# Keys are from api.ApiError enum # Common UNKNOWN=unknown error JSON=failed to parse json message NO_BALANCE=not enough balance NOT_YET_RELEASED=that feature is not yet released UNAUTHORIZED=api call unauthorized REPOSITORY_ISSUE=repository error NON_PRODUCTION=This API call is not permitted for production systems # Validation INVALID_SIGNATURE=invalid signature INVALID_ADDRESS=invalid address INVALID_SEED=invalid seed INVALID_AMOUNT=invalid amount INVALID_FEE=invalid fee INVALID_SENDER=invalid sender INVALID_RECIPIENT=invalid recipient INVALID_NAME_LENGTH=invalid name length INVALID_VALUE_LENGTH=invalid value length INVALID_NAME_OWNER=invalid name owner INVALID_BUYER=invalid buyer INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY=invalid public key INVALID_OPTIONS_LENGTH=invalid options length INVALID_OPTION_LENGTH=invalid option length INVALID_DATA=invalid data INVALID_DATA_LENGTH=invalid data length INVALID_UPDATE_VALUE=invalid update value KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS=key already exists, edit is false KEY_NOT_EXISTS=the key does not exist FEE_LESS_REQUIRED=fee less required WALLET_NOT_IN_SYNC=wallet needs to be synchronized INVALID_NETWORK_ADDRESS=invalid network address ADDRESS_NO_EXISTS=account address does not exist INVALID_CRITERIA=invalid search criteria INVALID_REFERENCE=invalid reference INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY=invalid private key # Wallet WALLET_NO_EXISTS=wallet does not exist WALLET_ADDRESS_NO_EXISTS=address does not exist in wallet WALLET_LOCKED=wallet is locked WALLET_ALREADY_EXISTS=wallet already exists WALLET_API_CALL_FORBIDDEN_BY_USER=wallet denied api call # Blocks BLOCK_NO_EXISTS=block does not exist # Transactions TRANSACTION_NO_EXISTS=transaction does not exist PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_FOUND=public key not found TRANSACTION_INVALID=transaction invalid: %s # Names NAME_NO_EXISTS=name does not exist NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS=name already exists NAME_ALREADY_FOR_SALE=name already for sale NAME_NOT_LOWER_CASE=name must be lower case NAME_SALE_NO_EXISTS=namesale does not exist BUYER_ALREADY_OWNER=buyer is already owner # Voting POLL_NO_EXISTS=poll does not exist POLL_ALREADY_EXISTS=poll already exists DUPLICATE_OPTION=not all options are unique POLL_OPTION_NO_EXISTS=option does not exist ALREADY_VOTED_FOR_THAT_OPTION=already voted for that option # Assets INVALID_ASSET_ID=invalid asset id INVALID_ORDER_ID=invalid asset order id ORDER_NO_EXISTS=unknown asset order id # ATs EMPTY_CODE=code is empty DATA_SIZE=invalid data length NULL_PAGES=invalid pages INVALID_TYPE_LENGTH=invalid type length INVALID_TAGS_LENGTH=invalid tags length INVALID_CREATION_BYTES=error in creation bytes # Blogs/Name-storage BODY_EMPTY=invalid body it must not be empty BLOG_DISABLED=this blog is disabled NAME_NOT_OWNER=the creator address does not own the author name BLOG_ENTRY_NO_EXISTS=transaction with this signature contains no entries! BLOG_EMPTY=this blog is empty POSTID_EMPTY=the attribute postid is empty! this is the signature of the post you want to comment POST_NOT_EXISTING=for the given postid no blogpost to comment was found COMMENTING_DISABLED=commenting is for this blog disabled COMMENT_NOT_EXISTING=for the given signature no comment was found INVALID_COMMENT_OWNER=invalid comment owner # Messages MESSAGE_FORMAT_NOT_HEX=the Message format is not hex - correct the text or use isTextMessage = true MESSAGE_BLANK=The message attribute is missing or content is blank NO_PUBLIC_KEY=The recipient has not yet performed any action in the blockchain.\nYou can't send an encrypted message to them. MESSAGESIZE_EXCEEDED=Message size exceeded!