This is the initial 'alpha' of the Mintership Forum / Mintership tools that will be built into the final Q-Mintership app. This is a simplistic version built by crowetic that will offer a very simple communciations location, and the tools for the minter admins to accomplish the necessary GROUP_APPROVAL transactions. Scroll down for the currently available tools...
Learn more about the Mintership concept, and why it was needed. The days of 'sponsorship' are a thing of the past on the Qortal Network. No more will there be the ability to self-sponsor. A new era of Qortal begins! Join the conversation with the other minters and admins here!
Not already minting? You've come to the right place to get started. The 'MINTERS.' links will take you to the 'Minter Board'. The Minter Board is a place to publish your intent to become a minter, and get support from the existing minters and Minter Admins.
Are you one of the initially selected Minter Admins? We have the tools here you need to create and approve GROUP_APPROVAL transactions, and communicate securely with your fellow admins. There is a private forum, and Minter Admin Tools section available for you!
This is the very start of the Q-Mintership app. It will be dramatically changing upon the beta release, and modification to the Q-Mintership Q-App. This initial version is a version that could be launched more quickly, and does not have nearly as much functionality as what will exist once the main app goes live.