967 lines
40 KiB

// The confidential and proprietary information contained in this file may
// only be used by a person authorised under and to the extent permitted
// by a subsisting licensing agreement from ARM Limited or its affiliates.
// (C) COPYRIGHT 2015-2020 ARM Limited or its affiliates.
// This entire notice must be reproduced on all copies of this file
// and copies of this file may only be made by a person if such person is
// permitted to do so under the terms of a subsisting license agreement
// from ARM Limited or its affiliates.
// Release Information : HERCULESAE-MP106-r0p1-00eac0
// SystemVerilog (IEEE Std 1800-2012)
`include "herculesae_header.sv"
module herculesae_vx_crypt
input wire clk,
input wire reset,
input wire ival_v1_q,
input wire sha1c_v1_q,
input wire sha1p_v1_q,
input wire sha1m_v1_q,
input wire sha1cpm_v1_q,
input wire sha256h_v1_q,
input wire sha256h2_v1_q,
input wire sha256hh2_v1_q,
input wire sha1h_v1_q,
input wire sha1su0_v1_q,
input wire sha1su1_v1_q,
input wire sha256su0_v1_q,
input wire sha256su1_v1_q,
input wire sha256su1_dup_x_v1_q,
input wire sha256su1_dup_y_v1_q,
input wire sha256su1_dup_z_v1_q,
input wire [127:0] opa_v1,
input wire [127:0] opb_v1,
input wire [127:0] opc_v1,
output wire [127:0] cryptout_v2,
output wire [127:0] cryptout_v4,
output wire crypt_active
wire block_opa_passthrough;
wire [63:0] carry1c_v1;
wire [63:0] carry4c_v3;
wire [31:0] carry4c_v4;
wire [63:0] carry_2c4c_v2;
wire [31:0] carry_sha1cpm_v1;
wire [31:0] carry_sha1cpm_v2;
wire [31:0] carry_sha1cpm_v3;
wire [31:0] carry_sha1cpm_v4;
wire [63:0] carry_sha256h32_v1;
wire [63:0] carry_sha256h32_v2;
wire [63:0] carry_sha256h32_v3;
wire [31:0] carry_sha256h32_v4;
wire [31:0] carry_sha256su0_v1;
wire [63:0] carry_sha256su1_v1;
wire [63:0] carry_sha256su1_v2;
wire ival_en;
wire ival_v1_or_v2;
wire ival_v2_4latency;
reg ival_v2_q;
reg ival_v3_q;
wire [127:0] newa_v1;
wire [127:0] newa_v2;
wire [127:0] newa_v3;
wire [127:0] newb_v1;
wire [127:0] newb_v2;
wire [127:0] newb_v3;
wire [95:0] newc_v1;
wire [127:0] newx_v4;
wire [127:0] newy_v4;
reg [127:0] opa_v2_q;
reg [127:0] opa_v3_q;
reg [127:0] opa_v4_q;
reg [127:0] opb_v2_q;
reg [127:0] opb_v3_q;
reg [127:0] opb_v4_q;
reg [95:0] opc_v2_q;
reg [63:0] opc_v3_q;
reg [31:0] opc_v4_q;
wire [127:0] sha1_out_v1;
wire sha1_v1;
wire [127:0] sha1_xin_v1;
wire [31:0] sha1_yin_v1;
wire [31:0] sha1_zin_v1;
reg sha1c_v2_q;
reg sha1c_v3_q;
reg sha1c_v4_q;
reg sha1cpm_h_v4_q;
reg sha1cpm_l_v4_q;
reg sha1cpm_v2_q;
reg sha1cpm_v3_q;
reg sha1cpm_v4_q;
wire [127:0] sha1cpm_x_v1;
wire [127:0] sha1cpm_x_v2;
wire [127:0] sha1cpm_x_v3;
wire [127:0] sha1cpm_x_v4;
wire [127:0] sha1cpm_y_v1;
wire [127:0] sha1cpm_y_v2;
wire [127:0] sha1cpm_y_v3;
wire [31:0] sha1cpm_y_v4;
wire [31:0] sha1h_qnin_v1;
reg sha1m_v2_q;
reg sha1m_v3_q;
reg sha1m_v4_q;
reg sha1p_v2_q;
reg sha1p_v3_q;
reg sha1p_v4_q;
wire [127:0] sha1su0_q_v1;
reg sha1su0_v2_q;
wire [127:0] sha1su1_qdin_v1;
wire [127:0] sha1su1_qnin_v1;
wire [127:0] sha256_xin_v1;
wire [127:0] sha256_yin_v1;
wire [31:0] sha256_zin_v1;
reg sha256h2_h_v4_q;
reg sha256h2_l_v4_q;
reg sha256h2_v2_q;
reg sha256h2_v3_q;
reg sha256h2_v4_q;
reg sha256h_h_v4_q;
reg sha256h_l_v4_q;
reg sha256h_v2_q;
reg sha256h_v3_q;
reg sha256h_v4_q;
wire [127:0] sha256h_x_v1;
wire [127:0] sha256h_x_v2;
wire [127:0] sha256h_x_v3;
wire [127:0] sha256h_x_v4;
wire [127:0] sha256h_y_v1;
wire [127:0] sha256h_y_v2;
wire [127:0] sha256h_y_v3;
wire [127:0] sha256h_y_v4;
wire sha256hh2_v2;
wire sha256hh2_v3;
wire sha256hh2_v4;
wire [127:0] sha256su0_out_v1;
wire [127:0] sha256su0_qdin_v1;
wire [127:0] sha256su0_qnin_v1;
reg sha256su1_dup_x_v2_q;
reg sha256su1_dup_y_v2_q;
reg sha256su1_dup_z_v2_q;
reg sha256su1_h_v2_q;
reg sha256su1_l_v2_q;
reg sha256su1_v2_q;
wire [63:0] sha256su1_x_v1;
wire [63:0] sha256su1_x_v2;
reg sha_inst_h_v2_q;
reg sha_inst_l_v2_q;
wire sha_inst_v1;
reg sha_inst_v2_q;
wire short_pipe_out_v3_en;
wire [31:0] sigma0_v3;
wire [31:0] sigma0_v4;
wire [31:0] sigma1_v3;
wire [63:0] sum1c_v1;
wire [63:0] sum4c_v3;
wire [31:0] sum4c_v4;
wire [63:0] sum_2c4c_v2;
wire [31:0] sum_sha1cpm_v1;
wire [31:0] sum_sha1cpm_v2;
wire [31:0] sum_sha1cpm_v3;
wire [31:0] sum_sha1cpm_v4;
wire [63:0] sum_sha256h32_v1;
wire [63:0] sum_sha256h32_v2;
wire [63:0] sum_sha256h32_v3;
wire [31:0] sum_sha256h32_v4;
wire [31:0] sum_sha256su0_v1;
wire [63:0] sum_sha256su1_v1;
wire [63:0] sum_sha256su1_v2;
wire [63:0] sumnr1c_v1;
wire [63:0] sumnr4c_v3;
wire [31:0] sumnr4c_v4;
wire [63:0] sumnr_2c4c_v2;
wire [63:0] sumres_sha256su1_v2;
wire [31:0] tchoose_v3;
wire [31:0] tmajority_v3;
wire [31:0] tmajority_v4;
wire unused_cout1c2_v1;
wire unused_cout1c_v1;
wire unused_cout2_2c4c_v2;
wire unused_cout2_4c_v3;
wire unused_cout4c_v3;
wire unused_cout4c_v4;
wire unused_cout_2c4c_v2;
wire unused_cout_sha256su1h_v2;
wire unused_cout_sha256su1l_v2;
wire [32:0] x_fa2_c_v4;
wire [31:0] x_fa2_s_v4;
wire [127:0] x_v1;
wire [127:0] x_v2;
wire [127:0] x_v3;
wire [127:0] x_v4;
wire xprime_carry;
wire [127:96] xprime_v4;
wire [32:0] xy_fa0_c_v3;
wire [31:0] xy_fa0_s_v3;
wire [32:0] xy_fa1_c_v3;
wire [31:0] xy_fa1_c_v4;
wire [31:0] xy_fa1_s_v3;
wire [31:0] xy_fa1_s_v4;
wire [32:0] y_fa2_c_v4;
wire [31:0] y_fa2_s_v4;
wire [32:0] y_fa3_c_v4;
wire [31:0] y_fa3_s_v4;
wire [127:0] y_v1;
wire [127:0] y_v2;
wire [127:0] y_v3;
wire [127:0] y_v4;
wire [127:96] yprime_v4;
wire [127:0] z_v1;
wire [95:0] z_v2;
wire [63:0] z_v3;
wire [31:0] z_v4;
assign ival_en = ival_v1_q | ival_v2_q | ival_v3_q;
assign short_pipe_out_v3_en = sha_inst_v2_q | sha1su0_v2_q | sha256su1_v2_q;
assign ival_v2_4latency = ~short_pipe_out_v3_en & ival_v2_q;
assign ival_v1_or_v2 = ival_v1_q | ival_v2_q;
always_ff @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
begin: u_ival_v2_q
if (reset == 1'b1)
ival_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
else if (reset == 1'b0 && ival_en == 1'b1)
ival_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY ival_v1_q;
else if (reset == 1'b0 && ival_en == 1'b0)
ival_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
else if (ival_en == 1'b1)
ival_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY ival_v1_q;
always_ff @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
begin: u_ival_v3_q
if (reset == 1'b1)
ival_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
else if (reset == 1'b0 && ival_en == 1'b1)
ival_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY ival_v2_4latency;
else if (reset == 1'b0 && ival_en == 1'b0)
ival_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
else if (ival_en == 1'b1)
ival_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY ival_v2_4latency;
always_ff @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
begin: u_sha1c_v2_q_grp
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
sha1c_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha1p_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha1m_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha256h_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha256h2_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha1cpm_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha_inst_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha_inst_h_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha_inst_l_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha1su0_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha256su1_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha256su1_h_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha256su1_l_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha256su1_dup_x_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha256su1_dup_y_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha256su1_dup_z_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
else if (reset == 1'b0 && ival_v1_q == 1'b1) begin
sha1c_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1c_v1_q;
sha1p_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1p_v1_q;
sha1m_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1m_v1_q;
sha256h_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h_v1_q;
sha256h2_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h2_v1_q;
sha1cpm_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1cpm_v1_q;
sha_inst_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha_inst_v1;
sha_inst_h_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha_inst_v1;
sha_inst_l_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha_inst_v1;
sha1su0_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1su0_v1_q;
sha256su1_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256su1_v1_q;
sha256su1_h_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256su1_v1_q;
sha256su1_l_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256su1_v1_q;
sha256su1_dup_x_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256su1_v1_q;
sha256su1_dup_y_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256su1_v1_q;
sha256su1_dup_z_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256su1_v1_q;
else if (reset == 1'b0 && ival_v1_q == 1'b0)
else begin
sha1c_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha1p_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha1m_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha256h_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha256h2_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha1cpm_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha_inst_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha_inst_h_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha_inst_l_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha1su0_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha256su1_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha256su1_h_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha256su1_l_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha256su1_dup_x_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha256su1_dup_y_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha256su1_dup_z_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
else if (ival_v1_q == 1'b1) begin
sha1c_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1c_v1_q;
sha1p_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1p_v1_q;
sha1m_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1m_v1_q;
sha256h_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h_v1_q;
sha256h2_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h2_v1_q;
sha1cpm_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1cpm_v1_q;
sha_inst_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha_inst_v1;
sha_inst_h_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha_inst_v1;
sha_inst_l_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha_inst_v1;
sha1su0_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1su0_v1_q;
sha256su1_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256su1_v1_q;
sha256su1_h_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256su1_v1_q;
sha256su1_l_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256su1_v1_q;
sha256su1_dup_x_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256su1_v1_q;
sha256su1_dup_y_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256su1_v1_q;
sha256su1_dup_z_v2_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256su1_v1_q;
always_ff @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
begin: u_sha1c_v3_q_grp
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
sha1c_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha1p_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha1m_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha1cpm_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha256h_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha256h2_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
else if (reset == 1'b0 && ival_v2_4latency == 1'b1) begin
sha1c_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1c_v2_q;
sha1p_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1p_v2_q;
sha1m_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1m_v2_q;
sha1cpm_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1cpm_v2_q;
sha256h_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h_v2_q;
sha256h2_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h2_v2_q;
else if (reset == 1'b0 && ival_v2_4latency == 1'b0)
else begin
sha1c_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha1p_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha1m_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha1cpm_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha256h_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha256h2_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
else if (ival_v2_4latency == 1'b1) begin
sha1c_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1c_v2_q;
sha1p_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1p_v2_q;
sha1m_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1m_v2_q;
sha1cpm_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1cpm_v2_q;
sha256h_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h_v2_q;
sha256h2_v3_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h2_v2_q;
always_ff @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
begin: u_sha1c_v4_q_grp
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
sha1c_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha1p_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha1m_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha1cpm_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha1cpm_h_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha1cpm_l_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha256h_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha256h_h_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha256h_l_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha256h2_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha256h2_h_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
sha256h2_l_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'b0}};
else if (reset == 1'b0 && ival_v3_q == 1'b1) begin
sha1c_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1c_v3_q;
sha1p_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1p_v3_q;
sha1m_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1m_v3_q;
sha1cpm_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1cpm_v3_q;
sha1cpm_h_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1cpm_v3_q;
sha1cpm_l_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1cpm_v3_q;
sha256h_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h_v3_q;
sha256h_h_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h_v3_q;
sha256h_l_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h_v3_q;
sha256h2_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h_v3_q;
sha256h2_h_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h2_v3_q;
sha256h2_l_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h2_v3_q;
else if (reset == 1'b0 && ival_v3_q == 1'b0)
else begin
sha1c_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha1p_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha1m_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha1cpm_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha1cpm_h_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha1cpm_l_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha256h_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha256h_h_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha256h_l_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha256h2_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha256h2_h_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
sha256h2_l_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {1{1'bx}};
else if (ival_v3_q == 1'b1) begin
sha1c_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1c_v3_q;
sha1p_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1p_v3_q;
sha1m_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1m_v3_q;
sha1cpm_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1cpm_v3_q;
sha1cpm_h_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1cpm_v3_q;
sha1cpm_l_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha1cpm_v3_q;
sha256h_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h_v3_q;
sha256h_h_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h_v3_q;
sha256h_l_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h_v3_q;
sha256h2_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h_v3_q;
sha256h2_h_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h2_v3_q;
sha256h2_l_v4_q <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY sha256h2_v3_q;
assign sha1_v1 = sha1h_v1_q | sha1su0_v1_q | sha1su1_v1_q;
assign sha1h_qnin_v1[ 31:0] = {32{sha1h_v1_q}} & opa_v1[ 31:0];
assign sha1su1_qdin_v1[127:0] = {128{sha1su0_v1_q | sha1su1_v1_q}} & opb_v1[127:0];
assign sha1su1_qnin_v1[127:0] = {128{sha1su0_v1_q | sha1su1_v1_q}} & opa_v1[127:0];
assign sha1su0_q_v1[127:0] = {128{sha1su0_v1_q}} & opc_v1[127:0];
herculesae_vx_sha1 u_sha1(
.sha1h_v1_i (sha1h_v1_q),
.sha1su0_v1_i (sha1su0_v1_q),
.sha1su1_v1_i (sha1su1_v1_q),
.sha1h_qn (sha1h_qnin_v1[31:0]),
.sha1su0_qd (sha1su0_q_v1[127:0]),
.sha1su1_qd (sha1su1_qdin_v1[127:0]),
.sha1su1_qn (sha1su1_qnin_v1[127:0]),
.sha1_v1_o (sha1_out_v1[127:0]));
assign sha256su0_qdin_v1[127:0] = {128{sha256su0_v1_q}} & opb_v1[127:0];
assign sha256su0_qnin_v1[127:0] = {128{sha256su0_v1_q}} & opa_v1[127:0];
herculesae_vx_sha256su0 u_sha256su0(
.qd (sha256su0_qdin_v1[127:0]),
.qn (sha256su0_qnin_v1[ 31:0]),
.sumd (sumnr1c_v1[31:0]),
.suma (sum_sha256su0_v1[31:0]),
.sumb (carry_sha256su0_v1[31:0]),
.d (sha256su0_out_v1[127:0]));
herculesae_vx_sha256su1 u_sha256su1_v1(
.sha256su1_x_op (sha256su1_dup_x_v1_q),
.sha256su1_y_op (sha256su1_dup_y_v1_q),
.sha256su1_z_op (sha256su1_dup_z_v1_q),
.x (opc_v1[63:0]),
.y (opa_v1[95:32]),
.z (opb_v1[127:64]),
.sumnr (sumnr1c_v1[63:0]),
.sum_3to2 (sum_sha256su1_v1[63:0]),
.carry_3to2 (carry_sha256su1_v1[63:0]),
.newx (sha256su1_x_v1[63:0]));
assign x_v1[127:0] = opc_v1[127:0];
assign y_v1[127:0] = opa_v1[127:0];
assign z_v1[127:0] = opb_v1[127:0];
assign sha1_xin_v1[127:0] = {128{sha1cpm_v1_q}} & x_v1[127:0];
assign sha1_yin_v1[31:0] = { 32{sha1cpm_v1_q}} & y_v1[31:0];
assign sha1_zin_v1[31:0] = { 32{sha1cpm_v1_q}} & z_v1[31:0];
herculesae_vx_sha1cpm u_sha1cpm_v1(
.choose (sha1c_v1_q),
.parity (sha1p_v1_q),
.majority (sha1m_v1_q),
.cpm (sha1cpm_v1_q),
.x (sha1_xin_v1[127:0]),
.y (sha1_yin_v1[31:0]),
.z (sha1_zin_v1[31:0]),
.t2 (sumnr1c_v1[31:0]),
.fa1_s (sum_sha1cpm_v1[31:0]),
.fa1_c (carry_sha1cpm_v1[31:0]),
.newx (sha1cpm_x_v1[127:0]),
.newy (sha1cpm_y_v1[31:0]));
assign sha1cpm_y_v1[127:32] = {96{sha1cpm_v1_q}} & y_v1[127:32];
assign sha256_xin_v1[127:0] = {128{sha256hh2_v1_q}} & x_v1[127:0];
assign sha256_yin_v1[127:0] = {128{sha256hh2_v1_q}} & y_v1[127:0];
assign sha256_zin_v1[ 31:0] = {32{ sha256hh2_v1_q}} & z_v1[31:0];
herculesae_vx_sha256h32 u_sha256h32_v1(
.x (sha256_xin_v1[127:0]),
.y (sha256_yin_v1[127:0]),
.z (sha256_zin_v1[31:0]),
.sumnr (sumnr1c_v1[63:0]),
.sum (sum_sha256h32_v1[63:0]),
.carry (carry_sha256h32_v1[63:0]),
.newx (sha256h_x_v1[127:0]),
.newy (sha256h_y_v1[127:0]));
assign sum1c_v1[31:0] = {32{sha256su0_v1_q}} & sum_sha256su0_v1[31:0]
| {32{sha1cpm_v1_q }} & sum_sha1cpm_v1[31:0]
| {32{sha256hh2_v1_q}} & sum_sha256h32_v1[31:0]
| {32{sha256su1_v1_q}} & sum_sha256su1_v1[31:0];
assign carry1c_v1[31:0] = {32{sha256su0_v1_q}} & carry_sha256su0_v1[31:0]
| {32{sha1cpm_v1_q }} & carry_sha1cpm_v1[31:0]
| {32{sha256hh2_v1_q}} & carry_sha256h32_v1[31:0]
| {32{sha256su1_v1_q}} & carry_sha256su1_v1[31:0];
assign {unused_cout1c_v1, sumnr1c_v1[31:0]} = sum1c_v1[31:0] + carry1c_v1[31:0] + {{31{1'b0}}, 1'b0};
assign sum1c_v1[63:32] = {32{sha256hh2_v1_q}} & sum_sha256h32_v1[63:32]
| {32{sha256su1_v1_q}} & sum_sha256su1_v1[63:32];
assign carry1c_v1[63:32] = {32{sha256hh2_v1_q}} & carry_sha256h32_v1[63:32]
| {32{sha256su1_v1_q}} & carry_sha256su1_v1[63:32];
assign {unused_cout1c2_v1, sumnr1c_v1[63:32]} = sum1c_v1[63:32] + carry1c_v1[63:32] + {{31{1'b0}}, 1'b0};
assign sha_inst_v1 = sha1h_v1_q | sha1su0_v1_q | sha1su1_v1_q | sha256su0_v1_q;
assign block_opa_passthrough = sha_inst_v1 | sha256su1_v1_q |
sha256hh2_v1_q | sha1cpm_v1_q;
assign newa_v1[127:0] = ({128{sha1cpm_v1_q }} & sha1cpm_y_v1[127:0])
| ({128{sha256hh2_v1_q}} & sha256h_y_v1[127:0])
| ({128{sha256su1_v1_q}} & {opb_v1[31:0],opa_v1[127:32]})
| ({128{sha256su0_v1_q}} & sha256su0_out_v1[127:0])
| ({128{sha1_v1}} & sha1_out_v1[127:0])
| ({128{~(block_opa_passthrough)}} & opa_v1[127:0]);
assign newb_v1[127:0] = ({128{sha1cpm_v1_q }} & sha1cpm_x_v1[127:0])
| ({128{sha256hh2_v1_q}} & sha256h_x_v1[127:0])
| ({128{sha256su1_v1_q}} & {opc_v1[127:64], sha256su1_x_v1[63:0]});
assign newc_v1[95:0] = opb_v1[127:32];
always_ff @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
begin: u_opa_v2_q_127_0_grp
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
opa_v2_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {128{1'b0}};
opb_v2_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {128{1'b0}};
opc_v2_q[95:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {96{1'b0}};
else if (reset == 1'b0 && ival_v1_q == 1'b1) begin
opa_v2_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY newa_v1[127:0];
opb_v2_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY newb_v1[127:0];
opc_v2_q[95:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY newc_v1[95:0];
else if (reset == 1'b0 && ival_v1_q == 1'b0)
else begin
opa_v2_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {128{1'bx}};
opb_v2_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {128{1'bx}};
opc_v2_q[95:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {96{1'bx}};
else if (ival_v1_q == 1'b1) begin
opa_v2_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY newa_v1[127:0];
opb_v2_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY newb_v1[127:0];
opc_v2_q[95:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY newc_v1[95:0];
assign x_v2[127:0] = opb_v2_q[127:0];
assign y_v2[127:0] = opa_v2_q[127:0];
assign z_v2[95:0] = opc_v2_q[95:0];
herculesae_vx_sha256su1 u_sha256su1_v2(
.sha256su1_x_op (sha256su1_dup_x_v2_q),
.sha256su1_y_op (sha256su1_dup_y_v2_q),
.sha256su1_z_op (sha256su1_dup_z_v2_q),
.x (x_v2[127:64]),
.y (y_v2[127:64]),
.z (x_v2[63:0]),
.sumnr (sumres_sha256su1_v2[63:0]),
.sum_3to2 (sum_sha256su1_v2[63:0]),
.carry_3to2 (carry_sha256su1_v2[63:0]),
.newx (sha256su1_x_v2[63:0]));
herculesae_vx_sha1cpm u_sha1cpm_v2(
.choose (sha1c_v2_q),
.parity (sha1p_v2_q),
.majority (sha1m_v2_q),
.cpm (sha1cpm_v2_q),
.x (x_v2[127:0]),
.y (y_v2[31:0]),
.z (z_v2[31:0]),
.t2 (sumnr_2c4c_v2[31:0]),
.fa1_s (sum_sha1cpm_v2[31:0]),
.fa1_c (carry_sha1cpm_v2[31:0]),
.newx (sha1cpm_x_v2[127:0]),
.newy (sha1cpm_y_v2[31:0]));
assign sha1cpm_y_v2[127:32] = y_v2[127:32];
herculesae_vx_sha256h32 u_sha256h32_v2(
.x (x_v2[127:0]),
.y (y_v2[127:0]),
.z (z_v2[31:0]),
.sumnr (sumnr_2c4c_v2[63:0]),
.sum (sum_sha256h32_v2[63:0]),
.carry (carry_sha256h32_v2[63:0]),
.newx (sha256h_x_v2[127:0]),
.newy (sha256h_y_v2[127:0]));
assign sha256hh2_v2 = sha256h_v2_q | sha256h2_v2_q;
assign sum_2c4c_v2[31:0] = {32{sha1cpm_v2_q}} & sum_sha1cpm_v2[31:0] |
{32{sha256hh2_v2}} & sum_sha256h32_v2[31:0];
assign carry_2c4c_v2[31:0] = {32{sha1cpm_v2_q}} & carry_sha1cpm_v2[31:0] |
{32{sha256hh2_v2}} & carry_sha256h32_v2[31:0];
assign {unused_cout_2c4c_v2, sumnr_2c4c_v2[31:0]} = sum_2c4c_v2[31:0] + carry_2c4c_v2[31:0] + {{31{1'b0}}, 1'b0};
assign sum_2c4c_v2[63:32] = {32{sha256hh2_v2}} & sum_sha256h32_v2[63:32];
assign carry_2c4c_v2[63:32] = {32{sha256hh2_v2}} & carry_sha256h32_v2[63:32];
assign {unused_cout2_2c4c_v2, sumnr_2c4c_v2[63:32]} = sum_2c4c_v2[63:32] + carry_2c4c_v2[63:32] + {{31{1'b0}}, 1'b0};
assign {unused_cout_sha256su1l_v2, sumres_sha256su1_v2[31:0]} = sum_sha256su1_v2[31:0] + carry_sha256su1_v2[31:0] + {{31{1'b0}}, 1'b0};
assign {unused_cout_sha256su1h_v2, sumres_sha256su1_v2[63:32]} = sum_sha256su1_v2[63:32] + carry_sha256su1_v2[63:32] + {{31{1'b0}}, 1'b0};
assign newb_v2[127:0] = ({128{sha1cpm_v2_q}} & sha1cpm_x_v2[127:0])
| ({128{sha256hh2_v2}} & sha256h_x_v2[127:0]);
assign newa_v2[127:0] = ({128{sha1cpm_v2_q}} & sha1cpm_y_v2[127:0])
| ({128{sha256hh2_v2}} & sha256h_y_v2[127:0]);
assign cryptout_v2[127:64] = ({64{sha256su1_h_v2_q}} & sha256su1_x_v2[63:0])
| ({64{sha_inst_h_v2_q}} & opa_v2_q[127:64]);
assign cryptout_v2[63:0] = ({64{sha256su1_l_v2_q}} & opb_v2_q[63:0])
| ({64{sha_inst_l_v2_q}} & opa_v2_q[63:0]);
always_ff @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
begin: u_opa_v3_q_127_0_grp
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
opa_v3_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {128{1'b0}};
opb_v3_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {128{1'b0}};
opc_v3_q[63:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {64{1'b0}};
else if (reset == 1'b0 && ival_v2_4latency == 1'b1) begin
opa_v3_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY newa_v2[127:0];
opb_v3_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY newb_v2[127:0];
opc_v3_q[63:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY opc_v2_q[95:32];
else if (reset == 1'b0 && ival_v2_4latency == 1'b0)
else begin
opa_v3_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {128{1'bx}};
opb_v3_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {128{1'bx}};
opc_v3_q[63:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {64{1'bx}};
else if (ival_v2_4latency == 1'b1) begin
opa_v3_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY newa_v2[127:0];
opb_v3_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY newb_v2[127:0];
opc_v3_q[63:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY opc_v2_q[95:32];
assign x_v3[127:0] = opb_v3_q[127:0];
assign y_v3[127:0] = opa_v3_q[127:0];
assign z_v3[63:0] = opc_v3_q[63:0];
herculesae_vx_sha1cpm u_sha1cpm_v3(
.choose (sha1c_v3_q),
.parity (sha1p_v3_q),
.majority (sha1m_v3_q),
.cpm (sha1cpm_v3_q),
.x (x_v3[127:0]),
.y (y_v3[31:0]),
.z (z_v3[31:0]),
.t2 (sumnr4c_v3[31:0]),
.fa1_s (sum_sha1cpm_v3[31:0]),
.fa1_c (carry_sha1cpm_v3[31:0]),
.newx (sha1cpm_x_v3[127:0]),
.newy (sha1cpm_y_v3[31:0]));
assign sha1cpm_y_v3[127:32] = y_v3[127:32];
herculesae_vx_sha256h32 u_sha256h32_v3(
.x (x_v3[127:0]),
.y (y_v3[127:0]),
.z (z_v3[31:0]),
.sumnr (sumnr4c_v3[63:0]),
.sum (sum_sha256h32_v3[63:0]),
.carry (carry_sha256h32_v3[63:0]),
.newx (sha256h_x_v3[127:0]),
.newy (sha256h_y_v3[127:0]));
assign tchoose_v3[31:0] = (sha256h_y_v3[31:0] & sha256h_y_v3[63:32]) |
(~sha256h_y_v3[31:0] & sha256h_y_v3[95:64]);
assign tmajority_v3[31:0] = (sha256h_x_v3[31:0] & sha256h_x_v3[63:32]) |
(sha256h_x_v3[31:0] & sha256h_x_v3[95:64]) |
(sha256h_x_v3[63:32] & sha256h_x_v3[95:64]);
assign sigma0_v3[31:0] = {sha256h_x_v3[1:0], sha256h_x_v3[31:2]}
^ {sha256h_x_v3[12:0], sha256h_x_v3[31:13]}
^ {sha256h_x_v3[21:0], sha256h_x_v3[31:22]};
assign sigma1_v3[31:0] = {sha256h_y_v3[5:0], sha256h_y_v3[31:6]}
^ {sha256h_y_v3[10:0], sha256h_y_v3[31:11]}
^ {sha256h_y_v3[24:0], sha256h_y_v3[31:25]};
assign xy_fa0_s_v3[31:0] = sha256h_y_v3[127:96] ^ z_v3[63:32] ^ tchoose_v3[31:0];
assign xy_fa0_c_v3[32:0] = {sha256h_y_v3[127:96] & z_v3[63:32] | tchoose_v3[31:0] &
(sha256h_y_v3[127:96] | z_v3[63:32]), 1'b0};
assign xy_fa1_s_v3[31:0] = xy_fa0_s_v3[31:0] ^ xy_fa0_c_v3[31:0] ^ sigma1_v3[31:0];
assign xy_fa1_c_v3[32:0] = {xy_fa0_s_v3[31:0] & xy_fa0_c_v3[31:0] | sigma1_v3[31:0] &
(xy_fa0_s_v3[31:0] | xy_fa0_c_v3[31:0]), 1'b0};
assign sha256hh2_v3 = sha256h_v3_q | sha256h2_v3_q;
assign sum4c_v3[31:0] = {32{sha1cpm_v3_q}} & sum_sha1cpm_v3[31:0] |
{32{sha256hh2_v3}} & sum_sha256h32_v3[31:0];
assign carry4c_v3[31:0] = {32{sha1cpm_v3_q}} & carry_sha1cpm_v3[31:0] |
{32{sha256hh2_v3}} & carry_sha256h32_v3[31:0];
assign {unused_cout4c_v3, sumnr4c_v3[31:0]} = sum4c_v3[31:0] + carry4c_v3[31:0] + {{31{1'b0}}, 1'b0};
assign sum4c_v3[63:32] = sum_sha256h32_v3[63:32];
assign carry4c_v3[63:32] = carry_sha256h32_v3[63:32];
assign {unused_cout2_4c_v3, sumnr4c_v3[63:32]} = sum4c_v3[63:32] + carry4c_v3[63:32] + {{31{1'b0}}, 1'b0};
assign newa_v3[127:0] = ({128{sha1cpm_v3_q}} & sha1cpm_y_v3[127:0])
| ({128{sha256h_v3_q}} & {sigma0_v3[31:0], tmajority_v3[31:0],
xy_fa1_s_v3[31:0], xy_fa1_c_v3[31:0]})
| ({128{sha256h2_v3_q}} & {sigma0_v3[31:0],tmajority_v3[31:0],
assign newb_v3[127:0] = ({128{sha1cpm_v3_q}} & sha1cpm_x_v3[127:0])
| ({128{sha256h_v3_q }} & sha256h_x_v3[127:0])
| ({128{sha256h2_v3_q }} & {sha256h_x_v3[127:96], sha256h_y_v3[95:0]});
always_ff @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
begin: u_opb_v4_q_127_0_grp
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
opb_v4_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {128{1'b0}};
opa_v4_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {128{1'b0}};
opc_v4_q[31:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {32{1'b0}};
else if (reset == 1'b0 && ival_v3_q == 1'b1) begin
opb_v4_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY newb_v3[127:0];
opa_v4_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY newa_v3[127:0];
opc_v4_q[31:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY opc_v3_q[63:32];
else if (reset == 1'b0 && ival_v3_q == 1'b0)
else begin
opb_v4_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {128{1'bx}};
opa_v4_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {128{1'bx}};
opc_v4_q[31:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY {32{1'bx}};
else if (ival_v3_q == 1'b1) begin
opb_v4_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY newb_v3[127:0];
opa_v4_q[127:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY newa_v3[127:0];
opc_v4_q[31:0] <= `HERCULESAE_DFF_DELAY opc_v3_q[63:32];
assign x_v4[127:0] = opb_v4_q[127:0];
assign y_v4[127:0] = opa_v4_q[127:0];
assign z_v4[31:0] = opc_v4_q[31:0];
herculesae_vx_sha1cpm u_sha1cpm_v4(
.choose (sha1c_v4_q),
.parity (sha1p_v4_q),
.majority (sha1m_v4_q),
.cpm (sha1cpm_v4_q),
.x (x_v4[127:0]),
.y (y_v4[31:0]),
.z (z_v4[31:0]),
.t2 (sumnr4c_v4[31:0]),
.fa1_s (sum_sha1cpm_v4[31:0]),
.fa1_c (carry_sha1cpm_v4[31:0]),
.newx (sha1cpm_x_v4[127:0]),
.newy (sha1cpm_y_v4[31:0]));
assign sigma0_v4[31:0] = y_v4[127:96];
assign tmajority_v4[31:0] = y_v4[95:64];
assign xy_fa1_s_v4[31:0] = y_v4[63:32];
assign xy_fa1_c_v4[31:0] = y_v4[31:0];
assign x_fa2_s_v4[31:0] = xy_fa1_s_v4[31:0] ^ xy_fa1_c_v4[31:0] ^ x_v4[127:96];
assign x_fa2_c_v4[32:0] = {xy_fa1_s_v4[31:0] & xy_fa1_c_v4[31:0] |
x_v4[127:96] & (xy_fa1_s_v4[31:0] |
xy_fa1_c_v4[31:0]), 1'b0};
assign y_fa2_s_v4[31:0] = sigma0_v4[31:0] ^ tmajority_v4[31:0] ^ xy_fa1_c_v4[31:0];
assign y_fa2_c_v4[32:0] = {sigma0_v4[31:0] & tmajority_v4[31:0] |
xy_fa1_c_v4[31:0] & (sigma0_v4[31:0] |
tmajority_v4[31:0]), 1'b0};
assign y_fa3_s_v4[31:0] = y_fa2_s_v4[31:0] ^ y_fa2_c_v4[31:0] ^ xy_fa1_s_v4[31:0];
assign y_fa3_c_v4[32:0] = {y_fa2_s_v4[31:0] & y_fa2_c_v4[31:0] |
xy_fa1_s_v4[31:0] & (y_fa2_s_v4[31:0] |
y_fa2_c_v4[31:0]), 1'b0};
assign {xprime_carry, xprime_v4[127:96]} = x_fa2_s_v4[31:0] + x_fa2_c_v4[31:0] + {{31{1'b0}}, 1'b0};
assign sha256hh2_v4 = sha256h_v4_q | sha256h2_v4_q;
assign sum_sha256h32_v4[31:0] = y_fa3_s_v4[31:0];
assign carry_sha256h32_v4[31:0] = y_fa3_c_v4[31:0];
assign sum4c_v4[31:0] = {32{sha1cpm_v4_q}} & sum_sha1cpm_v4[31:0] |
{32{sha256hh2_v4}} & sum_sha256h32_v4[31:0];
assign carry4c_v4[31:0] = {32{sha1cpm_v4_q}} & carry_sha1cpm_v4[31:0] |
{32{sha256hh2_v4}} & carry_sha256h32_v4[31:0];
assign {unused_cout4c_v4, sumnr4c_v4[31:0]} = sum4c_v4[31:0] + carry4c_v4[31:0] + {{31{1'b0}}, 1'b0};
assign yprime_v4[127:96] = sumnr4c_v4[31:0];
assign newx_v4[127:0] = {x_v4[95:0], yprime_v4[127:96]};
assign newy_v4[127:0] = {x_v4[95:0], xprime_v4[127:96]};
assign sha256h_x_v4[127:0] = newx_v4[127:0];
assign sha256h_y_v4[127:0] = newy_v4[127:0];
assign cryptout_v4[63:0] = ({64{sha1cpm_l_v4_q}} & sha1cpm_x_v4[63:0])
| ({64{sha256h_l_v4_q}} & sha256h_x_v4[63:0])
| ({64{sha256h2_l_v4_q}} & sha256h_y_v4[63:0]);
assign cryptout_v4[127:64] = ({64{sha1cpm_h_v4_q}} & sha1cpm_x_v4[127:64])
| ({64{sha256h_h_v4_q}} & sha256h_x_v4[127:64])
| ({64{sha256h2_h_v4_q}} & sha256h_y_v4[127:64]);
assign crypt_active = ival_v1_or_v2;
`include "herculesae_header.sv"