forked from Qortal/Brooklyn
266 lines
11 KiB
266 lines
11 KiB
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 Martin Gräßlin <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Gregor Taetzner <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2018 Eike Hein <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Mikel Johnson <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Noah Davis <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQml 2.15
import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import org.kde.plasma.components 3.0 as PC3
import org.kde.kirigami 2.16 as Kirigami
// ScrollView makes it difficult to control implicit size using the contentItem.
// Using EmptyPage instead.
EmptyPage {
id: root
property alias model: view.model
property alias count: view.count
property alias currentIndex: view.currentIndex
property alias currentItem: view.currentItem
property alias delegate: view.delegate
property alias section: view.section
property alias view: view
property bool mainContentView: false
clip: view.height < view.contentHeight
header: MouseArea {
hoverEnabled: true
onEntered: {
if (containsMouse) {
let targetIndex = view.indexAt(mouseX + view.contentX, view.contentY)
if (targetIndex >= 0) {
view.currentIndex = targetIndex
footer: MouseArea {
implicitHeight: KickoffSingleton.listItemMetrics.margins.bottom
hoverEnabled: true
onEntered: {
if (containsMouse) {
let targetIndex = view.indexAt(mouseX + view.contentX, view.height + view.contentY - 1)
if (targetIndex >= 0) {
view.currentIndex = targetIndex
implicitWidth: Math.max(implicitBackgroundWidth + leftInset + rightInset,
contentWidth, // exclude padding to avoid scrollbars automatically affecting implicitWidth
leftPadding: verticalScrollBar.visible && root.mirrored ? verticalScrollBar.implicitWidth : 0
rightPadding: verticalScrollBar.visible && !root.mirrored ? verticalScrollBar.implicitWidth : 0
contentItem: ListView {
id: view
readonly property real availableWidth: width - leftMargin - rightMargin
readonly property real availableHeight: height - topMargin - bottomMargin
property bool movedWithKeyboard: false
Accessible.role: Accessible.List
implicitWidth: {
let totalMargins = leftMargin + rightMargin
if (mainContentView) {
if (plasmoid.rootItem.mayHaveGridWithScrollBar) {
totalMargins += verticalScrollBar.implicitWidth
return KickoffSingleton.gridCellSize * 4 + totalMargins
return contentWidth + totalMargins
implicitHeight: {
// use grid cells to determine size
let h = KickoffSingleton.gridCellSize * 4
// If no grids are used, use the number of items that would fit in the grid height
if (plasmoid.configuration.favoritesDisplay != 0 && plasmoid.configuration.applicationsDisplay != 0) {
h = Math.floor(h / KickoffSingleton.listDelegateHeight) * KickoffSingleton.listDelegateHeight
return h + topMargin + bottomMargin
leftMargin: plasmoid.rootItem.backgroundMetrics.leftPadding
rightMargin: plasmoid.rootItem.backgroundMetrics.rightPadding
currentIndex: count > 0 ? 0 : -1
focus: true
interactive: height < contentHeight
pixelAligned: true
reuseItems: true
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
// default keyboard navigation doesn't allow focus reasons to be used
// and eats up/down key events when at the beginning or end of the list.
keyNavigationEnabled: false
keyNavigationWraps: false
// This is actually needed. The highlight will animate from thin to wide otherwise.
highlightResizeDuration: 0
highlightMoveDuration: 0
highlight: PlasmaCore.FrameSvgItem {
// The default Z value for delegates is 1. The default Z value for the section delegate is 2.
// The highlight gets a value of 3 while the drag is active and then goes back to the default value of 0.
z: root.currentItem && ?
3 : 0
opacity: view.activeFocus
|| (plasmoid.rootItem.contentArea === root
&& plasmoid.rootItem.searchField.activeFocus) ? 1 : 0.5
imagePath: "widgets/viewitem"
prefix: "hover"
visible: plasmoid.rootItem.contentArea !== root
|| !== 1
delegate: KickoffItemDelegate {
width: view.availableWidth
section {
property: "group"
criteria: ViewSection.FullString
delegate: PC3.Label {
//readonly property bool visualFocus: false
width: section.length === 1
? KickoffSingleton.listDelegateContentHeight + leftPadding + rightPadding
// Accessing implicitWidth fixes the width being 0 when loaded.
: Math.min(Math.ceil(implicitWidth), view.availableWidth)
height: KickoffSingleton.listDelegateHeight
leftPadding: view.effectiveLayoutDirection === Qt.LeftToRight
? KickoffSingleton.listItemMetrics.margins.left : 0
rightPadding: view.effectiveLayoutDirection === Qt.RightToLeft
? KickoffSingleton.listItemMetrics.margins.right : 0
horizontalAlignment: section.length === 1 ? Text.AlignHCenter : Text.AlignLeft
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
maximumLineCount: 1
elide: Text.ElideRight
font.pixelSize: KickoffSingleton.listDelegateContentHeight
enabled: false
text: section.length === 1 ? section.toUpperCase() : section
move: normalTransition
moveDisplaced: normalTransition
Transition {
id: normalTransition
NumberAnimation {
duration: PlasmaCore.Units.shortDuration
properties: "x, y"
easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
PC3.ScrollBar.vertical: PC3.ScrollBar {
id: verticalScrollBar
parent: root
z: 2
height: root.height
anchors.right: parent.right
Kirigami.WheelHandler {
target: view
filterMouseEvents: true
// `20 * Qt.styleHints.wheelScrollLines` is the default speed.
// `* PlasmaCore.Units.devicePixelRatio` is needed on X11
// because Plasma doesn't support Qt scaling.
horizontalStepSize: 20 * Qt.styleHints.wheelScrollLines * PlasmaCore.Units.devicePixelRatio
verticalStepSize: 20 * Qt.styleHints.wheelScrollLines * PlasmaCore.Units.devicePixelRatio
Connections {
target: plasmoid
function onExpandedChanged() {
if(!plasmoid.expanded) {
view.currentIndex = 0
Timer {
id: movedWithKeyboardTimer
interval: 200
onTriggered: view.movedWithKeyboard = false
function focusCurrentItem(event, focusReason) {
event.accepted = true
Keys.onMenuPressed: if (currentItem !== null) {
Keys.onPressed: {
let targetX = currentItem ? currentItem.x : contentX
let targetY = currentItem ? currentItem.y : contentY
let targetIndex = currentIndex
let atFirst = currentIndex === 0
let atLast = currentIndex === count - 1
if (count > 1) {
switch (event.key) {
case Qt.Key_Up: if (!atFirst) {
focusCurrentItem(event, Qt.BacktabFocusReason)
} break
case Qt.Key_Down: if (!atLast) {
focusCurrentItem(event, Qt.TabFocusReason)
} break
case Qt.Key_Home: if (!atFirst) {
currentIndex = 0
focusCurrentItem(event, Qt.BacktabFocusReason)
} break
case Qt.Key_End: if (!atLast) {
currentIndex = count - 1
focusCurrentItem(event, Qt.TabFocusReason)
} break
case Qt.Key_PageUp: if (!atFirst) {
targetY = targetY - height + 1
targetIndex = indexAt(targetX, targetY)
// TODO: Find a more efficient, but accurate way to do this
while (targetIndex === -1) {
targetY += 1
targetIndex = indexAt(targetX, targetY)
currentIndex = Math.max(targetIndex, 0)
focusCurrentItem(event, Qt.BacktabFocusReason)
} break
case Qt.Key_PageDown: if (!atLast) {
targetY = targetY + height - 1
targetIndex = indexAt(targetX, targetY)
// TODO: Find a more efficient, but accurate way to do this
while (targetIndex === -1) {
targetY -= 1
targetIndex = indexAt(targetX, targetY)
currentIndex = Math.min(targetIndex, count - 1)
focusCurrentItem(event, Qt.TabFocusReason)
} break
movedWithKeyboard = event.accepted
if (movedWithKeyboard) {