Additional benefit is to speed up syncing if node has trade-bot entries,
as a batch of blocks processed within 30s will have the same HTLC responses
as neither Bitcoin nor Litecoin blocks are that fast. Once synced, the next
Qortal block (~60s) should pick up any new changes. Generally users will be
synced when using trade-bot anyway.
Also moved bitcoiny.getAddressTransactions(p2shAddress)
into BitcoinyHTLC.findHtlcSecret() so only called if secret,
or lack thereof, is not cached.
Added tests to cover caching.
Several cross-chain API calls moved into separate classes,
although most of the URLs remain roughly the same to provide
backwards compatibility.
API /crosschain/at/build moved into /crosschain/BitcoinACCTv1
Converted DELETE /crosschain/tradeoffer to be ACCT-agnostic.
Changes to ACCT interface, etc. to support above.
Changes applied to other crosschain API calls to make them
independent of Bitcoin/Litecoin.
Corrections to fee calculations and usage in BitcoinACCTv1.
Added new LitecoinACCTv1 trade-bot, using LitecoinACCTv1.
Some minor typo corrections, rename of secretHash to hashOfSecret.
Some more Bitcoin-specific fields deprecated, but values duplicated
from newly-named fields for now.
Lower default fee (10sats/byte) for Litecoin spending transactions.
(Not P2SH fees which are 1000sats).
Changed ApiError INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE HTTP status from 422 to 402
as 422 isn't supported by Jetty?
CrossChainTradeSummary.btcAmount deprecated, use: foreignAmount
Modified pom.xml to generated files for classes
inside org.qortal.api.model.** subdirectories.
API support for Litecoin wallet balance and sending LTC.
TradeBotCreateRequest rejigged to use blockchain-agnostic
field names, e.g. bitcoinAmount now foreignAmount,
and added foreignBlockchain field.
The massive API CrossChainResource class has been split into:
CrossChainAtResource: for building TRADE/REDEEM/CANCEL messages
(OFFER missing?)
CrossChainBitcoinResource: for Bitcoin wallet balance/spend
CrossChainLitecoinResource: ditto for Litecoin
CrossChainHtlcResource: for Bitcoiny-HTLC actions like:
deriving P2SH address
checking HTLC status
eventually: building refund/redeem transactions
CrossChainResource: for creating/cancelling/listing trade offers.
CrossChainTradeBotResource: for creating/cancelling trade-bot
entries, including responding to trade offers.
Other general trading changes:
TradeBot states are now specific to each individual trade-bot,
e.g. BitcoinACCTv1TradeBot or LitecoinACCTv1TradeBot, etc.
TradeBot states now a combination of int & String, instead of
enums due to above.
Extra columns added to DB TradeBotStates to store
blockchain, which ACCT in use, etc.
UNTESTED at this point!
Extracted AcctMode from BitcoinACCTv1.Mode as the values are
common to both Bitcoin/Litecoin ACCTs.
Added test apps for deploy, cancel, trade and redeem of LitecoinACCTv1.
Added altcoinj library as Maven dependency.
Added new Litecoin subclass of Bitcoiny,
with mainnet and testnet ElectrumX server lists.
Added litecoinNet settings variable and getter.
Added LitecoinTests.
Most tests work but testFindHtclSecret()
needs a redeemed HTLC on chain (not yet done).
Added litecoinNet to some test settings files
in resources.
Added Litecoin BuildHTLC, Refund test apps.
Added SendLTC app as Electrum-LTC seems a bit flaky?
So far managed to build HTLC P2SH, fund it and then
refund it!
As Bitcoin and Litecoin are both subclasses of Bitcoiny,
could unify some test apps with added Bitcoin/Litecoin
switch as first arg?
Bitcoin/Litecoin common aspects extracted in a "Bitcoiny" common class.
Bitcoin (was BTC) extends Bitcoiny
Litecoin (future code) will also extend Bitcoiny
ElectrumX is now a BitcoinyBlockchainProvider
to allow easier future replacement and also tidier integration.
BTCP2SH is now BitcoinyHTLC as they are generic hash time-locked contracts,
probably Bitcoin/Litecoin agnostic.
BTCACCT is now BitcoinACCTv1, allowing for v2+ and also LitecoinACCTv1, etc.
BitcoinTransaction is now BitcoinyTransaction
as they are pretty much the same in Litecoin.
BitcoinException is now a more generic ForeignBlockchainException.
Bitcoiny subclasses instantiate a new BitcoinyBlockchainProvider
when creating their singleton instance. They pass relevant network
details to the BBP, like server lists, genesis block hash, etc.
Bitcoiny.WalletAwareUTXOProvider now only has the one key search mode
that is equivalent to the old REQUEST_MORE_IF_ANY_SPENT.
Tests tidied up.
Still to do:
Modifying TradeBot to handle multiple types of ACCTs,
like BitcoinACCTv2, LitecoinACCTv1...
Modifying API to support multiple types of ACCTs.
Actually add Litecoin support.
Build new ACCT without needing P2SH-B if possible.
Added separate method to determine status of P2SH transactions,
Added code to trade-bot to increase robustness. Lots more
changes including unified state change/logging, checking
for existing MESSAGEs, etc.
Added missing websocket methods to silence log noise.
Trade-bot now called per block during synchronization,
instead of per batch, to pick up edge cases where some
potential trade-bot transitions were missed, resulting
in failed trades.
Corresponding changes in Controller, such as notifying
event bus of new block in same thread (thus blocking)
instead of using executor.
Added slightly more robust common block determination
to Synchronizer.
Refactored code in BTC class to use new BitcoinException
rather than simply returning null, with added sub-classes
allowing differentiation between network issues or fund
Changed BTC.buildSpend to try harder to find UXTOs to
address false "insufficient funds" issues.
Repository change to add index on MessageTransactions
for quicker look-up of trade-related messages.
Reduced reliance on bitcoinj library in BTCP2SH.
Reworked ElectrumX to better detect errors rather than
continuously try more servers to no avail.
Also added genesis block check in case of servers on
different Bitcoin networks.
Now tries to extract upstream bitcoind error codes
and pass those up to caller via exceptions.
Updated list of testnet servers.
MemoryPoW now detects thread interrupt and exits fast.
Moved some non-generic transaction-related repository
methods to their own subclass. For example:
moved TransactionRepository.getMessagesByRecipient
to MessageRepository.getMessagesByParticipants
Updated and added more tests.
Added Qortal-side HSQLDB PreparedStatement cache, hashed
by SQL query string, to reduce re-preparing statements.
(HSQLDB actually does the work in avoiding re-preparing
by comparing its own query-to-statement cache map, but we
need to keep an 'open' statement on our side for this to
Support added for batched INSERT/UPDATE SQL statements to
update many rows in one call.
Several specific repository calls, e.g. modifyMintedBlockCount
or modifyAssetBalance, now have batch versions that allow
many rows to be updated in one call.
In Block, when distributing block rewards, although we still
build a map of balance changes to apply after all calculations,
this map is now handed off wholesale to the repository to
apply in one (or two) queries, instead of a repository call
per account. The balanceChanges map is now keyed by account
address, as opposed to actual Account.
Also in Block, we try to cache the fetched online reward-shares
(typically in Block.isValid et al) to avoid re-fetching them
later when calculating block rewards.
In addition, actually fetching online reward-shares is no longer
done index-by-index, but the whole array of indexes is passed
wholesale to the repository which then returns the corresponding
reward-shares as a list.
In Block.increaseAccountLevels, blocks minted counts are also
updated in one single repository call, rather than one
repository call per account.
When distributing Block rewards to legacy QORA holders,
all necessary info is fetched from the repository in one hit
instead of two-phases of: 1. fetching eligible QORA holders,
and 2. fetching extra data for that QORA holder as needed.
In addition, updated QORT_FROM_QORA asset balances are done
via one batch repository call, rather than per update.
Symptoms include this in logs:
Unexpected zero effective minter level for reward-share %s - using 1 instead!
This occurs when Synchronizer compares two sub-chains from a common block,
and one of the blocks is signed by a reward-share key that has
subsequently been cancelled.
Although this is catered for, excessive log-spam is emited.
So in addition to demoting the log level from WARN to DEBUG,
more code has been added to try harder to find the actual data needed,
thus preventing the logging in the first place.
New repository transaction search method added to support above,
along with corresponding tests.
ApplyUpdate is the 2nd-stage of the auto-update system, called
after core has downloaded the update.
As old versions of the Windows launcher EXE selects a 'client'
JVM mode, heap memory could be limited to only 256MB.
Until users upgrade via Windows installer, which replaces the EXE
with 'server' JVM mode baked-in, then a work-around is to
pass -XX:MaxRAMFraction=4 to the new JVM in order to emulate
heap size in 'server' JVM mode.
Added "minimumTimestamp" param to same API call to allow fetching results for scenarios like:
* completed trades since midnight
* completed trades within last 24 hours
Added corresponding tests for above API call, including checking call response times.
Also improved BTC.WalletAwareUTXOProvider to derive more keys itself
instead of throwing and relying on caller to do the work.
Added benefit of cleaning up caller code and being more efficient.
Needed because not all receiving/change addresses were being picked up.
Bitcoin receive address no longer stored in AT but dealt with by trade-bot.
This allows 'Bob' to have his BTC sent anywhere he likes when redeeming P2SH-A
thus saving a step, typically incurred by UI. DB shape change due to this.
Similarly, AT code has been updated to expect a Qortal receiving address when
Alice sends MESSAGE to redeem AT.
This means both trade-bot entries (Alice/Bob) can be safely wiped once trade completes.
Some terms were confusing like "trade recipient" which actually referred to
Alice and so have been unified as "trade partner" as to not be confused with
(say) "recipient address"
The MESSAGEs sent from Alice to Bob, from Bob to AT and from Alice to AT have been
given more useful names: 'offer', 'trade' and 'redeem'. There is also a cancel
MESSAGE sent from Bob to AT to cancel AT before trading occurs.
Some API calls have been renamed in light of above.
AT's 'mode' has been expanded from simply OFFER/TRADE to:
Previous version fetched all the blocks from previous 'timestamp'
to current height, checking each transaction. (very slow)
New implementation leverages repository to do the heavy lifting.
Could potentially benefit from some DB indexes in the future?
Added unit test to cover.
bitcoinj now uses ElectrumX as an UTXO provider in order to keep track
of coins in BIP32 deterministic wallet.
Trade responder (Alice) needs to pass a BIP32 extended private key to API
so trade-bot can create unattended spends.
Both Alice and Bob can find their final funds in accounts using the
ephemeral 'tradePrivateKey' from trade-bot state data.
Most cross-chain API calls are now only allowed from localhost.
Most Bitcoin fees pegged at 0.00001000 BTC.
More work needed to handle refunds in case of trade failures.
(See XXX comment tags in
Qortal AT now includes suggested tradeTimeout again as a constant so trade partner/recipient can use that to calculate a suitable lockTimeA. CODE_HASH changed!
Renamed some secret_hash to hash_of_secret.
Changed TradeBotStates.trade_state back to TINYINT and adjusted values in TradeBotData.State enum to suit.
Added lockTimeA to TradeBotData & repository.
Added JAXB-only extra representations of Bitcoin PKHs as addresses.
Fixed incorrect expected length in BTCACCT.extractOfferMessageData().
CrossChainTradeData.refundTimeout now only present in TRADE mode.
Added BTC.pkhToAddress().
Added initial TradeBot.handleAliceWaitingForP2shA().
Enforce only one TradeBot thread running using 'activeFlag' atomic boolean.
Replace incorrect SHA256 with HASH160 for hashOfSecretA in TradeBot.startResponse().
BTC.getBalance() now returns Long instead of Coin.
BTC.FORMAT.format(Coin) changed to BTC.format(Coin or long).
Added BTC.deriveP2shAddress(byte[] redeemScriptBytes).
Replaced AT-1.3.4 with version including bug-fix for off-by-one
data address bounds checking.
Moved long-from-bytes method to BitTwiddling class.
Renamed some methods to make it more obvious they work with
little/big endian data.
Incorrect column names when saving a group ban.
Missing column in LeaveGroupTransactions.
More stringent validity checks in group-kick, group-ban and remove-group-admin.
Added loads more tests to cover group actions.
Renamed GET /blocks/minters to /blocks/signers
Renamed GET /blocks/minter/{address} to /blocks/signer/{address}
Changed corresponding repository methods and data classes.
Any reward leftover from ditributing to legacy QORA holders is reallocated to either:
founders if any online
account-level-based reward candidates, if no founders online
We should get pretty close to 100% block reward distribution, barring rounding artifacts.
More documentation and tests.
Removed BlockChain's founderShare as it is calculated in Block on a per-block basis instead.
Now we sum generic block reward + transaction fees before performing
distribution only once.
Added Map to collate account-balance changes during block reward
distribution so the final changes can be applied in one batch,
reducing DB load.
Some other optimizations like a faster ExpandedAccount.getShareBin().
Passes test EXCEPT RewardTests.testLegacyQoraReward(), pending decision
on how to reallocate 'unspent' block reward.
No more bitcoinj peer-group stalls, or slow startups,
or downloading tons of block headers, or checkpoint files.
Now we use ElectrumX protocol to query info from random servers.
BTC.hash160 callers now use Crypto.hash160 instead.
Added BitTwiddling.fromLEBytes() returns int.
Unit tests seem OK, but needs complete testnet ACCT walkthrough.
Group owner now derived from CREATE_GROUP transaction creator's public key.
Added 'reduced' group name to GroupData, with corresponding change to DB.
Renamed GroupData.getIsOpen() to simply isOpen().
Tidied up CreateGroupTransactionData, adding 'reduced' group name.
Renamed getIsOpen() to simply isOpen().
Added code to generated reduced group name when building genesis block.
Added Group.MIN_NAME_SIZE of 3.
DB tables changed to add reduced_group_name where appropriate,
removing owner where necessary.
Added GroupRepository.reducedGroupNameExists(String).
Fixed up test blockchain configs in src/test/resources/test-chain-v2*.json.
This allows on-chain messages to a group, including NO_GROUP / groupID zero.
No-recipient messages cannot have an amount - where would it go?
Changed MESSAGE serialization layout to add boolean indicating
whether recipient is present.
Changed MESSAGE serialization layout so assetID is after amount,
and only present if amount is non-zero.
Changed DB table structures to cover above.
Added unit tests to cover above.
Owner now derived from issuer's public key.
Maximum asset name length reduced to 40 characters.
Repository table changes.
"owner" removed from test blockchain configs and "issuerPublicKey" used instead
where applicable.
Some getters in the form of "getIs___()" renamed to simply "is____()".
Changes include:
* Allowing renaming
* Tracking last-updated timestamps
* More stringent Unicode processing
* Way more unit tests
* Max name length reduction to 40 chars
Note: HSQLDB repository table changes
Controller no longer starts up BTC support during main startup.
This does mean that BTC startup is deferred until first BTC-related
action, and that the first BTC-related action will take much longer
to complete.
Added tests to cover startup/shutdown.
This also fixes splash logo stuck on-screen and broken Controller
shutdown when using REGTEST bitcoin network AND there is no
local regtest bitcoin server running.
REGISTER_NAME has an "owner" field which can be different from the actual
registrant (transaction creator's public key, used for signing transaction).
This allowed people to register names to be owned by someone else, thus breaking
the whole "one name per account" aspect.
So now "owner" is removed from REGISTER_NAME, and the actual owner address is
derived from transaction creator's public key, as you would expect.
Similarly, UPDATE_NAME has a corresponding "newOwner" field which has been removed.
In addition, UPDATE_NAME now allows users to change their registered name using a new
"newName" field.
Various changes made to DB, Name class, etc. to accomodate above, along with some minor
bug-fixes and comment improvements/corrections.
Needs new unit tests to cover both new functionality and old!
Collated all development changes to DB so now we build
initial DB structure directly with final layout.
i.e. no ALTER TABLE, etc.
Reordered HSQLDB 'CREATE TYPE' statements into alphabetical order
for easier maintainability.
Replaced TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE with simple BIGINT ("EpochMillis").
Timezone conversion is now a presentation task, rather than having
pretty values in database.
Removed associated conversion methods, like toOffsetDateTime(),
fromOffsetDateTime() and getZonedTimestampMilli().
Renamed some DB columns to make them more obviously timestamps, like:
Names.registered is now Names.registered_when.
Removed IFNULL(balance, 0) from HSQLDBAccountRepository as balances
are never null, or actually never 0 either.
Added more tests to increase API call, and hence repository, coverage.
Removed unused "milestone block" from Transactions.
In some cases, a freshly cancelled reward-share could still have
an associated signed timestamp. failed to spot this
and used an incorrect "online account" index when building the
to-be-minted block. now checks that AccountRepository.getRewardShareIndex()
doesn't return null, i.e. indicating that the associated reward-share
for that "online account" no longer exists.
In turn, AccountRepository.getRewardShareIndex() didn't fulfill its
contract of returning null when the passed public key wasn't present
in the repository. So this method has been corrected also.
AccountRepository.rewardShareExists(byte[] publicKey) : boolean added.
BlockMinter had another bug where it didn't check the return from
Block.remint() for null properly. This has been fixed.
BlockMinter now has additional logging, with cool-off to prevent log
spam, for situations where minting could not happen.
Unit test (DisagreementTests) added to cover cancelled reward-share
case above. BlockMinter testing support slightly modified to help.
Moved Asset.MULTIPLIER, etc. to Amounts class.
Had to reintroduce BigInteger for asset trading code.
Various helper methods added to Amounts class.
Payment.process/orphan no longer needs unused transaction
signature or reference.
Added post block process/orphan tidying, which currently deletes zero account balances to satisfy post-orphan checks in unit tests.
Fix for possible bug when orphaning TRANSFER_PRIVS.
Added RewardSharePercentTypeAdapter like AmountTypeAdapter.
Replaced a whole load of JAXB-special getters with type-adapters.
Tests looking good!
Now possible thanks to removing Qora v1 support.
Maximum asset quantities now unified to 10_000_000_000,
to 8 decimal places, removing prior 10 billion billion
indivisible maximum.
All values can now fit into a 64bit long.
(Except maybe when processing asset trades).
Added a general-use JAXB AmountTypeAdapter for converting
amounts to/from String/long.
Asset trading engine split into more methods for easier
Switched to using FIXED founder block reward distribution code,
ready for launch.
In HSQLDBDatabaseUpdates,
QortalAmount changed from DECIMAL(27, 0) to BIGINT
RewardSharePercent added to replace DECIMAL(5,2) with INT
Ripped out unused Transaction.isInvolved and Transaction.getAmount
in all subclasses.
Transaction.getRecipientAccounts() : List<Account>
Transaction.getRecipientAddresses() : List<String>
as only addresses are ever used.
Corrected returned values for above getRecipientAddresses() for
some transaction subclasses.
Added some account caching to some transactions to reduce repeated
loads during validation and then processing.
Transaction transformers:
Changed serialization of asset amounts from using 12 bytes to
now standard 8 byte long.
Updated transaction 'layouts' to reflect new sizes.
RewardShareTransactionTransformer still uses 8byte long to represent
reward share percent.
Updated some unit tests - more work needed!
CHAT transactions don't ever get included into a block.
They use a memory-intensive proof-of-work instead of a fee.
Reference field isn't checked but must be present.
Recipient is optional.
isText/isEncrypted as per MESSAGE, basically indicative flags only.
Some API support.
Memory PoW takes roughly 800ms on Ryzen 3600, maybe 2400ms on QORTector?
As this changes how lastReferences are checked and updated,
this is not suitable for rolling into current chain without a
"feature trigger", or chain restart!
Added unit tests.
Qortal is never going to continue off the old Qora blockchain,
so removed all code regarding compatibility.
Removals include:
* various blockchain "feature triggers"
* special Qora-only broken code for various transaction signatures
* "old" asset pricing / trading
* pre-group txGroupId field in transactions
* compatibility unit tests
Possibly safe for roll-out on pre-genesis blockchain?
Tidied up duplicated cross-chain API code that
fetched Qortal AT info.
Added Bitcoin-related cross-chain API calls
for building, checking, refunding and redeeming
Added new Bitcoin-related API error codes.
Controller now starts up, and shuts down, bitcoinj.
Speed-up in BTC class so bitcoinj doesn't have
to throw away all peers and rediscover & reconnect
to them with every chain-related call.
Added API calls to aid Qortal-side of cross-chain trading.
POST /crosschain/build - for building Qortal AT
POST /crosschain/tradeoffer/recipient - for sending trade partner/recipient to AT
POST /crosschain/tradeoffer/secret - for sending secret to AT
DELETE /crosschain/tradeoffer - for cancelling AT
More fixes regarding Blocks processing/orphaning ATs.
More fixes regarding sending/receiving blocks containing AT data.
AT-related fix to genesis block.
Improved cross-chain trading AT code, removing offer-mode timeout
and replacing that with allowing AT creator to cancel offer/end AT
by sending AT the creator's own address as trade partner/recipient.
After all, they're not going to trade with themselves.
Added assertion to check BTCACCT.CODE_BYTES_HASH matches compiled code hash.
Added cross-chain AT's 'mode' for easier diagnosis, either OFFER or TRADE.
We can't use AT's signature to generate AT address because address is needed
before DEPLOY_AT transaction is signed. So we use a hash of signature-less
transaction bytes.
Corresponding changes to tests.
Reworked the cross-chain trading AT so it is now 2-stage:
stage 1: 'offer' mode
waiting for message from creator containing trade partner's address
stage 2: 'trade' mode
waiting for message from trade partner containing secret
Adjusted unit tests to cover above.
Changed QortalATAPI.putCreatorAddressIntoB from storing
creator's public key to actually storing creator's address.
Refactored BTCACCT.AtConstants to CrossChainTradeData.
Now we also store hash of AT's code bytes in DB so we can look up
ATs by what they do. Affects ATData class, ATRepository, etc.
Added "Automated Transactions" and "Cross-Chain" API sections.
New API call GET /at/byfunction/{codehash} for looking up ATs
by what they do, based on hash of their code bytes.
New API call GET /at/{ataddress} for fetching info for specific AT.
New API call GET /at/{ataddress}/data for fetch an AT's data segment.
Mostly for diagnosis of AT's current state.
New API call POST /at for building a raw, unsigned DEPLOY_AT transaction.
New API call GET /crosschain/tradeoffers for finding open BTC-QORT trading ATs.
We require AT v1.3.4 now!
Updated AT-related logging.
Added "isInitial" flag to AT state data so that state data created at
deployment is not added to serialized block data.
Updated BTC-QORT AT code and tests to cover various scenarios.
Added missing 'testNtpOffset' to various test versions of 'settings.json'.
Added missing 'ciyamAtSettings' to various test blockchain configs.
Loads of AT-related additions/fixes/etc. to core code, e.g Block
Requires fix in CIYAM AT v1.3.2
New version of Qortal cross-trade AT code.
Change how Qortal addresses are managed in QortalATAPI from using
base58 strings (that are too long) to using hex form (25 bytes)
as they need to fix into 32 byte A/B register.
Generate AT addresses using DeployAtTransaction's signature instead
of convoluted hash of AT data like name, description, etc.
Add startTime as arg to GetTransaction test app.
Add missing fields (name, description, ATType, tags) to DeployAT test app.
Bump CIYAM AT requirement to v1.3
Remove multi-blockchain AT aspect for now (BlockchainAPI).
For PUT_PREVIOUS_BLOCK_HASH_INTO_A we no longer use SHA256 to condense 64-byte block signature into 32 bytes.
Now we put block height into A1 and SHA192 of signature into A2 through A4.
This allows possible future lookup of block data using "block hash", with verification that it is the same block.
Some AT functions use "address in B" but sometimes we populate B with account's public key instead.
So the method "getAccountFromB" is smart and checks for an actual, textual address in B starting with 'Q', otherwise assumes B contains public key.
The Settings field "useBitcoinTestNet" (boolean) now replaced with "bitcoinNet" (String) with possible values MAIN (default), TEST3, REGTEST.
This allows for more varied development/testing scenarios.
Use correct Bitcoin nSequence value 0xFFFFFFFE for P2SH, i.e. enable locktime, disable RBF.
Roll REGTEST checkpoints file generator into main BTC class.
Yet another rewrite of Bitcoin P2SH scripts for BTC-QORT cross-chain trading.
Added associated test classes BuildP2SH, CheckP2SH, DeployAT (unfinished).
Streamlined BTC class and switched to memory block store.
Split BTCACCTTests into BTCACCT utility class and (so far)
three stand-alone apps: Initiate1, Refund2 and Respond2
Moved some Qortal-specific CIYAM AT constants into blockchain config.
Removed redundant BTCTests
Bump bitcoinj to 0.15.5 for fixes.
lockTime is int (seconds since epoch), not long (ms since epoch).
Improve output of Initiate1.
Added (most of) Respond2.
Added a setting "showBackupNotification", which is false by default,
that shows a tray notification when a repository backup occurs.
Above notification, and the auto-update notification, now refer to
the SysTray i18n translation lookup resources.
Added Ed25519 private key to public key function accessible from SQL.
Added Ed25519 public key to Qortal address function accessible from SQL.
Used above functions to store minting account public key in SQL to
reduce the number of unnecessarily repeated Ed25519 conversions.
Used above functions to store reward-share minting's accounts address
to reduce the number of unneccessarily repeated PK-to-address conversions.
Reduced the usage of PublicKeyAccount to simply Account where possible,
to reduce the number of Ed25519 conversions.
Account.canMint(), Account.canRewardShare() and Account.getEffectiveMintingLevel()
now only perform 1 repository fetch instead of potentially 2 or more.
Cleaned up NTP main thread to reduce CPU load.
A fixed offset can be applied to NTP.getTime() responses, for both
scenarios when NTP is running or not. Useful for testing or simulating
distant remote peers.
Controller.onNetworkMessage() and Network.onMessage() have both had their
complexity simplified by extracting per-case code to separate methods.
Network's EPC engine's thread pool size no longer hard-coded, but comes
from Settings.maxNetworkThreadPoolSize, which is still 10 by default,
but can be increased for high-availability nodes.
Network's EPC task-producing code streamlined to reduce CPU load.
Generally reduced calls to System.currentTimeMillis(), especially
where the value would only be used in verbose logging situations,
and especially in high-call-volume methods, like within repository.
Keep track of when EPC engine can't spawn a new thread as this
might indicate thread-pool exhaustion and cause some network
messages to be lost.
If logging level is NOT 'trace' (or 'all') then don't call
System.currentTimeMillis() as we'll never use the value.
Similarly, don't set thread names if not logging at 'trace' either.
Update EPC tests, particularly unified per-second/end-of-test stats
Added API call GET /peers/enginestats to allow external monitoring.
Extract all engine stats in one synchronized block, instead of
separate calls, for better consistency.
No more "node UI". UI provided by 3rd party.
"Open UI" tray icon menu item now attempts to open UI at various
local servers (see Settings.uilocalServers) or some random
remote server (Settings.uiRemoteServers).
Default UI port now 12388 (Settings.uiPort).
Translator class no longer logs warnings for every failed translation.
Commented out unused ApiError enum entries.
Renamed some ApiError names like "_NO_EXISTS" to "_UNKNOWN".
Removed old src/main/resources/globalization/* files.
Added CheckTranslations test app.
Fixed some extraneous/missing ApiError aspects in some API-related classes.
e.g. added NAME_UNKNOWN to GET /names/{name}
We've never needed this before but now it's fixed.
Added corresponding +ve & -ve tests just to make sure.
Only actual use-case that comes to mind is cancelling reward-share.
0-fee self-share REWARD_SHARE when there is an existing self-share would result in
INSUFFICIENT_FEE from isFeeValid()
isFeeValid() returns OK for above, but isValid() returns SELF_SHARE_EXISTS.
In addition, a transaction that tries to modify existing self-share, even with fee,
also returns SELF_SHARE_EXISTS.
Improved tests to double check.
NOTE: first startup after this commit can take a while due to building index!
SQL statement "DELETE FROM HistoricAccountBalances WHERE height >= ?" required
a full table scan and so was very slow on VMs/routers. This statement used by
HSQLDBAccountRepository.deleteBalancesFromHeight(), itself called during
Symptoms particularly evident during shutdown where above statement could take
upwards of 15 minutes on single-CPU, small-memory VMs!
Statement wasn't noticed before as slow-query checking wasn't involved.
Slow-query checking now applies to HSQLDBRepository.delete() and
HSQLDBRepository.exists() calls.
Added test for correct HSQLDB interrupt handling.
Fixed some typos.
Blockchain configs will need "v2Timestamp" feature trigger renaming to "qortalTimestamp"!
Due to Controller.VERSION_PREFIX changing, peer-to-peer protocol version detection has
been changed. Was previous a substring match, now we test peers's buildTimestamp is at
Also added comment and throw() to QortalATAPI.getNextTransactionTimestamp()
as this needs given the change to Qortal's block timestamps from legacy Qora.
Changes to HSQLDB data types, e.g. QoraAddress to QortalAddress, means existing
database will need to be thrown away after this commit!
Converted AccountData's initialLevel to blocksMintedAdjustment.
Corresponding changes to AccountLevelTransaction so that level
set in genesis block is converted to blocksMintedAdjustment,
via cumulativeBlocksByLevel.
Ditto changes to HSQLDBAccountRepository, HSQLDBDatabaseUpdates,
[HSQLDB]TransactionRepository, etc.
Changes to API call POST /admin/mintingaccounts to check passed
reward-share private key maps to a reward-share with minting
account that still has privilege to mint. It's possible for
a TRANSFER_PRIVS transaction to transfer away minting privileges
from a minting account referenced by in a reward-share.
Change to RewardShareTransaction to allow users to cancel a
reward-share even if minting-account component no longer has
minting privs. This should allow users to clean up more after
a privs transfer.
Re-order processing/orphaning in Block.process()/Block.orphan()
to be more consistent and also to take in account changes that
might have been caused by TRANSFER_PRIVS transactions which affect
who might actually receive block rewards/tx fees.
Founders now gain blocksMinted & levels as part of minting blocks.
(Needed to make TRANSFER_PRIVS from a founder account to work).
BlockMinter now has added checks to make sure that the reward-shares
it might use to mint blocks still have valid minting-accounts.
i.e. that the minting-account component of reward-share hasn't had
minting privs transferred away by TRANSFER_PRIVS tx.
Controller now rejects online-accounts from peers that no longer
have minting privs (e.g. transferred away by TRANSFER_PRIVS)
Corresponding, Controller no longer SENDS online-accounts that no
longer have minting privs to other peers.
Added some tests - more tests needed, e.g. for multiple transfers
into the same account, or a test for minting post transfer for both
sender & recipient.
Now reward-shares with zero percent are valid, to allow the 'recipient' party to gain
"number of minted blocks" but no actual block reward.
Correspondly, the special zero share used to cancel reward-shares has been changed to
be any negative value.
Block rewards, founder 'leftovers': if founder is minter account in any online
reward shares, then the per-founder-share is spread across their online reward-shares,
otherwise it's simply/wholy given to that founder.
Created a new DB table to hold "next block height", updated via triggers on Blocks.
This is so various sub-queries can simply read the next-block-height value instead
of complex IFNULL(MAX(height),0)+1 or SELECT height FROM Blocks ORDER BY height DESC.
Prior code was also broken in edge cases, e.g. no genesis block, or ran slow.
Added tests to cover above.
Deleted BTC tests as they're obsolete.
Added/improved other tests.
*** WARNING ***
Possible block reward bug in this commit. Further investigation needed.
Reverted AccountBalances back to height-less form.
Added HistoricAccountBalances table that is populated via trigger on AccountBalances.
This saves work when performing common requests for latest/confirmed balances,
shunting the extra work to when requesting height-related account balances.
Unified API call GET /addresses/balance/{address} by having address/assetId/height as
query params.
Simpler call for fetching legacy QORA holders during block rewarding.
Improved SQL for fetching asset balances, in all conditions,
e.g. with/without filtering addresses, with/without filtering assetIds,
Unit test for above to make sure query execution is fast enough.
(At one point, some SQL query was taking 6 seconds!)
Added optional 'height' Integer to AccountBalanceData, but this
is not populated/used very often. now checks zero balance saves
to see if the row can be deleted instead. This fixes a lot of unhappy tests
that complain that there are residual account balance rows left after
post-test orphaning back to genesis block.
Yet more tests.
Removed very old 'TransactionTests' which are mostly covered in more specific tests elsewhere.
Added cancel-sell-name test from above.
Fixed AssetsApiTests to check for QORT not QORA!
Changed hard-coded assetIDs in test.common.AssetUtils in light of new LEGACY_QORA & QORT_FROM_QORA genesis assets.
Some test blockchain config changes.
RewardShareKeys app now supports only one arg (minter private key)
in self-reward-share mode, where recipient public key is derived
from minter private key.
Added methods to Account for returning 'effective' minting level
where minting level for founders is read from blockchain config.
(Or returns zero if unable to mint).
Changed two Block constructors into static methods that return
a new Block as there was way too much work being done to really
be called a constructor, especially with all the opportunities
to throw an exception too.
Main blockchain config updated to reflect near-launch version.
Added/changed blockchain weight tests to check block winning
based on higher account levels.
Added Transaction.isFeeValid() to allow transaction subclasses to override and allow zero fees, etc.
Added tests to cover self-reward-shares, including zero fee scenario.
Set 'dilbert' test account to level 8 in test genesis block.
Removed leftover mention of "previous_level" from HSQLDBAccountLevelTransactions,
and AccountLevelTransactionData. (Previous level makes no sense as ACCOUNT_LEVEL
transactions are genesis-block only).
Fixed some incorrect uses of PrivateKeyAccount.getSharedSecret() to
PrivateKeyAccount.getRewardSharePrivateKey() in tests.
Unified terminology from block "generator", "forger", etc. to "minter"
Unified terminology "proxy forger" to "reward share" as it was
incorrect, or at least highly ambiguous, which account had which role.
AccountRepository.findRewardShares() has different arg order!
Account.canMint() now returns true if account has 'founder' flag set.
Added Account.canRewardShare() which returns whether acocunt can create
a reward-share (e.g. level 5+ or founder).
Fixed HSQLDBAssetRepository.getAllAssets() which had incorrect
resultSet column indexes.
Removed old traces of EnableForging transaction.
ACCOUNT_LEVEL and ACCOUNT_FLAGS (genesis-block-only transaction types)
now set target account's last-reference. This is allow later REWARD_SHARE
transactions in genesis block and post-genesis transactions by that account.
REWARD_SHARE transactions are now FREE, but only if minter is also recipient.
If a self-reward-share already exists, then unless share-percent is zero (to
terminate reward-share), any subsequent self-reward-share is invalid.
Updated SysTray i18n properties file.
BlockChain config file requires 'minAccountLevelToRewardShare' and optional
Added potential, but currently unused, memory-hard PoW algorithm.
Fixed/removed/disabled some unit tests.
BlockMinter.generateTestingBlock asks Controller to pretend mintingAccount is 'online'.
More testing needed!
Rename Asset.QORA to Asset.QORT so we can also have Asset.LEGACY_QORA
as another hard-coded asset.
Add "is unspendable" aspect to assets where only the asset owner can
transfer/pay asset to other people. Asset trading is barred regardless,
as is use of asset for ATs.
Added "initial level" to account data in preparation for accounts levelling
up from generating blocks.
Added distribution/removal of block reward based on legacy-QORA held.
Removed "previous level" from ACCOUNT_LEVEL transactions as they're
only ever valid in genesis block and so previous level is never needed.
Updated pom.xml.
Updated dependencies, including various minor code mods, esp. bitcoin-related.
Starts up and talks to Java 8 nodes!
Dev environment should be at least Eclipse 4.11 with m2e 1.9.1+
API call GET /addresses/online reports online accounts,
including both addresses relating to the proxy-forge public key.
New PeerChainTipData class to replace the broken "peer data lock"
that was supposed to make sure peer's last height/blockSig/timestamp
were all in sync. Now peer's chain tip data is a single object
reference that can be replaced in one go.
Removed pointless API calls /blocks/time and /blocks/{generatingbalance}.
Various changes, mostly in Block class, to do with switching to BlockTimingByHeight
from old min/max block time.
New block 'weight' based on number of online accounts
and 'distance' of perturbed generator public key from 'ideal' public key
(for that particular block's height).
New sub-chain 'weight' based on accumulating block weights,
currently by shifting previous accumulator left by 8 bits then
adding next block's weight.
More validation of BlockChain config. Helpful for debugging, probably
not very useful to end-users.
BlockGenerator now uses unified Peer predicates from Controller, like:
Controller.hasMisbehaved, Controller.hasNoRecentBlock, etc.
Controller now keeps a list of chain-tip signatures that are for inferior
chains, so it doesn't try to synchronize with peers with inferior chains.
(This list is wiped when node's blockchain changes/block is generated).
Controller now asks Gui to display error box if it can't parse Settings.
Controller.potentiallySynchronize() does more filtering of potential peers
before calling actuallySynchronize(). (Mostly moved from Synchronizer,
so now we expect actuallySynchronize() to do something rather than bail
out because it doesn't like the peer after all).
If synchronization discovers that peer has an inferior chain,
then Controller notifies that peer of our superior chain, to help keep
the network in sync.
Renamed OnlineAccount to OnlineAccountData, as it is in package
after all...
Synchronizer reworked to request block summaries so it can judge which chain
is better, and hence whether to sync with peer or abort.
Slight optimization of Peer.readChannel() to exit earlier if no more network
messages can be extracted from buffer.
More tests.
Improved documentation and logging.
Safety commit in case of data loss!
Lots of changes to do with "online accounts", including:
* networking
+ Changes to serialization of block data to include online accounts info
* block-related
+ Adding online accounts info when generating blocks
+ Validating online accounts info in block data
+ Repository changes to store online accounts info
* Controller
+ Managing in-memory cache of online accounts
+ Updating/broadcasting our online accounts
* BlockChain config
Added "account levels", so new code/changes required in the usual places, like:
* transaction data object
* repository
* transaction transformer
* transaction processing
Orphaning a BUY_NAME transaction would not reinstate the
sale price. Sale price could be nullified by (e.g.) orphaning
a SELL_NAME transaction.
Also added test case to cover above and other test-related support,
e.g. test-mode in NTP.
Added "volatile" to more fields, for thread-safety on reads.
Changes to field values are done inside synchronized blocks
so no need for AtomicInteger/AtomicBoolean. (Could be changed
in the future to show intention/readability though).
Added more statistics (tasks produced/consumed).
Limited Network's EPC executor to 10 threads max.
New NTP class now runs as a simplistic NTP client, repeatedly polling
several NTP servers and maintaining a more accurate time independent
of operating system.
Several occurrences of System.currentTimeMillis() replaced with NTP.getTime()
particularly where block/transaction/networking is involved.
GET /admin/info now includes "currentTimestamp" as reported from NTP.
Added support for block timestamps determined by generator, instead of
supplied by clock. (BlockChain.newBlockTimestampHeight - not yet activated).
Incorrect timestamps will produce a TIMESTAMP_INCORRECT Block.ValidationResult.
Block.calcMinimumTimestamp repurposed as Block.calcTimestamp for above.
Block timestamps are now allowed to be max 2000ms in the future,
was previously max 500ms.
Block generation prohibited until initial NTP sync.
Instead of deleting INVALID unconfirmed transactions in BlockGenerator,
Controller now deletes EXPIRED unconfirmed transactions every so often.
This also fixes persistent expired unconfirmed transactions on nodes
that do not generate blocks, as BlockGenerator.deleteInvalidTransactions()
was never reached.
Abbreviated block sigs added to log entries declaring a new block is generated
in BlockGenerator.
Controller checks for NTP sync much faster during start-up and SysTray's
tooltip text starts as "Synchronizing clock" until NTP sync occurs.
After NTP sync, Controller logs NTP offset every so often (currently every 5 mins).
When considering synchronizing, Controller skips peers that have the same block sig
as last time when synchronization resulted in no action, e.g. INFERIOR_CHAIN,
NOTHING_TO_DO and also OK. OK is included as another sync attempt would result in
Previously this skipping check only happened after prior INFERIOR_CHAIN.
During inbound peer handshaking, if we receive a peer ID that matches an existing inbound
peer then send peer ID of all zeros, then close connection.
Remote end should detect this and cleanly close connection instead of waiting for handshake timeout.
Randomly generated peer IDs have lowest bit set to avoid all zeros.
Might need further work.
Networking doesn't connect, or accept, until NTP has synced.
Transaction validation can fail with CLOCK_NOT_SYNCED if NTP not synced.
Controller performs NTP check on startup (and every 5 minutes)
which determines whether block generation is allowed.
System Tray tooltip updated to reflect generating status.
Plus new translations.
Improved GuiTests.
BlockGenerator fetches forging accounts first, and sleeps
if none configured, which is less work than processing peer lists.
Now uses several NTP servers to determine mean offset from
system clock to internet time.
If abs(offset) > 500ms or NTP service not running then
user is 'nagged' via system tray pop-up notification
with instructions on how to fix.
Also improved system tray translations!
Reworked networking execute-produce-consume threading.
Some networking task were wrongly performed during 'produce' phase,
and some producing was happening in 'consume' phase (also corrected).
Peer connection tasks are rate-limited to 1 per second to reduce CPU thrashing.
Show P2P listen port in logs on startup.
Tests for general purpose ExecuteProduceConsume class to cover both
random task scenario and mass-ping scenario.