Refactoring, new translations, cleaning up warnings.

Refactored to standard Maven layout:

New translation code that uses locale-specific ResourceBundles
to load translations on demand.

Reworked API error/exceptions code to a shorter, simpler
@ApiErrors annotation. Processing of @ApiErrors annotations
produces an example for each possible API error and includes
API error string in HTTP response code, e.g.
Missing API error cases added to each API call.

Translation of openAPI.json removed (for now).

block-explorer.html and BIP39 wordlists now read as resources
instead of direct from disk.

Java compile warnings fixed.
Some runtime warnings remain:

WARNING: A provider api.resource.ApiDefinition registered in SERVER runtime does not implement any provider interfaces applicable in the SERVER runtime.
WARNING: A provider api.resource.AnnotationPostProcessor registered in SERVER runtime does not implement any provider interfaces applicable in the SERVER runtime.
WARN org.reflections.Reflections - given scan urls are empty. set urls in the configuration
This commit is contained in:
catbref 2018-12-21 11:14:16 +00:00
parent aab6b69da1
commit c4ed4b378c
284 changed files with 835 additions and 2781 deletions

View File

@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<classpath> <classpath>
<classpathentry kind="src" output="target/classes" path="src"> <classpathentry kind="src" output="target/classes" path="target/generated-sources/package-info">
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<attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/> <attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
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</classpathentry> </classpathentry>
<classpathentry kind="src" output="target/classes" path="target/generated-sources/package-info"> <classpathentry kind="src" output="target/classes" path="src/main/java">
<attribute name="optional" value="true"/>
<attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
<classpathentry kind="src" output="target/test-classes" path="src/test/java">
<attributes> <attributes>
<attribute name="optional" value="true"/> <attribute name="optional" value="true"/>
<attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/> <attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
@ -22,20 +28,11 @@
<attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/> <attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
</attributes> </attributes>
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<classpathentry kind="src" output="target/test-classes" path="tests"> <classpathentry excluding="**" kind="src" output="target/classes" path="src/main/resources">
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<classpathentry kind="src" output="target/test-classes" path="target/generated-test-sources/test-annotations"> <classpathentry kind="src" output="target/test-classes" path="target/generated-test-sources/test-annotations">
<attributes> <attributes>
<attribute name="optional" value="true"/> <attribute name="optional" value="true"/>
@ -44,5 +41,10 @@
<attribute name="m2e-apt" value="true"/> <attribute name="m2e-apt" value="true"/>
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</classpath> </classpath>

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@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
eclipse.preferences.version=1 eclipse.preferences.version=1
encoding/<project>=UTF-8 encoding/<project>=UTF-8
encoding/src=UTF-8 encoding/src=UTF-8

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
eclipse.preferences.version=1 eclipse.preferences.version=1
org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.inlineJsrBytecode=enabled org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.inlineJsrBytecode=enabled
org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.methodParameters=do not generate
org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.targetPlatform=1.8 org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.targetPlatform=1.8
org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.unusedLocal=preserve org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.unusedLocal=preserve
org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.compliance=1.8 org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.compliance=1.8

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
### General
- Reduce Qora2 down to core blockchain node with RESTful API access.
Other libraries can process name-storage data into websites, or provide web-based wallet UI, etc.
- Trying to reduce number of external dependencies where possible, e.g. avoiding heavy-weight ORM like Hive, Hibernate, etc.
- Trying to reduce duplicated code, especially across transactions with lots of serialisation and signature generation.
- Transaction signatures should really be generated after creating the transaction,
compared to the old style of generating signature first (and throw-away transaction in the process)
then using signature when creating actual transaction!
- Trying to keep most of the source structure, naming, code paths, etc. similar to old Qora to reduce brain load!
- More comments/javadoc
- More JUnit tests
### Differences due to switching from MapDB to HSQLDB
- We might need to maintain more mappings in the database, e.g. Qora address to/from public key,
as previously public key objects could be stored directly in MapDB.
- The new database tried to store the data in "rawest" form, i.e. raw ```byte[]``` signatures, not base58-encoded.
- The ```Transactions``` table contains ```creator``` column, which duplicates various child table columns,
e.g. ```PaymentTransactions.sender```,
so that all transactions by a specific Qora account can be quickly found without scanning all child tables.
- SQL is contained within repository classes repository.* (interfaces) and repository.hsqldb.* (implementations).
- We use transfer objects in data.*
- "Business logic" is left in qora.*
- Some MapDB-based objects had Java Map<> objects as their values. These will need to be unpacked into separate tables.

View File

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<context locale="de">
<context path="Api">
<context path="ApiError">
<translation key="0" template="Unbekannter Fehler" />
<translation key="1" template="JSON Nachricht konnte nicht geparsed werden" />
<translation key="2" template="Guthaben ungenügend" />
<translation key="3" template="Feature wurde noch nicht veröffentlicht" />
<translation key="101" template="Ungültige Signatur" />
<translation key="102" template="Ungültige Adresse" />
<translation key="103" template="Ungültiger Seed" />
<translation key="104" template="Ungültiger Betrag" />
<translation key="105" template="Ungültige Gebühr" />
<translation key="106" template="Ungültiger Sender" />
<translation key="107" template="Ungültiger Empfänger" />
<translation key="108" template="Ungültige Namenslänge" />
<translation key="109" template="Ungültige Wertlänge" />
<translation key="110" template="Ungültiger Namensbesitzer" />
<translation key="111" template="Ungültiger Käufer" />
<translation key="112" template="Ungültiger Public Key" />
<translation key="113" template="Ungültige Optionen-Länge" />
<translation key="114" template="Ungültige Optionslänge" />
<translation key="115" template="Ungültige Daten" />
<translation key="116" template="Ungültige Datenlänge" />
<translation key="117" template="Ungültiger Update-Wert" />
<translation key="118" template="Der Schlüssel existiert bereits, Editieren ist deaktiviert" />
<translation key="119" template="Der Schlüssel existiert nicht" />
<translation key="120" template="Du kannst den Schlüssel '${key}' nicht löschen, wenn er der einzige ist" />
<translation key="121" template="fee less required" />
<translation key="122" template="Das Wallet muss synchronisiert werden" />
<translation key="123" template="Ungültige Netzwerkadresse" />
<translation key="201" template="Das Wallet existiert nicht" />
<translation key="202" template="Die Adresse existiert nicht im Wallet" />
<translation key="203" template="Das Wallet ist abgeschlossen" />
<translation key="204" template="Das Wallet existiert bereits" />
<translation key="205" template="Der Benutzer hat den API-Aufruf abgelehnt" />
<translation key="301" template="Der Block existiert nicht" />
<translation key="311" template="Die Transaktion existiert nicht" />
<translation key="304" template="Public Key wurde nicht gefunden" />
<translation key="401" template="Der Name existiert nicht" />
<translation key="402" template="Der Name existiert bereits" />
<translation key="403" template="Der Name steht bereits zum Verkauf" />
<translation key="404" template="Der Name muss aus Kleinbuchstaben bestehen" />
<translation key="410" template="Namensverkauf existiert nicht" />
<translation key="411" template="Der Käufer ist bereits Besitzer" />
<translation key="501" template="Die Abstimmung existiert nicht" />
<translation key="502" template="Die Abstimmung existiert bereits" />
<translation key="503" template="Nicht alle Optionen sind eindeutig" />
<translation key="504" template="Die option existiert nicht" />
<translation key="505" template="Bereits für diese Option abgestimmt" />
<translation key="601" template="Ungültige Asset ID" />
<translation key="701" template="?NAME_NOT_REGISTERED?" />
<translation key="702" template="?NAME_FOR_SALE?" />
<translation key="703" template="?NAME_WITH_SPACE?" />
<translation key="801" template="Ungültige Beschreibungslänge. Max. Länge ${MAX_LENGTH}" />
<translation key="802" template="Der Code ist leer" />
<translation key="803" template="Ungültige Datenlänge" />
<translation key="804" template="Ungültige Seiten" />
<translation key="805" template="Ungültige Typlänge" />
<translation key="806" template="Ungültige Tag-Länge" />
<translation key="809" template="Fehler in Creation Bytes" />
<translation key="901" template="invalid body it must not be empty" />
<translation key="902" template="Dieser Blog ist deaktiviert" />
<translation key="903" template="the creator address does not own the author name" />
<translation key="904" template="the data size is too large - currently only ${BATCH_TX_AMOUNT} arbitrary transactions are allowed at once!" />
<translation key="905" template="transaction with this signature contains no entries!" />
<translation key="906" template="this blog is empty" />
<translation key="907" template="the attribute postid is empty! this is the signature of the post you want to comment" />
<translation key="908" template="for the given postid no blogpost to comment was found" />
<translation key="909" template="commenting is for this blog disabled" />
<translation key="910" template="for the given signature no comment was found" />
<translation key="911" template="invalid comment owner" />
<translation key="1001" template="the Message format is not hex - correct the text or use isTextMessage = true" />
<translation key="1002" template="The message attribute is missing or content is blank" />
<translation key="1003" template="The recipient has not yet performed any action in the blockchain.\nYou can't send an encrypted message to him." />
<translation key="1004" template="Message size exceeded!" />
<context path="ApiClient">
<translation key="invalid command" template="Ungültiger Befehl!\nGib 'help all' ein, um eine Liste aller gültigen Befehle zu erhalten." />
<translation key="error footer" template="Gib 'help all' ein, um eine Liste aller gültigen Befehle zu erhalten." />
<translation key="help: success responses" template="Antwort bei Erfolg:" />
<translation key="help: failure responses" template="Antwort bei Misserfolg:" />

View File

@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<context locale="en">
<context path="Api">
<context path="ApiError">
<translation key="0" template="unknown error" />
<translation key="1" template="failed to parse json message" />
<translation key="2" template="not enough balance" />
<translation key="3" template="that feature is not yet released" />
<translation key="101" template="invalid signature" />
<translation key="102" template="invalid address" />
<translation key="103" template="invalid seed" />
<translation key="104" template="invalid amount" />
<translation key="105" template="invalid fee" />
<translation key="106" template="invalid sender" />
<translation key="107" template="invalid recipient" />
<translation key="108" template="invalid name length" />
<translation key="109" template="invalid value length" />
<translation key="110" template="invalid name owner" />
<translation key="111" template="invalid buyer" />
<translation key="112" template="invalid public key" />
<translation key="113" template="invalid options length" />
<translation key="114" template="invalid option length" />
<translation key="115" template="invalid data" />
<translation key="116" template="invalid data length" />
<translation key="117" template="invalid update value" />
<translation key="118" template="key already exists, edit is false" />
<translation key="119" template="the key does not exist" />
<translation key="120" template="you can't delete the key '${key}' if it is the only key" />
<translation key="121" template="fee less required" />
<translation key="122" template="wallet needs to be synchronized" />
<translation key="123" template="invalid network address" />
<translation key="201" template="wallet does not exist" />
<translation key="202" template="address does not exist in wallet" />
<translation key="203" template="wallet is locked" />
<translation key="204" template="wallet already exists" />
<translation key="205" template="user denied api call" />
<translation key="301" template="block does not exist" />
<translation key="311" template="transactions does not exist" />
<translation key="304" template="public key not found" />
<translation key="401" template="name does not exist" />
<translation key="402" template="name already exists" />
<translation key="403" template="name already for sale" />
<translation key="404" template="name must be lower case" />
<translation key="410" template="namesale does not exist" />
<translation key="411" template="buyer is already owner" />
<translation key="501" template="poll does not exist" />
<translation key="502" template="poll already exists" />
<translation key="503" template="not all options are unique" />
<translation key="504" template="option does not exist" />
<translation key="505" template="already voted for that option" />
<translation key="601" template="invalid asset id" />
<translation key="701" template="?NAME_NOT_REGISTERED?" />
<translation key="702" template="?NAME_FOR_SALE?" />
<translation key="703" template="?NAME_WITH_SPACE?" />
<translation key="801" template="invalid description length. max length ${MAX_LENGTH}" />
<translation key="802" template="code is empty" />
<translation key="803" template="invalid data length" />
<translation key="804" template="invalid pages" />
<translation key="805" template="invalid type length" />
<translation key="806" template="invalid tags length" />
<translation key="809" template="error in creation bytes" />
<translation key="901" template="invalid body it must not be empty" />
<translation key="902" template="this blog is disabled" />
<translation key="903" template="the creator address does not own the author name" />
<translation key="904" template="the data size is too large - currently only ${BATCH_TX_AMOUNT} arbitrary transactions are allowed at once!" />
<translation key="905" template="transaction with this signature contains no entries!" />
<translation key="906" template="this blog is empty" />
<translation key="907" template="the attribute postid is empty! this is the signature of the post you want to comment" />
<translation key="908" template="for the given postid no blogpost to comment was found" />
<translation key="909" template="commenting is for this blog disabled" />
<translation key="910" template="for the given signature no comment was found" />
<translation key="911" template="invalid comment owner" />
<translation key="1001" template="the Message format is not hex - correct the text or use isTextMessage = true" />
<translation key="1002" template="The message attribute is missing or content is blank" />
<translation key="1003" template="The recipient has not yet performed any action in the blockchain.\nYou can't send an encrypted message to him." />
<translation key="1004" template="Message size exceeded!" />
<context path="ApiClient">
<translation key="invalid command" template="Invalid command! \nType 'help all' to get a list of commands." />
<translation key="error footer" template="Type 'help all' to get a list of commands." />
<translation key="API error response" template="(API error: ${ERROR_CODE}) ${DESCRIPTION}" />
<translation key="error: with body" template="HTTP Status ${STATUS}: ${BODY}" />
<translation key="error: without body" template="HTTP Status ${STATUS}" />
<translation key="help: success responses" template="On success returns:" />
<translation key="help: failure responses" template="On failure returns:" />

View File

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
<swagger-ui.version>3.19.0</swagger-ui.version> <swagger-ui.version>3.19.0</swagger-ui.version>
</properties> </properties>
<build> <build>
<sourceDirectory>src</sourceDirectory> <sourceDirectory>src/main/java</sourceDirectory>
<testSourceDirectory>tests</testSourceDirectory> <testSourceDirectory>src/test/java</testSourceDirectory>
<plugins> <plugins>
<plugin> <plugin>
<artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
@ -119,14 +119,13 @@
<packages> <packages>
<package> <package>
<pattern>data.**</pattern> <pattern>data.**</pattern>
<template>${project.basedir}/src/data/</template> <template>${}/data/</template>
</package> </package>
<package> <package>
<pattern>api.models**</pattern> <pattern>api.models**</pattern>
<template>${project.basedir}/src/data/</template> <template>${}/data/</template>
</package> </package>
</packages> </packages>
<outputDirectory>${}/generated-sources/package-info</outputDirectory> <outputDirectory>${}/generated-sources/package-info</outputDirectory>
</configuration> </configuration>
<executions> <executions>

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@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
package api;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import globalization.ContextPaths;
import globalization.Translator;
import io.swagger.v3.core.converter.ModelConverters;
import io.swagger.v3.jaxrs2.Reader;
import io.swagger.v3.jaxrs2.ReaderListener;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.Components;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.Operation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.PathItem;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.examples.Example;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.Parameter;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.responses.ApiResponse;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
public class AnnotationPostProcessor implements ReaderListener {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(AnnotationPostProcessor.class);
private class ContextInformation {
public String path;
public Map<String, String> keys;
private final Translator translator;
private final ApiErrorFactory apiErrorFactory;
public AnnotationPostProcessor() {
this(Translator.getInstance(), ApiErrorFactory.getInstance());
public AnnotationPostProcessor(Translator translator, ApiErrorFactory apiErrorFactory) {
this.translator = translator;
this.apiErrorFactory = apiErrorFactory;
public void beforeScan(Reader reader, OpenAPI openAPI) {
public void afterScan(Reader reader, OpenAPI openAPI) {
// Populate Components section with reusable parameters, like "limit" and "offset"
// We take the reusable parameters from AdminResource.globalParameters path "/admin/unused"
Components components = openAPI.getComponents();
PathItem globalParametersPathItem = openAPI.getPaths().get("/admin/unused");
if (globalParametersPathItem != null) {
for (Parameter parameter : globalParametersPathItem.getGet().getParameters())
components.addParameters(parameter.getName(), parameter);
// use context path and keys from "x-translation" extension annotations
// to translate supported annotations and finally remove "x-translation" extensions
Info resourceInfo = openAPI.getInfo();
ContextInformation resourceContext = getContextInformation(openAPI.getExtensions());
TranslateProperties(Constants.TRANSLATABLE_INFO_PROPERTIES, resourceContext, resourceInfo);
for (Map.Entry<String, PathItem> pathEntry : openAPI.getPaths().entrySet())
PathItem pathItem = pathEntry.getValue();
ContextInformation pathContext = getContextInformation(pathItem.getExtensions(), resourceContext);
TranslateProperties(Constants.TRANSLATABLE_PATH_ITEM_PROPERTIES, pathContext, pathItem);
for (Operation operation : pathItem.readOperations()) {
ContextInformation operationContext = getContextInformation(operation.getExtensions(), pathContext);
TranslateProperties(Constants.TRANSLATABLE_OPERATION_PROPERTIES, operationContext, operation);
for (Map.Entry<String, ApiResponse> responseEntry : operation.getResponses().entrySet()) {
ApiResponse response = responseEntry.getValue();
ContextInformation responseContext = getContextInformation(response.getExtensions(), operationContext);
TranslateProperties(Constants.TRANSLATABLE_API_RESPONSE_PROPERTIES, responseContext, response);
private void addApiErrorResponses(Operation operation) {
List<ApiError> apiErrors = getApiErrors(operation.getExtensions());
if(apiErrors != null) {
for(ApiError apiError : apiErrors) {
String statusCode = Integer.toString(apiError.getStatus());
ApiResponse apiResponse = operation.getResponses().get(statusCode);
if(apiResponse == null) {
Schema errorMessageSchema = ModelConverters.getInstance().readAllAsResolvedSchema(ApiErrorMessage.class).schema;
MediaType mediaType = new MediaType().schema(errorMessageSchema);
Content content = new Content().addMediaType(, mediaType);
apiResponse = new ApiResponse().content(content);
operation.getResponses().addApiResponse(statusCode, apiResponse);
int apiErrorCode = apiError.getCode();
ApiErrorMessage apiErrorMessage = new ApiErrorMessage(apiErrorCode, this.apiErrorFactory.getErrorMessage(apiError));
Example example = new Example().value(apiErrorMessage);
// XXX: addExamples(..) is not working in Swagger 2.0.4. This bug is referenced in
// Replace the call to .setExample(..) by .addExamples(..) when the bug is fixed.
//apiResponse.getContent().get(, example);
private <T> void TranslateProperties(List<TranslatableProperty<T>> translatableProperties, ContextInformation context, T item) {
if(context.keys != null) {
Map<String, String> keys = context.keys;
for(TranslatableProperty<T> prop : translatableProperties) {
String key = keys.get(prop.keyName());
if(key != null) {
String originalValue = prop.getValue(item);
// XXX: use browser locale instead default?
String translation = translator.translate(context.path, key, originalValue);
prop.setValue(item, translation);
private List<ApiError> getApiErrors(Map<String, Object> extensions) {
if(extensions == null)
return null;
List<String> apiErrorStrings = new ArrayList();
try {
ArrayNode apiErrorsNode = (ArrayNode)extensions.get("x-" + Constants.API_ERRORS_EXTENSION_NAME);
if(apiErrorsNode == null)
return null;
for(int i = 0; i < apiErrorsNode.size(); i++) {
String errorString = apiErrorsNode.get(i).asText();
} catch(Exception e) {
// TODO: error logging
return null;
List<ApiError> result = new ArrayList<>();
for(String apiErrorString : apiErrorStrings) {
ApiError apiError = null;
try {
apiError = ApiError.valueOf(apiErrorString);
} catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
int errorCodeInt = Integer.parseInt(apiErrorString);
apiError = ApiError.fromCode(errorCodeInt);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
return null;
if(apiError == null)
return null;
return result;
private ContextInformation getContextInformation(Map<String, Object> extensions) {
return getContextInformation(extensions, null);
private ContextInformation getContextInformation(Map<String, Object> extensions, ContextInformation base) {
if(extensions != null) {
Map<String, Object> translationDefinitions = (Map<String, Object>)extensions.get("x-" + Constants.TRANSLATION_EXTENSION_NAME);
if(translationDefinitions != null) {
ContextInformation result = new ContextInformation();
result.path = combinePaths(base, (String)translationDefinitions.get(Constants.TRANSLATION_PATH_EXTENSION_NAME));
result.keys = getTranslationKeys(translationDefinitions);
return result;
if(base != null) {
ContextInformation result = new ContextInformation();
result.path = base.path;
return result;
return null;
private void removeApiErrorsAnnotations(Map<String, Object> extensions) {
String extensionName = Constants.API_ERRORS_EXTENSION_NAME;
removeExtension(extensions, extensionName);
private void removeTranslationAnnotations(Map<String, Object> extensions) {
String extensionName = Constants.TRANSLATION_EXTENSION_NAME;
removeExtension(extensions, extensionName);
private void removeExtension(Map<String, Object> extensions, String extensionName) {
if(extensions == null)
extensions.remove("x-" + extensionName);
private Map<String, String> getTranslationKeys(Map<String, Object> translationDefinitions) {
Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>();
for(TranslatableProperty prop : Constants.TRANSLATABLE_INFO_PROPERTIES) {
String key = (String)translationDefinitions.get(prop.keyName());
if(key != null)
result.put(prop.keyName(), key);
return result;
private String combinePaths(ContextInformation base, String path) {
String basePath = (base != null) ? base.path : null;
return ContextPaths.combinePaths(basePath, path);

View File

@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
package api;
import globalization.ContextPaths;
import globalization.Translator;
import io.swagger.v3.jaxrs2.integration.resources.OpenApiResource;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.OpenAPIDefinition;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.extensions.Extension;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.extensions.ExtensionProperty;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.responses.ApiResponse;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.glassfish.jersey.client.HttpUrlConnectorProvider;
import settings.Settings;
public class ApiClient {
private class HelpInfo {
public final Pattern pattern;
public final String fullPath;
public final String description;
public final List<String> success;
public final List<String> errors;
public HelpInfo(Pattern pattern, String fullPath, String description, List<String> success, List<String> errors) {
this.pattern = pattern;
this.fullPath = fullPath;
this.description = description;
this.success = success;
this.errors = errors;
private static final String TRANSLATION_CONTEXT_PATH = "/Api/ApiClient";
private static final Pattern COMMAND_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^ *(?<method>GET|POST|PUT|PATCH|DELETE) *(?<path>.*)$");
private static final Pattern HELP_COMMAND_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^ *help *(?<command>.*)$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
private static final List<Class<? extends Annotation>> HTTP_METHOD_ANNOTATIONS = Arrays.asList(
private final Translator translator;
ApiService apiService;
List<HelpInfo> helpInfos;
public ApiClient(ApiService apiService, Translator translator) {
this.apiService = apiService;
this.translator = translator;
this.helpInfos = getHelpInfos(apiService.getResources());
//XXX: replace singleton pattern by dependency injection?
private static ApiClient instance;
public static ApiClient getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new ApiClient(ApiService.getInstance(), Translator.getInstance());
return instance;
private List<HelpInfo> getHelpInfos(Iterable<Class<?>> resources) {
List<HelpInfo> result = new ArrayList<>();
// scan each resource class
for (Class<?> resource : resources) {
if (OpenApiResource.class.isAssignableFrom(resource)) {
continue; // ignore swagger resources
Path resourcePath = resource.getDeclaredAnnotation(Path.class);
if (resourcePath == null) {
String resourcePathString = resourcePath.value();
// get translation context path for resource
String resourceContextPath = "/";
OpenAPIDefinition openAPIDefinition = resource.getDeclaredAnnotation(OpenAPIDefinition.class);
if(openAPIDefinition != null)
resourceContextPath = getContextPath(openAPIDefinition.extensions());
// scan each method
for (Method method : resource.getDeclaredMethods()) {
Operation operationAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(Operation.class);
if (operationAnnotation == null)
String description = operationAnnotation.description();
// translate
String operationContextPath = ContextPaths.combinePaths(resourceContextPath, getContextPath(operationAnnotation.extensions()));
String operationDescriptionKey = getDescriptionTranslationKey(operationAnnotation.extensions());
if(operationDescriptionKey != null)
description = translator.translate(operationContextPath, operationDescriptionKey, description);
// extract responses
ArrayList success = new ArrayList();
ArrayList errors = new ArrayList();
for(ApiResponse response : operationAnnotation.responses()) {
String responseDescription = response.description();
continue; // ignore responses without description
// translate
String responseContextPath = ContextPaths.combinePaths(operationContextPath, getContextPath(response.extensions()));
String responseDescriptionKey = getDescriptionTranslationKey(response.extensions());
if(responseDescriptionKey != null)
responseDescription = translator.translate(responseContextPath, responseDescriptionKey, responseDescription);
String apiErrorCode = getApiErrorCode(response.extensions());
if(apiErrorCode != null) {
responseDescription = translator.translate(TRANSLATION_CONTEXT_PATH, "API error response", "(API error: ${ERROR_CODE}) ${DESCRIPTION}",
new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("ERROR_CODE", apiErrorCode),
new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("DESCRIPTION", responseDescription)
try {
// try to identify response type by status code
int responseCode = Integer.parseInt(response.responseCode());
if(responseCode >= 400) {
} else {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// try to identify response type by content
if(response.content().length > 0) {
Content content = response.content()[0];
Class<?> implementation = content.schema().implementation();
if(implementation != null && ApiErrorMessage.class.isAssignableFrom(implementation)) {
} else {
} else {
Path methodPath = method.getDeclaredAnnotation(Path.class);
String methodPathString = (methodPath != null) ? methodPath.value() : "";
// scan for each potential http method
for (Class<? extends Annotation> restMethodAnnotation : HTTP_METHOD_ANNOTATIONS) {
Annotation annotation = method.getDeclaredAnnotation(restMethodAnnotation);
if (annotation == null) {
HttpMethod httpMethod = annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredAnnotation(HttpMethod.class);
String httpMethodString = httpMethod.value();
String fullPath = httpMethodString + " " + resourcePathString + methodPathString;
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^ *(" + httpMethodString + " *)?" + getHelpPatternForPath(resourcePathString + methodPathString));
result.add(new HelpInfo(pattern, fullPath, description, success, errors));
// sort by path
result.sort((h1, h2) -> h1.fullPath.compareTo(h2.fullPath));
return result;
private String getApiErrorCode(Extension[] extensions) {
if(extensions == null)
return null;
for(Extension extension : extensions) {
if( != null && !
for(ExtensionProperty prop : {
if(Constants.API_ERROR_CODE_EXTENSION_NAME.equals( {
return prop.value();
return null;
private String getContextPath(Extension[] extensions) {
return getTranslationExtensionValue(extensions, Constants.TRANSLATION_PATH_EXTENSION_NAME);
private String getDescriptionTranslationKey(Extension[] extensions) {
return getTranslationExtensionValue(extensions, Constants.TRANSLATION_ANNOTATION_DESCRIPTION_KEY);
private String getTranslationExtensionValue(Extension[] extensions, String key) {
if(extensions == null)
return null;
for(Extension extension : extensions) {
for(ExtensionProperty prop : {
if(key.equals( {
return prop.value();
return null;
private String getHelpPatternForPath(String path) {
path = path
.replaceAll("\\.", "\\.") // escapes "." as "\."
.replaceAll("\\{.*?\\}", ".*?"); // replace placeholders "{...}" by the "ungreedy match anything" pattern ".*?"
// arrange the regex pattern so that it also matches partial
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
String[] parts = path.split("/");
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
result.append("(/"); // opening bracket
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; i++) {
result.append(")?"); // closing bracket
return result.toString();
public String executeCommand(String command) {
// check if this is a help command
Matcher match = HELP_COMMAND_PATTERN.matcher(command);
if (match.matches()) {
command ="command");
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
boolean showAll = command.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("all");
for (HelpInfo helpString : helpInfos) {
if (showAll || helpString.pattern.matcher(command).matches()) {
appendHelp(result, helpString);
return result.toString();
match = COMMAND_PATTERN.matcher(command);
return this.translator.translate(TRANSLATION_CONTEXT_PATH, "invalid command", "Invalid command! \nType 'help all' to get a list of commands.");
// send the command to the API service
String method ="method");
String path ="path");
String url = String.format("", Settings.getInstance().getRpcPort(), path);
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();, true); // workaround for non-standard HTTP methods like PATCH
WebTarget wt =;
Invocation.Builder builder = wt.request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN);
Response response = builder.method(method);
// send back result
final String body = response.readEntity(String.class);
final int status = response.getStatus();
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
if(status >= 400) {
if(StringUtils.isBlank(body)) {
this.translator.translate(TRANSLATION_CONTEXT_PATH, "error without body", "HTTP Status ${STATUS}",
new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("STATUS", status)
this.translator.translate(TRANSLATION_CONTEXT_PATH, "error with body", "HTTP Status ${STATUS}: ${BODY}",
new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("STATUS", status),
new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("BODY", body)
result.append(this.translator.translate(TRANSLATION_CONTEXT_PATH, "error footer", "Type 'help all' to get a list of commands."));
} else {
return result.toString();
private void appendHelp(StringBuilder builder, HelpInfo help) {
builder.append(help.fullPath + "\n");
builder.append(" " + help.description + "\n");
if(help.success != null && help.success.size() > 0) {
builder.append(" ");
builder.append(this.translator.translate(TRANSLATION_CONTEXT_PATH, "help: success responses", "On success returns:"));
for(String content : help.success) {
builder.append(" " + content + "\n");
if(help.errors != null && help.errors.size() > 0) {
builder.append(" ");
builder.append(this.translator.translate(TRANSLATION_CONTEXT_PATH, "help: failure responses", "On failure returns:"));
for(String content : help.errors) {
builder.append(" " + content + "\n");

View File

@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
package api;
import globalization.Translator;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
public class ApiErrorFactory {
private class ErrorMessageEntry {
String templateKey;
String defaultTemplate;
AbstractMap.Entry<String, Object>[] templateValues;
public ErrorMessageEntry(String templateKey, String defaultTemplate, AbstractMap.Entry<String, Object>... templateValues) {
this.templateKey = templateKey;
this.defaultTemplate = defaultTemplate;
this.templateValues = templateValues;
private Translator translator;
private Map<ApiError, ErrorMessageEntry> errorMessages;
public ApiErrorFactory(Translator translator) {
this.translator = translator;
this.errorMessages = new HashMap<ApiError, ErrorMessageEntry>();
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.UNKNOWN, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.UNKNOWN, "unknown error"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.JSON, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.JSON, "failed to parse json message"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.NO_BALANCE, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.NO_BALANCE, "not enough balance"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.NOT_YET_RELEASED, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.NOT_YET_RELEASED, "that feature is not yet released"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.UNAUTHORIZED, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.UNAUTHORIZED, "api call unauthorized"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, "repository error"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE, "invalid signature"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS, "invalid address"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_SEED, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_SEED, "invalid seed"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_AMOUNT, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_AMOUNT, "invalid amount"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_FEE, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_FEE, "invalid fee"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_SENDER, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_SENDER, "invalid sender"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_RECIPIENT, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_RECIPIENT, "invalid recipient"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_NAME_LENGTH, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_NAME_LENGTH, "invalid name length"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_VALUE_LENGTH, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_VALUE_LENGTH, "invalid value length"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_NAME_OWNER, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_NAME_OWNER, "invalid name owner"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_BUYER, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_BUYER, "invalid buyer"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY, "invalid public key"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_OPTIONS_LENGTH, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_OPTIONS_LENGTH, "invalid options length"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_OPTION_LENGTH, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_OPTION_LENGTH, "invalid option length"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_DATA, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_DATA, "invalid data"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_DATA_LENGTH, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_DATA_LENGTH, "invalid data length"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_UPDATE_VALUE, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_UPDATE_VALUE, "invalid update value"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS, "key already exists, edit is false"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.KEY_NOT_EXISTS, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.KEY_NOT_EXISTS, "the key does not exist"));
// this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.LAST_KEY_IS_DEFAULT_KEY_ERROR, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.LAST_KEY_IS_DEFAULT_KEY_ERROR,
// "you can't delete the key \"${key}\" if it is the only key",
// new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String.Object>("key", Qorakeys.DEFAULT.toString())));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.FEE_LESS_REQUIRED, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.FEE_LESS_REQUIRED, "fee less required"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.WALLET_NOT_IN_SYNC, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.WALLET_NOT_IN_SYNC, "wallet needs to be synchronized"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_NETWORK_ADDRESS, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_NETWORK_ADDRESS, "invalid network address"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.ADDRESS_NO_EXISTS, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.ADDRESS_NO_EXISTS, "account address does not exist"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_CRITERIA, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_CRITERIA, "invalid search criteria"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.WALLET_NO_EXISTS, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.WALLET_NO_EXISTS, "wallet does not exist"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.WALLET_ADDRESS_NO_EXISTS, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.WALLET_ADDRESS_NO_EXISTS, "address does not exist in wallet"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.WALLET_LOCKED, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.WALLET_LOCKED, "wallet is locked"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.WALLET_ALREADY_EXISTS, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.WALLET_ALREADY_EXISTS, "wallet already exists"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.WALLET_API_CALL_FORBIDDEN_BY_USER, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.WALLET_API_CALL_FORBIDDEN_BY_USER, "wallet denied api call"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.BLOCK_NO_EXISTS, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.BLOCK_NO_EXISTS, "block does not exist"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.TRANSACTION_NO_EXISTS, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.TRANSACTION_NO_EXISTS, "transaction does not exist"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_FOUND, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_FOUND, "public key not found"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.NAME_NO_EXISTS, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.NAME_NO_EXISTS, "name does not exist"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS, "name already exists"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.NAME_ALREADY_FOR_SALE, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.NAME_ALREADY_FOR_SALE, "name already for sale"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.NAME_NOT_LOWER_CASE, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.NAME_NOT_LOWER_CASE, "name must be lower case"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.NAME_SALE_NO_EXISTS, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.NAME_SALE_NO_EXISTS, "namesale does not exist"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.BUYER_ALREADY_OWNER, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.BUYER_ALREADY_OWNER, "buyer is already owner"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.POLL_NO_EXISTS, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.POLL_NO_EXISTS, "poll does not exist"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.POLL_ALREADY_EXISTS, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.POLL_ALREADY_EXISTS, "poll already exists"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.DUPLICATE_OPTION, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.DUPLICATE_OPTION, "not all options are unique"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.POLL_OPTION_NO_EXISTS, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.POLL_OPTION_NO_EXISTS, "option does not exist"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.ALREADY_VOTED_FOR_THAT_OPTION, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.ALREADY_VOTED_FOR_THAT_OPTION, "already voted for that option"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_ASSET_ID, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_ASSET_ID, "invalid asset id"));
// this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.NAME_NOT_REGISTERED, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.NAME_NOT_REGISTERED, NameResult.NAME_NOT_REGISTERED.getStatusMessage()));
// this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.NAME_FOR_SALE, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.NAME_FOR_SALE, NameResult.NAME_FOR_SALE.getStatusMessage()));
// this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.NAME_WITH_SPACE, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.NAME_WITH_SPACE, NameResult.NAME_WITH_SPACE.getStatusMessage()));
// this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_DESC_LENGTH, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_DESC_LENGTH,
// "invalid description length. max length ${MAX_LENGTH}",
// new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, Object>("MAX_LENGTH", AT_Constants.DESC_MAX_LENGTH));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.EMPTY_CODE, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.EMPTY_CODE, "code is empty"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.DATA_SIZE, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.DATA_SIZE, "invalid data length"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.NULL_PAGES, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.NULL_PAGES, "invalid pages"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_TYPE_LENGTH, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_TYPE_LENGTH, "invalid type length"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_TAGS_LENGTH, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_TAGS_LENGTH, "invalid tags length"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_CREATION_BYTES, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_CREATION_BYTES, "error in creation bytes"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.BODY_EMPTY, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.BODY_EMPTY, "invalid body it must not be empty"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.BLOG_DISABLED, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.BLOG_DISABLED, "this blog is disabled"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.NAME_NOT_OWNER, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.NAME_NOT_OWNER, "the creator address does not own the author name"));
// this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.TX_AMOUNT, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.TX_AMOUNT,
// "the data size is too large - currently only ${BATCH_TX_AMOUNT} arbitrary transactions are allowed at once!",
// new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String,Object>("BATCH_TX_AMOUNT", BATCH_TX_AMOUNT)));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.BLOG_ENTRY_NO_EXISTS, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.BLOG_ENTRY_NO_EXISTS, "transaction with this signature contains no entries!"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.BLOG_EMPTY, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.BLOG_EMPTY, "this blog is empty"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.POSTID_EMPTY, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.POSTID_EMPTY, "the attribute postid is empty! this is the signature of the post you want to comment"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.POST_NOT_EXISTING, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.POST_NOT_EXISTING, "for the given postid no blogpost to comment was found"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.COMMENTING_DISABLED, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.COMMENTING_DISABLED, "commenting is for this blog disabled"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.COMMENT_NOT_EXISTING, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.COMMENT_NOT_EXISTING, "for the given signature no comment was found"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.INVALID_COMMENT_OWNER, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.INVALID_COMMENT_OWNER, "invalid comment owner"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.MESSAGE_FORMAT_NOT_HEX, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.MESSAGE_FORMAT_NOT_HEX, "the Message format is not hex - correct the text or use isTextMessage = true"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.MESSAGE_BLANK, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.MESSAGE_BLANK, "The message attribute is missing or content is blank"));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.NO_PUBLIC_KEY, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.NO_PUBLIC_KEY, "The recipient has not yet performed any action in the blockchain.\nYou can't send an encrypted message to them."));
this.errorMessages.put(ApiError.MESSAGESIZE_EXCEEDED, createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError.MESSAGESIZE_EXCEEDED, "Message size exceeded!"));
//XXX: replace singleton pattern by dependency injection?
private static ApiErrorFactory instance;
public static ApiErrorFactory getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new ApiErrorFactory(Translator.getInstance());
return instance;
private ErrorMessageEntry createErrorMessageEntry(ApiError errorCode, String defaultTemplate, AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, Object>... templateValues) {
String templateKey = String.format(Constants.APIERROR_KEY,;
return new ErrorMessageEntry(templateKey, defaultTemplate, templateValues);
public String getErrorMessage(ApiError error) {
return getErrorMessage(null, error);
public String getErrorMessage(Locale locale, ApiError error) {
ErrorMessageEntry errorMessage = this.errorMessages.get(error);
String message = this.translator.translate(locale, Constants.APIERROR_CONTEXT_PATH, errorMessage.templateKey, errorMessage.defaultTemplate, errorMessage.templateValues);
return message;
public ApiException createError(ApiError error) {
return createError(error, null);
public ApiException createError(Locale locale, ApiError error) {
return createError(locale, error, null);
public ApiException createError(ApiError error, Throwable throwable) {
return createError(null, error, throwable);
public ApiException createError(Locale locale, ApiError error, Throwable throwable) {
// TODO: handle AT errors
// old AT error handling
// JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
// jsonObject.put("error", error);
// if ( error > Transaction.AT_ERROR )
// {
// jsonObject.put("message", AT_Error.getATError(error - Transaction.AT_ERROR) );
// }
// else
// {
// jsonObject.put("message", this.errorMessages.get(error));
// }
// return new WebApplicationException(Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(jsonObject.toJSONString()).build());
String message = getErrorMessage(locale, error);
return new ApiException(error.getStatus(), error.getCode(), message, throwable);

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
package api;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
public class BlockExplorerResource {
HttpServletRequest request;
public BlockExplorerResource() {
@Operation(hidden = true)
public String getBlockExplorer() {
try {
byte[] htmlBytes = Files.readAllBytes(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("block-explorer.html"));
return new String(htmlBytes, "UTF-8");
} catch (IOException e) {
return "block-explorer.html not found";

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
package globalization;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import settings.Settings;
/** Providing multi-language BIP39 word lists, downloaded from */
public class BIP39WordList {
private static BIP39WordList instance;
private static Map<String, List<String>> wordListsByLang;
private BIP39WordList() {
wordListsByLang = new HashMap<>();
String path = Settings.getInstance().translationsPath();
File dir = new File(path);
File[] files = dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return name.startsWith("BIP39.");
try {
for (File file : files) {
String lang = file.getName().substring(6, 8);
List<String> words = Files.readAllLines(file.toPath());
wordListsByLang.put(lang, words);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read BIP39 word list", e);
public static synchronized BIP39WordList getInstance() {
if (instance == null)
instance = new BIP39WordList();
return instance;
public List<String> getByLang(String lang) {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(wordListsByLang.get(lang));

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
package globalization;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
public class ContextPaths {
public static boolean isValidKey(String value) {
return !value.contains("/") && !ContextPaths.containsParentReference(value);
public static boolean containsParentReference(String value) {
for(String part : value.split("/")) {
return true;
return false;
public static String combinePaths(String left, String right) {
left = (left != null) ? left : "";
right = (right != null) ? right : "";
return Paths.get("/", left, right).normalize().toString();
public static String getParent(String path) {
return combinePaths(path, "..");
public static boolean isRoot(String path) {
return path.equals("/");

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
package globalization;
import java.util.Locale;
public class TranslationEntry {
private Locale locale;
private String path;
private String template;
public TranslationEntry(Locale locale, String path, String template) {
this.locale = locale;
this.path = path;
this.template = template;
public Locale locale() {
return this.locale;
public String path() {
return this.path;
public String template() {
return this.template;
public String toString() {
return String.format("{locale: '%s', path: '%s', template: '%s'}", this.locale, this.path, this.template);

View File

@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package globalization;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils;
public class TranslationXmlStreamReader {
private class State {
public final Locale locale;
public final String path;
public State(Locale locale, String path) {
this.locale = locale;
this.path = path;
private static final String LOCALIZATION_TAG_NAME = "localization";
private static final String CONTEXT_TAG_NAME = "context";
private static final String CONTEXT_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "locale";
private static final String CONTEXT_PATH_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "path";
private static final String TRANSLATION_TAG_NAME = "translation";
private static final String TRANSLATION_KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "key";
private static final String TRANSLATION_TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "template";
public Iterable<TranslationEntry> ReadFrom(InputStream stream) throws XMLStreamException {
XMLInputFactory inputFactory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
XMLEventReader eventReader = inputFactory.createXMLEventReader(stream);
XMLEvent element = eventReader.nextEvent();
throw new"XML declaration <?xml ... ?> must be first in the document");
State state = new State(Locale.forLanguageTag("default"), "/");
List<TranslationEntry> result = new ArrayList<>();
if (eventReader.hasNext())
XMLEvent event = eventReader.nextTag();
if (isStartElement(event, LOCALIZATION_TAG_NAME))
processLocalization(eventReader, (StartElement)event, state, result);
} else {
throw new"Unexpected element: " + event.toString());
while (eventReader.hasNext())
XMLEvent event = eventReader.nextEvent();
switch(event.getEventType()) {
case XMLEvent.COMMENT:
throw new"Unexpected content after end of root element: " + event.toString());
return result;
throw new"Unexpected content after end of root element: " + event.toString());
throw new"End of document not found");
private void processLocalization(XMLEventReader eventReader, StartElement element, State state, List<TranslationEntry> result) throws XMLStreamException {
assureStartElement(element, LOCALIZATION_TAG_NAME);
Iterator<Attribute> attributes = element.getAttributes();
while (attributes.hasNext())
Attribute attribute =;
QName name = attribute.getName();
throw new"Unexpected attribute: " + name);
XMLEvent event;
while(!(event = eventReader.nextTag()).isEndElement()) {
if(event.isStartElement()) {
StartElement childElement = (StartElement)event;
switch(childElement.getName().toString()) {
processContext(eventReader, childElement, state, result);
processTranslation(eventReader, childElement, state, result);
throw new"Unexpected element: " + event.toString());
} else {
throw new"Unexpected content: " + event.toString());
assureEndElement(event, LOCALIZATION_TAG_NAME);
private void processContext(XMLEventReader eventReader, StartElement element, State state, List<TranslationEntry> result) throws XMLStreamException {
assureStartElement(element, CONTEXT_TAG_NAME);
Locale locale = state.locale;
String contextPath = state.path;
Iterator<Attribute> attributes = element.getAttributes();
while (attributes.hasNext())
Attribute attribute =;
QName name = attribute.getName();
String value = attribute.getValue();
switch(name.toString()) {
locale = Locale.forLanguageTag(value);
contextPath = ContextPaths.combinePaths(contextPath, value);
throw new"Unexpected attribute: " + name);
state = new State(locale, contextPath);
XMLEvent event;
while(!(event = eventReader.nextTag()).isEndElement()) {
if(event.isStartElement()) {
StartElement childElement = (StartElement)event;
switch(childElement.getName().toString()) {
processContext(eventReader, childElement, state, result);
processTranslation(eventReader, childElement, state, result);
throw new"Unexpected element: " + event.toString());
} else {
throw new"Unexpected content: " + event.toString());
assureEndElement(event, CONTEXT_TAG_NAME);
private void processTranslation(XMLEventReader eventReader, StartElement element, State state, List<TranslationEntry> result) throws XMLStreamException {
assureStartElement(element, TRANSLATION_TAG_NAME);
String path = null;
String template = null;
Iterator<Attribute> attributes = element.getAttributes();
while (attributes.hasNext())
Attribute attribute =;
QName name = attribute.getName();
String value = attribute.getValue();
switch(name.toString()) {
path = ContextPaths.combinePaths(state.path, value);
template = unescape(value);
throw new"Unexpected attribute: " + name);
XMLEvent event;
while(!(event = eventReader.nextTag()).isEndElement()) {
if(event.isStartElement()) {
throw new"Unexpected element: " + event.toString());
} else if(event.isCharacters()) {
if(template != null)
throw new"Content must be empty if 'template' attribute is used");
template = event.asCharacters().getData();
assureEndElement(event, TRANSLATION_TAG_NAME);
if(path == null)
throw new"Missing attribute: " + TRANSLATION_KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
if(template == null)
throw new"Missing attribute: " + TRANSLATION_TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
result.add(new TranslationEntry(state.locale, path, template));
private String unescape(String value) {
return StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(value);
private void assureIsValidPathExtension(String value) throws XMLStreamException {
throw new"Parent reference .. is not allowed");
private void assureIsValidKey(String value) throws XMLStreamException {
throw new"Key is not valid");
private void assureStartElement(XMLEvent event, String name) throws XMLStreamException {
if(!isStartElement(event, name))
throw new"Unexpected start element: " + event.toString() + ", <" + name + "> expected");
private void assureEndElement(XMLEvent event, String name) throws XMLStreamException {
if(!isEndElement(event, name))
throw new"Unexpected end element: " + event.toString() + ", </" + name + "> expected");
private boolean isStartElement(XMLEvent event, String name) {
return false;
StartElement element = ((StartElement)event);
return element.getName().toString().equals(name);
private boolean isEndElement(XMLEvent event, String name) {
return false;
EndElement element = ((EndElement)event);
return element.getName().toString().equals(name);

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
and open the template in the editor.
<xs:schema version="1.0"
<xs:complexType name="localizationType">
<xs:element name="context" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:complexType name="contextType">
<xs:attribute name="path" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:attribute name="locale" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element type="translation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:element type="context" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:complexType name="translationType">
<xs:attribute name="keyPath" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:attribute name="template" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="localization" type="localizationType" />

View File

@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
package globalization;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.commons.text.StringSubstitutor;
import settings.Settings;
public class Translator {
Map<Locale, Map<String, String>> translations = new HashMap<Locale, Map<String, String>>();
//XXX: replace singleton pattern by dependency injection?
private static Translator instance;
private Translator() {
public static Translator getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new Translator();
return instance;
private Settings settings() {
return Settings.getInstance();
private void InitializeTranslations() {
String path = this.settings().translationsPath();
File dir = new File(path);
File [] files = dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return name.endsWith(".xml");
Map<Locale, Map<String, String>> translations = new HashMap<>();
TranslationXmlStreamReader translationReader = new TranslationXmlStreamReader();
for (File file : files) {
Iterable<TranslationEntry> entries = null;
try {
InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(file);
entries = translationReader.ReadFrom(stream);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Translator.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, String.format("Translation file not found: %s", file), ex);
} catch (XMLStreamException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Translator.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, String.format("Error in translation file: %s", file), ex);
for(TranslationEntry entry : entries) {
Map<String, String> localTranslations = translations.get(entry.locale());
if(localTranslations == null) {
localTranslations = new HashMap<>();
translations.put(entry.locale(), localTranslations);
if(localTranslations.containsKey(entry.path())) {
Logger.getLogger(Translator.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, String.format("Duplicate entry for locale '%s' and path '%s' in translation file '%s'. Falling back to default translations.", entry.locale(), entry.path(), file));
localTranslations.put(entry.path(), entry.template());
// everything is fine, so we store all read translations
this.translations = translations;
private Map<String, Object> createMap(Map.Entry<String, Object>[] entries) {
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
for (AbstractMap.Entry<String, Object> entry : entries) {
map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return map;
public String translate(Locale locale, String contextPath, String keyPath, AbstractMap.Entry<String, Object>... templateValues) {
Map<String, Object> map = createMap(templateValues);
return translate(locale, contextPath, keyPath, map);
public String translate(String contextPath, String keyPath, AbstractMap.Entry<String, Object>... templateValues) {
Map<String, Object> map = createMap(templateValues);
return translate(contextPath, keyPath, map);
public String translate(Locale locale, String contextPath, String keyPath, Map<String, Object> templateValues) {
return translate(locale, contextPath, keyPath, null, templateValues);
public String translate(String contextPath, String keyPath, Map<String, Object> templateValues) {
return translate(contextPath, keyPath, null, templateValues);
public String translate(Locale locale, String contextPath, String keyPath, String defaultTemplate, AbstractMap.Entry<String, Object>... templateValues) {
Map<String, Object> map = createMap(templateValues);
return translate(locale, contextPath, keyPath, defaultTemplate, map);
public String translate(String contextPath, String keyPath, String defaultTemplate, AbstractMap.Entry<String, Object>... templateValues) {
Map<String, Object> map = createMap(templateValues);
return translate(contextPath, keyPath, defaultTemplate, map);
public String translate(Locale locale, String contextPath, String keyPath, String defaultTemplate, Map<String, Object> templateValues) {
// look for requested language
String template = null;
if(locale != null)
template = getTemplateFromNearestPath(locale, contextPath, keyPath);
if(template != null)
return substitute(template, templateValues);
return translate(contextPath, keyPath, defaultTemplate, templateValues);
public String translate(String contextPath, String keyPath, String defaultTemplate, Map<String, Object> templateValues) {
// scan default languages
String template = null;
for(String language : this.settings().translationsDefaultLocales()) {
Locale defaultLocale = Locale.forLanguageTag(language);
template = getTemplateFromNearestPath(defaultLocale, contextPath, keyPath);
if(template != null)
if(template == null)
template = defaultTemplate; // fallback template
return substitute(template, templateValues);
private String substitute(String template, Map<String, Object> templateValues) {
if(templateValues == null)
return template;
StringSubstitutor sub = new StringSubstitutor(templateValues);
String result = sub.replace(template);
return result;
private String getTemplateFromNearestPath(Locale locale, String contextPath, String keyPath) {
Map<String, String> localTranslations = this.translations.get(locale);
if(localTranslations == null)
return null;
String template = null;
while(true) {
String path = ContextPaths.combinePaths(contextPath, keyPath);
template = localTranslations.get(path);
if(template != null)
break; // found template
break; // nothing found
contextPath = ContextPaths.getParent(contextPath);
return template;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
package api; package api;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.Map;
public enum ApiError { public enum ApiError {
UNKNOWN(0, 500), UNKNOWN(0, 500),
@ -36,6 +41,7 @@ public enum ApiError {
@ -50,6 +56,7 @@ public enum ApiError {
NAME_NO_EXISTS(401, 404), NAME_NO_EXISTS(401, 404),
@ -104,6 +111,8 @@ public enum ApiError {
NO_PUBLIC_KEY(1003, 422), NO_PUBLIC_KEY(1003, 422),
private final static Map<Integer, ApiError> map = stream(ApiError.values()).collect(toMap(apiError -> apiError.code, apiError -> apiError));
private final int code; // API error code private final int code; // API error code
private final int status; // HTTP status code private final int status; // HTTP status code
@ -117,19 +126,14 @@ public enum ApiError {
} }
public static ApiError fromCode(int code) { public static ApiError fromCode(int code) {
for(ApiError apiError : ApiError.values()) { return map.get(code);
if(apiError.code == code)
return apiError;
} }
return null; public int getCode() {
int getCode() {
return this.code; return this.code;
} }
int getStatus() { public int getStatus() {
return this.status; return this.status;
} }

View File

@ -7,15 +7,16 @@ import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
@XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD)
public class ApiErrorMessage { public class ApiErrorMessage {
public int error; protected int error;
public String message; protected String message;
ApiErrorMessage() { protected ApiErrorMessage() {
} }
ApiErrorMessage(int errorCode, String message) { public ApiErrorMessage(int errorCode, String message) {
this.error = errorCode; this.error = errorCode;
this.message = message; this.message = message;
} }
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package api;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
* This annotation lists potential ApiErrors that may be returned, or thrown, during the execution of this method.
* <p>
* Value is expected to be an array of ApiError enum instances.
public @interface ApiErrors {
ApiError[] value() default {};

View File

@ -6,14 +6,16 @@ import;
import; import;
public class ApiException extends WebApplicationException { public class ApiException extends WebApplicationException {
// HTTP status code
int status; private static final long serialVersionUID = 4619299036312089050L;
// HTTP status code
public int status;
// API error code // API error code
int error; public int error;
String message; public String message;
public ApiException(int status, int error, String message) { public ApiException(int status, int error, String message) {
this(status, error, message, null); this(status, error, message, null);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package api;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import globalization.Translator;
public enum ApiExceptionFactory {
public ApiException createException(HttpServletRequest request, ApiError apiError, Throwable throwable, Object... args) {
String template = Translator.INSTANCE.translate("ApiError", request.getLocale().getLanguage(),;
String message = String.format(template, args);
return new ApiException(apiError.getStatus(), apiError.getCode(), message, throwable);
public ApiException createException(HttpServletRequest request, ApiError apiError) {
return createException(request, apiError, null);

View File

@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ package api;
import io.swagger.v3.jaxrs2.integration.resources.OpenApiResource; import io.swagger.v3.jaxrs2.integration.resources.OpenApiResource;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler.RedirectPatternRule; import org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler.RedirectPatternRule;
import org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler.RewriteHandler; import org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler.RewriteHandler;
@ -17,30 +15,21 @@ import org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.CrossOriginFilter;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig; import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig;
import org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer; import org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer;
import api.resource.AnnotationPostProcessor;
import api.resource.ApiDefinition;
import settings.Settings; import settings.Settings;
public class ApiService { public class ApiService {
private final Server server; private final Server server;
private final Set<Class<?>> resources; private final ResourceConfig config;
public ApiService() { public ApiService() {
// Resources to register config = new ResourceConfig();
this.resources = new HashSet<Class<?>>(); config.packages("api.resource");
this.resources.add(AddressesResource.class); config.register(OpenApiResource.class);
this.resources.add(AdminResource.class); config.register(ApiDefinition.class);
this.resources.add(AssetsResource.class); config.register(AnnotationPostProcessor.class);
this.resources.add(BlockExplorerResource.class); // block-explorer.html
this.resources.add(OpenApiResource.class); // Swagger/OpenAPI
this.resources.add(ApiDefinition.class); // API info
this.resources.add(AnnotationPostProcessor.class); // For API resource annotations
ResourceConfig config = new ResourceConfig(this.resources);
// Create RPC server // Create RPC server
this.server = new Server(Settings.getInstance().getRpcPort()); this.server = new Server(Settings.getInstance().getRpcPort());
@ -94,8 +83,9 @@ public class ApiService {
return instance; return instance;
} }
Iterable<Class<?>> getResources() { public Iterable<Class<?>> getResources() {
return resources; // return resources;
return config.getClasses();
} }
public void start() { public void start() {

View File

@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ public class Security {
try { try {
remoteAddr = InetAddress.getByName(request.getRemoteAddr()); remoteAddr = InetAddress.getByName(request.getRemoteAddr());
} catch (UnknownHostException e) { } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.UNAUTHORIZED); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.UNAUTHORIZED);
} }
if (!remoteAddr.isLoopbackAddress()) if (!remoteAddr.isLoopbackAddress())
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.UNAUTHORIZED); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.UNAUTHORIZED);
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
package api; package api.resource;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Parameter; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Parameter;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.extensions.Extension;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.extensions.ExtensionProperty;
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
@ -21,6 +19,10 @@ import;
import; import;
import; import;
import api.ApiError;
import api.ApiErrors;
import api.ApiException;
import api.ApiExceptionFactory;
import data.account.AccountBalanceData; import data.account.AccountBalanceData;
import data.account.AccountData; import data.account.AccountData;
import qora.account.Account; import qora.account.Account;
@ -32,12 +34,8 @@ import repository.RepositoryManager;
import transform.Transformer; import transform.Transformer;
import utils.Base58; import utils.Base58;
@Path("addresses") @Path("/addresses")
@Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN}) @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN})
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="path", value="/Api/AddressesResource")
@Tag(name = "Addresses") @Tag(name = "Addresses")
public class AddressesResource { public class AddressesResource {
@ -49,30 +47,17 @@ public class AddressesResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Fetch reference for next transaction to be created by address", summary = "Fetch reference for next transaction to be created by address",
description = "Returns the base58-encoded signature of the last confirmed transaction created by address, failing that: the first incoming transaction to address. Returns \"false\" if there is no transactions.", description = "Returns the base58-encoded signature of the last confirmed transaction created by address, failing that: the first incoming transaction to address. Returns \"false\" if there is no transactions.",
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="path", value="GET lastreference:address"),
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="operation:description")
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="apiErrors", value="[\"INVALID_ADDRESS\"]", parseValue = true),
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the base58-encoded transaction signature or \"false\"", description = "the base58-encoded transaction signature or \"false\"",
content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string")), content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string"))
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="success_response:description")
) )
} }
) )
public String getLastReference(@Parameter(ref = "address") @PathParam("address") String address) { public String getLastReference(@Parameter(ref = "address") @PathParam("address") String address) {
if (!Crypto.isValidAddress(address)) if (!Crypto.isValidAddress(address))
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS);
byte[] lastReference = null; byte[] lastReference = null;
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
@ -81,7 +66,7 @@ public class AddressesResource {
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
if(lastReference == null || lastReference.length == 0) { if(lastReference == null || lastReference.length == 0) {
@ -95,31 +80,18 @@ public class AddressesResource {
@Path("/lastreference/{address}/unconfirmed") @Path("/lastreference/{address}/unconfirmed")
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Fetch reference for next transaction to be created by address, considering unconfirmed transactions", summary = "Fetch reference for next transaction to be created by address, considering unconfirmed transactions",
description = "Returns the base58-encoded signature of the last confirmed/unconfirmed transaction created by address, failing that: the first incoming transaction. Returns \\\"false\\\" if there is no transactions.", description = "Returns the base58-encoded signature of the last confirmed/unconfirmed transaction created by address, failing that: the first incoming transaction. Returns \"false\" if there is no transactions.",
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="path", value="GET lastreference:address:unconfirmed"),
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="operation:description")
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="apiErrors", value="[\"INVALID_ADDRESS\"]", parseValue = true),
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the base58-encoded transaction signature", description = "the base58-encoded transaction signature",
content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string")), content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string"))
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="success_response:description")
) )
} }
) )
public String getLastReferenceUnconfirmed(@PathParam("address") String address) { public String getLastReferenceUnconfirmed(@PathParam("address") String address) {
if (!Crypto.isValidAddress(address)) if (!Crypto.isValidAddress(address))
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS);
byte[] lastReference = null; byte[] lastReference = null;
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
@ -128,7 +100,7 @@ public class AddressesResource {
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
if(lastReference == null || lastReference.length == 0) { if(lastReference == null || lastReference.length == 0) {
@ -143,21 +115,9 @@ public class AddressesResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Validates the given address", summary = "Validates the given address",
description = "Returns true/false.", description = "Returns true/false.",
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="path", value="GET validate:address"),
@ExtensionProperty(name="summary.key", value="operation:summary"),
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="operation:description"),
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "boolean")), content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "boolean"))
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="success_response:description")
) )
} }
) )
@ -170,30 +130,17 @@ public class AddressesResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Return the generating balance of the given address", summary = "Return the generating balance of the given address",
description = "Returns the effective balance of the given address, used in Proof-of-Stake calculationgs when generating a new block.", description = "Returns the effective balance of the given address, used in Proof-of-Stake calculationgs when generating a new block.",
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="path", value="GET generatingbalance:address"),
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="operation:description")
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="apiErrors", value="[\"INVALID_ADDRESS\"]", parseValue = true),
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the generating balance", description = "the generating balance",
content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string", format = "number")), content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string", format = "number"))
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="success_response:description")
) )
} }
) )
public BigDecimal getGeneratingBalanceOfAddress(@PathParam("address") String address) { public BigDecimal getGeneratingBalanceOfAddress(@PathParam("address") String address) {
if (!Crypto.isValidAddress(address)) if (!Crypto.isValidAddress(address))
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS);
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
Account account = new Account(repository, address); Account account = new Account(repository, address);
@ -201,7 +148,7 @@ public class AddressesResource {
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -209,30 +156,17 @@ public class AddressesResource {
@Path("/balance/{address}") @Path("/balance/{address}")
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Returns the confirmed balance of the given address", summary = "Returns the confirmed balance of the given address",
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="path", value="GET balance:address"),
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="operation:description")
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="apiErrors", value="[\"INVALID_ADDRESS\"]", parseValue = true),
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the balance", description = "the balance",
content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string", format = "number")), content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string", format = "number"))
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="success_response:description")
) )
} }
) )
public BigDecimal getGeneratingBalance(@PathParam("address") String address) { public BigDecimal getGeneratingBalance(@PathParam("address") String address) {
if (!Crypto.isValidAddress(address)) if (!Crypto.isValidAddress(address))
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS);
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
Account account = new Account(repository, address); Account account = new Account(repository, address);
@ -240,7 +174,7 @@ public class AddressesResource {
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -249,30 +183,17 @@ public class AddressesResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Asset-specific balance request", summary = "Asset-specific balance request",
description = "Returns the confirmed balance of the given address for the given asset key.", description = "Returns the confirmed balance of the given address for the given asset key.",
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="path", value="GET assetbalance:assetid:address"),
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="operation:description")
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="apiErrors", value="[\"INVALID_ADDRESS\", \"INVALID_ASSET_ID\"]", parseValue = true),
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the balance", description = "the balance",
content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string", format = "number")), content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string", format = "number"))
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="success_response:description")
) )
} }
) )
public BigDecimal getAssetBalance(@PathParam("assetid") long assetid, @PathParam("address") String address) { public BigDecimal getAssetBalance(@PathParam("assetid") long assetid, @PathParam("address") String address) {
if (!Crypto.isValidAddress(address)) if (!Crypto.isValidAddress(address))
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS);
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
Account account = new Account(repository, address); Account account = new Account(repository, address);
@ -280,7 +201,7 @@ public class AddressesResource {
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -289,37 +210,24 @@ public class AddressesResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "All assets owned by this address", summary = "All assets owned by this address",
description = "Returns the list of assets for this address, with balances.", description = "Returns the list of assets for this address, with balances.",
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="path", value="GET assets:address"),
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="operation:description")
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="apiErrors", value="[\"INVALID_ADDRESS\"]", parseValue = true),
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the list of assets", description = "the list of assets",
content = @Content(array = @ArraySchema(schema = @Schema(implementation = AccountBalanceData.class))), content = @Content(array = @ArraySchema(schema = @Schema(implementation = AccountBalanceData.class)))
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="success_response:description")
) )
} }
) )
public List<AccountBalanceData> getAssets(@PathParam("address") String address) { public List<AccountBalanceData> getAssets(@PathParam("address") String address) {
if (!Crypto.isValidAddress(address)) if (!Crypto.isValidAddress(address))
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS);
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
return repository.getAccountRepository().getAllBalances(address); return repository.getAccountRepository().getAllBalances(address);
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -327,24 +235,10 @@ public class AddressesResource {
@Path("/balance/{address}/{confirmations}") @Path("/balance/{address}/{confirmations}")
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Calculates the balance of the given address for the given confirmations", summary = "Calculates the balance of the given address for the given confirmations",
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="path", value="GET balance:address:confirmations"),
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="operation:description")
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="apiErrors", value="[\"INVALID_ADDRESS\"]", parseValue = true),
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the balance", description = "the balance",
content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = String.class)), content = @Content(schema = @Schema(type = "string", format = "number"))
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="success_response:description")
) )
} }
) )
@ -357,30 +251,17 @@ public class AddressesResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Get public key of address", summary = "Get public key of address",
description = "Returns the base58-encoded account public key of the given address, or \"false\" if address not known or has no public key.", description = "Returns the base58-encoded account public key of the given address, or \"false\" if address not known or has no public key.",
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="path", value="GET publickey:address"),
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="operation:description")
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="apiErrors", value="[\"INVALID_ADDRESS\"]", parseValue = true),
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the public key", description = "the public key",
content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string")), content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string"))
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="success_response:description")
) )
} }
) )
public String getPublicKey(@PathParam("address") String address) { public String getPublicKey(@PathParam("address") String address) {
if (!Crypto.isValidAddress(address)) if (!Crypto.isValidAddress(address))
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS);
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
AccountData accountData = repository.getAccountRepository().getAccount(address); AccountData accountData = repository.getAccountRepository().getAccount(address);
@ -396,7 +277,7 @@ public class AddressesResource {
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -405,46 +286,33 @@ public class AddressesResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Convert public key into address", summary = "Convert public key into address",
description = "Returns account address based on supplied public key. Expects base58-encoded, 32-byte public key.", description = "Returns account address based on supplied public key. Expects base58-encoded, 32-byte public key.",
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="path", value="GET publickey:address"),
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="operation:description")
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="apiErrors", value="[\"INVALID_ADDRESS\"]", parseValue = true),
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the address", description = "the address",
content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string")), content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string"))
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="success_response:description")
) )
} }
) )
public String fromPublicKey(@PathParam("publickey") String publicKey58) { public String fromPublicKey(@PathParam("publickey") String publicKey58) {
// Decode public key // Decode public key
byte[] publicKey; byte[] publicKey;
try { try {
publicKey = Base58.decode(publicKey58); publicKey = Base58.decode(publicKey58);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY, e);
} }
// Correct size for public key? // Correct size for public key?
if (publicKey.length != Transformer.PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH) if (publicKey.length != Transformer.PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH)
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY);
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
return Crypto.toAddress(publicKey); return Crypto.toAddress(publicKey);
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
package api; package api.resource;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Parameter; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Parameter;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.enums.ParameterIn; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.enums.ParameterIn;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.extensions.Extension;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.extensions.ExtensionProperty;
import; import;
import; import;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.responses.ApiResponse; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.responses.ApiResponse;
@ -17,14 +15,11 @@ import;
import; import;
import; import;
import api.Security;
import controller.Controller; import controller.Controller;
@Path("admin") @Path("/admin")
@Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN}) @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN})
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="path", value="/Api/AdminResource")
@Tag(name = "Admin") @Tag(name = "Admin")
public class AdminResource { public class AdminResource {
@ -52,25 +47,15 @@ public class AdminResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Fetch running time of server", summary = "Fetch running time of server",
description = "Returns uptime in milliseconds", description = "Returns uptime in milliseconds",
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="operation:description")
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "uptime in milliseconds", description = "uptime in milliseconds",
content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = String.class)), content = @Content(schema = @Schema(type = "number"))
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="success_response:description")
) )
} }
) )
public String uptime() { public long uptime() {
return Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - Controller.startTime); return System.currentTimeMillis() - Controller.startTime;
} }
@ -78,20 +63,10 @@ public class AdminResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Shutdown", summary = "Shutdown",
description = "Shutdown", description = "Shutdown",
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="operation:description")
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "\"true\"", description = "\"true\"",
content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = String.class)), content = @Content(schema = @Schema(type = "string"))
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "translation", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name="description.key", value="success_response:description")
) )
} }
) )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
package api.resource;
import globalization.Translator;
import io.swagger.v3.core.converter.ModelConverters;
import io.swagger.v3.jaxrs2.Reader;
import io.swagger.v3.jaxrs2.ReaderListener;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.Components;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.Operation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.PathItem;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.examples.Example;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.Parameter;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.responses.ApiResponse;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import api.ApiError;
import api.ApiErrorMessage;
import api.ApiErrors;
import api.ApiService;
public class AnnotationPostProcessor implements ReaderListener {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(AnnotationPostProcessor.class);
public void beforeScan(Reader reader, OpenAPI openAPI) {
public void afterScan(Reader reader, OpenAPI openAPI) {
// Populate Components section with reusable parameters, like "limit" and "offset"
// We take the reusable parameters from AdminResource.globalParameters path "/admin/unused"
Components components = openAPI.getComponents();
PathItem globalParametersPathItem = openAPI.getPaths().get("/admin/unused");
if (globalParametersPathItem != null) {
for (Parameter parameter : globalParametersPathItem.getGet().getParameters())
components.addParameters(parameter.getName(), parameter);
// Search all ApiService resources (classes) for @ApiErrors annotations
// to generate corresponding openAPI operation responses.
for (Class<?> clazz : ApiService.getInstance().getResources()) {
Path classPath = clazz.getAnnotation(Path.class);
if (classPath == null)
String classPathString = classPath.value();
if (classPathString.charAt(0) != '/')
classPathString = "/" + classPathString;
for (Method method : clazz.getDeclaredMethods()) {
ApiErrors apiErrors = method.getAnnotation(ApiErrors.class);
if (apiErrors == null)
continue;"Found @ApiErrors annotation on " + clazz.getSimpleName() + "." + method.getName());
PathItem pathItem = getPathItemFromMethod(openAPI, classPathString, method);
for (Operation operation : pathItem.readOperations())
for (ApiError apiError : apiErrors.value())
addApiErrorResponse(operation, apiError);
private PathItem getPathItemFromMethod(OpenAPI openAPI, String classPathString, Method method) {
Path path = method.getAnnotation(Path.class);
if (path == null)
throw new RuntimeException("API method has no @Path annotation?");
String pathString = path.value();
return openAPI.getPaths().get(classPathString + pathString);
private void addApiErrorResponse(Operation operation, ApiError apiError) {
String statusCode = Integer.toString(apiError.getStatus()) + " " +;
// Create response for this HTTP response code if it doesn't already exist
ApiResponse apiResponse = operation.getResponses().get(statusCode);
if (apiResponse == null) {
Schema<?> errorMessageSchema = ModelConverters.getInstance().readAllAsResolvedSchema(ApiErrorMessage.class).schema;
MediaType mediaType = new MediaType().schema(errorMessageSchema);
Content content = new Content().addMediaType(, mediaType);
apiResponse = new ApiResponse().content(content);
operation.getResponses().addApiResponse(statusCode, apiResponse);
// Add this specific ApiError code as an example
int apiErrorCode = apiError.getCode();
String lang = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
ApiErrorMessage apiErrorMessage = new ApiErrorMessage(apiErrorCode, Translator.INSTANCE.translate("ApiError", lang,;
Example example = new Example().value(apiErrorMessage);
// XXX: addExamples(..) is not working in Swagger 2.0.4. This bug is referenced in
// Replace the call to .setExample(..) by .addExamples(..) when the bug is fixed.
//apiResponse.getContent().get(, example);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package api; package api.resource;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.OpenAPIDefinition; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.OpenAPIDefinition;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.extensions.Extension; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.extensions.Extension;
@ -25,5 +25,4 @@ import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.tags.Tag;
} }
) )
public class ApiDefinition { public class ApiDefinition {
} }

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package api; package api.resource;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Parameter; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Parameter;
@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ import;
import; import;
import; import;
import api.ApiError;
import api.ApiErrors;
import api.ApiExceptionFactory;
import api.models.AssetWithHolders; import api.models.AssetWithHolders;
import api.models.OrderWithTrades; import api.models.OrderWithTrades;
import api.models.TradeWithOrderInfo; import api.models.TradeWithOrderInfo;
@ -58,6 +61,7 @@ public class AssetsResource {
) )
} }
) )
public List<AssetData> getAllAssets(@Parameter(ref = "limit") @QueryParam("limit") int limit, @Parameter(ref = "offset") @QueryParam("offset") int offset) { public List<AssetData> getAllAssets(@Parameter(ref = "limit") @QueryParam("limit") int limit, @Parameter(ref = "offset") @QueryParam("offset") int offset) {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
List<AssetData> assets = repository.getAssetRepository().getAllAssets(); List<AssetData> assets = repository.getAssetRepository().getAllAssets();
@ -69,7 +73,7 @@ public class AssetsResource {
return assets; return assets;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -85,9 +89,10 @@ public class AssetsResource {
) )
} }
) )
public AssetWithHolders getAssetInfo(@QueryParam("assetId") Integer assetId, @QueryParam("assetName") String assetName, @Parameter(ref = "includeHolders") @QueryParam("includeHolders") boolean includeHolders) { public AssetWithHolders getAssetInfo(@QueryParam("assetId") Integer assetId, @QueryParam("assetName") String assetName, @Parameter(ref = "includeHolders") @QueryParam("includeHolders") boolean includeHolders) {
if (assetId == null && (assetName == null || assetName.isEmpty())) if (assetId == null && (assetName == null || assetName.isEmpty()))
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_CRITERIA); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_CRITERIA);
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
AssetData assetData = null; AssetData assetData = null;
@ -98,7 +103,7 @@ public class AssetsResource {
assetData = repository.getAssetRepository().fromAssetName(assetName); assetData = repository.getAssetRepository().fromAssetName(assetName);
if (assetData == null) if (assetData == null)
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_ASSET_ID); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_ASSET_ID);
List<AccountBalanceData> holders = null; List<AccountBalanceData> holders = null;
if (includeHolders) if (includeHolders)
@ -106,7 +111,7 @@ public class AssetsResource {
return new AssetWithHolders(assetData, holders); return new AssetWithHolders(assetData, holders);
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -122,14 +127,15 @@ public class AssetsResource {
) )
} }
) )
public List<OrderData> getAssetOrders(@Parameter(ref = "assetId") @PathParam("assetId") int assetId, @Parameter(ref = "otherAssetId") @PathParam("otherAssetId") int otherAssetId, public List<OrderData> getAssetOrders(@Parameter(ref = "assetId") @PathParam("assetId") int assetId, @Parameter(ref = "otherAssetId") @PathParam("otherAssetId") int otherAssetId,
@Parameter(ref = "limit") @QueryParam("limit") int limit, @Parameter(ref = "offset") @QueryParam("offset") int offset) { @Parameter(ref = "limit") @QueryParam("limit") int limit, @Parameter(ref = "offset") @QueryParam("offset") int offset) {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
if (!repository.getAssetRepository().assetExists(assetId)) if (!repository.getAssetRepository().assetExists(assetId))
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_ASSET_ID); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_ASSET_ID);
if (!repository.getAssetRepository().assetExists(otherAssetId)) if (!repository.getAssetRepository().assetExists(otherAssetId))
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_ASSET_ID); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_ASSET_ID);
List<OrderData> orders = repository.getAssetRepository().getOpenOrders(assetId, otherAssetId); List<OrderData> orders = repository.getAssetRepository().getOpenOrders(assetId, otherAssetId);
@ -140,7 +146,7 @@ public class AssetsResource {
return orders; return orders;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -158,14 +164,15 @@ public class AssetsResource {
) )
} }
) )
public List<TradeWithOrderInfo> getAssetTrades(@Parameter(ref = "assetId") @PathParam("assetId") int assetId, @Parameter(ref = "otherAssetId") @PathParam("otherAssetId") int otherAssetId, public List<TradeWithOrderInfo> getAssetTrades(@Parameter(ref = "assetId") @PathParam("assetId") int assetId, @Parameter(ref = "otherAssetId") @PathParam("otherAssetId") int otherAssetId,
@Parameter(ref = "limit") @QueryParam("limit") int limit, @Parameter(ref = "offset") @QueryParam("offset") int offset) { @Parameter(ref = "limit") @QueryParam("limit") int limit, @Parameter(ref = "offset") @QueryParam("offset") int offset) {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
if (!repository.getAssetRepository().assetExists(assetId)) if (!repository.getAssetRepository().assetExists(assetId))
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_ASSET_ID); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_ASSET_ID);
if (!repository.getAssetRepository().assetExists(otherAssetId)) if (!repository.getAssetRepository().assetExists(otherAssetId))
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_ASSET_ID); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_ASSET_ID);
List<TradeData> trades = repository.getAssetRepository().getTrades(assetId, otherAssetId); List<TradeData> trades = repository.getAssetRepository().getTrades(assetId, otherAssetId);
@ -184,7 +191,7 @@ public class AssetsResource {
return fullTrades; return fullTrades;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -200,25 +207,26 @@ public class AssetsResource {
) )
} }
) )
public OrderWithTrades getAssetOrder(@PathParam("orderId") String orderId58) { public OrderWithTrades getAssetOrder(@PathParam("orderId") String orderId58) {
// Decode orderID // Decode orderID
byte[] orderId; byte[] orderId;
try { try {
orderId = Base58.decode(orderId58); orderId = Base58.decode(orderId58);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_ORDER_ID, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_ORDER_ID, e);
} }
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
OrderData orderData = repository.getAssetRepository().fromOrderId(orderId); OrderData orderData = repository.getAssetRepository().fromOrderId(orderId);
if (orderData == null) if (orderData == null)
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.ORDER_NO_EXISTS); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.ORDER_NO_EXISTS);
List<TradeData> trades = repository.getAssetRepository().getOrdersTrades(orderId); List<TradeData> trades = repository.getAssetRepository().getOrdersTrades(orderId);
return new OrderWithTrades(orderData, trades); return new OrderWithTrades(orderData, trades);
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -245,20 +253,21 @@ public class AssetsResource {
) )
} }
) )
public String issueAsset(IssueAssetTransactionData transactionData) { public String issueAsset(IssueAssetTransactionData transactionData) {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
Transaction transaction = Transaction.fromData(repository, transactionData); Transaction transaction = Transaction.fromData(repository, transactionData);
ValidationResult result = transaction.isValid(); ValidationResult result = transaction.isValid();
if (result != ValidationResult.OK) if (result != ValidationResult.OK)
throw new ApiException(400, ApiError.INVALID_DATA.getCode(), "Transaction invalid: " +; throw TransactionsResource.createTransactionInvalidException(request, result);
byte[] bytes = IssueAssetTransactionTransformer.toBytes(transactionData); byte[] bytes = IssueAssetTransactionTransformer.toBytes(transactionData);
return Base58.encode(bytes); return Base58.encode(bytes);
} catch (TransformationException e) { } catch (TransformationException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.UNKNOWN, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.TRANSFORMATION_ERROR, e);
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package api.resource;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
public class BlockExplorerResource {
HttpServletRequest request;
@Operation(hidden = true)
public String getBlockExplorer() {
ClassLoader loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
try (InputStream inputStream = loader.getResourceAsStream("block-explorer.html")) {
if (inputStream == null)
return "block-explorer.html resource not found";
return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)).lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
} catch (IOException e) {
return "Error reading block-explorer.html resource";

View File

@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
package api; package api.resource;
import data.block.BlockData; import data.block.BlockData;
import data.transaction.TransactionData; import data.transaction.TransactionData;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Parameter; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Parameter;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.extensions.Extension;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.extensions.ExtensionProperty;
import; import;
import; import;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.responses.ApiResponse; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.responses.ApiResponse;
@ -26,6 +24,10 @@ import;
import; import;
import; import;
import api.ApiError;
import api.ApiErrors;
import api.ApiException;
import api.ApiExceptionFactory;
import api.models.BlockWithTransactions; import api.models.BlockWithTransactions;
import qora.block.Block; import qora.block.Block;
import repository.DataException; import repository.DataException;
@ -33,22 +35,9 @@ import repository.Repository;
import repository.RepositoryManager; import repository.RepositoryManager;
import utils.Base58; import utils.Base58;
@Path("blocks") @Path("/blocks")
@Produces({ @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN})
MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN @Tag(name = "Blocks")
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "path",
value = "/Api/BlocksResource"
name = "Blocks"
public class BlocksResource { public class BlocksResource {
@Context @Context
@ -59,28 +48,6 @@ public class BlocksResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Fetch block using base58 signature", summary = "Fetch block using base58 signature",
description = "Returns the block that matches the given signature", description = "Returns the block that matches the given signature",
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "path",
value = "GET signature"
), @ExtensionProperty(
name = "description.key",
value = "operation:description"
), @Extension(
properties = {
name = "apiErrors",
parseValue = true
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the block", description = "the block",
@ -88,30 +55,18 @@ public class BlocksResource {
schema = @Schema( schema = @Schema(
implementation = BlockWithTransactions.class implementation = BlockWithTransactions.class
) )
), )
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "description.key",
value = "success_response:description"
) )
} }
) )
) public BlockWithTransactions getBlock(@PathParam("signature") String signature58, @Parameter(ref = "includeTransactions") @QueryParam("includeTransactions") boolean includeTransactions) {
public BlockWithTransactions getBlock(@PathParam("signature") String signature58, @Parameter(
ref = "includeTransactions"
) @QueryParam("includeTransactions") boolean includeTransactions) {
// Decode signature // Decode signature
byte[] signature; byte[] signature;
try { try {
signature = Base58.decode(signature58); signature = Base58.decode(signature58);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE, e);
} }
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
@ -120,7 +75,7 @@ public class BlocksResource {
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -129,18 +84,6 @@ public class BlocksResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Fetch genesis block", summary = "Fetch genesis block",
description = "Returns the genesis block", description = "Returns the genesis block",
extensions = @Extension(
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "path",
value = "GET first"
), @ExtensionProperty(
name = "description.key",
value = "operation:description"
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the block", description = "the block",
@ -148,31 +91,19 @@ public class BlocksResource {
schema = @Schema( schema = @Schema(
implementation = BlockWithTransactions.class implementation = BlockWithTransactions.class
) )
), )
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "description.key",
value = "success_response:description"
) )
} }
) )
) public BlockWithTransactions getFirstBlock(@Parameter(ref = "includeTransactions") @QueryParam("includeTransactions") boolean includeTransactions) {
public BlockWithTransactions getFirstBlock(@Parameter(
ref = "includeTransactions"
) @QueryParam("includeTransactions") boolean includeTransactions) {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
BlockData blockData = repository.getBlockRepository().fromHeight(1); BlockData blockData = repository.getBlockRepository().fromHeight(1);
return packageBlockData(repository, blockData, includeTransactions); return packageBlockData(repository, blockData, includeTransactions);
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -181,18 +112,6 @@ public class BlocksResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Fetch last/newest block in blockchain", summary = "Fetch last/newest block in blockchain",
description = "Returns the last valid block", description = "Returns the last valid block",
extensions = @Extension(
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "path",
value = "GET last"
), @ExtensionProperty(
name = "description.key",
value = "operation:description"
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the block", description = "the block",
@ -200,31 +119,19 @@ public class BlocksResource {
schema = @Schema( schema = @Schema(
implementation = BlockWithTransactions.class implementation = BlockWithTransactions.class
) )
), )
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "description.key",
value = "success_response:description"
) )
} }
) )
) public BlockWithTransactions getLastBlock(@Parameter(ref = "includeTransactions") @QueryParam("includeTransactions") boolean includeTransactions) {
public BlockWithTransactions getLastBlock(@Parameter(
ref = "includeTransactions"
) @QueryParam("includeTransactions") boolean includeTransactions) {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
BlockData blockData = repository.getBlockRepository().getLastBlock(); BlockData blockData = repository.getBlockRepository().getLastBlock();
return packageBlockData(repository, blockData, includeTransactions); return packageBlockData(repository, blockData, includeTransactions);
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -233,28 +140,6 @@ public class BlocksResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Fetch child block using base58 signature of parent block", summary = "Fetch child block using base58 signature of parent block",
description = "Returns the child block of the block that matches the given signature", description = "Returns the child block of the block that matches the given signature",
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "path",
value = "GET child:signature"
), @ExtensionProperty(
name = "description.key",
value = "operation:description"
), @Extension(
properties = {
name = "apiErrors",
parseValue = true
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the block", description = "the block",
@ -262,30 +147,18 @@ public class BlocksResource {
schema = @Schema( schema = @Schema(
implementation = BlockWithTransactions.class implementation = BlockWithTransactions.class
) )
), )
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "description.key",
value = "success_response:description"
) )
} }
) )
) public BlockWithTransactions getChild(@PathParam("signature") String signature58, @Parameter(ref = "includeTransactions") @QueryParam("includeTransactions") boolean includeTransactions) {
public BlockWithTransactions getChild(@PathParam("signature") String signature58, @Parameter(
ref = "includeTransactions"
) @QueryParam("includeTransactions") boolean includeTransactions) {
// Decode signature // Decode signature
byte[] signature; byte[] signature;
try { try {
signature = Base58.decode(signature58); signature = Base58.decode(signature58);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE, e);
} }
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
@ -293,7 +166,7 @@ public class BlocksResource {
// Check block exists // Check block exists
if (blockData == null) if (blockData == null)
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.BLOCK_NO_EXISTS); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.BLOCK_NO_EXISTS);
BlockData childBlockData = repository.getBlockRepository().fromReference(signature); BlockData childBlockData = repository.getBlockRepository().fromReference(signature);
@ -302,7 +175,7 @@ public class BlocksResource {
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -311,18 +184,6 @@ public class BlocksResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Generating balance of next block", summary = "Generating balance of next block",
description = "Calculates the generating balance of the block that will follow the last block", description = "Calculates the generating balance of the block that will follow the last block",
extensions = @Extension(
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "path",
value = "GET generatingbalance"
), @ExtensionProperty(
name = "description.key",
value = "operation:description"
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the generating balance", description = "the generating balance",
@ -331,21 +192,11 @@ public class BlocksResource {
schema = @Schema( schema = @Schema(
implementation = BigDecimal.class implementation = BigDecimal.class
) )
), )
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "description.key",
value = "success_response:description"
) )
} }
) )
public BigDecimal getGeneratingBalance() { public BigDecimal getGeneratingBalance() {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
BlockData blockData = repository.getBlockRepository().getLastBlock(); BlockData blockData = repository.getBlockRepository().getLastBlock();
@ -354,7 +205,7 @@ public class BlocksResource {
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -363,28 +214,6 @@ public class BlocksResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Generating balance of block after specific block", summary = "Generating balance of block after specific block",
description = "Calculates the generating balance of the block that will follow the block that matches the signature", description = "Calculates the generating balance of the block that will follow the block that matches the signature",
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "path",
value = "GET generatingbalance:signature"
), @ExtensionProperty(
name = "description.key",
value = "operation:description"
), @Extension(
properties = {
name = "apiErrors",
parseValue = true
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the block", description = "the block",
@ -393,28 +222,18 @@ public class BlocksResource {
schema = @Schema( schema = @Schema(
implementation = BigDecimal.class implementation = BigDecimal.class
) )
), )
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "description.key",
value = "success_response:description"
) )
} }
) )
public BigDecimal getGeneratingBalance(@PathParam("signature") String signature58) { public BigDecimal getGeneratingBalance(@PathParam("signature") String signature58) {
// Decode signature // Decode signature
byte[] signature; byte[] signature;
try { try {
signature = Base58.decode(signature58); signature = Base58.decode(signature58);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE, e);
} }
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
@ -422,14 +241,14 @@ public class BlocksResource {
// Check block exists // Check block exists
if (blockData == null) if (blockData == null)
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.BLOCK_NO_EXISTS); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.BLOCK_NO_EXISTS);
Block block = new Block(repository, blockData); Block block = new Block(repository, blockData);
return block.calcNextBlockGeneratingBalance(); return block.calcNextBlockGeneratingBalance();
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -438,42 +257,19 @@ public class BlocksResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Estimated time to forge next block", summary = "Estimated time to forge next block",
description = "Calculates the time it should take for the network to generate the next block", description = "Calculates the time it should take for the network to generate the next block",
extensions = @Extension(
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "path",
value = "GET time"
), @ExtensionProperty(
name = "description.key",
value = "operation:description"
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the time in seconds", // in description = "the time in seconds",
// seconds?
content = @Content( content = @Content(
mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN,
schema = @Schema( schema = @Schema(
type = "number" type = "number"
) )
), )
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "description.key",
value = "success_response:description"
) )
} }
) )
public long getTimePerBlock() { public long getTimePerBlock() {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
BlockData blockData = repository.getBlockRepository().getLastBlock(); BlockData blockData = repository.getBlockRepository().getLastBlock();
@ -481,7 +277,7 @@ public class BlocksResource {
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -490,18 +286,6 @@ public class BlocksResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Estimated time to forge block given generating balance", summary = "Estimated time to forge block given generating balance",
description = "Calculates the time it should take for the network to generate blocks based on specified generating balance", description = "Calculates the time it should take for the network to generate blocks based on specified generating balance",
extensions = @Extension(
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "path",
value = "GET time:generatingbalance"
), @ExtensionProperty(
name = "description.key",
value = "operation:description"
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the time", // in seconds? description = "the time", // in seconds?
@ -510,18 +294,7 @@ public class BlocksResource {
schema = @Schema( schema = @Schema(
type = "number" type = "number"
) )
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "description.key",
value = "success_response:description"
) )
) )
} }
) )
@ -534,18 +307,6 @@ public class BlocksResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Current blockchain height", summary = "Current blockchain height",
description = "Returns the block height of the last block.", description = "Returns the block height of the last block.",
extensions = @Extension(
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "path",
value = "GET height"
), @ExtensionProperty(
name = "description.key",
value = "operation:description"
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the height", description = "the height",
@ -554,28 +315,18 @@ public class BlocksResource {
schema = @Schema( schema = @Schema(
type = "number" type = "number"
) )
), )
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "description.key",
value = "success_response:description"
) )
} }
) )
public int getHeight() { public int getHeight() {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
return repository.getBlockRepository().getBlockchainHeight(); return repository.getBlockRepository().getBlockchainHeight();
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -584,28 +335,6 @@ public class BlocksResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Height of specific block", summary = "Height of specific block",
description = "Returns the block height of the block that matches the given signature", description = "Returns the block height of the block that matches the given signature",
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "path",
value = "GET height:signature"
), @ExtensionProperty(
name = "description.key",
value = "operation:description"
), @Extension(
properties = {
name = "apiErrors",
parseValue = true
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the height", description = "the height",
@ -614,28 +343,18 @@ public class BlocksResource {
schema = @Schema( schema = @Schema(
type = "number" type = "number"
) )
), )
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "description.key",
value = "success_response:description"
) )
} }
) )
public int getHeight(@PathParam("signature") String signature58) { public int getHeight(@PathParam("signature") String signature58) {
// Decode signature // Decode signature
byte[] signature; byte[] signature;
try { try {
signature = Base58.decode(signature58); signature = Base58.decode(signature58);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE, e);
} }
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
@ -643,13 +362,13 @@ public class BlocksResource {
// Check block exists // Check block exists
if (blockData == null) if (blockData == null)
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.BLOCK_NO_EXISTS); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.BLOCK_NO_EXISTS);
return blockData.getHeight(); return blockData.getHeight();
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -658,28 +377,6 @@ public class BlocksResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Fetch block using block height", summary = "Fetch block using block height",
description = "Returns the block with given height", description = "Returns the block with given height",
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "path",
value = "GET byheight:height"
), @ExtensionProperty(
name = "description.key",
value = "operation:description"
), @Extension(
properties = {
name = "apiErrors",
value = "[\"BLOCK_NO_EXISTS\"]",
parseValue = true
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "the block", description = "the block",
@ -687,31 +384,19 @@ public class BlocksResource {
schema = @Schema( schema = @Schema(
implementation = BlockWithTransactions.class implementation = BlockWithTransactions.class
) )
), )
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "description.key",
value = "success_response:description"
) )
} }
) )
) public BlockWithTransactions getByHeight(@PathParam("height") int height, @Parameter(ref = "includeTransactions") @QueryParam("includeTransactions") boolean includeTransactions) {
public BlockWithTransactions getByHeight(@PathParam("height") int height, @Parameter(
ref = "includeTransactions"
) @QueryParam("includeTransactions") boolean includeTransactions) {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
BlockData blockData = repository.getBlockRepository().fromHeight(height); BlockData blockData = repository.getBlockRepository().fromHeight(height);
return packageBlockData(repository, blockData, includeTransactions); return packageBlockData(repository, blockData, includeTransactions);
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -720,28 +405,6 @@ public class BlocksResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Fetch blocks starting with given height", summary = "Fetch blocks starting with given height",
description = "Returns blocks starting with given height.", description = "Returns blocks starting with given height.",
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "path",
value = "GET byheight:height"
), @ExtensionProperty(
name = "description.key",
value = "operation:description"
), @Extension(
properties = {
name = "apiErrors",
value = "[\"BLOCK_NO_EXISTS\"]",
parseValue = true
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "blocks", description = "blocks",
@ -749,24 +412,12 @@ public class BlocksResource {
schema = @Schema( schema = @Schema(
implementation = BlockWithTransactions.class implementation = BlockWithTransactions.class
) )
), )
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "description.key",
value = "success_response:description"
) )
} }
) )
) public List<BlockWithTransactions> getBlockRange(@PathParam("height") int height, @Parameter(ref = "count") @QueryParam("count") int count) {
public List<BlockWithTransactions> getBlockRange(@PathParam("height") int height, @Parameter(
ref = "count"
) @QueryParam("count") int count) {
boolean includeTransactions = false; boolean includeTransactions = false;
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
@ -785,13 +436,25 @@ public class BlocksResource {
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
* Returns block, optionally including transactions.
* <p>
* Throws ApiException using ApiError.BLOCK_NO_EXISTS if blockData is null.
* @param repository
* @param blockData
* @param includeTransactions
* @return packaged block, with optional transactions
* @throws DataException
* @throws ApiException ApiError.BLOCK_NO_EXISTS
private BlockWithTransactions packageBlockData(Repository repository, BlockData blockData, boolean includeTransactions) throws DataException { private BlockWithTransactions packageBlockData(Repository repository, BlockData blockData, boolean includeTransactions) throws DataException {
if (blockData == null) if (blockData == null)
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.BLOCK_NO_EXISTS); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.BLOCK_NO_EXISTS);
List<TransactionData> transactions = null; List<TransactionData> transactions = null;
if (includeTransactions) { if (includeTransactions) {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package api; package api.resource;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
import; import;
@ -22,15 +22,14 @@ import;
import; import;
import; import;
import api.ApiError;
import api.ApiErrors;
import api.ApiExceptionFactory;
import data.transaction.RegisterNameTransactionData; import data.transaction.RegisterNameTransactionData;
@Path("/names") @Path("/names")
@Produces({ @Produces({ MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN})
MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN @Tag(name = "Names")
name = "Names"
public class NamesResource { public class NamesResource {
@Context @Context
@ -61,20 +60,21 @@ public class NamesResource {
) )
} }
) )
public String buildTransaction(RegisterNameTransactionData transactionData) { public String buildTransaction(RegisterNameTransactionData transactionData) {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
Transaction transaction = Transaction.fromData(repository, transactionData); Transaction transaction = Transaction.fromData(repository, transactionData);
ValidationResult result = transaction.isValid(); ValidationResult result = transaction.isValid();
if (result != ValidationResult.OK) if (result != ValidationResult.OK)
throw new ApiException(400, ApiError.INVALID_DATA.getCode(), "Transaction invalid: " +; throw TransactionsResource.createTransactionInvalidException(request, result);
byte[] bytes = RegisterNameTransactionTransformer.toBytes(transactionData); byte[] bytes = RegisterNameTransactionTransformer.toBytes(transactionData);
return Base58.encode(bytes); return Base58.encode(bytes);
} catch (TransformationException e) { } catch (TransformationException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.UNKNOWN, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.TRANSFORMATION_ERROR, e);
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package api; package api.resource;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
import; import;
@ -22,15 +22,14 @@ import;
import; import;
import; import;
import api.ApiError;
import api.ApiErrors;
import api.ApiExceptionFactory;
import data.transaction.PaymentTransactionData; import data.transaction.PaymentTransactionData;
@Path("/payments") @Path("/payments")
@Produces({ @Produces({MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN})
MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN @Tag(name = "Payments")
name = "Payments"
public class PaymentsResource { public class PaymentsResource {
@Context @Context
@ -61,20 +60,21 @@ public class PaymentsResource {
) )
} }
) )
public String buildTransaction(PaymentTransactionData transactionData) { public String buildTransaction(PaymentTransactionData transactionData) {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
Transaction transaction = Transaction.fromData(repository, transactionData); Transaction transaction = Transaction.fromData(repository, transactionData);
ValidationResult result = transaction.isValid(); ValidationResult result = transaction.isValid();
if (result != ValidationResult.OK) if (result != ValidationResult.OK)
throw new ApiException(400, ApiError.INVALID_DATA.getCode(), "Transaction invalid: " +; throw TransactionsResource.createTransactionInvalidException(request, result);
byte[] bytes = PaymentTransactionTransformer.toBytes(transactionData); byte[] bytes = PaymentTransactionTransformer.toBytes(transactionData);
return Base58.encode(bytes); return Base58.encode(bytes);
} catch (TransformationException e) { } catch (TransformationException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.UNKNOWN, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.TRANSFORMATION_ERROR, e);
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
package api; package api.resource;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Parameter; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Parameter;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.extensions.Extension;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.extensions.ExtensionProperty;
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
@ -30,10 +28,15 @@ import;
import; import;
import api.ApiError;
import api.ApiErrors;
import api.ApiException;
import api.ApiExceptionFactory;
import api.models.SimpleTransactionSignRequest; import api.models.SimpleTransactionSignRequest;
import data.transaction.GenesisTransactionData; import data.transaction.GenesisTransactionData;
import data.transaction.PaymentTransactionData; import data.transaction.PaymentTransactionData;
import data.transaction.TransactionData; import data.transaction.TransactionData;
import globalization.Translator;
import repository.DataException; import repository.DataException;
import repository.Repository; import repository.Repository;
import repository.RepositoryManager; import repository.RepositoryManager;
@ -41,22 +44,9 @@ import transform.TransformationException;
import transform.transaction.TransactionTransformer; import transform.transaction.TransactionTransformer;
import utils.Base58; import utils.Base58;
@Path("transactions") @Path("/transactions")
@Produces({ @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN})
MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN @Tag(name = "Transactions")
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "path",
value = "/Api/TransactionsResource"
name = "Transactions"
public class TransactionsResource { public class TransactionsResource {
@Context @Context
@ -67,17 +57,6 @@ public class TransactionsResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Fetch transaction using transaction signature", summary = "Fetch transaction using transaction signature",
description = "Returns transaction", description = "Returns transaction",
extensions = {
properties = {
name = "apiErrors",
parseValue = true
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "a transaction", description = "a transaction",
@ -85,39 +64,29 @@ public class TransactionsResource {
schema = @Schema( schema = @Schema(
implementation = TransactionData.class implementation = TransactionData.class
) )
), )
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "description.key",
value = "success_response:description"
) )
} }
) )
public TransactionData getTransactions(@PathParam("signature") String signature58) { public TransactionData getTransactions(@PathParam("signature") String signature58) {
byte[] signature; byte[] signature;
try { try {
signature = Base58.decode(signature58); signature = Base58.decode(signature58);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE, e);
} }
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
TransactionData transactionData = repository.getTransactionRepository().fromSignature(signature); TransactionData transactionData = repository.getTransactionRepository().fromSignature(signature);
if (transactionData == null) if (transactionData == null)
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.TRANSACTION_NO_EXISTS); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.TRANSACTION_NO_EXISTS);
return transactionData; return transactionData;
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -126,28 +95,6 @@ public class TransactionsResource {
@Operation( @Operation(
summary = "Fetch transactions using block signature", summary = "Fetch transactions using block signature",
description = "Returns list of transactions", description = "Returns list of transactions",
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "path",
value = "GET block:signature"
), @ExtensionProperty(
name = "description.key",
value = "operation:description"
), @Extension(
properties = {
name = "apiErrors",
parseValue = true
responses = { responses = {
@ApiResponse( @ApiResponse(
description = "list of transactions", description = "list of transactions",
@ -159,31 +106,17 @@ public class TransactionsResource {
} }
) )
) )
), )
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "description.key",
value = "success_response:description"
) )
} }
) )
) public List<TransactionData> getBlockTransactions(@PathParam("signature") String signature58, @Parameter(ref = "limit") @QueryParam("limit") int limit, @Parameter(ref = "offset") @QueryParam("offset") int offset) {
public List<TransactionData> getBlockTransactions(@PathParam("signature") String signature58, @Parameter(
ref = "limit"
) @QueryParam("limit") int limit, @Parameter(
ref = "offset"
) @QueryParam("offset") int offset) {
byte[] signature; byte[] signature;
try { try {
signature = Base58.decode(signature58); signature = Base58.decode(signature58);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE, e);
} }
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
@ -191,7 +124,7 @@ public class TransactionsResource {
// check if block exists // check if block exists
if (transactions == null) if (transactions == null)
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.BLOCK_NO_EXISTS); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.BLOCK_NO_EXISTS);
// Pagination would take effect here (or as part of the repository access) // Pagination would take effect here (or as part of the repository access)
int fromIndex = Integer.min(offset, transactions.size()); int fromIndex = Integer.min(offset, transactions.size());
@ -202,7 +135,7 @@ public class TransactionsResource {
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -220,28 +153,18 @@ public class TransactionsResource {
implementation = TransactionData.class implementation = TransactionData.class
) )
) )
), )
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "description.key",
value = "success_response:description"
) )
} }
) )
public List<TransactionData> getUnconfirmedTransactions() { public List<TransactionData> getUnconfirmedTransactions() {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
return repository.getTransactionRepository().getAllUnconfirmedTransactions(); return repository.getTransactionRepository().getAllUnconfirmedTransactions();
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -271,21 +194,11 @@ public class TransactionsResource {
implementation = TransactionData.class implementation = TransactionData.class
) )
) )
), )
extensions = {
name = "translation",
properties = {
name = "description.key",
value = "success_response:description"
) )
} }
) )
public List<TransactionData> searchTransactions(@QueryParam("startBlock") Integer startBlock, @QueryParam("blockLimit") Integer blockLimit, public List<TransactionData> searchTransactions(@QueryParam("startBlock") Integer startBlock, @QueryParam("blockLimit") Integer blockLimit,
@QueryParam("txType") Integer txTypeNum, @QueryParam("address") String address, @Parameter( @QueryParam("txType") Integer txTypeNum, @QueryParam("address") String address, @Parameter(
ref = "limit" ref = "limit"
@ -293,13 +206,13 @@ public class TransactionsResource {
ref = "offset" ref = "offset"
) @QueryParam("offset") int offset) { ) @QueryParam("offset") int offset) {
if ((txTypeNum == null || txTypeNum == 0) && (address == null || address.isEmpty())) if ((txTypeNum == null || txTypeNum == 0) && (address == null || address.isEmpty()))
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_CRITERIA); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_CRITERIA);
TransactionType txType = null; TransactionType txType = null;
if (txTypeNum != null) { if (txTypeNum != null) {
txType = TransactionType.valueOf(txTypeNum); txType = TransactionType.valueOf(txTypeNum);
if (txType == null) if (txType == null)
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_CRITERIA); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_CRITERIA);
} }
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
@ -319,7 +232,7 @@ public class TransactionsResource {
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -348,6 +261,7 @@ public class TransactionsResource {
) )
} }
) )
public String signTransaction(SimpleTransactionSignRequest signRequest) { public String signTransaction(SimpleTransactionSignRequest signRequest) {
try { try {
// Append null signature on the end before transformation // Append null signature on the end before transformation
@ -364,7 +278,7 @@ public class TransactionsResource {
return Base58.encode(signedBytes); return Base58.encode(signedBytes);
} catch (TransformationException e) { } catch (TransformationException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.UNKNOWN, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.TRANSFORMATION_ERROR, e);
} }
} }
@ -395,6 +309,7 @@ public class TransactionsResource {
) )
} }
) )
public String processTransaction(String rawBytes58) { public String processTransaction(String rawBytes58) {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
byte[] rawBytes = Base58.decode(rawBytes58); byte[] rawBytes = Base58.decode(rawBytes58);
@ -402,11 +317,11 @@ public class TransactionsResource {
Transaction transaction = Transaction.fromData(repository, transactionData); Transaction transaction = Transaction.fromData(repository, transactionData);
if (!transaction.isSignatureValid()) if (!transaction.isSignatureValid())
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE);
ValidationResult result = transaction.isValid(); ValidationResult result = transaction.isValid();
if (result != ValidationResult.OK) if (result != ValidationResult.OK)
throw new ApiException(400, ApiError.INVALID_DATA.getCode(), "Transaction invalid: " +; throw createTransactionInvalidException(request, result);
repository.getTransactionRepository().save(transactionData); repository.getTransactionRepository().save(transactionData);
repository.getTransactionRepository().unconfirmTransaction(transactionData); repository.getTransactionRepository().unconfirmTransaction(transactionData);
@ -414,11 +329,11 @@ public class TransactionsResource {
return "true"; return "true";
} catch (TransformationException e) { } catch (TransformationException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.UNKNOWN, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.TRANSFORMATION_ERROR, e);
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
@ -448,6 +363,7 @@ public class TransactionsResource {
) )
} }
) )
public TransactionData decodeTransaction(String rawBytes58) { public TransactionData decodeTransaction(String rawBytes58) {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) { try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
byte[] rawBytes = Base58.decode(rawBytes58); byte[] rawBytes = Base58.decode(rawBytes58);
@ -465,23 +381,28 @@ public class TransactionsResource {
Transaction transaction = Transaction.fromData(repository, transactionData); Transaction transaction = Transaction.fromData(repository, transactionData);
if (hasSignature && !transaction.isSignatureValid()) if (hasSignature && !transaction.isSignatureValid())
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_SIGNATURE);
ValidationResult result = transaction.isValid(); ValidationResult result = transaction.isValid();
if (result != ValidationResult.OK) if (result != ValidationResult.OK)
throw new ApiException(400, ApiError.INVALID_DATA.getCode(), "Transaction invalid: " +; throw createTransactionInvalidException(request, result);
if (!hasSignature) if (!hasSignature)
transactionData.setSignature(null); transactionData.setSignature(null);
return transactionData; return transactionData;
} catch (TransformationException e) { } catch (TransformationException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.UNKNOWN, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.TRANSFORMATION_ERROR, e);
} catch (ApiException e) { } catch (ApiException e) {
throw e; throw e;
} catch (DataException e) { } catch (DataException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.REPOSITORY_ISSUE, e);
} }
} }
public static ApiException createTransactionInvalidException(HttpServletRequest request, ValidationResult result) {
String translatedResult = Translator.INSTANCE.translate("TransactionValidity", request.getLocale().getLanguage(),;
return ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.TRANSACTION_INVALID, null, translatedResult);
} }

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package api; package api.resource;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
import; import;
@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ import;
import; import;
import; import;
import api.ApiError;
import api.ApiErrors;
import api.ApiExceptionFactory;
@Path("/utils") @Path("/utils")
@Produces({ @Produces({
@ -67,11 +71,12 @@ public class UtilsResource {
) )
} }
) )
public String fromBase64(String base64) { public String fromBase64(String base64) {
try { try {
return HashCode.fromBytes(Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64.trim())).toString(); return HashCode.fromBytes(Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64.trim())).toString();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_DATA); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_DATA);
} }
} }
@ -99,11 +104,12 @@ public class UtilsResource {
) )
} }
) )
public String base64from58(String base58) { public String base64from58(String base58) {
try { try {
return HashCode.fromBytes(Base58.decode(base58.trim())).toString(); return HashCode.fromBytes(Base58.decode(base58.trim())).toString();
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_DATA); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_DATA);
} }
} }
@ -189,6 +195,7 @@ public class UtilsResource {
) )
} }
) )
public String getMnemonic(@QueryParam("entropy") String suppliedEntropy) { public String getMnemonic(@QueryParam("entropy") String suppliedEntropy) {
/* /*
* BIP39 word lists have 2048 entries so can be represented by 11 bits. * BIP39 word lists have 2048 entries so can be represented by 11 bits.
@ -201,12 +208,12 @@ public class UtilsResource {
try { try {
entropy = Base58.decode(suppliedEntropy); entropy = Base58.decode(suppliedEntropy);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_DATA); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_DATA);
} }
// Must be 16-bytes // Must be 16-bytes
if (entropy.length != 16) if (entropy.length != 16)
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_DATA); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_DATA);
} else { } else {
// Generate entropy internally // Generate entropy internally
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
@ -296,16 +303,17 @@ public class UtilsResource {
) )
} }
) )
public String privateKey(@PathParam("entropy") String entropy58) { public String privateKey(@PathParam("entropy") String entropy58) {
byte[] entropy; byte[] entropy;
try { try {
entropy = Base58.decode(entropy58); entropy = Base58.decode(entropy58);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_DATA); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_DATA);
} }
if (entropy.length != 16) if (entropy.length != 16)
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_DATA); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_DATA);
byte[] privateKey = Crypto.digest(entropy); byte[] privateKey = Crypto.digest(entropy);
@ -328,16 +336,17 @@ public class UtilsResource {
) )
} }
) )
public String publicKey(@PathParam("privateKey") String privateKey58) { public String publicKey(@PathParam("privateKey") String privateKey58) {
byte[] privateKey; byte[] privateKey;
try { try {
privateKey = Base58.decode(privateKey58); privateKey = Base58.decode(privateKey58);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_DATA); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_DATA);
} }
if (privateKey.length != 32) if (privateKey.length != 32)
throw ApiErrorFactory.getInstance().createError(ApiError.INVALID_DATA); throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_DATA);
byte[] publicKey = new PrivateKeyAccount(null, privateKey).getPublicKey(); byte[] publicKey = new PrivateKeyAccount(null, privateKey).getPublicKey();

View File

@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import org.bitcoinj.core.Sha256Hash;
import org.bitcoinj.core.StoredBlock; import org.bitcoinj.core.StoredBlock;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction; import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction;
import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Utils;
import org.bitcoinj.core.VerificationException; import org.bitcoinj.core.VerificationException;
import org.bitcoinj.core.listeners.NewBestBlockListener; import org.bitcoinj.core.listeners.NewBestBlockListener;
import; import;
@ -109,6 +108,7 @@ public class BTC {
} }
} }
public void saveAsBinary(File file) throws IOException { public void saveAsBinary(File file) throws IOException {
try (final FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file, false)) { try (final FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file, false)) {
MessageDigest digest = Sha256Hash.newDigest(); MessageDigest digest = Sha256Hash.newDigest();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package globalization;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
/** Providing multi-language BIP39 word lists, downloaded from */
public enum BIP39WordList {
private Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(BIP39WordList.class);
private Map<String, List<String>> wordListsByLang;
private BIP39WordList() {
wordListsByLang = new HashMap<>();
public synchronized List<String> getByLang(String lang) {
List<String> wordList = wordListsByLang.get(lang);
if (wordList == null) {
ClassLoader loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
try (InputStream inputStream = loader.getResourceAsStream("BIP39/wordlist_" + lang + ".txt")) {
if (inputStream == null) {
LOGGER.warn("Can't locate '" + lang + "' BIP39 wordlist");
return null;
wordList = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)).lines().collect(Collectors.toList());
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Error reading '" + lang + "' BIP39 wordlist", e);
return null;
wordListsByLang.put(lang, wordList);
return Collections.unmodifiableList(wordList);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package globalization;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
public enum Translator {
private final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(Translator.class);
private final String DEFAULT_LANG = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
private final Map<String, ResourceBundle> resourceBundles = new HashMap<>();
private synchronized ResourceBundle getOrLoadResourceBundle(String className, String lang) {
final String bundleKey = className + ":" + lang;
ResourceBundle resourceBundle = resourceBundles.get(bundleKey);
if (resourceBundle != null)
return resourceBundle;
try {
resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("i18n." + className, Locale.forLanguageTag(lang));
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Can't locate '" + lang + "' translation resource bundle for " + className, e);
return null;
resourceBundles.put(bundleKey, resourceBundle);
return resourceBundle;
public String translate(final String className, final String key) {
return this.translate(className, DEFAULT_LANG, key);
public String translate(final String className, final String lang, final String key, final Object... args) {
ResourceBundle resourceBundle = getOrLoadResourceBundle(className, lang);
if (resourceBundle == null || !resourceBundle.containsKey(key))
return "!!" + lang + ":" + className + "." + key + "!!";
return String.format(resourceBundle.getString(key), args);

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More