Package com.google.bitcoin.core |
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.AddressFormatException extends Exception implements Serializable |
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.AddressMessage extends Message implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: 8058283864924679460L
Serialized Fields |
List<E> addresses
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.Block extends Message implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: 2738848929966035281L
Serialized Fields |
long version
byte[] prevBlockHash
byte[] merkleRoot
long time
long difficultyTarget
long nonce
List<E> transactions
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.BlockStoreException extends Exception implements Serializable |
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.ECKey extends Object implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: -728224901792295832L
Serialized Fields |
BigInteger priv
byte[] pub
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.GetBlocksMessage extends Message implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: 3479412877853645644L
Serialized Fields |
List<E> locator
byte[] stopHash
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.GetDataMessage extends ListMessage implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: 2754681589501709887L
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.InventoryMessage extends ListMessage implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: -7050246551646107066L
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.ListMessage extends Message implements Serializable |
Serialized Fields |
List<E> items
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.Message extends Object implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: -3561053461717079135L
Serialized Fields |
NetworkParameters params
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.NetworkParameters extends Object implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: 3L
Serialized Fields |
Block genesisBlock
The first block in every chain is a well known constant shared between all BitCoin implemenetations. For a block to be valid, it must be eventually possible to work backwards to the genesis block by following the prevBlockHash pointers in the block headers.
The genesis blocks for both test and prod networks contain the timestamp of when they were created, and a message in the coinbase transaction. It says, "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks".
BigInteger proofOfWorkLimit
int port
long packetMagic
int addressHeader
int dumpedPrivateKeyHeader
int interval
int targetTimespan
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.PeerAddress extends Message implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: 7501293709324197411L
Serialized Fields |
InetAddress addr
int port
BigInteger services
long time
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.PeerDiscoveryException extends Exception implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: -2863411151549391392L
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.Ping extends Message implements Serializable |
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.ProtocolException extends Exception implements Serializable |
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.ScriptException extends Exception implements Serializable |
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.Sha256Hash extends Object implements Serializable |
Serialized Fields |
byte[] hash
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.StoredBlock extends Object implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: -6097565241243701771L
Serialized Fields |
Block header
BigInteger chainWork
int height
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.Transaction extends Message implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: -8567546957352643140L
Serialized Fields |
long version
ArrayList<E> inputs
ArrayList<E> outputs
long lockTime
Set<E> appearsIn
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.TransactionInput extends Message implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: 2L
Serialized Fields |
long sequence
TransactionOutPoint outpoint
byte[] scriptBytes
Transaction parentTransaction
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.TransactionOutPoint extends Message implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: -6320880638344662579L
Serialized Fields |
byte[] hash
long index
Transaction fromTx
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.TransactionOutput extends Message implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: -590332479859256824L
Serialized Fields |
BigInteger value
byte[] scriptBytes
boolean availableForSpending
TransactionInput spentBy
Transaction parentTransaction
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.UnknownMessage extends Message implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: 3614705938207918775L
Serialized Fields |
String name
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.VerificationException extends Exception implements Serializable |
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.VersionAck extends Message implements Serializable |
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.VersionMessage extends Message implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: 7313594258967483180L
Serialized Fields |
int clientVersion
long localServices
is the only flag defined.
long time
PeerAddress myAddr
PeerAddress theirAddr
String subVer
long bestHeight
Class com.google.bitcoin.core.Wallet extends Object implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: 2L
Serialization Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Serialized Fields |
Map<K,V> pending
Map<K,V> unspent
Note: for now we will not allow spends of transactions that did not make it into the block chain. The code that handles this in BitCoin C++ is complicated. Satoshis code will not allow you to spend unconfirmed coins, however, it does seem to support dependency resolution entirely within the context of the memory pool so theoretically you could spend zero-conf coins and all of them would be included together. To simplify we'll make people wait but it would be a good improvement to resolve this in future.
Map<K,V> spent
Transactions only appear in this map if they are part of the best chain.
Map<K,V> inactive
Note that in the case where a transaction appears in both the best chain and a side chain as well, it is not placed in this map. It's an error for a transaction to be in both the inactive pool and unspent/spent.
Map<K,V> dead
ArrayList<E> keychain
NetworkParameters params