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synced 2025-02-12 02:05:54 +00:00
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121 lines
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David Rowe Nov 2020
Sits between rtl_fsk and rpitx_fsk, to implement a pirip frame
repeater, useful for unattended testing. Allows us to "ping" a
rtl_fsk | frame_repeater | rpitx_fsk
+ State machine gets "clocked" every time rtl_fsk sends a status byte.
+ Bursts are accumulated until complete, then sent to rpitx_fsk for re-transmission
+ we wait for the estimated time of the Tx burst, ignoring any frames received during the Tx burst,
as our sensitive RX will be picking up what we are sending
[X] Show it can echo one frame
[X] Show it can echo multiple frames
[X] leave running for a few hours with no lockups
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "freedv_api_internal.h"
#define IDLE 0
#define MAX_FRAMES 100
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int state = IDLE;
int next_state, bytes_in, bytes_out, nframes, ret, nclocks;
uint8_t burst_control, source_byte;
time_t last_time = 0;
if (argc < 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s dataBitsPerFrame sourceByte\n", argv[0]);
int data_bits_per_frame = atoi(argv[1]);
assert((data_bits_per_frame % 8) == 0);
int data_bytes_per_frame = data_bits_per_frame/8;
fprintf(stderr, "frame_repeater: %d %d\n", data_bits_per_frame, data_bytes_per_frame);
uint8_t data[data_bytes_per_frame];
uint8_t data_buffer[data_bytes_per_frame*MAX_FRAMES];
source_byte = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 0);
/* At regular intervals rtl_fsk sends a status byte then
data_bytes_per_frame. If there is no received data then
data_buffer will be all zeros. */
uint8_t rx_status, prev_rx_status = 0; int time_ms; nclocks = 0; int wait_until_ms;
while(fread(&rx_status, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, stdin)) {
ret = fread(data, sizeof(uint8_t), data_bytes_per_frame, stdin);
assert(ret == data_bytes_per_frame);
/* update rate from rtl_fsk can be quite fast, so only fprintf status updates when the rx_status
changes */
next_state = state;
switch(state) {
case IDLE:
if (rx_status == (FREEDV_RX_SYNC | FREEDV_RX_BITS)) {
fprintf(stderr, "frame_repeater: Starting to receive a burst\n");
memcpy(data_buffer, data, data_bytes_per_frame);
bytes_in = data_bytes_per_frame;
nframes = 1;
next_state = RECEIVING_BURST;
if (rx_status & FREEDV_RX_BITS) {
fprintf(stderr, "frame_repeater: Receiving a frame in a burst\n");
// buffer latest packet
memcpy(&data_buffer[bytes_in], data, data_bytes_per_frame);
bytes_in += data_bytes_per_frame;
assert(bytes_in <= data_bytes_per_frame*MAX_FRAMES);
if (!(rx_status & FREEDV_RX_SYNC)) {
/* We've lost RX_SYNC so receive burst finished. So now we can Tx the frames we have buffered */
fprintf(stderr, "frame_repeater: Sending received %d frame burst of %d bytes\n", nframes, bytes_in);
bytes_out = 0; burst_control = 1;
while(bytes_out != bytes_in) {
fwrite(&burst_control, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, stdout);
/* change source address so our local receiver can filter these packets out */
data_buffer[bytes_out] = source_byte;
fwrite(&data_buffer[bytes_out], sizeof(uint8_t), data_bytes_per_frame, stdout);
bytes_out += data_bytes_per_frame;
burst_control = 0;
burst_control = 2; memset(data, 0, data_bytes_per_frame);
fwrite(&burst_control, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, stdout);
fwrite(data, sizeof(uint8_t), data_bytes_per_frame, stdout);
next_state = IDLE;
/* just log output when state changes to avoid too much noise. Also log every 10s as a heartbeat, if that stops it means
rtl_fsk or this program has choked */
if ((state != next_state) || (rx_status & FREEDV_RX_BITS) || (time(NULL) > (last_time + 10))) {
fprintf(stderr, "frame_repeater: [%d] state %d next_state: %d rx_status: 0x%02x\n", nclocks, state, next_state, rx_status);
last_time = time(NULL);
state = next_state;
return 0;