& validationPredictions,
std::vector<unsigned int>* validationPredictionsOut,
TModel& model,
unsigned int testCaseId,
unsigned int label,
std::vector<typename TModel::DataType> modelInput)
: InferenceModelTestCase<TModel>(
model, testCaseId, std::vector<armnnUtils::TContainer>{ modelInput }, { model.GetOutputSize() })
, m_Label(label)
, m_QuantizationParams(model.GetQuantizationParams())
, m_NumInferencesRef(numInferencesRef)
, m_NumCorrectInferencesRef(numCorrectInferencesRef)
, m_ValidationPredictions(validationPredictions)
, m_ValidationPredictionsOut(validationPredictionsOut)
struct ClassifierResultProcessor
using ResultMap = std::map<float,int>;
ClassifierResultProcessor(float scale, int offset)
: m_Scale(scale)
, m_Offset(offset)
void operator()(const std::vector<float>& values)
SortPredictions(values, [](float value)
return value;
void operator()(const std::vector<int8_t>& values)
SortPredictions(values, [](int8_t value)
return value;
void operator()(const std::vector<uint8_t>& values)
auto& scale = m_Scale;
auto& offset = m_Offset;
SortPredictions(values, [&scale, &offset](uint8_t value)
return armnn::Dequantize(value, scale, offset);
void operator()(const std::vector<int>& values)
ARMNN_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Non-float predictions output not supported.");
ResultMap& GetResultMap() { return m_ResultMap; }
template<typename Container, typename Delegate>
void SortPredictions(const Container& c, Delegate delegate)
int index = 0;
for (const auto& value : c)
int classification = index++;
// Take the first class with each probability
// This avoids strange results when looping over batched results produced
// with identical test data.
ResultMap::iterator lb = m_ResultMap.lower_bound(value);
if (lb == m_ResultMap.end() || !m_ResultMap.key_comp()(value, lb->first))
// If the key is not already in the map, insert it.
m_ResultMap.insert(lb, ResultMap::value_type(delegate(value), classification));
ResultMap m_ResultMap;
float m_Scale=0.0f;
int m_Offset=0;
template <typename TTestCaseDatabase, typename TModel>
TestCaseResult ClassifierTestCase<TTestCaseDatabase, TModel>::ProcessResult(const InferenceTestOptions& params)
auto& output = this->GetOutputs()[0];
const auto testCaseId = this->GetTestCaseId();
ClassifierResultProcessor resultProcessor(m_QuantizationParams.first, m_QuantizationParams.second);
mapbox::util::apply_visitor(resultProcessor, output);
ARMNN_LOG(info) << "= Prediction values for test #" << testCaseId;
auto it = resultProcessor.GetResultMap().rbegin();
for (int i=0; i<5 && it != resultProcessor.GetResultMap().rend(); ++i)
ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Top(" << (i+1) << ") prediction is " << it->second <<
" with value: " << (it->first);
unsigned int prediction = 0;
mapbox::util::apply_visitor([&](auto&& value)
prediction = armnn::numeric_cast<unsigned int>(
std::distance(value.begin(), std::max_element(value.begin(), value.end())));
// If we're just running the defaultTestCaseIds, each one must be classified correctly.
if (params.m_IterationCount == 0 && prediction != m_Label)
ARMNN_LOG(error) << "Prediction for test case " << testCaseId << " (" << prediction << ")" <<
" is incorrect (should be " << m_Label << ")";
return TestCaseResult::Failed;
// If a validation file was provided as input, it checks that the prediction matches.
if (!m_ValidationPredictions.empty() && prediction != m_ValidationPredictions[testCaseId])
ARMNN_LOG(error) << "Prediction for test case " << testCaseId << " (" << prediction << ")" <<
" doesn't match the prediction in the validation file (" << m_ValidationPredictions[testCaseId] << ")";
return TestCaseResult::Failed;
// If a validation file was requested as output, it stores the predictions.
if (m_ValidationPredictionsOut)
// Updates accuracy stats.
if (prediction == m_Label)
return TestCaseResult::Ok;
template <typename TDatabase, typename InferenceModel>
template <typename TConstructDatabaseCallable, typename TConstructModelCallable>
ClassifierTestCaseProvider<TDatabase, InferenceModel>::ClassifierTestCaseProvider(
TConstructDatabaseCallable constructDatabase, TConstructModelCallable constructModel)
: m_ConstructModel(constructModel)
, m_ConstructDatabase(constructDatabase)
, m_NumInferences(0)
, m_NumCorrectInferences(0)
template <typename TDatabase, typename InferenceModel>
void ClassifierTestCaseProvider<TDatabase, InferenceModel>::AddCommandLineOptions(
cxxopts::Options& options, std::vector<std::string>& required)
"Reads expected predictions from the given file and confirms they match the actual predictions.",
("validation-file-out", "Predictions are saved to the given file for later use via --validation-file-in.",
("d,data-dir", "Path to directory containing test data", cxxopts::value<std::string>(m_DataDir));
required.emplace_back("data-dir"); //add to required arguments to check
InferenceModel::AddCommandLineOptions(options, m_ModelCommandLineOptions, required);
template <typename TDatabase, typename InferenceModel>
bool ClassifierTestCaseProvider<TDatabase, InferenceModel>::ProcessCommandLineOptions(
const InferenceTestOptions& commonOptions)
if (!ValidateDirectory(m_DataDir))
return false;
m_Model = m_ConstructModel(commonOptions, m_ModelCommandLineOptions);
if (!m_Model)
return false;
m_Database = std::make_unique<TDatabase>(m_ConstructDatabase(m_DataDir.c_str(), *m_Model));
if (!m_Database)
return false;
return true;
template <typename TDatabase, typename InferenceModel>
ClassifierTestCaseProvider<TDatabase, InferenceModel>::GetTestCase(unsigned int testCaseId)
std::unique_ptr<typename TDatabase::TTestCaseData> testCaseData = m_Database->GetTestCaseData(testCaseId);
if (testCaseData == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ClassifierTestCase<TDatabase, InferenceModel>>(
m_ValidationFileOut.empty() ? nullptr : &m_ValidationPredictionsOut,
template <typename TDatabase, typename InferenceModel>
bool ClassifierTestCaseProvider<TDatabase, InferenceModel>::OnInferenceTestFinished()
const double accuracy = armnn::numeric_cast<double>(m_NumCorrectInferences) /
ARMNN_LOG(info) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << "Overall accuracy: " << accuracy;
// If a validation file was requested as output, the predictions are saved to it.
if (!m_ValidationFileOut.empty())
std::ofstream validationFileOut(m_ValidationFileOut.c_str(), std::ios_base::trunc | std::ios_base::out);
if (validationFileOut.good())
for (const unsigned int prediction : m_ValidationPredictionsOut)
validationFileOut << prediction << std::endl;
ARMNN_LOG(error) << "Failed to open output validation file: " << m_ValidationFileOut;
return false;
return true;
template <typename TDatabase, typename InferenceModel>
void ClassifierTestCaseProvider<TDatabase, InferenceModel>::ReadPredictions()
// Reads the expected predictions from the input validation file (if provided).
if (!m_ValidationFileIn.empty())
std::ifstream validationFileIn(m_ValidationFileIn.c_str(), std::ios_base::in);
if (validationFileIn.good())
while (!validationFileIn.eof())
unsigned int i;
validationFileIn >> i;
throw armnn::Exception(fmt::format("Failed to open input validation file: {}"
, m_ValidationFileIn));
template<typename TConstructTestCaseProvider>
int InferenceTestMain(int argc,
char* argv[],
const std::vector<unsigned int>& defaultTestCaseIds,
TConstructTestCaseProvider constructTestCaseProvider)
// Configures logging for both the ARMNN library and this test program.
#ifdef NDEBUG
armnn::LogSeverity level = armnn::LogSeverity::Info;
armnn::LogSeverity level = armnn::LogSeverity::Debug;
armnn::ConfigureLogging(true, true, level);
std::unique_ptr<IInferenceTestCaseProvider> testCaseProvider = constructTestCaseProvider();
if (!testCaseProvider)
return 1;
InferenceTestOptions inferenceTestOptions;
if (!ParseCommandLine(argc, argv, *testCaseProvider, inferenceTestOptions))
return 1;
const bool success = InferenceTest(inferenceTestOptions, defaultTestCaseIds, *testCaseProvider);
return success ? 0 : 1;
catch (armnn::Exception const& e)
ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Armnn Error: " << e.what();
return 1;
// This function allows us to create a classifier inference test based on:
// - a model file name
// - which can be a binary or a text file for protobuf formats
// - an input tensor name
// - an output tensor name
// - a set of test case ids
// - a callback method which creates an object that can return images
// called 'Database' in these tests
// - and an input tensor shape
template<typename TDatabase,
typename TParser,
typename TConstructDatabaseCallable>
int ClassifierInferenceTestMain(int argc,
char* argv[],
const char* modelFilename,
bool isModelBinary,
const char* inputBindingName,
const char* outputBindingName,
const std::vector<unsigned int>& defaultTestCaseIds,
TConstructDatabaseCallable constructDatabase,
const armnn::TensorShape* inputTensorShape)
return InferenceTestMain(argc, argv, defaultTestCaseIds,
using InferenceModel = InferenceModel<TParser, typename TDatabase::DataType>;
using TestCaseProvider = ClassifierTestCaseProvider<TDatabase, InferenceModel>;
return make_unique<TestCaseProvider>(constructDatabase,
(const InferenceTestOptions &commonOptions,
typename InferenceModel::CommandLineOptions modelOptions)
if (!ValidateDirectory(modelOptions.m_ModelDir))
return std::unique_ptr<InferenceModel>();
typename InferenceModel::Params modelParams;
modelParams.m_ModelPath = modelOptions.m_ModelDir + modelFilename;
modelParams.m_InputBindings = { inputBindingName };
modelParams.m_OutputBindings = { outputBindingName };
if (inputTensorShape)
modelParams.m_IsModelBinary = isModelBinary;
modelParams.m_ComputeDevices = modelOptions.GetComputeDevicesAsBackendIds();
modelParams.m_VisualizePostOptimizationModel = modelOptions.m_VisualizePostOptimizationModel;
modelParams.m_EnableFp16TurboMode = modelOptions.m_EnableFp16TurboMode;
return std::make_unique<InferenceModel>(modelParams,
} // namespace test
} // namespace armnn