catbref 00aee1458e Higher account levels more likely to win blocks

RewardShareKeys app now supports only one arg (minter private key)
in self-reward-share mode, where recipient public key is derived
from minter private key.

Added methods to Account for returning 'effective' minting level
where minting level for founders is read from blockchain config.
(Or returns zero if unable to mint).

Changed two Block constructors into static methods that return
a new Block as there was way too much work being done to really
be called a constructor, especially with all the opportunities
to throw an exception too.

Main blockchain config updated to reflect near-launch version.

Added/changed blockchain weight tests to check block winning
based on higher account levels.
2019-11-06 09:47:10 +00:00

171 lines
12 KiB

"blockTimestampMargin": 2000,
"transactionExpiryPeriod": 86400000,
"maxBlockSize": 2097152,
"maxBytesPerUnitFee": 1024,
"unitFee": "0.001",
"useBrokenMD160ForAddresses": false,
"requireGroupForApproval": false,
"defaultGroupId": 0,
"oneNamePerAccount": true,
"minAccountLevelToRewardShare": 5,
"maxRewardSharesPerMintingAccount": 20,
"founderEffectiveMintingLevel": 10,
"onlineAccountSignaturesMinLifetime": 2592000000,
"onlineAccountSignaturesMaxLifetime": 3196800000,
"rewardsByHeight": [
{ "height": 2, "reward": 5.0000 },
{ "height": 259204, "reward": 4.7500 },
{ "height": 518406, "reward": 4.5125 },
{ "height": 777608, "reward": 4.2869 },
{ "height": 1036810, "reward": 4.0725 },
{ "height": 1296012, "reward": 3.8689 },
{ "height": 1555214, "reward": 3.6755 },
{ "height": 1814416, "reward": 3.4917 },
{ "height": 2073618, "reward": 3.3171 },
{ "height": 2332820, "reward": 3.1512 }
"sharesByLevel": [
{ "levels": [ 1, 2 ], "share": 0.05 },
{ "levels": [ 3, 4 ], "share": 0.10 },
{ "levels": [ 5, 6 ], "share": 0.15 },
{ "levels": [ 7, 8 ], "share": 0.20 },
{ "levels": [ 9, 10 ], "share": 0.25 }
"qoraHoldersShare": 0.20,
"qoraPerQortReward": 250,
"blocksNeededByLevel": [ 7200, 64800, 129600, 172800, 244000, 345600, 518400, 691200, 864000, 1036800 ],
"blockTimingsByHeight": [
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"newBlockTimingHeight": 0,
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"v2Timestamp": 0,
"newAssetPricingTimestamp": 0,
"groupApprovalTimestamp": 0
"genesisInfo": {
"version": 4,
"timestamp": "1572000000000",
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