Added sendp2sh command (experimental)

This commit is contained in:
CalDescent 2022-05-13 18:03:49 +01:00
parent 94ea712217
commit 1e9c75402b
2 changed files with 145 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
use std::collections::HashMap;
use json::{object};
use base58::{FromBase58};
use crate::lightclient::LightClient;
@ -548,6 +549,125 @@ impl Command for SendCommand {
struct SendP2shCommand {}
impl Command for SendP2shCommand {
fn help(&self) -> String {
let mut h = vec![];
h.push("Send ARRR to a given address(es)");
h.push("send '{'input': <address>, 'output': [{'address': <address>, 'amount': <amount in zatoshis>, 'memo': <optional memo>, 'script': <redeem script>}, ...]}");
h.push("NOTE: The fee required to send this transaction (currently ZEC 0.0001) is additionally detected from your balance.");
h.push("send '{\"input\":\"ztestsapling1x65nq4dgp0qfywgxcwk9n0fvm4fysmapgr2q00p85ju252h6l7mmxu2jg9cqqhtvzd69jwhgv8d\", \"output\": [{ \"address\": \"ztestsapling1x65nq4dgp0qfywgxcwk9n0fvm4fysmapgr2q00p85ju252h6l7mmxu2jg9cqqhtvzd69jwhgv8d\", \"amount\": 200000, \"memo\": \"Hello from the command line\", \"script\": \"acbdef\"}]}'");
fn short_help(&self) -> String {
"Send ARRR to the given P2SH address, including supplied redeem script".to_string()
fn exec(&self, args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String {
// Parse the args.
// A single argument in the form of a JSON string that is "{input: address, output: [{address: address, value: value, memo: memo},...], fee: fee}"
// 1 - Destination address. T or Z address
if args.len() != 1 {
use std::convert::TryInto;
use zcash_primitives::transaction::components::amount::DEFAULT_FEE;
// Check for a single argument that can be parsed as JSON
let arg_list = args[0];
let json_args = match json::parse(&arg_list) {
Ok(j) => j,
Err(e) => {
let es = format!("Couldn't understand JSON: {}", e);
return format!("{}\n{}", es,;
//Check for a fee key and convert to u64
let fee: u64 = if json_args.has_key("fee") {
match json_args["fee"].as_u64() {
Some(f) => f.clone(),
None => DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap()
} else {
//Check for a input key and convert to str
let from = if json_args.has_key("input") {
} else {
return format!("Error: {}\n{}", "Need input address",;
//Check for output key
let json_tos = if json_args.has_key("output") {
} else {
return format!("Error: {}\n{}", "Need output address",;
//Check output is in the form of an array
if !json_tos.is_array() {
return format!("Couldn't parse argument as array\n{}",;
//Check for output script and convert to a string
let script58 = if json_args.has_key("script") {
} else {
return format!("Error: {}\n{}", "Need script",;
// Decode base58 encoded string
let script_vec = script58.from_base58().unwrap();
let script_bytes = &script_vec[..];
//Check array for manadantory address and amount keys
let maybe_send_args = json_tos.members().map( |j| {
if !j.has_key("address") || !j.has_key("amount") {
Err(format!("Need 'address' and 'amount'\n"))
} else {
let amount = match j["amount"].as_str() {
Some("entire-verified-zbalance") =>,
_ => Some(j["amount"].as_u64().unwrap())
match amount {
Some(amt) => Ok((j["address"].as_str().unwrap().to_string().clone(), amt, j["memo"].as_str().map(|s| s.to_string().clone()))),
None => Err(format!("Not enough in wallet to pay transaction fee"))
}).collect::<Result<Vec<(String, u64, Option<String>)>, String>>();
let send_args = match maybe_send_args {
Ok(a) => a.clone(),
Err(s) => { return format!("Error: {}\n{}", s,; }
match lightclient.do_sync(true) {
Ok(_) => {
// Convert to the right format. String -> &str.
let tos = send_args.iter().map(|(a, v, m)| (a.as_str(), *v, m.clone()) ).collect::<Vec<_>>();
match lightclient.do_send_p2sh(from, tos, &fee, script_bytes) {
Ok(txid) => { object!{ "txid" => txid } },
Err(e) => { object!{ "error" => e } }
Err(e) => e
struct SaveCommand {}
impl Command for SaveCommand {
fn help(&self) -> String {
@ -859,6 +979,7 @@ pub fn get_commands() -> Box<HashMap<String, Box<dyn Command>>> {
map.insert("export".to_string(), Box::new(ExportCommand{}));
map.insert("info".to_string(), Box::new(InfoCommand{}));
map.insert("send".to_string(), Box::new(SendCommand{}));
map.insert("sendp2sh".to_string(), Box::new(SendP2shCommand{}));
map.insert("save".to_string(), Box::new(SaveCommand{}));
map.insert("quit".to_string(), Box::new(QuitCommand{}));
map.insert("list".to_string(), Box::new(TransactionsCommand{}));

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@ -1722,6 +1722,30 @@ impl LightClient {|(txid, _)| txid)
pub fn do_send_p2sh(&self, from: &str, addrs: Vec<(&str, u64, Option<String>)>, fee: &u64, script: &[u8]) -> Result<String, String> {
if ! {
error!("Wallet is locked");
return Err("Wallet is locked".to_string());
info!("Creating P2SH transaction");
let result = {
let _lock = self.sync_lock.lock().unwrap();
u32::from_str_radix(&self.config.consensus_branch_id, 16).unwrap(),
&self.sapling_spend, &self.sapling_output,
from, addrs, script, fee,
|txbytes| broadcast_raw_tx(&self.get_server_uri(), txbytes)
info!("Transaction Complete");|(txid, _)| txid)