For future reference, the command used was:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/Users/user/Downloads/waifupnp-1.1/WaifUPnP.jar -DgroupId=com.dosse -DartifactId=WaifUPnP -Dversion=1.1 -Dpackaging=jar -DlocalRepositoryPath=lib
Replaced AT-1.3.4 with version including bug-fix for off-by-one
data address bounds checking.
Moved long-from-bytes method to BitTwiddling class.
Renamed some methods to make it more obvious they work with
little/big endian data.
Bump CIYAM AT requirement to v1.3
Remove multi-blockchain AT aspect for now (BlockchainAPI).
For PUT_PREVIOUS_BLOCK_HASH_INTO_A we no longer use SHA256 to condense 64-byte block signature into 32 bytes.
Now we put block height into A1 and SHA192 of signature into A2 through A4.
This allows possible future lookup of block data using "block hash", with verification that it is the same block.
Some AT functions use "address in B" but sometimes we populate B with account's public key instead.
So the method "getAccountFromB" is smart and checks for an actual, textual address in B starting with 'Q', otherwise assumes B contains public key.
The Settings field "useBitcoinTestNet" (boolean) now replaced with "bitcoinNet" (String) with possible values MAIN (default), TEST3, REGTEST.
This allows for more varied development/testing scenarios.
Use correct Bitcoin nSequence value 0xFFFFFFFE for P2SH, i.e. enable locktime, disable RBF.
Roll REGTEST checkpoints file generator into main BTC class.
Yet another rewrite of Bitcoin P2SH scripts for BTC-QORT cross-chain trading.
Added associated test classes BuildP2SH, CheckP2SH, DeployAT (unfinished).
Bump bitcoinj to 0.15.5 for fixes.
lockTime is int (seconds since epoch), not long (ms since epoch).
Improve output of Initiate1.
Added (most of) Respond2.
Now using ATv2 dated 20181101172102
ATData now uses byte[] creatorPublicKey instead of String creator.
TransactionData now has hashCode() and equals() methods,
which is needed for new Transaction Comparator,
used to sort transactions within a block,
AT-first, then timestamp, then signature.
AT-Transactions generate their own signatures using SHA2-256 of serialized data.
Arbitrary Transactions try to clean up their files when orphaned.
Deploy AT Transactions now check creation bytes (even for old v1 ATs).
Deprecated Transaction.getBlock() as it doesn't seem used
and would be better to simply have getHeight() rather than
a method that 'knows too much' about Blocks/BlockData.
Corresponding TransactionRepository.getBlockDataFromSignature()
also deprecated.
Loads more comments.
Tidied up some SQL: mainly correcting case,
moving PRIMARY KEY clauses to end of CREATE TABLE,
removing unnecessary columns from indexes.
Added "type" column to TransactionCreatorIndex so users can find
their transactions and optionally filter by type.
In BlockTransactions table, transaction_signature is now UNIQUE
as a transaction cannot be included in more than one block.
Various AT-related HSQLDB table and index changes.
ArbitraryTransactions transformer fixed to always return a list of payments,
even if empty. (Previously could return null which broke things).
Added simplistic block generator.
NOTE: unit tests broken due to pending upgrade to JUnit 5
ATs can create AT-Transactions which contain payments (of any asset) and/or messages.
Legacy Qora1 DeployATTransactions create AT records in the repository but set to "finished"
so that they never execute.
More repository support for ATs.
In HSQLDB, create a new TYPE called ATStateHash which is used to verify the same AT outcome
on a per-block basis.
Added Accounts.account as a foreign key to AccountBalances with ON DELETE CASCADE.
ATStates now include state_hash and fees on a per-block basis.
ATTransactions now include asset_id.
When transforming DeployATTransactions, don't include any signature when collating bytes for signing!
NB: we're still using HSQLDB svn r5836
Added file for logging!
Imported CIYAM-AT jar into project-local Maven repo
CIYAM-AT related:
Fixed Block so correct block hash and timestamps are generated,
especially when previous/next block versions differ.
Added extra call in BlockTransformer to aid this.
Fixed GenesisTransaction.isValid's incorrect amount test.
Fixed comments in TransferAssetTransaction and incorrect use of BlockChain.getVotingReleaseTimestamp()
instead of BlockChain.getAssetsReleaseTimestamp().
Added new TYPEs to HSQLDBDatabaseUpdates, and set LOB granularity to 1KB for AT use.
Added AT_address column to DeployATTransactions in HSQLDB.
Added ATs, ATStates and ATTransactions tables.
(You will need to discard existing database and rebuild).
Fixed incorrect byte array output in IssueAssetTransactionTransformer,
where Asset "references" were not processed correctly.
Added support for BigDecimal serialization to a byte-array size other than the standard 8.
HSQLDB v2.4.0 had some issue with non-padded, case-insensitive string comparisons.
This is fixed in svn r5836-ish of HSQLDB but yet to be pushed out to new HSQLDB release.
So this commit includes hsqldb-r5836.jar and modified pom.xml/.classpath for now.
No need for duplicate, hidden creatorPublicKey in CancelOrderTransactionData,
CreateOrderTransactionData and CreatePollTransactionData.
Various changes to use more try-with-resources, especially with JDBC objects like
Connection, Statement, PreparedStatement, ResultSet.
Added loads of missing @Override annotations.
Fixed bug in Asset exchange order matching where the matching logic loop
would incorrectly adjust temporary amount fulfilled
by the "want" asset amount (in matchedAmount)
instead of the "have" asset amount (in tradePrice).
Disabled check for duplicate asset name in IssueAssetTransactions for old v1 transactions.
In HSQLDB repository we now use ResultSet.getTimestamp(index, UTC-calendar) to make sure we
only store/fetch UTC timestamps. The UTC-calendar is made using static final TimeZone called
To keep asset IDs in line with v1, Assets.asset_id values are generated on-the-fly in HSQLDB
using a "before insert" trigger on Assets table. Corresponding code
calling HSQLDBRepository.callIdentity() replaced with SELECT statement instead.
Moved most of the HSQLDB connection properties from the connection URL to explicit code in
Fixed incorrect 'amount' lengths in PaymentTransformer, as used by MultiPayment and Arbitrary
transaction types.
Added support for mangled arbitrary transaction bytes when generating/verifying a v1 transaction signature.
In v1 Arbitrary transactions, bytes-for-signing are lost prior to final payment (but only if there are any payments).
Added corresponding code for multi-payment transactions in the same vein.