2020-02-24 11:22:13 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# Check we are within a git repo
git_dir=$( git rev-parse --show-toplevel )
if [ -z "${git_dir}" ]; then
echo "Cannot determine top-level directory for git repo"
exit 1
# Change to git top-level
cd ${git_dir}
# Check we are in 'master' branch
2020-10-28 09:08:16 +00:00
branch_name=$( git symbolic-ref -q HEAD || echo )
2020-02-24 11:22:13 +00:00
echo "Current git branch: ${branch_name}"
if [ "${branch_name}" != "master" ]; then
echo "Unexpected current branch '${branch_name}' - expecting 'master'"
2020-05-27 11:08:56 +01:00
echo "CTRL-C within 5 seconds to abort"
sleep 5
2020-02-24 11:22:13 +00:00
# Extract short-form commit hash
short_hash=$( git rev-parse --short HEAD )
if [ -z "${short_hash}" ]; then
echo "Unable to extract short-form current commit hash"
exit 1
echo "HEAD commit is: ${short_hash}"
# Check there are no uncommitted changes
uncommitted=$( git status --short --untracked-files=no )
if [ ! -z "${uncommitted}" ]; then
echo "Cannot continue due to uncommitted files:"
echo "${uncommitted}"
exit 1
# Determine project name
project=$( perl -n -e 'if (m/<artifactId>(\w+)<.artifactId>/) { print $1; exit }' pom.xml $)
if [ -z "${project}" ]; then
echo "Unable to determine project name from pom.xml?"
exit 1
# Actually rebuild JAR
echo "Building ${project} JAR..."
mvn clean package 1>/tmp/${project}-mvn-build.log 2>&1
if [ "$?" != "0" -o ! -r target/${project}*.jar ]; then
echo "Maven build failed. For details, see /tmp/${project}-mvn-build.log"
exit 1
# Convert packaged JAR to XORed update form
echo "Building ${project}.update..."
java -cp target/${project}*.jar org.qortal.XorUpdate target/${project}*.jar ${project}.update
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
echo "Failed to create XORed auto-update JAR"
exit 1
# Create auto-update branch from this commit
if git show-ref --quiet --verify refs/heads/${update_branch}; then
echo "Existing auto-update branch based on this commit (${short_hash}) - deleting..."
git branch --delete --force ${update_branch}
echo "Checking out new auto-update branch based on this commit (${short_hash})..."
git checkout --orphan ${update_branch}
git rm --cached -fr . 1>/dev/null
git add ${project}.update
git commit --message "XORed, auto-update JAR based on commit ${short_hash}"
git push --set-upstream origin --force-with-lease ${update_branch}
2020-10-28 09:08:16 +00:00
2020-05-27 11:08:56 +01:00
echo "Changing back to '${branch_name}' branch"
git checkout --force ${branch_name}