const messageIdentifierPrefix = `mintership-forum-message`;
const messageAttachmentIdentifierPrefix = `mintership-forum-attachment`;
// NOTE - SET adminGroups in QortalApi.js to enable admin access to forum for specific groups. Minter Admins will be fetched automatically.
let replyToMessageIdentifier = null;
let latestMessageIdentifiers = {}; // To keep track of the latest message in each room
let currentPage = 0; // Track current pagination page
let existingIdentifiers = new Set(); // Keep track of existing identifiers to not pull them more than once.
// If there is a previous latest message identifiers, use them. Otherwise, use an empty.
if (localStorage.getItem("latestMessageIdentifiers")) {
latestMessageIdentifiers = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("latestMessageIdentifiers"));
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async () => {
// Identify the links for 'Mintership Forum' and apply functionality
const mintershipForumLinks = document.querySelectorAll('a[href="MINTERSHIP-FORUM"]');
mintershipForumLinks.forEach(link => {
link.addEventListener('click', async (event) => {
//login if not already logged in.
if (!userState.isLoggedIn) {
await login();
await loadForumPage();
loadRoomContent("general"); // Automatically load General Room on forum load
startPollingForNewMessages(); // Start polling for new messages after loading the forum page
// Main load function to clear existing HTML and load the forum page -----------------------------------------------------
const loadForumPage = async () => {
// remove everything that isn't the menu from the body to use js to generate page content.
const bodyChildren = document.body.children;
for (let i = bodyChildren.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const child = bodyChildren[i];
if (!child.classList.contains('menu')) {
const avatarUrl = `/arbitrary/THUMBNAIL/${userState.accountName}/qortal_avatar`;
// Create the forum layout, including a header, sub-menu, and keeping the original background imagestyle="background-image: url('/assets/images/background.jpg');">
const mainContent = document.createElement('div');
mainContent.innerHTML = `
${userState.accountName || 'Guest'}
${userState.isAdmin ? '' : ''}
// Add event listeners to room buttons
document.getElementById("minters-room").addEventListener("click", () => {
currentPage = 0;
if (userState.isAdmin) {
document.getElementById("admins-room").addEventListener("click", () => {
currentPage = 0;
document.getElementById("general-room").addEventListener("click", () => {
currentPage = 0;
// Function to add the pagination buttons and related control mechanisms ------------------------
const renderPaginationControls = async(room, totalMessages, limit) => {
const paginationContainer = document.getElementById("pagination-container");
if (!paginationContainer) return;
paginationContainer.innerHTML = ""; // Clear existing buttons
const totalPages = Math.ceil(totalMessages / limit);
// Add "Previous" button
if (currentPage > 0) {
const prevButton = document.createElement("button");
prevButton.innerText = "Previous";
prevButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (currentPage > 0) {
loadMessagesFromQDN(room, currentPage, false);
// Add numbered page buttons
for (let i = 0; i < totalPages; i++) {
const pageButton = document.createElement("button");
pageButton.innerText = i + 1;
pageButton.className = i === currentPage ? "active-page" : "";
pageButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (i !== currentPage) {
currentPage = i;
loadMessagesFromQDN(room, currentPage, false);
// Add "Next" button
if (currentPage < totalPages - 1) {
const nextButton = document.createElement("button");
nextButton.innerText = "Next";
nextButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (currentPage < totalPages - 1) {
loadMessagesFromQDN(room, currentPage, false);
// Main function to load the full content of the room, along with all main functionality -----------------------------------
const loadRoomContent = async (room) => {
const forumContent = document.getElementById("forum-content");
if (!forumContent) {
console.error("Forum content container not found!");
// Set initial content
forumContent.innerHTML = `
// Define `mostRecentMessage` to track the latest message during this fetch
let mostRecentMessage = latestMessageIdentifiers[room]?.latestTimestamp ? latestMessageIdentifiers[room] : null;
// Fetch all messages that haven't been fetched before
const fetchMessages = await Promise.all( (resource) => {
if (existingIdentifiers.has(resource.identifier)) {
return null; // Skip messages that are already displayed
try {
console.log(`Fetching message with identifier: ${resource.identifier}`);
const messageResponse = await qortalRequest({
service: "BLOG_POST",
identifier: resource.identifier,
console.log("Fetched message response:", messageResponse);
// No need to decode, as qortalRequest returns the decoded data if no 'encoding: base64' is set.
const messageObject = messageResponse;
const timestamp = resource.updated || resource.created;
const formattedTimestamp = await timestampToHumanReadableDate(timestamp);
return {
content: messageObject.messageHtml,
date: formattedTimestamp,
identifier: resource.identifier,
replyTo: messageObject.replyTo,
attachments: messageObject.attachments || [] // Include attachments if they exist
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to fetch message with identifier ${resource.identifier}. Error: ${error.message}`);
return null;
// Render new messages without duplication
for (const message of fetchMessages) {
if (message && !existingIdentifiers.has(message.identifier)) {
let replyHtml = "";
if (message.replyTo) {
const repliedMessage = fetchMessages.find(m => m && m.identifier === message.replyTo);
if (repliedMessage) {
replyHtml = `
In reply to: ${}${}
const isNewMessage = !mostRecentMessage || new Date(message.timestamp) > new Date(mostRecentMessage?.latestTimestamp);
let attachmentHtml = "";
if (message.attachments && message.attachments.length > 0) {
for (const attachment of message.attachments) {
if (attachment.mimeType && attachment.mimeType.startsWith('image/')) {
try {
// Construct the image URL
const imageUrl = `/arbitrary/${attachment.service}/${}/${attachment.identifier}`;
// Add the image HTML with the direct URL
attachmentHtml += `
// Set up the modal download button
const downloadButton = document.getElementById("download-button");
downloadButton.onclick = () => {
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to fetch attachment ${attachment.filename}:`, error);
} else {
// Display a button to download non-image attachments
attachmentHtml += `
// Append new message to the end of the container
messagesContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', messageHTML);
// Update mostRecentMessage if this message is newer
if (!mostRecentMessage || new Date(message.timestamp) > new Date(mostRecentMessage?.latestTimestamp || 0)) {
mostRecentMessage = {
latestIdentifier: message.identifier,
latestTimestamp: message.timestamp
// Add the identifier to the existingIdentifiers set
// Update latestMessageIdentifiers for the room
if (mostRecentMessage) {
latestMessageIdentifiers[room] = mostRecentMessage;
localStorage.setItem("latestMessageIdentifiers", JSON.stringify(latestMessageIdentifiers));
// Add event listeners to the reply buttons
const replyButtons = document.querySelectorAll(".reply-button");
replyButtons.forEach(button => {
button.addEventListener("click", () => {
replyToMessageIdentifier = button.dataset.messageIdentifier;
// Find the message being replied to
const repliedMessage = fetchMessages.find(m => m && m.identifier === replyToMessageIdentifier);
if (repliedMessage) {
const replyContainer = document.createElement("div");
replyContainer.className = "reply-container";
replyContainer.innerHTML = `
Replying to: ${repliedMessage.content}
if (!document.querySelector(".reply-container")) {
const messageInputSection = document.querySelector(".message-input-section");
if (messageInputSection) {
messageInputSection.insertBefore(replyContainer, messageInputSection.firstChild);
// Add a listener for the cancel reply button
document.getElementById("cancel-reply").addEventListener("click", () => {
replyToMessageIdentifier = null;
const messageInputSection = document.querySelector(".message-input-section");
const editor = document.querySelector(".ql-editor");
if (messageInputSection) {
messageInputSection.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center' });
if (editor) {
// Render pagination controls
const totalMessages = await searchAllCountOnly(`${messageIdentifierPrefix}-${room}`);
renderPaginationControls(room, totalMessages, limit);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error loading messages from QDN:', error);
// Polling function to check for new messages without clearing existing ones
function startPollingForNewMessages() {
setInterval(async () => {
const activeRoom = document.querySelector('.room-title')?.innerText.toLowerCase().split(" ")[0];
if (activeRoom) {
await loadMessagesFromQDN(activeRoom, currentPage, true);
}, 20000);