let currentMinterToolPage = 'overview'; // Track the current page

const loadMinterAdminToolsPage = async () => {
    // Remove all body content except for menu elements
    const bodyChildren = document.body.children;
    for (let i = bodyChildren.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        const child = bodyChildren[i];
        if (!child.classList.contains('menu')) {

    const avatarUrl = `/arbitrary/THUMBNAIL/${userState.accountName}/qortal_avatar`
    // Set the background image directly from a file
    const mainContent = document.createElement('div')
    // In your 'AdminTools' code
    mainContent.innerHTML = `
    <div class="tools-main mbr-parallax-background cid-ttRnlSkg2R">
      <div class="tools-header" style="color: white; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; padding: 10px;">
        <div><h1 style="font-size: 50px; margin: 0;">Admin Tools</h1></div>
        <div class="user-info" style="border: 1px solid lightblue; padding: 5px; color: lightblue; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center;">
          <img src="${avatarUrl}" alt="User Avatar" class="user-avatar" style="width: 50px; height: 50px; border-radius: 50%; margin-right: 10px;">
          <span>${userState.accountName || 'Guest'}</span>
        <div><h2>Welcome to Admin Tools</h2></div>
          <p>On this page you will find admin functionality for the Q-Mintership App. Including the 'blockList' for blocking comments from certain names, and manual creation of invite transactions.</p>
          <p>More features will be added as time goes on. This is the start of the functionality here.</p>
      <div id="tools-submenu" class="tools-submenu">
        <div class="tools-buttons" style="display: flex; gap: 1em; justify-content: center;">
          <button id="toggle-blocklist-button" class="publish-card-button">Add/Remove blockedUsers</button>
          <button id="create-group-invite" class="publish-card-button" style="backgroundColor:rgb(82, 114, 145)">Create and Display Pending Group Invites</button>
        <div id="tools-window" class="tools-window" style="margin-top: 2em;">
          <div id="blocklist-container" class="blocklist-form" style="display: none;">
            <h3 style="margin-top: 0;">Comment Block List</h3>
            <div id="blocklist-display" class="blocklist-display" style="margin-bottom: 1em;"></div>
              placeholder="Enter name to block/unblock"
              style="margin-bottom: 1em;"
            <div class="blocklist-button-container publish-card-form">
              <button id="blocklist-add-button" class="publish-card-button">Add</button>
              <button id="blocklist-remove-button" class="publish-card-button">Remove</button>

          <div id="invite-container" class="invite-form" style="display: none; flex-direction: column; padding: 0.75em; align-items: center; justify-content: center;">
            <!-- Existing pending invites display -->
            <div id="pending-invites-display" class="pending-invites-display" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">
              <!-- We will fill this dynamically with a list/table of pending invites -->

            <!-- Input for name/address -->
            <h3 style="margin-top: 0;">Manual Group Invite</h3>
              placeholder="Enter name or address to invite"
              style="margin-bottom: 1em;"

            <!-- Button to create the invite transaction -->
            <div class="invite-button-container publish-card-form">
              <button id="invite-user-button" class="publish-card-button">Invite User</button>


    await addToolsPageEventListeners()
const addToolsPageEventListeners= async () => {
  document.getElementById("toggle-blocklist-button").addEventListener("click", async () => {
    const container = document.getElementById("blocklist-container")
    // toggle show/hide
    container.style.display = (container.style.display === "none" ? "flex" : "none")
    // if showing, load the block list
    if (container.style.display === "flex") {
      const currentBlockList = await fetchBlockList()

  document.getElementById("blocklist-add-button").addEventListener("click", async () => {
    const blocklistInput = document.getElementById("blocklist-input")
    const nameToAdd = blocklistInput.value.trim()
    if (!nameToAdd) return
    // fetch existing
    const currentBlockList = await fetchBlockList()
    // add if not already in list
    if (!currentBlockList.includes(nameToAdd)) {
    // publish updated
    await publishBlockList(currentBlockList)
    blocklistInput.value = ""
    alert(`"${nameToAdd}" added to the block list!`)
  // Remove
  document.getElementById("blocklist-remove-button").addEventListener("click", async () => {
    const blocklistInput = document.getElementById("blocklist-input")
    const nameToRemove = blocklistInput.value.trim()
    if (!nameToRemove) return
    // fetch existing
    let currentBlockList = await fetchBlockList()
    // remove if present
    currentBlockList = currentBlockList.filter(name => name !== nameToRemove)
    // publish updated
    await publishBlockList(currentBlockList)
    blocklistInput.value = ""
    alert(`"${nameToRemove}" removed from the block list (if it was present).`)

  document.getElementById("invite-user-button").addEventListener("click", async () => {
    const inviteInput = document.getElementById("invite-input")
    const nameOrAddress = inviteInput.value.trim()
    if (!nameOrAddress) return
    try {
      // We'll call some function handleManualInvite(nameOrAddress)
      await handleManualInvite(nameOrAddress)    
      inviteInput.value = ""
    } catch (err) {
      console.error("Error inviting user:", err)
      alert("Failed to invite user.")

  document.getElementById("create-group-invite").addEventListener("click", async () => {
    const inviteContainer = document.getElementById("invite-container")
    // Toggle display
    inviteContainer.style.display = (inviteContainer.style.display === "none" ? "flex" : "none")
    // If showing, load the pending invites
    if (inviteContainer.style.display === "flex") {
      const pendingInvites = await fetchPendingInvites()
      await displayPendingInviteDetails(pendingInvites)

const displayBlockList = (blockedNames) => {
  const blocklistDisplay = document.getElementById("blocklist-display")
  if (!blockedNames || blockedNames.length === 0) {
    blocklistDisplay.innerHTML = "<p>No blocked users currently.</p>"
  blocklistDisplay.innerHTML = `
      ${blockedNames.map(name => `<li>${name}</li>`).join("")}

const fetchPendingInvites = async () => {
  try {
    const { finalInviteTxs, pendingInviteTxs } = await fetchAllInviteTransactions()
    return pendingInviteTxs
  } catch (err) {
    console.error("Error fetching pending invites:", err)
    return []

const handleManualInvite = async (nameOrAddress) => {
  const addressInfo = await getAddressInfo(nameOrAddress)
  let address = addressInfo.address
  if (addressInfo && address) {
    console.log(`address is ${address}`)
  } else {
    // it might be a Qortal name => getNameInfo
    const nameData = await getNameInfo(nameOrAddress)
    if (!nameData || !nameData.owner) {
      throw new Error(`Cannot find valid address for ${nameOrAddress}`)
    address = nameData.owner

  const adminPublicKey = await getPublicKeyByName(userState.accountName)
  const timeToLive = 864000 // e.g. 10 days in seconds
  const fee = 0.01
  let txGroupId = 694

  // build the raw invite transaction
  const rawInviteTransaction = await createGroupInviteTransaction(

  // sign
  const signedTransaction = await qortalRequest({
    action: "SIGN_TRANSACTION",
    unsignedBytes: rawInviteTransaction
  if (!signedTransaction) {
    throw new Error("SIGN_TRANSACTION returned null. Possibly user canceled or an older UI?")

  // process
  const processResponse = await processTransaction(signedTransaction)
  if (!processResponse) {
    throw new Error("Failed to process transaction. Possibly canceled or error from Qortal Core.")

  alert(`Invite transaction submitted for ${nameOrAddress}. Wait for confirmation.`)

const displayPendingInviteDetails = async (pendingInvites) => {
  const invitesContainer = document.getElementById('pending-invites-display')
  if (!pendingInvites || pendingInvites.length === 0) {
    invitesContainer.innerHTML = "<p>No pending invites found.</p>"

  let html = `<h4>Current Pending Invites:</h4><div class="pending-invites-list">`

  for (const inviteTx of pendingInvites) {
    const inviteeAddress = inviteTx.invitee 
    const dateStr = new Date(inviteTx.timestamp).toLocaleString()
    let inviteeName = ""
    const txSig = inviteTx.signature
    const creatorName = await getNameFromAddress(inviteTx.creatorAddress) 
    if (!creatorName) {
      creatorName = inviteTx.creatorAddress

    try {
      // fetch the name from address, if it fails we keep it blank or fallback to the address
      inviteeName = await getNameFromAddress(inviteeAddress)
      if (!inviteeName || inviteeName === inviteeAddress) {
        inviteeName = inviteeAddress // fallback
    } catch (err) {
      inviteeName = inviteeAddress // fallback if getName fails

    const approvalSearchResults = await searchTransactions({
      txTypes: ['GROUP_APPROVAL'],
      confirmationStatus: 'CONFIRMED',
      limit: 0,
      reverse: false,
      offset: 0,
      startBlock: 1990000,
      blockLimit: 0,
      txGroupId: 0 

    const approvals = approvalSearchResults.filter(
      (approvalTx) => approvalTx.pendingSignature === txSig
    const { tableHtml, approvalCount } = await buildApprovalTableHtml(approvals, getNameFromAddress)
    const finalTable = approvals.length > 0 ? tableHtml : "<p>No Approvals Found</p>"
    html += `
      <div class="invite-item">
        <div class="invite-top-row">
          <span><strong>Invite Tx</strong>:<p style="color:lightblue"> ${inviteTx.signature.slice(0, 8)}...</p></span>
          <span> <strong>Invitee</strong>:<p style="color:lightblue"> ${inviteeName}</p></span>
          <span> <strong>Date</strong>:<p style="color:lightblue"> ${dateStr}</p></span>
          <span> <strong>CreatorName</strong>:<p style="color:lightblue"> ${creatorName}</p></span>
          <span> <strong>Total Approvals</strong>:<p style="color:lightblue"> ${approvalCount}</p></span>
        <!-- Next line for approvals -->
        <div class="invite-approvals">
          <strong>Existing Approvals:</strong>
            Approve Invite

  html += "</div>"
  invitesContainer.innerHTML = html