diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b9ceeb2..00000000
--- a/build.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/com/google/bitcoin/core/Script.java b/src/com/google/bitcoin/core/Script.java
index 85b945ae..28a5f88d 100644
--- a/src/com/google/bitcoin/core/Script.java
+++ b/src/com/google/bitcoin/core/Script.java
@@ -54,23 +54,11 @@ public class Script {
byte[] program;
private int cursor;
- // The stack consists of an ordered series of data buffers growing from zero up.
- private final Stack stack;
// The program is a set of byte[]s where each element is either [opcode] or [data, data, data ...]
private List chunks;
- private boolean tracing;
byte[] programCopy; // TODO: remove this
private final NetworkParameters params;
- /** Concatenates two scripts to form a new one. This is used when verifying transactions. */
- public static Script join(Script a, Script b) throws ScriptException {
- assert a.params == b.params;
- byte[] fullProg = new byte[a.programCopy.length + b.programCopy.length];
- System.arraycopy(a.programCopy, 0, fullProg, 0, a.programCopy.length);
- System.arraycopy(b.programCopy, 0, fullProg, a.programCopy.length, b.programCopy.length);
- return new Script(a.params, fullProg, 0, fullProg.length);
- }
* Construct a Script using the given network parameters and a range of the programBytes array.
* @param params Network parameters.
@@ -81,15 +69,9 @@ public class Script {
public Script(NetworkParameters params, byte[] programBytes, int offset, int length) throws ScriptException {
this.params = params;
- stack = new Stack();
parse(programBytes, offset, length);
- /** If true, running a program will log its instructions. */
- public void setTracing(boolean value) {
- this.tracing = value;
- }
/** Returns the program opcodes as a string, for example "[1234] DUP HAHS160" */
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
@@ -240,7 +222,6 @@ public class Script {
return new Address(params, Utils.sha256hash160(getPubKey()));
* Gets the destination address from this script, if it's in the required form (see getPubKey).
* @throws ScriptException
@@ -248,110 +229,6 @@ public class Script {
public Address getToAddress() throws ScriptException {
return new Address(params, getPubKeyHash());
- /**
- * Runs the script with the given Transaction as the "context". Some operations like CHECKSIG
- * require a transaction to operate on (eg to hash). The context transaction is typically
- * the transaction having its inputs verified, ie the one where the scriptSig comes from.
- */
- public boolean run(Transaction context) throws ScriptException {
- for (byte[] chunk : chunks) {
- if (chunk.length == 1) {
- int opcode = 0xFF & chunk[0];
- switch (opcode) {
- case OP_DUP: opDup(); break;
- case OP_HASH160: opHash160(); break;
- case OP_EQUALVERIFY: opEqualVerify(); break;
- case OP_CHECKSIG: opCheckSig(context); break;
- default:
- log.debug("Unknown/unimplemented opcode: {}", opcode);
- }
- } else {
- // Data block, push it onto the stack.
- log.debug("Push {}", Utils.bytesToHexString(chunk));
- stack.add(chunk);
- }
- }
- byte[] result = stack.pop();
- if (result.length != 1)
- throw new ScriptException("Script left junk at the top of the stack: " + Utils.bytesToHexString(result));
- return result[0] == 1;
- }
- void logStack() {
- for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); i++) {
- log.debug("Stack[{}]: {}",i , Utils.bytesToHexString(stack.get(i)));
- }
- }
- // WARNING: Unfinished and untested!
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- private void opCheckSig( Transaction context) throws ScriptException {
- byte[] pubkey = stack.pop();
- byte[] sigAndHashType = stack.pop();
- // The signature has an extra byte on the end to indicate the type of hash. The signature
- // is over the contents of the program, minus the signature itself of course.
- byte hashType = sigAndHashType[sigAndHashType.length - 1];
- // The high bit of the hashType byte is set to indicate "anyone can pay".
- boolean anyoneCanPay = hashType < 0;
- // Mask out the top bit.
- hashType &= (byte)-1 >>> 1;
- Transaction.SigHash sigHash;
- switch (hashType) {
- case 1: sigHash = SigHash.ALL; break;
- case 2: sigHash = SigHash.NONE; break;
- case 3: sigHash = SigHash.SINGLE; break;
- default:
- // TODO: This should probably not be an exception.
- throw new ScriptException("Unknown sighash byte: " + sigAndHashType[sigAndHashType.length - 1]);
- }
- byte[] sig = new byte[sigAndHashType.length - 1];
- System.arraycopy(sigAndHashType, 0, sig, 0, sig.length);
- log.debug("CHECKSIG: hashtype={} anyoneCanPay={}", sigHash, anyoneCanPay);
- if (context == null) {
- // TODO: Fix the unit tests to run scripts in transaction context then remove this.
- pushBool(true);
- return;
- }
- // TODO: Implement me!
- // Transaction tx = context.simplify(sigHash, 0, anyoneCanPay);
- // The steps to do so are as follows:
- // - Use the hashtype to fiddle the transaction as appropriate
- // - Serialize the transaction and hash it
- // - Use EC code to verify the hash matches the signature
- pushBool(true);
- }
- @SuppressWarnings({"SameParameterValue"})
- private void pushBool(boolean val) {
- stack.push(new byte[] { val ? (byte)1 : (byte)0 });
- }
- private void opEqualVerify() throws ScriptException {
- log.debug("EQUALVERIFY");
- byte[] a = stack.pop();
- byte[] b = stack.pop();
- if (!Arrays.areEqual(a, b))
- throw new ScriptException("EQUALVERIFY failed: " + Utils.bytesToHexString(a) + " vs " +
- Utils.bytesToHexString(b));
- }
- /** Replaces the top item in the stack with a hash160 of it */
- private void opHash160() {
- byte[] buf = stack.pop();
- byte[] hash = Utils.sha256hash160(buf);
- stack.add(hash);
- log.debug("HASH160: output is {}", Utils.bytesToHexString(hash));
- }
- /** Duplicates the top item on the stack */
- private void opDup() {
- log.debug("DUP");
- stack.add(Arrays.clone(stack.lastElement()));
- }
////////////////////// Interface for writing scripts from scratch ////////////////////////////////
diff --git a/tests/com/google/bitcoin/core/ScriptTest.java b/tests/com/google/bitcoin/core/ScriptTest.java
index 9af530a7..b4b4140e 100644
--- a/tests/com/google/bitcoin/core/ScriptTest.java
+++ b/tests/com/google/bitcoin/core/ScriptTest.java
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ public class ScriptTest {
public void testScriptSig() throws Exception {
byte[] sigProgBytes = Hex.decode(sigProg);
Script script = new Script(params, sigProgBytes, 0, sigProgBytes.length);
- script.setTracing(true);
// Test we can extract the from address.
byte[] hash160 = Utils.sha256hash160(script.getPubKey());
Address a = new Address(params, hash160);
@@ -51,22 +50,12 @@ public class ScriptTest {
Script pubkey = new Script(params, pubkeyBytes, 0, pubkeyBytes.length);
Address toAddr = new Address(params, pubkey.getPubKeyHash());
assertEquals("mkFQohBpy2HDXrCwyMrYL5RtfrmeiuuPY2", toAddr.toString());
- // To verify a transaction as legitimate, both scripts are concatenated and then the whole
- // thing is run. So check we can do that.
- byte[] sigBytes = Hex.decode(sigProg);
- Script sig = new Script(params, sigBytes, 0, sigBytes.length);
- Script allScript = Script.join(sig, pubkey);
- allScript.setTracing(true);
- assertTrue(allScript.run(null));
- allScript.logStack();
public void testIp() throws Exception {
byte[] bytes = Hex.decode("41043e96222332ea7848323c08116dddafbfa917b8e37f0bdf63841628267148588a09a43540942d58d49717ad3fabfe14978cf4f0a8b84d2435dad16e9aa4d7f935ac");
Script s = new Script(params, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
- s.setTracing(true);