/* BEGIN_COMMON_COPYRIGHT_HEADER * (c)LGPL2+ * * LXQt - a lightweight, Qt based, desktop toolset * https://lxqt.org * * Copyright: 2010-2011 Razor team * Authors: * Alexander Sokoloff * Petr Vanek * * This program or library is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * END_COMMON_COPYRIGHT_HEADER */ #include "lxqtpowerproviders.h" #include #include #include #include "lxqtnotification.h" #include // for kill() #define UPOWER_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.UPower" #define UPOWER_PATH "/org/freedesktop/UPower" #define UPOWER_INTERFACE UPOWER_SERVICE #define CONSOLEKIT_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit" #define CONSOLEKIT_PATH "/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager" #define CONSOLEKIT_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager" #define SYSTEMD_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.login1" #define SYSTEMD_PATH "/org/freedesktop/login1" #define SYSTEMD_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.login1.Manager" #define LXQT_SERVICE "org.lxqt.session" #define LXQT_PATH "/LXQtSession" #define LXQT_INTERFACE "org.lxqt.session" #define PROPERTIES_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" using namespace LXQt; /************************************************ Helper func ************************************************/ void printDBusMsg(const QDBusMessage &msg) { qWarning() << "** Dbus error **************************"; qWarning() << "Error name " << msg.errorName(); qWarning() << "Error msg " << msg.errorMessage(); qWarning() << "****************************************"; } /************************************************ Helper func ************************************************/ static bool dbusCall(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface, const QDBusConnection &connection, const QString & method, PowerProvider::DbusErrorCheck errorCheck = PowerProvider::CheckDBUS ) { QDBusInterface dbus(service, path, interface, connection); if (!dbus.isValid()) { qWarning() << "dbusCall: QDBusInterface is invalid" << service << path << interface << method; if (errorCheck == PowerProvider::CheckDBUS) { Notification::notify( QObject::tr("Power Manager Error"), QObject::tr("QDBusInterface is invalid") + QL1S("\n\n") + service + QL1C(' ') + path + QL1C(' ') + interface + QL1C(' ') + method, QL1S("lxqt-logo.png")); } return false; } QDBusMessage msg = dbus.call(method); if (!msg.errorName().isEmpty()) { printDBusMsg(msg); if (errorCheck == PowerProvider::CheckDBUS) { Notification::notify( QObject::tr("Power Manager Error (D-BUS call)"), msg.errorName() + QL1S("\n\n") + msg.errorMessage(), QL1S("lxqt-logo.png")); } } // If the method no returns value, we believe that it was successful. return msg.arguments().isEmpty() || msg.arguments().constFirst().isNull() || msg.arguments().constFirst().toBool(); } /************************************************ Helper func Just like dbusCall(), except that systemd returns a string instead of a bool, and it takes an "interactivity boolean" as an argument. ************************************************/ static bool dbusCallSystemd(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface, const QDBusConnection &connection, const QString &method, bool needBoolArg, PowerProvider::DbusErrorCheck errorCheck = PowerProvider::CheckDBUS ) { QDBusInterface dbus(service, path, interface, connection); if (!dbus.isValid()) { qWarning() << "dbusCall: QDBusInterface is invalid" << service << path << interface << method; if (errorCheck == PowerProvider::CheckDBUS) { Notification::notify( QObject::tr("Power Manager Error"), QObject::tr("QDBusInterface is invalid") + QL1S("\n\n") + service + QL1C(' ') + path + QL1C(' ')+ interface + QL1C(' ') + method, QL1S("lxqt-logo.png")); } return false; } QDBusMessage msg = needBoolArg ? dbus.call(method, QVariant(true)) : dbus.call(method); if (!msg.errorName().isEmpty()) { printDBusMsg(msg); if (errorCheck == PowerProvider::CheckDBUS) { Notification::notify( QObject::tr("Power Manager Error (D-BUS call)"), msg.errorName() + QL1S("\n\n") + msg.errorMessage(), QL1S("lxqt-logo.png")); } } // If the method no returns value, we believe that it was successful. if (msg.arguments().isEmpty() || msg.arguments().constFirst().isNull()) return true; QString response = msg.arguments().constFirst().toString(); qDebug() << "systemd:" << method << "=" << response; return response == QL1S("yes") || response == QL1S("challenge"); } /************************************************ Helper func ************************************************/ bool dbusGetProperty(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface, const QDBusConnection &connection, const QString & property ) { QDBusInterface dbus(service, path, interface, connection); if (!dbus.isValid()) { qWarning() << "dbusGetProperty: QDBusInterface is invalid" << service << path << interface << property; // Notification::notify(QObject::tr("LXQt Power Manager"), // "lxqt-logo.png", // QObject::tr("Power Manager Error"), // QObject::tr("QDBusInterface is invalid")+ "\n\n" + service +" " + path +" " + interface +" " + property); return false; } QDBusMessage msg = dbus.call(QL1S("Get"), dbus.interface(), property); if (!msg.errorName().isEmpty()) { printDBusMsg(msg); // Notification::notify(QObject::tr("LXQt Power Manager"), // "lxqt-logo.png", // QObject::tr("Power Manager Error (Get Property)"), // msg.errorName() + "\n\n" + msg.errorMessage()); } return !msg.arguments().isEmpty() && msg.arguments().constFirst().value().variant().toBool(); } /************************************************ PowerProvider ************************************************/ PowerProvider::PowerProvider(QObject *parent): QObject(parent) { } PowerProvider::~PowerProvider() = default; /************************************************ UPowerProvider ************************************************/ UPowerProvider::UPowerProvider(QObject *parent): PowerProvider(parent) { } UPowerProvider::~UPowerProvider() = default; bool UPowerProvider::canAction(Power::Action action) const { QString command; QString property; switch (action) { case Power::PowerHibernate: property = QL1S("CanHibernate"); command = QL1S("HibernateAllowed"); break; case Power::PowerSuspend: property = QL1S("CanSuspend"); command = QL1S("SuspendAllowed"); break; default: return false; } return dbusGetProperty( // Whether the system is able to hibernate. QL1S(UPOWER_SERVICE), QL1S(UPOWER_PATH), QL1S(PROPERTIES_INTERFACE), QDBusConnection::systemBus(), property ) && dbusCall( // Check if the caller has (or can get) the PolicyKit privilege to call command. QL1S(UPOWER_SERVICE), QL1S(UPOWER_PATH), QL1S(UPOWER_INTERFACE), QDBusConnection::systemBus(), command, // canAction should be always silent because it can freeze // g_main_context_iteration Qt event loop in QMessageBox // on panel startup if there is no DBUS running. PowerProvider::DontCheckDBUS ); } bool UPowerProvider::doAction(Power::Action action) { QString command; switch (action) { case Power::PowerHibernate: command = QL1S("Hibernate"); break; case Power::PowerSuspend: command = QL1S("Suspend"); break; default: return false; } return dbusCall(QL1S(UPOWER_SERVICE), QL1S(UPOWER_PATH), QL1S(UPOWER_INTERFACE), QDBusConnection::systemBus(), command ); } /************************************************ ConsoleKitProvider ************************************************/ ConsoleKitProvider::ConsoleKitProvider(QObject *parent): PowerProvider(parent) { } ConsoleKitProvider::~ConsoleKitProvider() = default; bool ConsoleKitProvider::canAction(Power::Action action) const { QString command; switch (action) { case Power::PowerReboot: command = QL1S("CanReboot"); break; case Power::PowerShutdown: command = QL1S("CanPowerOff"); break; case Power::PowerHibernate: command = QL1S("CanHibernate"); break; case Power::PowerSuspend: command = QL1S("CanSuspend"); break; default: return false; } return dbusCallSystemd(QL1S(CONSOLEKIT_SERVICE), QL1S(CONSOLEKIT_PATH), QL1S(CONSOLEKIT_INTERFACE), QDBusConnection::systemBus(), command, false, // canAction should be always silent because it can freeze // g_main_context_iteration Qt event loop in QMessageBox // on panel startup if there is no DBUS running. PowerProvider::DontCheckDBUS ); } bool ConsoleKitProvider::doAction(Power::Action action) { QString command; switch (action) { case Power::PowerReboot: command = QL1S("Reboot"); break; case Power::PowerShutdown: command = QL1S("PowerOff"); break; case Power::PowerHibernate: command = QL1S("Hibernate"); break; case Power::PowerSuspend: command = QL1S("Suspend"); break; default: return false; } return dbusCallSystemd(QL1S(CONSOLEKIT_SERVICE), QL1S(CONSOLEKIT_PATH), QL1S(CONSOLEKIT_INTERFACE), QDBusConnection::systemBus(), command, true ); } /************************************************ SystemdProvider http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/logind ************************************************/ SystemdProvider::SystemdProvider(QObject *parent): PowerProvider(parent) { } SystemdProvider::~SystemdProvider() = default; bool SystemdProvider::canAction(Power::Action action) const { QString command; switch (action) { case Power::PowerReboot: command = QL1S("CanReboot"); break; case Power::PowerShutdown: command = QL1S("CanPowerOff"); break; case Power::PowerSuspend: command = QL1S("CanSuspend"); break; case Power::PowerHibernate: command = QL1S("CanHibernate"); break; default: return false; } return dbusCallSystemd(QL1S(SYSTEMD_SERVICE), QL1S(SYSTEMD_PATH), QL1S(SYSTEMD_INTERFACE), QDBusConnection::systemBus(), command, false, // canAction should be always silent because it can freeze // g_main_context_iteration Qt event loop in QMessageBox // on panel startup if there is no DBUS running. PowerProvider::DontCheckDBUS ); } bool SystemdProvider::doAction(Power::Action action) { QString command; switch (action) { case Power::PowerReboot: command = QL1S("Reboot"); break; case Power::PowerShutdown: command = QL1S("PowerOff"); break; case Power::PowerSuspend: command = QL1S("Suspend"); break; case Power::PowerHibernate: command = QL1S("Hibernate"); break; default: return false; } return dbusCallSystemd(QL1S(SYSTEMD_SERVICE), QL1S(SYSTEMD_PATH), QL1S(SYSTEMD_INTERFACE), QDBusConnection::systemBus(), command, true ); } /************************************************ LXQtProvider ************************************************/ LXQtProvider::LXQtProvider(QObject *parent): PowerProvider(parent) { } LXQtProvider::~LXQtProvider() = default; bool LXQtProvider::canAction(Power::Action action) const { QString command; switch (action) { case Power::PowerLogout: command = QL1S("canLogout"); break; case Power::PowerReboot: command = QL1S("canReboot"); break; case Power::PowerShutdown: command = QL1S("canPowerOff"); break; default: return false; } // there can be case when lxqtsession-session does not run return dbusCall(QL1S(LXQT_SERVICE), QL1S(LXQT_PATH), QL1S(LXQT_INTERFACE), QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), command, PowerProvider::DontCheckDBUS); } bool LXQtProvider::doAction(Power::Action action) { QString command; switch (action) { case Power::PowerLogout: command = QL1S("logout"); break; case Power::PowerReboot: command = QL1S("reboot"); break; case Power::PowerShutdown: command = QL1S("powerOff"); break; default: return false; } return dbusCall(QL1S(LXQT_SERVICE), QL1S(LXQT_PATH), QL1S(LXQT_INTERFACE), QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), command ); } /************************************************ LxSessionProvider ************************************************/ LxSessionProvider::LxSessionProvider(QObject *parent): PowerProvider(parent) { pid = (Q_PID)qgetenv("_LXSESSION_PID").toLong(); } LxSessionProvider::~LxSessionProvider() = default; bool LxSessionProvider::canAction(Power::Action action) const { switch (action) { case Power::PowerLogout: return pid != 0; default: return false; } } bool LxSessionProvider::doAction(Power::Action action) { switch (action) { case Power::PowerLogout: if(pid) ::kill(pid, SIGTERM); break; default: return false; } return true; } /************************************************ HalProvider ************************************************/ HalProvider::HalProvider(QObject *parent): PowerProvider(parent) { } HalProvider::~HalProvider() = default; bool HalProvider::canAction(Power::Action action) const { Q_UNUSED(action) return false; } bool HalProvider::doAction(Power::Action action) { Q_UNUSED(action) return false; } /************************************************ CustomProvider ************************************************/ CustomProvider::CustomProvider(QObject *parent): PowerProvider(parent), mSettings(QL1S("power")) { } CustomProvider::~CustomProvider() = default; bool CustomProvider::canAction(Power::Action action) const { switch (action) { case Power::PowerShutdown: return mSettings.contains(QL1S("shutdownCommand")); case Power::PowerReboot: return mSettings.contains(QL1S("rebootCommand")); case Power::PowerHibernate: return mSettings.contains(QL1S("hibernateCommand")); case Power::PowerSuspend: return mSettings.contains(QL1S("suspendCommand")); case Power::PowerLogout: return mSettings.contains(QL1S("logoutCommand")); case Power::PowerMonitorOff: return mSettings.contains(QL1S("monitorOffCommand")); case Power::PowerShowLeaveDialog: return mSettings.contains(QL1S("showLeaveDialogCommand")); default: return false; } } bool CustomProvider::doAction(Power::Action action) { QString command; switch(action) { case Power::PowerShutdown: command = mSettings.value(QL1S("shutdownCommand")).toString(); break; case Power::PowerReboot: command = mSettings.value(QL1S("rebootCommand")).toString(); break; case Power::PowerHibernate: command = mSettings.value(QL1S("hibernateCommand")).toString(); break; case Power::PowerSuspend: command = mSettings.value(QL1S("suspendCommand")).toString(); break; case Power::PowerLogout: command = mSettings.value(QL1S("logoutCommand")).toString(); break; case Power::PowerMonitorOff: command = mSettings.value(QL1S("monitorOffCommand")).toString(); break; case Power::PowerShowLeaveDialog: command = mSettings.value(QL1S("showLeaveDialogCommand")).toString(); break; default: return false; } QStringList args = QProcess::splitCommand(command); if (args.isEmpty()) return false; QProcess process; process.setProgram(args.takeFirst()); process.setArguments(args); return process.startDetached(); }