export as namespace EmojiPicker;

export = EmojiPicker;

declare namespace EmojiPicker {
    export class EmojiPicker {

        // Constructor Function
        constructor(options?: EmojiPicker.Options);

        // on event listener
        on(event: Event, callback: (selection: EmojiSelection) => void): void;

        // off event listener
        off(event: Event, callback: (selection: EmojiSelection) => void): void;

        // returns an emoji from twemoji based on an emoji input
        getEmoji(emoji: String): Object;

        // takes in html string and parses it together with the emoji
        parse(htmlString: String): String;

        // hidePicker function
        hidePicker(): void;

        // destroyPicker function
        destroyPicker(): void;

        // showPicker function
        showPicker(referenceEl: HTMLElement): void;

        // togglePicker function
        togglePicker(referenceEl: HTMLElement): void;

        // isPickerVisible function
        isPickerVisible(): boolean;

        // setTheme function
        setTheme(theme: EmojiTheme): void;

    export interface Options {
        position?: Placement | FixedPosition;
        autoHide?: boolean;
        autoFocusSearch?: boolean;
        showAnimation?: boolean;
        showPreview?: boolean;
        showSearch?: boolean;
        showRecents?: boolean;
        showVariants?: boolean;
        showCategoryButtons?: boolean;
        recentsCount?: number;
        emojiVersion?: EmojiVersion;
        i18n?: I18NStrings;
        zIndex?: number;
        boxShadow?: string | 'none';
        theme?: EmojiTheme;
        categories?: Category[];
        style?: EmojiStyle;
        twemojiBaseUrl?: string;
        emojisPerRow?: number;
        rows?: number;
        emojiSize?: string;
        initialCategory?: Category | 'recents';
        custom?: CustomEmoji[];
        plugins?: Plugin[];
        icons?: Icons;
        rootElement?: HTMLElement;

    export interface TwemojiOptions {
        base?: string,
        ext: string,
        folder: string

    export interface FixedPosition {
        top?: string;
        bottom?: string;
        left?: string;
        right?: string;

    export interface Plugin {
        render(picker: EmojiPicker): HTMLElement;
        destroy?(): void;

    export interface EmojiSelection {
        custom?: boolean;
        emoji?: string;
        url?: string;

    export interface CustomEmoji {
        name: string;
        emoji: string;

    export type EmojiStyle = 'native' | 'twemoji';

    export type EmojiTheme = 'dark' | 'light' | 'auto';

    export type Event = 'emoji' | 'hidden';

    export type Placement =
        | 'auto'
        | 'auto-start'
        | 'auto-end'
        | 'top'
        | 'top-start'
        | 'top-end'
        | 'bottom'
        | 'bottom-start'
        | 'bottom-end'
        | 'right'
        | 'right-start'
        | 'right-end'
        | 'left'
        | 'left-start'
        | 'left-end';

    export type EmojiVersion =
        | '1.0'
        | '2.0'
        | '3.0'
        | '4.0'
        | '5.0'
        | '11.0'
        | '12.0'
        | '12.1';

    export type Category =
        | 'smileys'
        | 'people'
        | 'animals'
        | 'food'
        | 'activities'
        | 'travel'
        | 'objects'
        | 'symbols'
        | 'flags';

    export type I18NCategory =
        | 'recents'
        | 'smileys'
        | 'people'
        | 'animals'
        | 'food'
        | 'activities'
        | 'travel'
        | 'objects'
        | 'symbols'
        | 'flags'
        | 'custom';

    export interface I18NStrings {
        search: string;
        categories: {
            [key in I18NCategory]: string;
        notFound: string;

    export interface Icons {
        search?: string;
        clearSearch?: string;
        categories?: {
            [key in I18NCategory]?: string;
        notFound?: string;