Refactored to standard Maven layout:
New translation code that uses locale-specific ResourceBundles
to load translations on demand.
Reworked API error/exceptions code to a shorter, simpler
@ApiErrors annotation. Processing of @ApiErrors annotations
produces an example for each possible API error and includes
API error string in HTTP response code, e.g.
Missing API error cases added to each API call.
Translation of openAPI.json removed (for now).
block-explorer.html and BIP39 wordlists now read as resources
instead of direct from disk.
Java compile warnings fixed.
Some runtime warnings remain:
WARNING: A provider api.resource.ApiDefinition registered in SERVER runtime does not implement any provider interfaces applicable in the SERVER runtime.
WARNING: A provider api.resource.AnnotationPostProcessor registered in SERVER runtime does not implement any provider interfaces applicable in the SERVER runtime.
WARN org.reflections.Reflections - given scan urls are empty. set urls in the configuration
XmlJavaTypeAdapter api.Base58TypeAdapter converts byte[] to Base58.
This XmlAdapter is applied at package-level to all packages inside data and api.models.
So no need to annotate every byte[] property!
Added package-info-maven-plugin to pom.xml to do this.
block-explorer.html fixed to show/use base58 again
Some data objects (e.g. TransactionData) have added XmlElements that
convert public keys to addresses, for convenience.
Several API calls updated to return specifically text/plain instead
of ambiguous application/json and/or text/plain. (Typically
API calls that return a single value, e.g. an integer, like /blocks/height).
Most SQL tables defined but only payment transactions actually implemented.
Maven support added.
Some code imported from 'old' Qora:
RIPEMD160 renamed as BrokenMD160 and deprecated.
whispersystem's Ed25519 implementation (to be replaced with bouncycastle).
Basic Account/PublicKeyAccount/PrivateKeyAccount code.
Some utils like Base58 and Pair.
To use:
Use maven to fetch dependencies.
Build project.
Fire up an old-gen Qora node.
Run src/test/ as a JUnit test to build DB structure.
Run src/test/ as a JUnit test to migrate old Qora blocks to DB.
You should now be able to run src/test/ and src/test/
as JUnit tests demonstrating loading/saving Transactions from/to database.
This commit done while halfway through adding Block support!