Kc 2d0ced5a72 CHANGED: finished AnnotationPostProcessor for translating swagger annotations
CHANGED: fixed Translator bug that would ignore all translation templates
2018-10-12 08:21:44 +02:00

24 lines
669 B

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<context locale="en">
<context path="Api">
<context path="ApiError">
<translation key="0" template="unknown error" />
<translation key="1" template="failed to parse json message" />
<translation key="2" template="not enough balance" />
<translation key="3" template="that feature is not yet released" />
<translation key="201" template="wallet does not exist" />
<context path="BlocksResource">
<context path="GET byheight">
<translation key="success.description" template="Test" />