import React from "react"; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux"; import { addToHashMapStores } from "../state/features/storeSlice"; import { removeFromHashMapStores } from "../state/features/storeSlice"; import { RootState } from "../state/store"; import { fetchAndEvaluateProducts } from "../utils/fetchPosts"; import { fetchAndEvaluateStores } from "../utils/fetchStores"; interface Resource { id: string; updated: number; } export const useFetchStores = () => { const dispatch = useDispatch(); const hashMapStores = useSelector( (state: RootState) => ); const getStore = async (owner: string, storeId: string, content: any) => { const res = await fetchAndEvaluateStores({ owner, storeId, content }); if (res?.isValid) { dispatch(addToHashMapStores(res)); return res; } else { dispatch(removeFromHashMapStores(storeId)); } }; const checkAndUpdateResource = React.useCallback( (resource: Resource) => { // Check if the post exists in hashMapPosts const existingResource = hashMapStores[]; if (!existingResource) { // If the post doesn't exist, add it to hashMapPosts return true; } else if ( resource?.updated && existingResource?.updated && resource.updated > existingResource.updated ) { // If the post exists and its updated is more recent than the existing post's updated, update it in hashMapPosts return true; } else { return false; } }, [hashMapStores] ); return { getStore, checkAndUpdateResource }; };