#!/bin/sh # There's no need to run as root, so don't allow it, for security reasons if [ "$USER" = "root" ]; then echo "Please su to non-root user before running" exit fi # Validate Java is installed and the minimum version is available MIN_JAVA_VER='11' if command -v java > /dev/null 2>&1; then # Example: openjdk version "11.0.6" 2020-01-14 version=$(java -version 2>&1 | awk -F '"' '/version/ {print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f1,2) if echo "${version}" "${MIN_JAVA_VER}" | awk '{ if ($2 > 0 && $1 >= $2) exit 0; else exit 1}'; then echo 'Passed Java version check' else echo "Please upgrade your Java to version ${MIN_JAVA_VER} or greater" exit 1 fi else echo "Java is not available, please install Java ${MIN_JAVA_VER} or greater" exit 1 fi # No qortal.jar but we have a Maven built one? # Be helpful and copy across to correct location if [ ! -e qortal.jar -a -f target/qortal*.jar ]; then echo "Copying Maven-built Qortal JAR to correct pathname" cp target/qortal*.jar qortal.jar fi # Limits Java JVM stack size and maximum heap usage. # Comment out for bigger systems, e.g. non-routers # or when API documentation is enabled # JAVA MEMORY SETTINGS BELOW - These settings are essentially optimized default settings. # Combined with the latest changes on the Qortal Core in version 4.6.6 and beyond, # should give a dramatic increase In performance due to optimized Garbage Collection. # These memory arguments should work on machines with as little as 6GB of RAM. # If you want to run on a machine with less than 6GB of RAM, it is suggested to increase the '50' below to '75' # The Qortal Core will utilize only as much RAM as it needs, but up-to the amount set in percentage below. JVM_MEMORY_ARGS="-XX:MaxRAMPercentage=50 -XX:+UseG1GC -Xss1024k" # Although java.net.preferIPv4Stack is supposed to be false # by default in Java 11, on some platforms (e.g. FreeBSD 12), # it is overridden to be true by default. Hence we explicitly # set it to false to obtain desired behaviour. nohup nice -n 20 java \ -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false \ ${JVM_MEMORY_ARGS} \ -jar qortal.jar \ 1>run.log 2>&1 & # Save backgrounded process's PID echo $! > run.pid echo qortal running as pid $!