// const cardIdentifierPrefix = "test-board-card"
const cardIdentifierPrefix = "testMB-board-card";
let isExistingCard = false;
let existingCardData = {};
let existingCardIdentifier ={};
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async () => {
const minterBoardLinks = document.querySelectorAll('a[href="MINTER-BOARD"], a[href="MINTERS"]');
minterBoardLinks.forEach(link => {
link.addEventListener("click", async (event) => {
if (!userState.isLoggedIn) {
await login();
await loadMinterBoardPage();
async function loadMinterBoardPage() {
// Clear existing content on the page
const bodyChildren = document.body.children;
for (let i = bodyChildren.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const child = bodyChildren[i];
if (!child.classList.contains("menu")) {
// Add the "Minter Board" content
const mainContent = document.createElement("div");
mainContent.innerHTML = `
Minter Board
The Minter Board is a place to publish information about yourself in order to obtain support from existing Minters and Minter Admins on the Qortal network. You may publish a header, content, and links to other QDN-published content in order to support you in your mission. Minter Admins and Existing Minters will then support you (or not) by way of a vote on your card. Card details you publish, along with existing poll results, and comments from others, will be displayed here. Good Luck on your Qortal journey to becoming a minter!
document.getElementById("publish-card-button").addEventListener("click", async () => {
try {
// await fetchExistingCard();
const cardIdentifier = await fetchExistingCard().identifier
if (cardIdentifier) {
// Update existing card
const updateCard = confirm("A card already exists. Do you want to update it?");
isExistingCard = true;
if (updateCard) {
// Load existing card into the form for editing
alert("Edit your existing card and publish.");
} else {
// Allow creating a new card for testing purposes
alert("You can now create a new card for testing.");
isExistingCard = false;
existingCardData = {}; // Reset to allow new card creation
} else {
alert("No existing card found. Create a new card.");
isExistingCard = false;
// Show the form for publishing a card
const publishCardView = document.getElementById("publish-card-view");
publishCardView.style.display = "flex";
document.getElementById("cards-container").style.display = "none";
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error checking for existing card:", error);
alert("Failed to check for existing card. Please try again.");
document.getElementById("cancel-publish-button").addEventListener("click", () => {
const cardsContainer = document.getElementById("cards-container");
cardsContainer.style.display = "flex"; // Restore visibility
const publishCardView = document.getElementById("publish-card-view");
publishCardView.style.display = "none"; // Hide the publish form
document.getElementById("add-link-button").addEventListener("click", () => {
const linksContainer = document.getElementById("links-container");
const newLinkInput = document.createElement("input");
newLinkInput.type = "text";
newLinkInput.className = "card-link";
newLinkInput.placeholder = "Enter QDN link";
document.getElementById("publish-card-form").addEventListener("submit", async (event) => {
await publishCard();
await loadCards();
async function fetchExistingCard() {
try {
// Step 1: Perform the search
const response = await qortalRequest({
service: "BLOG_POST",
identifier: cardIdentifierPrefix,
name: userState.accountName,
exactMatchNames: true //we want to search for the EXACT userName only when finding existing cards.
console.log(`SEARCH_QDN_RESOURCES response: ${JSON.stringify(response, null, 2)}`);
// Step 2: Check if the response is an array and not empty
if (!response || !Array.isArray(response) || response.length === 0) {
console.log("No cards found for the current user.");
return null;
const validCards = response.filter(card => validateCardStructure(card));
if (validCards.length > 0) {
// Sort by most recent timestamp
const mostRecentCard = validCards.sort((a, b) => b.created - a.created)[0];
const cardDataResponse = await qortalRequest({
name: userState.accountName, // User's account name
service: "BLOG_POST",
identifier: mostRecentCard.identifier,
existingCardIdentifier = mostRecentCard.identifier
existingCardData = cardDataResponse
console.log("Full card data fetched successfully:", cardDataResponse);
return cardDataResponse; // Return full card data
console.log("No valid cards found.");
return null;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching existing card:", error);
return null;
const validateCardStructure = (card) => {
return (
typeof card === "object" &&
card.name &&
card.service === "BLOG_POST" &&
card.identifier && !card.identifier.includes("comment") &&
function loadCardIntoForm(cardData) {
document.getElementById("card-header").value = cardData.header;
document.getElementById("card-content").value = cardData.content;
const linksContainer = document.getElementById("links-container");
linksContainer.innerHTML = ""; // Clear previous links
cardData.links.forEach(link => {
const linkInput = document.createElement("input");
linkInput.type = "text";
linkInput.className = "card-link";
linkInput.value = link;
async function publishCard() {
const header = document.getElementById("card-header").value.trim();
const content = document.getElementById("card-content").value.trim();
const links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".card-link"))
.map(input => input.value.trim())
.filter(link => link.startsWith("qortal://"));
if (!header || !content) {
alert("Header and content are required!");
const cardIdentifier = isExistingCard ? existingCardIdentifier : `${cardIdentifierPrefix}-${await uid()}`;
const pollName = `${cardIdentifier}-poll`;
const pollDescription = `Mintership Board Poll for ${userState.accountName}`;
const cardData = {
creator: userState.accountName,
timestamp: Date.now(),
poll: pollName,
// new Date().toISOString()
try {
let base64CardData = await objectToBase64(cardData);
if (!base64CardData) {
console.log(`initial base64 object creation with objectToBase64 failed, using btoa...`);
base64CardData = btoa(JSON.stringify(cardData));
// const base64CardData = btoa(JSON.stringify(cardData));
await qortalRequest({
name: userState.accountName,
service: "BLOG_POST",
identifier: cardIdentifier,
data64: base64CardData,
if (!isExistingCard){
await qortalRequest({
action: "CREATE_POLL",
pollOptions: ['Yes, No'],
pollOwnerAddress: userState.accountAddress,
alert("Card and poll published successfully!");
if (isExistingCard){
alert("Card Updated Successfully! (No poll updates are possible at this time...)")
document.getElementById("publish-card-view").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("cards-container").style.display = "flex";
await loadCards();
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error publishing card or poll:", error);
alert("Failed to publish card and poll.");
async function loadCards() {
const cardsContainer = document.getElementById("cards-container");
cardsContainer.innerHTML = "