forked from Qortal/Brooklyn
289 lines
8.7 KiB
289 lines
8.7 KiB
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Kai Uwe Broulik <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
#include "modulesmodel.h"
#include <QCollator>
#include <KConfig>
#include <KConfigGroup>
#include <KPluginInfo>
#include <KServiceTypeTrader>
#include <algorithm>
#include "debug.h"
ModulesModel::ModulesModel(QObject *parent)
: QAbstractListModel(parent)
ModulesModel::~ModulesModel() = default;
int ModulesModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (parent.isValid()) {
return 0;
return m_data.count();
QVariant ModulesModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
if (!checkIndex(index)) {
return QVariant();
const auto &item =;
switch (role) {
case Qt::DisplayRole:
return item.display;
case DescriptionRole:
return item.description;
case TypeRole:
return item.type;
case AutoloadEnabledRole:
if (item.type == KDEDConfig::AutostartType) {
return item.autoloadEnabled;
return QVariant();
case StatusRole: {
if (!m_runningModulesKnown) {
return KDEDConfig::UnknownStatus;
if (m_runningModules.contains(item.moduleName)) {
return KDEDConfig::Running;
return KDEDConfig::NotRunning;
case ModuleNameRole:
return item.moduleName;
case ImmutableRole:
return item.immutable;
return QVariant();
bool ModulesModel::representsDefault() const
bool isDefault = true;
for (int i = 0; i < m_data.count(); ++i) {
auto &item = m_data[i];
if (item.type != KDEDConfig::AutostartType || item.immutable) {
isDefault &= item.autoloadEnabled;
return isDefault;
bool ModulesModel::needsSave() const
bool save = false;
for (int i = 0; i < m_data.count(); ++i) {
auto &item = m_data[i];
if (item.type != KDEDConfig::AutostartType || item.immutable) {
save |= item.autoloadEnabled != item.savedAutoloadEnabled;
return save;
bool ModulesModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
bool dirty = false;
if (!checkIndex(index)) {
return dirty;
auto &item = m_data[index.row()];
if (item.type != KDEDConfig::AutostartType || item.immutable) {
return dirty;
switch (role) {
case AutoloadEnabledRole: {
const bool autoloadEnabled = value.toBool();
if (item.autoloadEnabled != autoloadEnabled) {
item.autoloadEnabled = autoloadEnabled;
dirty = true;
Q_EMIT autoloadedModulesChanged();
if (dirty) {
Q_EMIT dataChanged(index, index, {role});
return dirty;
QHash<int, QByteArray> ModulesModel::roleNames() const
return {
{Qt::DisplayRole, QByteArrayLiteral("display")},
{DescriptionRole, QByteArrayLiteral("description")},
{TypeRole, QByteArrayLiteral("type")},
{AutoloadEnabledRole, QByteArrayLiteral("autoloadEnabled")},
{StatusRole, QByteArrayLiteral("status")},
{ModuleNameRole, QByteArrayLiteral("moduleName")},
{ImmutableRole, QByteArrayLiteral("immutable")},
// This code was copied from kded.cpp
// TODO: move this KCM to the KDED framework and share the code?
static QVector<KPluginMetaData> availableModules()
QVector<KPluginMetaData> plugins = KPluginMetaData::findPlugins(QStringLiteral("kf5/kded"));
QSet<QString> moduleIds;
for (const KPluginMetaData &md : qAsConst(plugins)) {
// also search for old .desktop based kded modules
const KPluginInfo::List oldStylePlugins = KPluginInfo::fromServices(KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("KDEDModule")));
for (const KPluginInfo &info : oldStylePlugins) {
if (moduleIds.contains(info.pluginName())) {
qCWarning(KCM_KDED).nospace() << "kded module " << info.pluginName()
<< " has already been found using "
"JSON metadata, please don't install the now unneeded .desktop file ("
<< info.entryPath() << ").";
} else {
qCDebug(KCM_KDED).nospace() << "kded module " << info.pluginName() << " still uses .desktop files (" << info.entryPath()
<< "). Please port it to JSON metadata.";
return plugins;
// this code was copied from kded.cpp
static bool isModuleLoadedOnDemand(const KPluginMetaData &module)
bool loadOnDemand = true;
// use toVariant() since it could be string or bool in the json and QJsonObject does not convert
QVariant p = module.rawData().value(QStringLiteral("X-KDE-Kded-load-on-demand")).toVariant();
if (p.isValid() && p.canConvert<bool>() && (p.toBool() == false)) {
loadOnDemand = false;
return loadOnDemand;
void ModulesModel::load()
KConfig kdedrc(QStringLiteral("kded5rc"), KConfig::NoGlobals);
QStringList knownModules;
QVector<ModulesModelData> autostartModules;
QVector<ModulesModelData> onDemandModules;
const auto modules = availableModules();
for (const KPluginMetaData &module : modules) {
QString servicePath = module.metaDataFileName();
// autoload defaults to false if it is not found
const bool autoload = module.rawData().value(QStringLiteral("X-KDE-Kded-autoload")).toVariant().toBool();
// keep estimating dbusModuleName in sync with KDEDModule (kdbusaddons) and kded (kded)
// currently (KF5) the module name in the D-Bus object path is set by the pluginId
const QString dbusModuleName = module.pluginId();
qCDebug(KCM_KDED) << "reading kded info from" << servicePath << "autoload =" << autoload << "dbus module name =" << dbusModuleName;
if (knownModules.contains(dbusModuleName)) {
KConfigGroup cg(&kdedrc, QStringLiteral("Module-%1").arg(dbusModuleName));
const bool autoloadEnabled = cg.readEntry("autoload", true);
const bool immutable = cg.isEntryImmutable("autoload");
ModulesModelData data{, module.description(), KDEDConfig::UnknownType, autoloadEnabled, dbusModuleName, immutable, autoloadEnabled};
// The logic has to be identical to Kded::initModules.
// They interpret X-KDE-Kded-autoload as false if not specified
// X-KDE-Kded-load-on-demand as true if not specified
if (autoload) {
data.type = KDEDConfig::AutostartType;
autostartModules << data;
} else if (isModuleLoadedOnDemand(module)) {
data.type = KDEDConfig::OnDemandType;
onDemandModules << data;
} else {
qCWarning(KCM_KDED) << "kcmkded: Module " << << "from file" << module.metaDataFileName()
<< " not loaded on demand or startup! Skipping.";
QCollator collator;
// Otherwise "Write" daemon with quotes will be at the top
auto sortAlphabetically = [&collator](const ModulesModelData &a, const ModulesModelData &b) {
return, b.display) < 0;
std::sort(autostartModules.begin(), autostartModules.end(), sortAlphabetically);
std::sort(onDemandModules.begin(), onDemandModules.end(), sortAlphabetically);
m_data << autostartModules << onDemandModules;
bool ModulesModel::runningModulesKnown() const
return m_runningModulesKnown;
void ModulesModel::setRunningModulesKnown(bool known)
if (m_runningModulesKnown != known) {
m_runningModulesKnown = known;
Q_EMIT dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(m_data.count() - 1, 0), {StatusRole});
QStringList ModulesModel::runningModules() const
return m_runningModules;
void ModulesModel::setRunningModules(const QStringList &runningModules)
if (m_runningModules == runningModules) {
m_runningModules = runningModules;
if (m_runningModulesKnown) {
Q_EMIT dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(m_data.count() - 1, 0), {StatusRole});
void ModulesModel::refreshAutoloadEnabledSavedState()
for (int i = 0; i < m_data.count(); ++i) {
auto &item = m_data[i];
item.savedAutoloadEnabled = item.autoloadEnabled;