diff --git a/stop.sh b/stop.sh
index 90cc0a7a..f881b867 100755
--- a/stop.sh
+++ b/stop.sh
@@ -21,38 +21,27 @@ fi
 read pid 2>/dev/null <run.pid
-# Swap out the API port if the --testnet (or -t) argument is specified
-if [[ "$@" = *"--testnet"* ]] || [[  "$@" = *"-t"* ]]; then
-  api_port=62391
+if [ -z "${pid}" ]; then
+  # Attempt to locate the process ID
+  pid=$(ps aux | grep '[q]ortal.jar' | awk '{print $2}')
-# Ensure curl is installed
-curl_path=$(which curl)
-if [[ -f $curl_path ]]; then
-	echo 'Calling GET /admin/stop on local Qortal node'
-	if curl --url "http://localhost:${api_port}/admin/stop" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
-		echo "Qortal node responded and should be shutting down"
-		if [ "${is_pid_valid}" -eq 0 ]; then
-			echo -n "Monitoring for Qortal node to end"
-			while s=`ps -p $pid -o stat=` && [[ "$s" && "$s" != 'Z' ]]; do
-				echo -n .
-				sleep 1
-			done
-			echo
-			echo "${green}Qortal ended gracefully${normal}"
-			rm -f run.pid
-		fi
-		exit 0
-	else
-		echo "${red}No response from Qortal node - not running on port ${api_port}?${normal}"
-		exit 1
-	fi
+echo "Stopping Qortal process $pid..."
+if kill "${pid}"; then
+  echo "Qortal node should be shutting down"
+  if [ "${is_pid_valid}" -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -n "Monitoring for Qortal node to end"
+    while s=`ps -p $pid -o stat=` && [[ "$s" && "$s" != 'Z' ]]; do
+      echo -n .
+      sleep 1
+    done
+    echo
+    echo "${green}Qortal ended gracefully${normal}"
+    rm -f run.pid
+  fi
+  exit 0
-	echo "${red}curl is not installed or in the path${normal}"
-	exit 1
+  echo "${red}Stop command failed - not running with process id ${pid}?${normal}"
+  exit 1